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Risk Assessment

Tripping over twigs on the floor To avoid this you could scan over the
area you will film in to make sure there
are no sticks and twigs on the floor so
then the actors wont be able to trip over

Mud\leaves in field If there is wet mud in the area that we

are filming then the actors could slip so
to prevent this we could ask the actors
to wear sensible footwear and warn
them that the area might be slippy
before they walk over that area.

Dog The dog we are using for filming could

run off into the road and one could
follow them and get run over. To
remove this risk we could keep the dog
on the lead at all times and when it is let
off for filming if needed, we have treats
nearby to entice it over.

Allergic to the makeup One of the actors could be allergic to

some of the makeup used in our
mise-en-scene, to make sure this
doesnt happen we could ask them if
there is any items they are allergic to in
the products we use. We should also do
a patch test of the products on the
actors a week before the filming of the
scene to ensure they wont have a
reaction to it.

Fake guns Even though the guns we are using

fake guns we will make sure they wont
be pointed at anyone as it does shoot
small plastic bullets and so we will
make sure it is not loaded also so there
is no risk of anyone becoming injured.

Fall in puddle There is a risk of falling in a puddle, to

avoid this possibility we will locate
puddles in the area and then warn
everyone where they are to avoid
people falling into them.

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