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NITROGEN ATP & Ubiquitin-Dependent Degradation
Degradation of regulatory proteins with short half-lives and of
BIOMEDICAL IMPORTANCE abnormal or misfolded proteins occurs in the cytosol, and requires ATP
In normal adults: and ubiquitin.
nitrogen intake matches nitrogen excreted UBIQUITIN:
POSITIVE NITROGEN BALANCE: is a small (8.5 kDa, 76 residue) polypeptide that targets many
an excess of ingested over excreted nitrogen intracellular proteins for degradation
accompanies growth and pregnancy The primary structure of ubiquitin is highly conserved.
NEGATIVE NITROGEN BALANCE: Only three of 76 residues differ between yeast and human
where output exceeds intake ubiquitin.
may follow surgery, advanced cancer Ubiquitin molecules are attached by:
the nutritional disorders kwashiorkor and marasmus
non- -peptide bonds formed between the carboxyl
Genetic disorders that result from defects in the genes that
encode ubiquitin, ubiquitin ligases, or deubiquitinating enzymes terminal of ubiquitin and the -amino groups of lysyl
that participate in the degradation of certain proteins residues in the target protein
include: The residue present at its amino terminus affects whether a
Angelman syndrome protein is ubiquitinated.
juvenile Parkinsons disease Amino terminal Met or Ser residues retard, whereas Asp or
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome Arg accelerate ubiquitination.
congenital polycythemia. Attachment of a single ubiquitin molecule to transmembrane
AMMONIA: proteins alters their subcellular localization and targets them
highly toxic for degradation.
arises in humans primarily from the -amino nitrogen of amino Soluble proteins undergo polyubiquitination:
acids the ligase-catalyzed attachment of four or more
Tissues therefore convert ammonia to the amide nitrogen of additional ubiquitin molecules at lysyl residues 63 and 68
the nontoxic amino acid glutamine. Subsequent degradation of ubiquitin-tagged proteins takes
Subsequent deamination of glutamine in the liver releases: place in the proteasome, a macromolecule that also is
ammonia, which is efficiently converted to urea, which is ubiquitous in eukaryotic cells.
not toxic The proteasome consists of a:
However, if liver function is compromised, as in cirrhosis or macromolecular, cylindrical complex of proteins, whose
hepatitis: stacked rings form a central pore that harbors the active
elevated blood ammonia levels generate clinical signs and sites of proteolytic enzymes
symptoms For degradation, a protein thus must first enter the central
Each enzyme of the urea cycle provides examples of metabolic pore.
defects and their physiologic consequences. Entry into the core is regulated by the two outer rings
The urea cycle provides a useful molecular model for the that recognize polyubiquitinated proteins
study of other human metabolic defects.

The continuous degradation and synthesis (turnover) of cellular proteins
occur in all forms of life.
Each day, humans turn over 1% to 2% of their total body
protein, principally muscle protein.
High rates of protein degradation occur in tissues that are
undergoing structural rearrangement, for example:
uterine tissue during pregnancy
skeletal muscle in starvation
tadpole tail tissue during metamorphosis
While approximately 75% of the amino acids liberated by
protein degradation are reutilized, the remaining excess free
amino acids are not stored for future use.
Amino acids not immediately incorporated into new protein are
rapidly degraded.
The major portion of the carbon skeletons of the amino acids
is converted to amphibolic intermediates, while in humans the
amino nitrogen is converted to urea and excreted in the urine.

ATP-Independent Degradation
Degradation of blood glycoproteins follows loss of a sialic acid
moiety from the nonreducing ends of their oligosaccharide
Asialoglycoproteins are then internalized by liver-cell
asialoglycoprotein receptors and degraded by lysosomal
Extracellular, membrane-associated, and long-lived
intracellular proteins are also degraded in lysosomes by ATP-
independent processes.


2 Mistley Jane
provides a major source of serine for uptake by
peripheral tissues, including liver and muscle
Branched-chain amino acids, particularly valine, are released
by muscle and taken up predominantly by the brain.

Aaron Ciechanover and Avram Hershko of Israel and Irwin

Rose of the United States:
were awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the ANIMALS CONVERT -AMINO NITROGEN TO VARIED END
discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation
Genetic disorders that result from defects in the genes that
Depending on their ecological niche and physiology, different
encode ubiquitin, ubiquitin ligases, or deubiquitinating enzymes
animals excrete excess nitrogen as ammonia, as uric acid, or
as urea.
Angelman syndrome
The aqueous environment of teleostean fish, which are
Autosomal recessive juvenile Parkinsons disease
ammonotelic (excrete ammonia), permits them to excrete
Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
water continuously to facilitate excretion of ammonia,
Congenital polycythemia
which is highly toxic.
While this approach is appropriate for an aquatic animal, birds
must both conserve water and maintain low weight.
Birds, which are uricotelic, address both problems by
The maintenance of steady-state concentrations of circulating
excreting nitrogen-rich uric acid as semisolid guano.
plasma amino acids between meals depends on the:
Many land animals, including humans, are ureotelic and excrete
net balance between release from endogenous protein
nontoxic, highly water-soluble urea.
stores and utilization by various tissues
Since urea is nontoxic to humans:
Muscle generates over half of the total body pool of free
high blood levels in renal disease are a consequence, not a
amino acids.
cause, of impaired renal function.
LIVER: is the site of the urea cycle enzymes necessary for
disposal of excess nitrogen
Muscle and liver thus play major roles in maintaining
Urea biosynthesis occurs in four stages:
circulating amino acid levels.
Free amino acids, particularly alanine and glutamine:
oxidative deamination of glutamate
are released from muscle into the circulation
ammonia transport
reactions of the urea cycle
is extracted primarily by the liver
The expression in liver of the RNAs for all the enzymes of
is a key gluconeogenic amino acid
the urea cycle increases several fold in starvation, probably
The rate of hepatic gluconeogenesis from alanine is far
secondary to enhanced protein degradation to provide energy.
higher than from all other amino acids.
The capacity of the liver for gluconeogenesis from
alanine does not reach saturation until the alanine Transamination Transfers -Amino Nitrogen to -
concentration reaches 20 to 30 times its normal
Ketoglutarate, Forming Glutamate
physiologic level.
Transamination reactions
Following a protein-rich meal:
interconvert pairs of -amino acids and -keto acids
the splanchnic tissues:
are freely reversible
release amino acids
also function in amino acid biosynthesis
the peripheral muscles:
All of the common amino acids participate in transamination
extract amino acids
in both instances predominantly branched-chain amino
thus serve a special role in nitrogen metabolism
In the fasting state they provide the brain with an
Transamination is not restricted to -amino groups.
energy source, and postprandially they are
The -amino group of ornithine (but not the -amino group of
extracted predominantly by muscle, having been
lysine) readily undergoes transamination.
spared by the liver.
aminotransferase) and GLUTAMATE--KETOGLUTARATE
is extracted by the gut and the kidney
AMINOTRANSFERASE (glutamate aminotransferase):
both of which convert a significant portion to alanine
catalyze the transfer of amino groups to pyruvate
also serves as a source of ammonia for excretion by the
(forming alanine) or to-ketoglutarate (forming
3 Mistley Jane
Each aminotransferase is specific for one pair of substrates, This is essential, since ammonia is toxic to the central nervous
but nonspecific for the other pair. system.
Since alanine is also a substrate for glutamate Should portal blood bypass the liver, systemic blood ammonia
aminotransferase, the -amino nitrogen from all amino may attain toxic levels.
acids that undergo transamination can be concentrated in This occurs in severely impaired hepatic function or the
glutamate. development of collateral links between the portal and
This is important because L-GLUTAMATE: systemic veins in cirrhosis.
is the only amino acid that undergoes oxidative SYMPTOMS OF AMMONIA INTOXICATION:
deamination at an appreciable rate in mammalian Tremor
tissues Slurred speech
The formation of ammonia from -amino groups thus Blurred vision
occurs mainly via the: Coma
-amino nitrogen of l-glutamate Ultimately death
Transamination occurs via a ping-pong mechanism Ammonia may be toxic to the brain in part because:
characterized by the alternate addition of a substrate and it reacts with -ketoglutarate to form glutamate
release of a product. The resulting depletion of levels of -ketoglutarate then
Following removal of its -amino nitrogen by impairs function of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in
transamination, the remaining carbon skeleton of an neurons.
amino acid is degraded by pathways.


a derivative of vitamin B6 Glutamine Synthase Fixes Ammonia as Glutamine
is present at the catalytic site of all aminotransferases, Formation of glutamine is catalyzed by:
and plays a key role in catalysis mitochondrial glutamine synthase
During transamination, PLP serves as: Since amide bond synthesis is coupled to the hydrolysis of
a carrier of amino groups ATP to ADP and Pi, the reaction strongly favors glutamine
An enzyme-bound Schiff base is formed between the: synthesis.
oxo group of enzymebound PLP and the -amino During catalysis:
group of an -amino acid glutamate attacks the -phosphoryl group of ATP,
The Schiff base can rearrange in various ways. forming -glutamyl phosphate and ADP
In transamination, rearrangement forms an: Following deprotonation of NH4+:
-keto acid and enzyme-bound pyridoxamine NH3 attacks -glutamyl phosphate, and glutamine and Pi
phosphate are released
Certain diseases are associated with elevated serum levels of In addition to providing glutamine to serve as a carrier of
aminotransferases. nitrogen, carbon and energy between organs:
glutamine synthase plays a major role in ammonia
l-GLUTAMATE DEHYDROGENASE OCCUPIES A CENTRAL POSITION detoxification and acid-base homeostasis
IN NITROGEN METABOLISM A rare deficiency in neonate glutamine synthase results in
Transfer of amino nitrogen to -ketoglutarate forms l- severe brain damage, multiorgan failure, and death.
Hepatic l-glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH): Glutaminase & Asparaginase Deamidate Glutamine & Asparagine
can use either NAD+ or NADP+, releases this nitrogen Two human isoforms of Mitochondrial Glutaminase:
as ammonia liver-type glutaminase
Conversion of -amino nitrogen to ammonia by the concerted renal-type glutaminase
action of glutamate aminotransferase and GDH is often Products of different genes, the glutaminases differ with
termed transdeamination. respect to their structure, kinetics, and regulation.
Liver GDH activity is allosterically: Hepatic glutaminase levels rise in response to:
inhibited by: ATP, GTP, and NADH high protein intake
activated by: ADP. Renal kidney-type glutaminase increases in:
GDH REACTION: metabolic acidosis
is freely reversible Hydrolytic release of the amide nitrogen of glutamine as
also functions in amino acid biosynthesis ammonia, catalyzed by glutaminase, strongly favors glutamate
AMINO ACID OXIDASES REMOVE NITROGEN AS AMMONIA An analogous reaction is catalyzed by L-asparaginase (EC
l-Amino acid oxidase of liver and kidney convert an amino acid
to an -imino acid that decomposes to an -keto acid with The concerted action of glutamine synthase and glutaminase
release of ammonium ion. thus catalyzes the interconversion of free ammonium ion and
The reduced flavin is reoxidized by molecular oxygen, forming glutamine.
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which then is split to O2 and H2O
by catalase, EC Formation & Secretion of Ammonia Maintains Acid-Base Balance
Excretion into urine of ammonia produced by renal tubular
Ammonia Intoxication Is Life Threatening cells facilitates cation conservation and regulation of acid-
The ammonia produced by enteric bacteria and absorbed into base balance.
portal venous blood and the ammonia produced by tissues are Ammonia production from intracellular renal amino acids,
rapidly removed from circulation by the liver and converted to especially glutamine:
urea. increases in metabolic acidosis
Thus, only traces (10-20 g/dL) normally are present in decreases in metabolic alkalosis
peripheral blood.
Urea is the Major End Product of Nitrogen Catabolism in Humans
4 Mistley Jane
Synthesis of 1 mol of urea requires: both the formation of ornithine and the subsequent
3 mol of ATP metabolism of citrulline take place in the cytosol
1 mol each of ammonium ion and of aspartate Entry of ornithine into mitochondria and exodus of citrulline
employs five enzymes from mitochondria therefore involve mitochondrial inner
Of the six participating amino acids, N-acetylglutamate membrane permeases.
functions solely as an enzyme activator.
The others serve as carriers of the atoms that ultimately Citrulline Plus Aspartate Forms Argininosuccinate
The major metabolic role of ornithine, citrulline, and links aspartate and citrulline via the amino group of
argininosuccinate in mammals is urea synthesis. aspartate and
Urea synthesis is a cyclic process. provides the second nitrogen of urea
While ammonium ion, CO2, ATP, and aspartate are consumed: The reaction requires ATP and involves intermediate
the ornithine consumed in reaction 2 is regenerated in formation of citrullyl-AMP.
reaction 5 Subsequent displacement of AMP by aspartate then forms:
There thus is no net loss or gain of ornithine, citrulline, argininosuccinate
argininosuccinate, or arginine.
Some reactions of urea synthesis occur in the matrix of Cleavage of Argininosuccinate Forms Arginine & Fumarate
the mitochondrion, and other reactions in the cytosol. Cleavage of argininosuccinate is catalyzed by:
Argininosuccinate lyase (EC
The reaction proceeds with:
retention of all three nitrogens in arginine and
release of the aspartate skeleton as fumarate
Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase I Initiates Urea Biosynthesis
Formed by condensation of CO2, ammonia, and ATP Subsequent addition of water to fumarate forms:
CATALYZED BY: l-malate
mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthase I (EC Subsequent NAD+-dependent oxidation forms: oxaloacetate
CARBAMOYL PHOSPHATE SYNTHASE II: These two reactions are analogous to reactions of the citric
A cytosolic form of carbamonyl phosphate synthase I acid cycle, but are catalyzed by cytosolic fumarase and malate
uses glutamine rather than ammonia as the nitrogen dehydrogenase.
donor Transamination of oxaloacetate by glutamate
functions in pyrimidine biosynthesis aminotransferase then re-forms aspartate.
The concerted action of glutamate dehydrogenase and The carbon skeleton of aspartate-fumarate thus acts as a
carbamoyl phosphate synthase 1: carrier of the nitrogen of glutamate into a precursor of urea.
shuttles amino nitrogen into carbamoyl phosphate, a
compound with high group transfer potential. Cleavage of Arginine Releases Urea & Re-Forms Ornithine
CARBAMOYL PHOSPHATE SYNTHASE I: Hydrolytic cleavage of the guanidino group of arginine:
the rate-limiting enzyme of the urea cycle catalyzed by: liver arginase (EC
active only in the presence of N-acetylglutamate releases urea
an allosteric activator that enhances the affinity of The other product, ornithine, reenters liver mitochondria and
the synthase for ATP participates in additional rounds of urea synthesis.
Synthesis of 1 mol of carbamoyl phosphate requires: POTENT INHIBITORS OF ARGINASE:
2 mol of ATP Ornithine
One ATP serves as the phosphoryl donor for Lysine
formation of the mixed acid anhydride bond of and compete with arginine
carbamoyl phosphate. ARGININE:
The second ATP provides the driving force for serves as the precursor of the potent muscle relaxant
synthesis of the amide bond of carbamoyl nitric oxide (NO) in a Ca2+-dependent reaction catalyzed
phosphate. by NO synthase
The other products are:
2 mol of ADP Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase I Is the Pacemaker Enzyme of the Urea
1 mol of Pi Cycle
The reaction proceeds stepwise: The activity of carbamoyl phosphate synthase I is determined
Reaction of bicarbonate with ATP forms: by:
carbonyl phosphate and ADP N-acetylglutamate, whose steady-state level is dictated
Ammonia then displaces ADP, forming: by:
Carbamate the balance between its rate of synthesis from
Orthophosphate acetyl-CoA and glutamate and
Phosphorylation of carbamate by the second ATP then its rate of hydrolysis to acetate and glutamate,
forms carbamoyl phosphate. reactions catalyzed by:
N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS)
Carbamoyl Phosphate Plus Ornithine Forms Citrulline N-acetylglutamate deacylase (hydrolase)
catalyzes transfer of the carbamoyl group of carbamoyl Acetyl-CoA + l-glutamate N-acetyl-l-glutamate + CoASH
phosphate to ornithine, forming: N-acetyl-l-glutamate + H2O l-glutamate + acetate
Orthophosphate Major changes in diet can increase the concentrations of
While the reaction occurs in the mitochondrial matrix: individual urea cycle enzymes 10- to 20-fold.
5 Mistley Jane
For example, starvation elevates enzyme levels,
presumably to cope with the increased production of
ammonia that accompanies enhanced starvation-induced
degradation of protein.


The comparatively rare, but well-characterized and medically
devastating metabolic disorders associated with the enzymes of urea
biosynthesis illustrate the following general principles of inherited
metabolic diseases.
Similar or identical clinical signs and symptoms can accompany
various genetic mutations in a gene that encodes a given
enzyme or in enzymes that catalyze successive reactions in a
metabolic pathway.
Rational therapy is based on an understanding of the relevant
biochemical enzyme-catalyzed reactions in both normal and
impaired individuals.
The identification of intermediates and of ancillary products
that accumulate prior to a metabolic block provides the basis Clinical symptoms common to all urea cycle disorders include:
for metabolic screening tests that can implicate the reaction Vomiting
that is impaired. Avoidance of high-protein foods
Definitive diagnosis involves quantitative assay of the activity Intermittent ataxia
of the enzyme suspected to be defective. Irritability
The DNA sequence of the gene that encodes a given mutant Severe mental retardation
enzyme is compared to that of the wild-type gene to identify The most dramatic clinical presentation occurs in full-term
the specific mutation(s) that cause the disease. infants who initially appear normal, then exhibit progressive
The exponential increase in DNA sequencing of human genes lethargy, hypothermia, and apnea due to high plasma ammonia
has identified dozens of mutations of an affected gene that levels.
are benign or are associated with symptoms of varying The clinical features and treatment of all five disorders are
severity of a given metabolic disorder. similar.
Significant improvement and minimization of brain
METABOLIC DISORDERS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH EACH damage can accompany a low-protein diet ingested as
frequent small meals to avoid sudden increases in blood
Defects in each enzyme of the urea cycle have been ammonia levels.
The goal of dietary therapy is:
Many of the causative mutations have been mapped, and
to provide sufficient protein, arginine, and energy to
specific defects in the encoded enzymes have been identified.
promote growth and development while
Five well-documented diseases represent defects in the
simultaneously minimizing the metabolic
biosynthesis of enzymes of the urea cycle.
Molecular genetic analysis has pinpointed the loci of mutations
associated with each deficiency, each of which exhibits
Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthase I
considerable genetic and phenotypic variability (Table 281).
essential for the activity of carbamoyl phosphate
synthase I, EC (reaction 1, Figure 2816).
Defects in carbamoyl phosphate synthase I:
hyperammonemia type 1
relatively rare metabolic disease

N-Acetylglutamate Synthase
Urea cycle disorders are characterized by: N-ACETYLGLUTAMATE SYNTHASE, EC (NAGS):
Hyperammonemia catalyzes the formation from acetyl-CoA and glutamate
Encephalopathy of the N-acetylglutamate essential for carbamoyl
Respiratory alkalosis phosphate synthase I activity.
Four of the five metabolic diseases, deficiencies of carbamoyl l-Glutamate + acetyl-CoA N-acetyl-l-glutamate + CoASH
phosphate synthase I, ornithine carbamoyl transferase, While the clinical and biochemical features of NAGS
argininosuccinate synthase, and argininosuccinate lyase, result deficiency are indistinguishable from those arising from a
in the accumulation of precursors of urea, principally ammonia defect in carbamoyl phosphate synthase I, a deficiency in
and glutamine. NAGS may respond to administered N-acetylglutamate.
Ammonia intoxication is most severe when the metabolic block
occurs at reactions 1 or 2, for if citrulline can be synthesized, Ornithine Permease
some ammonia has already been removed by being covalently HHH SYNDROME:
linked to an organic metabolite. The hyperornithinemia, hyperammonemia, and
homocitrullinuria syndrome.
results from mutation of the ORNT1 gene:
encodes the mitochondrial membrane ornithine


6 Mistley Jane
The failure to import cytosolic ornithine into the Early dietary intervention, however, can in many instances
mitochondrial matrix renders the urea cycle inoperable: ameliorate the otherwise inevitable dire effects.
with consequent hyperammonemia, and The early detection of such metabolic diseases is thus is of
hyperornithinemia primary importance.
due to the accompanying accumulation of cytosolic Since the initiation in the United States of newborn screening
ornithine programs in the 1960s, all states now conduct metabolic
In the absence of its normal acceptor (ornithine): screening of newborns, although the scope of screen employed
mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate carbamoylates varies among states.
lysine to homocitrulline, resulting in The powerful and sensitive technique of tandem mass
homocitrullinuria. spectrometry can in a few minutes detect over 40 analytes of
significance in the detection of metabolic disorders.
Ornithine Transcarbamoylase Most states employ tandem MS to screen newborns to detect
HYPERAMMONEMIA TYPE 2: metabolic disorders such as organic acidemias,
X-chromosome linked deficiency aminoacidemias, disorders of fatty acid oxidation, and defects
reflects a defect in ornithine transcarbamoylase in the enzymes of the urea cycle.
The mothers also exhibit hyperammonemia and an aversion to An article in Clinical Chemistry 2006 39:315 reviews the
high-protein foods. theory of tandem MS, its application to the detection of
Levels of glutamine are elevated in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, metabolic disorders, and situations that can yield false
and urine, probably as a result of enhanced glutamine positives, and includes a lengthy table of detectable analytes
synthesis in response to elevated levels of tissue ammonia. and the relevant metabolic diseases.

In addition to patients who lack detectable argininosuccinate IN UREA BIOSYNTHESIS?
synthase activity: Gene therapy of defects in the enzymes of the urea cycle is
a 25-fold elevated Km for citrulline has been reported an area of active investigation.
In the resulting citrullinemia: Despite encouraging results in animal models using an
plasma and cerebrospinal fluid citrulline levels are elevated adenoviral vector to treat citrullinemia, at present gene
1 to 2 g of citrulline are excreted daily therapy provides no effective solution for human subjects.

Human subjects degrade 1% to 2% of their body protein daily at
rates that vary widely between proteins and with physiologic state. Key
Argininosuccinate Lyase regulatory enzymes often have short half-lives.
ARGININOSUCCINIC ACIDURIA: Proteins are degraded by both ATP-dependent and ATP independent
accompanied by elevated levels of argininosuccinate in pathways. Ubiquitin targets many intracellular proteins for degradation.
blood, cerebrospinal fluid urine Liver cell surface receptors bind and internalize circulating
associated with friable, tufted hair (trichorrhexis asialoglycoproteins destined for lysosomal degradation.
nodosa) Polyubiquitinated proteins are degraded by proteases on the inner
Both early- and late-onset types are known. surface of a cylindrical macromolecule, the proteasome. Entry into the
The metabolic defect is in argininosuccinate lyase proteasome is gated by a donut-shaped protein pore that rejects entry
Diagnosis by the measurement of erythrocyte to all but polyubiquitinated proteins.
argininosuccinate lyase activity can be performed on Fish excrete highly toxic NH3 directly. Birds convert NH3 to uric
umbilical cord blood or amniotic fluid cells. acid. Higher vertebrates convert NH3 to urea.
Transamination channels amino acid nitrogen into glutamate. GDH
Arginase occupies a central position in nitrogen metabolism.
HYPERARGININEMIA: Glutamine synthase converts NH3 to nontoxic glutamine. Glutaminase
an autosomal recessive defect in the gene for arginase releases NH3 for use in urea synthesis.
the first symptoms of hyperargininemia typically do not NH3, CO2, and the amide nitrogen of aspartate provide the atoms of
appear until age 2 to 4 years urea.
Blood and cerebrospinal fluid levels of arginine are Hepatic urea synthesis takes place in part in the mitochondrial
elevated. matrix and in part in the cytosol.
The urinary amino acid pattern, which resembles that of Changes in enzyme levels and allosteric regulation of carbamoyl
lysine-cystinuria, may reflect competition by arginine phosphate synthase I by N-acetylglutamate regulate urea biosynthesis.
with lysine and cysteine for reabsorption in the renal Metabolic diseases are associated with defects in each enzyme of
tubule. the urea cycle, of the membrane-associated ornithine permease, and of
ANALYSIS OF NEONATE BLOOD BY TANDEM MASS The metabolic disorders of urea biosynthesis illustrate six general
SPECTROMETRY CAN DETECT METABOLIC DISEASES principles of all metabolic disorders.
Metabolic diseases caused by the absence or functional Tandem mass spectrometry is the technique of choice for screening
impairment of metabolic enzymes can be devastating. neonates for inherited metabolic diseases.


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