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Jack Dreyer
Editing: Sound:
During the editing process, Ive aimed to establish a very good editing Relating to sound, Ive used it
scheme. Through 0:48-2:00 the shots are very sharp through the through a sound of a crash
interchange of shots. However the shots are lasting in terms of the which takes place for the first
audience knowing what each shot contains and how the audience will 5 seconds of the opening
understand and know whats taking place. sequence. The crash sound
effect creates a sense of
tension which captivates the
Mise- En- Scene:
audience right from the start
Location: Graveyard- This location
as they want to discover why
creates a ominous and tense
the crash sound effect has
taken place. However the first
1. In what ways does
your media product use, piece of non-diegetic sound
Costumes: Graveyard Scene: The
develop or challenge takes place through the
opening scene will consist of forms and conventions narrator speaking throughout
formal clothing due to the scene of real media products? the graveyard scene which
being based around at funeral.
gives the audience some
The typical type of clothing for a
source of information to give
funeral is formal which creates a
them an idea of what's
sense of respectability to the
situation which is taking place in
the scene. Characters:
Props: During the opening scene
The main character; Tom is revealed through information given
from the narrator in the non-digetic sounds. The reason behind the
the first prop that will be a bunch
information given is due to the audience being allowed to
of flowers which will create a
acknowledge who Tom is and what hes about. I believe that
sense of brightness into an
revealing who Tom is to the audience will allow them to also
emotional scene as the flowers
create a bond and even relate to the main character.
connoting beauty.
Jack Dreyer
Candidate Number: 4082
2. How does your media product represent particular social

My main representation throughout my product is teenagers.

Teenagers are the main type of group that I've surrounded the
representations with, however the question asks if there's any
particular social groups yet I believe that there is no main social
group that this is based around.
It represents all sorts of teens from every regional from all different
backgrounds, regions and culture. As this indicates how there is no
differences amongst teens and how everybody is equal. As I believe
my media product can appeal/ represent every teen who is feeling
under pressure/ hassle.

Jack Dreyer
Candidate Number: 4082
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media
product and why?
Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures is an American film studio based
in Hollywood, California, it has been a distributor since 1994.
Paramount is the fifth oldest surviving film studio in the world which
shows how the distributor is very experienced and well-known.
I chose Paramount Pictures due to the film production Forrest Gump
which I can link my opening sequence too. My sequence is similar to
some parts of the plot of Forrest Gump and I believe that Paramount
Pictures will build into the idea I have for my opening sequence as they
can relate it to features included in Forrest Gump.
I believe this link is suitable due to both main characters within my film
and Forrest Gump have a tough start to life and also lose loved ones (such
as parents) which shows a resemblance through both films. As I believe
Paramount Pictures chose Forrest Gump due to the plot and structure
which does have the similarity to Legacy.

Jack Dreyer
Candidate Number: 4082
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My audience for this film is from 12-17 year olds due to this variety of
ages being seen as teens. The reason weve based this at teens is
because they can relate to real life situations and similar occasions
when theyve felt the grief and pressure the main character Tom is
under. From my evidence of testing in the pitch, it seems that it will
engage teens from the feedback given. In terms of regional appeal, it
will appeal to teens of all backgrounds, regions and culture.

I have set the age rating for this movie at 12A. I believe this is the
most suitable age for this movie due to some of the distressing scenes
which would be shown throughout the film. Also ages below 12
wouldnt be able to function to this sort of movie or pay attention due
to it not meeting interests of the age ranges under 12.

Jack Dreyer
Candidate Number: 4082
5. How did you attract/ address your audience?

Linking to the audience, I believe the attraction the audience get from
the film is how teens can relate to real life situations and similar
occasions when theyve felt the grief and pressure the main character
Tom is under in the film. This film can help teens in this situation gain
confidence and be able to relate to the film which engages them more
than they would with other films.

However, going into more depth in how I addressed my audience

through basing it at females. I believe that the emotional aspect
creates a separation between men and women as women are seen as
more attached with their feelings which will create an engaging aspect
for women. So the attraction to women is seen as stronger than the
attraction men would have to this. Women will be addressed to Legacy
as they are seen as more attached with their feelings which will
produce an appealing characteristic for women.

Jack Dreyer
Candidate Number: 4082
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process
of constructing this product?

Social Media:
It is used to connect people with common interests or relationships.
Audible Media:
Throughout the teachings of audiable media, Ive learnt how scripts need to
have information that paints the picture of what is going on to the listener. I
believe that this creates it easier for the audience to engage into the scene.
Visual Media:
I have developed my knowledge to understand how visual media works. As it
is used to inform an audience through telling a story with pictures.

Jack Dreyer
Candidate Number: 4082
7. Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you
have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I believe that the preliminary task lacked a sense of creativity in the
way it was edited and shot. The shots taken throughout the
preliminary were very basic, due to one over the shoulder and a mid
shot which shows the lack of creativeness.
However throughout the year, I have learnt more of the theory side of
media (shots, editing, sound, etc.) This has helped me construct my
final production with more depth throughout a range of shots. Ive
included backing sound effects to create tension during the beginning
of the film. Ive also included non-diegetic sound throughout the
middle of the sequence which is another sound that the characters in
the scene cannot hear (narrator speaking over the shots.) Yet when
doing the preliminary task I didnt know this kind of knowledge
however learning this throughout the year allows me to improve and
build my knowledge into my final cut.

Jack Dreyer
Candidate Number: 4082

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