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44 Intersymbol Interference 259 3:48 inceas in Ey/Np is much easier to implement when E has a smal value than when its value is orders of magnitude larger. [4:4 _Intersymbol Interference ‘The next source of bit erors in 2 baseband-pulse transmission system that we wish to sedis intersymbol interference (11), which arises when the commanication channel is Z agit — eT) 4.43) “The signal) is modified as a result of transmission through the chennel of impulse response hi). In addition, the channel adds random aoise o the signal atthe receiver ‘input. The noisy signal x) is then passed through a receive filter of impulse responce cl) The resling filter ourpat 30) i sampled synchronously with the asmiter, withthe sampling instants being determined by a clock or siming signal chat ie usually extracted from the receive filter output. Finally, che sequence of samples ths obtained is used t0 reconstruct the original data sequence by means of a decison device, Specially, the amplitude of each sample is compared o a threshold A. f the threshold As exceeded, 8 ‘decision is made in favor of symbol 1 the threshold is not exceeded, a decison sade in favor of symbol 0. I the sample amplitade equals the threshold exactly, the flip of PEPE Eee: FFicume 4.7 Baseband binary ata ranamiesion system, 260 Charen 4 # Basenaxp PULse Taansmssion fui coin wil decrmine which sbol wes ranamited (es the reciver Simply ig random gos) “The rev filter up i wrinen as we mE ale = AT + (444 where jis scaling factor and the pulse pt) is to be defined. To be precise, an arbiay Time dela should be included in he argument ofthe pulse pt ~ KT) in Equation (49, torepresent the effect of transmission delay through the system. To simplify the exposition ‘Se have put this delay equal to zero in Equation (44) without loss of generality. "The scaled pulse pit) is obtained by double convolution involving the inpe response) ofthe transmit filter, the impute response h(t) ofthe channe!, and the imple response ol) ofthe receive ite, a8 shown by ie) = ate) * He a8 14s) where the star denotes convolton. We assume tat the pub pl} is normalized by sing 0)=1 (sag) which justifies the use of 4 a a scaling factor to account for amplitude changes incurs in the course ofsgnal transmission through the system. ‘since convolution inthe time domain is transformed into multiplication inthe fey. gency domain, we may we the Four eansform to change auaton (45) mah ‘equivalent form wrt) = GANG (ean) where PLf, Gif}, HU), and Cif) are the Fourier transforms ofp) (0, Pe) and lt respectively. Finally, the erm nt) in Equation (4.44) i the nose produced atthe output of he seceive iter du to the channel nose 1) Is customary to model w(t) 8 whive Gaur San noise of zero mean. "The receive filter output x0 i sampled at time t, values), yielding [in light of Equation (4.46) iT, (with #caking om ings ait) = Saal bya + ml) ey a8) = a+ mS alli WT] + med ‘In Equation (4.48), the ist term ju represents the contribution of the ith transite i “The second cern repreents the residoa effect of al other teansmited bison the desnies Of the ith big this residual efece due tothe occurrence of pulses before and after he Sampling instants called intersymbol interference (151). The as term n) represetsthe noise sample a tie f, Inthe absence of both II and noise, we observe from Equation (4.48) that ie) = a, “which shows tha, under these deal conditions, the th transmitted bits decoded core ‘The unavoidable presence of ISI and noise in the system, however, introdoces errors Jecision device atthe receiver output. Therefor, inthe design ofthe transmit and ree filters, the objective i to minimize the effets af nose and ISI and thereby delve the ‘dara to thei destination with the smallest error rate possible 45 Distortiontess Baschond Binary Transmission 261 ‘When the signal-to-noise ratio is high, as isthe case ina telephone system, for ex- ample, the operation of tbe system is largely limited by ISI rather than noises in other words, we may ignore ff) Inthe next couple of sections, we assume that ths condition holds so that we may focus our attention on ISI and the techniques for its control. In ‘parsculs, che issue we wish o consider isto detemine che pulse waveform pt} for which the [lis completely eliminate. 4.5. Nyquist’s Criterion for Distortionless Baseband Binary Transmission “Typically, che frequency response ofthe channel and the tansmistd pulse shape ate spec- ‘fed, and the problem i to determine she fequency responses ofthe transmi and ecrve fiers 0 a5 to reconstruc che orignal binary data sequeace {by}. The receiver does this by extracting and then decoding the cortesponding sequence of coefciont, (a) fom the ‘output yt). The extraction involves sampling the outpur y(@) a fime = iT, The decoding ‘egies thatthe weighted pulse contribution agpliT. ~ KT,) for & = # be free from 15 ue tthe overlapping eal of all ther weighted pulse contributions represented by k # ‘This, in tor, requires that we control the overall pale lt, a8 shown by wmo-{h ict ‘where (0) = 1, by normalization. If lt) satisfies the condition of Equation (4.48), the receiver output) given in Equation (4.48) simples to (ignoring the noise term) bliTe 449) lt) = yy for all hich implies zero intersymbol interference. Hence, the two conditions of Equation (4.49) ensure perfec reception in the absence of noise. "From design point of view, iti informative to transform the conditions of Equation (4.49) int the frequency domain. Consider then the sequence of samples (p(nTy)} where n= 0, #1, 22,+++, From the discussion presented in Chapter 3 on the sampling process, ‘we recall that sampling inthe time domain produces periodicity inthe frequency domain, In particular, we may write Papi = Re 4.50) UT, isthe bit rate in bits per second (bss Py) is the Fourier transform of an infinite periodic sequence of dela functions of period T,, whose individual areas are ‘weighted by the respective sample values ofp). Thats, Pf) i given by ori Loin) aC ~ mT) expl jaf) dt asy coreesponds 1 m = 0, and likewise /# kcoresponds to1m # 0. Accordingly, imposing the conditions of Equation (4.49) onthe sample values ‘of pie in the integral of Equation (4.51), we get [pn ai expt -iaage ae = #0) Pal (4.52) 262 CCuarvnic 4 Basten PoLse TAANSoUssion where we have made use of the sifting property ofthe delta function. Since from Eguy, (4.46) we have pi0) = 1, follows from Equations (4.50) and (4.52) chat the conden, for zero itersymbol interferences satistied it Enemy = (435 We ay now atthe Nyt cto for dtorols baseband ransmision the abence of no: The fen fenton PU) elias nrsymbo tern ‘Smpls kon at rl, provided ta star Equation (1.5). Note hat Hf ‘costo the overly scorportng the warm ie the che, and thee fer accordance wih Eaton 47 @ IDEAL NvQUuist CHANNEE, “The simplest way of satisfying Equation (453) i to specify the frequency function Pe bern the form ofa rectangular fiction, as shown by no-fae mit 9, ine ash eee w(t) where ret(/) stands for a rectangular fiction of unit amplinudeand unit support ened fon f — Os andthe overall system bandwidth W is defined by Bod w-8-5 4s According to the solution described by Equations (4.54) and (4.55), no frequencies of Absolute value exceeding alf the bitrate are needed. Hence, om Fousier-tansform pt 2ofTable Aé.3 wend tha signal waveform chat produces 2r0 intersymbol ncefees is defined bythe sinc fection: sins) = UdeEE 39 = sinci2Wo) “The special value ofthe bi rate Ry = 2 is calle the Nyquist ate, and W sie called the Nyguir bandicdth Comespondingly, the ideal baseband pulse transisita System desced by Equation (4.38) in he frequency domain oc equivalently, Egeaia {4:5 in the time domain, is called the ideal Nyquist channel. Figures 48 and 4.8b shove plots of PU) and pt) respectively In Figure 4.88 noumalied form ofthe fequency fnction PL) i plored for positive and negative uence. n Figure 4.8, we have als incided the igang intervals andthe coves ing centered sampling inseans. The function pt) can be egarded asthe impulse repost fan ideal low pas iter wid passband magnitude response 1/2 and bandwidh ‘The funcuon p(t hats peak value athe origi and gos through ze at integer mulls the bie dueon Ty Iris apparent tht ifthe eceved waveform (sample 8 45° Distortiontess Bschand Binary Transmission 263 mre ttttttet tise — {| ey lean ae le eae geen : a FIGURE 4.8 (2) del magne response (Leal asc puke spe instants of time ¢ = 0, = Ty, #2Ty2*y then the pulses defined by up(t ~ wich arbitrary amplitude and index /~ 0, 21, 2,-»-, wil nt interfere with each other ‘This condition i illustrated in Figure 4.9 forthe binary sequence 1011010, “Although the use ofthe ideal Nyquist channel does indeed achieve economy in band ‘width in that it solves the problem of zero intersymbol interference with the minimum icone 4.9 A series of sine pulses corresponding to the sequence 1011010. 264 CConerun 4 © Basemovp Purse Taansiissi0n ‘ngwidth posible, there are two practi dfuties thot make tan undesirable obj, sive for system desi: 1, ecequires that he magnitude character of P(/) be at rom ~W to Wand tcbewhere. This hyscally waealzable because of che abrape taniioos ay band edges =W. 2. The fueton pe) decreases a 1/\| for large | esting ina slow rate of “This alo caused bythe dacotnulty of P(f) at =W. Accordingly, there pes Gealy no margin of er m sampling times i the receiver. To evaluate the elect ofthis timing error, consider the sample of) at = 4, where Aris the timing error. To simplify he exposition, We may pu the comet Spy Tine sequal to er Inthe absence of ae, we thus hae (om Equation (648) ae) = 4S apt ~ kT) oS a, SHl2nat — KT) ey #3 ar— kn) Since 2WT, = 1, by definition, we may rewrite Equation (4.57) a8 188) = a sine 2W a + HSBDAW AM) wy eI (639 awar-B “The frst erm on the right-hand sde of Equation (4.58) defines the desired symbol ween ‘he remaining series represents the intersymbol interference caused bythe timing eros in sampling the output yf). Unfortunately, iti posible fo tis series to diverge hry ‘ausing erroneous decisions in the receiver. @ Raise Cosine SpecrRUM ‘We may overcome the practical diffisulies encountered with the ideal Nyquist channel iy ‘extending the bandwidth from the minimum value W = R,/2 to an adjucable value be freee W and 21%, We now specty the overll frequency response Pf) to satis «ee tion more elaborate than that or the ideal Nyguist channel; specially, we retain thee terms of Equation (4.53) and restrict the frequency band of interes to |W, W],assbowe by Pup) + Ply ~ 207) + PU + 20) ast ‘We may devise several bandlinited functions that satisfy Equation (4.59) A patsit {brmol Pf hatembodies many dscble features is provided by avased cosine spec “Tht hequeney esponse consis ofa ft portion and olf portion thats. sine form, a fllows: oslfi

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