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Course name Data Base Code 0002043600 Credit 6

Language of instruction English

Programme Mechanical Engineering and Applied Computer Science

Type of studies MSc studies

Unit running the Computer Engineering Department


Course coordinator and Ł. Mazurkiewicz MSc

academic teachers

Form of classes and Semester Lec. Tut. Lab. Proj. Sem. Credit
number of hours points
spring 15e 45 6

Learning outcomes 1. Knowledge of relational database concept.

2. Practical skill of creating simple/medium Access databases.
3. Practical knowledge of SQL on medium level.
4. General idea of creating advanced database systems.

Prerequisites Computer Science I, Computer Science II or their equivalents (general computer usage
and basic concepts of programming)
Visual Basic and Delphi is strongly recommended (knowledge of Visual Basic can be
helpful for mini-project)

Course description LECTURE

1. The concept of database (including relational databases).
2. Basic concepts and terms (tables, joints, queries, normalization).
3. Microsoft Access – as a complete database solution (tables, joints, queries, forms and
4. SQL on example of selected database (e.g. MySQL)
5. Advanced database systems (database developing process, client-server architecture,
ODBC connection on example of VisualBasic and MySQL database)
6. Discussion about student mini-projects (prefered projects which incorporate client-
server architecture – e.g. VisualBasic+MySQL, Apache+PHP+MySQL).

1. Introduction to Microsoft Access (creating new database, creating tables and simple
queries). (3 h)
2. Using different types of queries. (4 h)
3. Creating user interface in Access (forms and macros). (6 h)
4. Simple database in Access – subproject 1. (6 h)
5. Introduction to MySQL or another SQL database (running a server, connecting with
server, creating users and granting privileges, creating/removing databases). (2 h)
6. Creating database in MySQL (creating/removing tables and filling them with data,
different types of queries). (8 h)
7. Simple database in MySQL – subproject 2. (6 h)
8. Creating database system in client-server architecture on example of VisualBasic and
MySQL (setting ODBC connection, work based on modifying an example of VB
application). (4 h)
9. Work on miniprojects. (6 h)

Form of assessment Laboratory: all subprojects have to be finished

Final mark: theoretical exam + practical exam + mini-project

Basic reference materials Built-in help for Microsoft Access

Core MySQL – Leon Atkinson
Materials provided by lecturer
Other reference A book about Microsoft Access (there are many of them available in bookshops) can be
materials helpful.
Also instead Core MySQL others books can be used.

e-mail of the course coordinator

and academic teachers
Average student workload 60 + 45
(teaching hours + individ )
Remarks: Individual workload includes time spent on subprojects (4+4) and final mini-
project (20)

Updated on: 2004-09-27

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