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Shea Abrahams

AS Location report

For my AS portfolio, I have focused on the genre of war analysing

Fury (2014) and Kajaki (2014) showing the different representations
given in the two different films. My production will be based on a
scene from Fury. I have researched different locations for my
production and now have to pick one location to use. The
representation I will be giving is good v evil and I believe this
location will be the best possible for my 9 key frames.

Location 1

My entire production will be shot in one location which will be Seven

Kings Park representing the forest that my three characters will be
fighting in. I have chosen this location because it is easily accessible
and close to all four people participating including myself. I will be
filming at night or until the sun goes down as it will not look like a
park and the park facilities will not be visible, this is to further
enhance the realism of the production as I want it as close to a war
zone as possible.

However, there are some safety issues that I was expecting as it is

night time so it may be difficult to see where we are going and
therefore harder to avoid hazards on the floor as it is a park so there
will be uneven ground or stumps. Other safety hazards include
getting in as it may be shut at the time of filming and the park may
be home to unfriendly people. However, we will try to stay closer
to the edge of the park for a quicker escape and for some lighting
from the street lights around us to see where we are going. I intend
to do an establishing shot of the location to show the audience the
surroundings of the location and give them a clear view of where I
will be filming.

Shea Abrahams

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