To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill A Mockingbird ~ Harper

Analysis table
Scene/page technique evidence How it revels contextual
Title Symbolism to kill a The mockingbird is
mockingbird symbolic of innocence that
remember its a is unfairly persecuted.
sin to kill a There are two main
mockingbirdthey mockingbirds in the story-
Chapter 10 dont do one thing tom Robinson and boo
but sing their hearts Radley
out for us-Atticus Reflects civil rights
finch movement-unfair
persecution of African
American people
Symbolism Character name Symbolises that Atticus is
finch-a finch is a aligned with the
bird mockingbirds in the story
Throughout Setting Its significant that the
the whole Macomb, story is set in Alabama. It
book Alabama, is a southern state with a
1933 history of slavery and
negative attitudes towards
African American people
1933-the great depression
and the Scottsboro
trial(see context research)
Narrative Scout- Childs Its important that the
voice perspective, but told narrative voice is a childs
as a flash back with perspective, as children
hindsight. are innocent and nave
when it comes to issues
such as make
the reader ask questions
about the issue, just as
scout ask Atticus to
I maintained that Demonstrates that issue
the Ewells started it of prejudice/discrimination
allI said if he really has been ongoing since
wanted to take a slavery in Alabama. That
broad view of the the plot of the story is not
thing, it really began an isolated event
with Andrew

Pg. 11 Adjectives Maycomb was an makes it seem like the

opening old tired town a town is slow moving- not
description tired old town progressing.
maycomb Metaphor people moved Suggests that the
slowly thena day communitys attitude
was twenty four might also be slow
hours long but moving-to the point where
seemed longer they are stuck in their
Repetition no hurry nowhere
to go nothing to Maycomb is a town that is
buy no money lacking therefore, tom
nothing to see Robinsons trial is a source
of entertainment to the
community. Boredom
engenders trouble.
allusion Maycomb had Franklin roosevelts
recently been told inauguration speech 1932.
that there is nothing Indicates context for the
to fear but fear setting as being the
itself.(p11) summer of 1933.

Boo Radley- Negative sharp, darkened, The house is described in

introduction connotation grey, drunkenly a negative way to
to the rotted reinforce the beliefs of the
Radley townspeople, who fear
place and difference and diversity in
description their community. Boo
of boo becomes associated with
Pg.14 negative
Pg.19 ideas/stereotypes
personificat The remains of a Creates imagery of the
ion picket drunkenly house as being unkept,
guarded the front skewed, not looked after.
yard Emphasises the difference
between this house and
the rest of the town
Adjective inside the house The adjective describes
lived a malevolent malevolent describes boo
phantom as evil, and combines with
phantom makes him seem
less than human- closer to
a monster.

Anaphora people said he This line metaphorically

metaphor existed ,but jem and represents the idea of
I had never seen rumours/stereotypes/opini
him. People said ons based on thoughts
and values of others.
judging a book by its
cover /discriminating
others based on
appearance/ what others
19 Irony jem gave a Ironic because what he
reasonable follows the statement
description of reasonable description is
boo:boo was about a completely
six-and-a-half feet unreasonable description.
tall, judging by his Demonstrates accepted
tracks norms, things that just get
accepted In society
without question.
Particularly unreasonable
ideas such as
racism/discrimination of
deference, etc
Animal judging from his Boo is treated less then
imagery tracksdined on raw human, reduce to being
squirrelsteeth animal-like. Treatment of
were yellow and others/discrimination/ fear
rottendrooled of difference.
most of the time.
209 Simile and this case is as Reveals how the case is
Atticus pun simple as black and both simple sand centres
closing white around racial issues
remarks in
the court

210 Rhetorical what was the The questioner himself

question evidence of her knows the answer already or
offence? an answer is not actually
demanded. So, an answer is
not expected from the
audience. Such a question is
used to emphasize a point or
draw the audiences

Enthos There is not one This statements shows

person in this that no one is made
courtroom who has perfect in the case of no
never told a lie, who one has never lied.
has never done an
immoral thing.
simile itself is a lie as To emphasise how dark,
black as Tom curl, distort the lie is.
Robinsons skin
italics That all Negros liethat The use of italics exposes
all Negrosthat all Negro the sterio type behaviour

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