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Course name ANSYS II Code 0004043200 Credit 6

Language of instruction English

Programme Mechanical Engineering and Applied Computer Science

Type of studies MSc studies

Unit running the Department of Strength of Material and Structures


Course coordinator and T. Kubiak PhD

academic teachers

Form of classes and Semester Lec. Tut. Lab. Proj. Sem. Credit
number of hours points
spring 15e 45 6

Learning outcomes Skills in modelling of structure, FE meshing and results analysis. Skills in using ANSYS

Prerequisites Basic Mechanical Engineering I (0001011800), Basic Mechanical Engineering II

(0004022900), Advanced Mechanical Engineering (0004031800)

Course description LECTURE

1. Getting Started with ANSYS. General views of windows – GUI (Graphical User
Interface). Program organization. Step by step through typical analysis
2. Basic information. Ansys Files. Element library. Basic element for structural
analysis with their real constants
3. Step by step through example analysis (2D truss) – command syntax, command
in GUI, results presentation.
4. Step by step through example analysis (2D frame) – command syntax, command
in GUI, results presentation.
5. Differences and similarity in modeling 2D truss uses link and beam element –
results comparison.
6. Modeling part I - two ways of model building; basic command for geometry
creation in plane
7. Step by step through example analysis (plane structural member) – command
syntax, command in GUI, results presentation.
8. Analysis of solution convergence – element size influence on results and time of
9. Using log file to parametric analysis of plane structural member – introduction to
APDL language.
10. Modeling part II - basic command for geometry creation in space
11. Modeling part III – Boolean operation.
12. Different method of mesh generation
13. Step by step through example analysis (3D structure) – command syntax,
command in GUI, results presentation.
14. Modeling part IV - choosing the best element for a given problem.
15. Modal analysis. Buckling analysis

1. Introductory meeting. Presentation of the software programme ANSYS 1h
2. Modeling and analysis of the plane truss 2h
3. Modeling and analysis of the space 3D truss 2h
4. Personal project – Stress analysis of 3D truss accomplished with a report. 3h
5. Plane problem of the stress analysis 2h
6. Personal project – A plate with a hole or notch. Determination of the stress
concentration factor accomplished with a report. 3h
7. Personal project – Stress and strain analysis of a plane structural member of
complex shape accomplished with a report. 3h
8. Modeling and analysis of a shell structure 2h
9. Personal project – Stress and strain analysis of a shell structure 3h
10. Modeling and analysis of a space (3D) structure 2h
11. Personal project – Stress and strain analysis of a space (3D) structure or
structural member accomplished with a report. 3h
12. Modal analysis of shell structures 2h
13. Personal project – Modal analysis of shell structures
accomplished with a report. 2h
14. Final project accomplished with a presentation 15 h

Form of assessment Laboratory: Continuous assessment of reports (LR) and final project (FP)
Laboratory mark (LM) = 40% average mark of LR +60% mark of FP
Exam (E): Practice exam – short problem to solve using ANSYS software
Final grade = 60% mark of E + 40% mark of LM

Basic reference materials 1. Saeed Moaveni, Finite Element Analysis, Theory and Application with ANSYS,
Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey, 1999

Other reference 1. Carl T.F. Ross „Advanced Applied Finite Element Methods” Horwood Publishing
materials 1998
2. S.S. Rao „Finite Element Method in Engineering” Pergamon Press
3. R. Grądzki „Introduction to Finite Element Method” (in Polish) Politechnika
Łódzka, Łódź, 2002

e-mail of the course coordinator

and academic teachers
Average student workload 60 + 15 = 75
(teaching hours + individ )

Updated on: September 13, 2004

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