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‘SA WELL COMPLETION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Room 3830, East Administration Building, Udallyah ‘Tel. 677-7300 Fax: $77-8080 uly 2, 2014 ‘SAWCOD: 409.2014 SAWCOD GROUNDING GUIDELINE, SAWCOD Division Heads Please find attached SAWCOD Grounding Guideline. You are requested to ensure that your ‘employees are fully avare and implement the contents ofthis guideline ‘Should you require further information, please contact SAWCOD QAICR team leader on 576- 4684 WV. A.A Al-Thawaigib, Manager NH SA Wet Compton Operatons Deparment \ " Attachment: sawcoo ounarg ‘Guine ME ce General Manager, SA Producing 'SA00 Managers SAINCOD Technical Advisors SANCOD GAICR Team Leterbook ‘SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY (Saudi Aramco) —— GENERAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL ISSUING "gq WELL COMPLETION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT UATETSSUED 7 RESON WBJECT —_SANCOD Grounding uideioe a CONTENTS Page 1, Scope 2 2 Defintions 2 Grounding Procedures. 3 APPENDIKES A. Vertical grounding B. 45 degrees slope grounding ©. Buried grounding D. Bonding ‘SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY (Saudi Aramco) GENERAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL ISSUING DATEISSUED [REVISION eee 'SAWELL COMPLETION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT alee ie “UBJECT _SANCOD Grounding Guin wa EROS | SENS 1 Scope “This standard presribes the mandatory requitements fr grounding of eloctrical systems as wel sin the fields of stati clecrcty, lightning, nd stray currents applicable To the prevention of electrocution and hydrocarbon ignition in Southern Area Well Completion Operations Departments" 2 Definitions 21 Grounding Grounding is the process of bonding one oF more conductive objects to the ground, so that al objects are at zero (0) clecrcal potential (ako refered to. as “eathing”). For hydrocarbon teansfers this ‘complished by proving elecical continuity between a fuel handing sstem and ground or earth to ‘ensure thatthe fuel handing system i at zero potential 22 Warards [A hazard isa sowsce of situation with » potential for harm in terms of injury or il health, damage 1 property, damage to the workplace environment, or a combination of these: (lammabilty, oxygen ‘deficiency, oxeity, corrsivly, store electrical, chemical or mechanical energy). 23 Risk Risk i combination ofthe 3. Grounding “The grounding system has the following primary functions hood and consequence(s) ofa specified nzandous event occurring. = Personnel safety is proved by low impedance grounding and bonding between metalic equipment, chassis, piping, and other condvetive objects so that currents, due to faults or lighting, do not result in volages sficint to cause @ shock hazard. Proper grounding facilitates the operation of the ‘overcurrent protective device protecting the etc = Equipment and building protection is provided by low impedance grounding and bonding between lgtrical services, protestive devices, qipment and other conductive objets s0 that faults ot lightning currents do not result in hazardous voltages within te building Also, the proper operation ‘of oversurent protective devices is fiequntly dependent upon low impedance fall eurent paths {See table I fr details) 3.1 Bifective Ground-Fault Current Path, An intentionally constructed, permanent, low-impedance lectrially conductive path designed and intended to cary ground-fault erent from the point of a {round fault on a wiring sytem to the clectial supply soiree and that facilitates the operation ofthe ‘overcurrent protective device or ground ful detetors on high-impedance grounded systems ‘32 Bonding of Electrical Equipment, Non-curenccrrying conductive materials welosiny elec ‘condctors or equipment, or forining part of such equipment, shall be connected together and tthe ‘supply system grounded’ equipment in a manner that erates a permanent, low-impedance path for ‘robnd-aulcurent thats capable of carrying the maximum Fault current likely tobe imposed on it 33 Ground Fault CireuitInterrupters AGFCI is receptacle with bil in cient to detect leakage curent to ground onthe fad side of the device. When the GECI detests leakage current ground, it will interrupt power to the load side of the ‘device, preventing a hazardous ground fault condition. These devies shouldbe tested regularly because SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY (Saudi Aramco) usage GENERAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL ISSUING "gq WELL COMPLETION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Bare SD | RES UBJECT _SAWCOD Grounding Gulne a ERAS | FASE they rely om mechs ical connections that will degrade over time. All portable buildings electric receptacles stall be protected by a GPCL ‘Tablet Grounding Procedure 4.4 Electric sources (Gower generator, metalic ‘enclosures fr pane boars, ckeult breakers, swiches, fuses, me ‘wtohge contol centers, and motors ‘and anstorners) hese a eal wich a ACTA OER] oT oe ‘sth he sl copra cope jesse pone ste Isa be ven on ‘kph not she 24m (8) an Aopen FA, ake hal, whee ek Boe isomer he eles sal be den a an lar npc mo Yo exe 5 ‘ego rr tn elo where ack tom i neared ta ag opt 4S ‘des arin Appentn Hilo al be pried ote ns enh ht Isat east 780mm (30 In) depos n Appi HC The ups end oft td ‘hat be fish hor ow rom evel sk he stop cat the ‘Poon levi consactr atv se plese pans py dase [itconscion of he promling ten shal be made y aus nd bol. Misinus se of n growing evndactor shoul ot be sma than Insalata ith green ice rt ges act with yellow ape {Growediog cal opal net aod © ces sd oe than meer (Ne sole. “Ta Trucks, cranes, forks, floodlight generators Reincaie Gamding Wie Rel (Page Wlow wl be penne a on 'SAWCOD tml Thecomecton he pounding vod may be done sig 2s semen tino lp, The rosding od al not ees ta 2 fe eh a nh acer, gpa or oper kasd tel or ani taal 0 ha leas os Jentina ih eo Minimum sine af eronndlng conductor shoul aot be sma than ANG TS Other equipmiont on ate (chemical storage ack. bes, fexteror metalic portabes, ‘etatlo stuctres le) a Me Uns cipnent on sco th se dec conte wa he ad Go ovonsonduingmomiane hve proved abe sufi wel unde owe {esl propane proud ef tae ao iping sks. ‘Stolen romnding nes Rowse where et rounding at provid, espa eon wel ein coma e exh en pou ee {Te seomng roe hl nt beet un 2 fet kenga tc dancer Int, conpe or cope jae ede atanized el nll sth et | Minima ste of «grounding constr shoul not be smaller than 4 ANG Instat itr green act gre {Grounding abe eg abl wt exe ate 2. Bonding ‘ny soi nals ils rl endear else uc yale ‘NC ng, beer ese snl be nde th portale rund tale ae Acct pre proentng ‘Meni ns aspen, rates ht reat det cones wt te ground ‘ne bonded os ohr an hn poe shown Apps Mins ie of bonding codctr soa no esa than 14 AWG ‘SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY (Saudi Aramco) GENERAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL ISSUING SAWELL COMPLETION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT. UBJECT __SAWCOD Grouncing Guideline om#20%6 ‘ORTETSSIED (07-02-2014 REVISION NEW Manager, SAWCOD Bonding able Tngh Halo eed wees rte Mood generates re weal to delve leet to otha consumers on sit, grounding willbe done per 1 ecureme “Thestme grounding rot ean ‘conductor gt a ppg hazards sal be considered. Appendix I-A Appendix 1-B ed for enuipe grounding conection bt he mex grounding ‘SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY (Saudi Aramco) GENERAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL ISSUING gq yfEuL COMPLETION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT JBJECT __SAWCOD Grounding Guideline sme2016 DATETSSUET 07-02-2014 REVSON ‘NEW Manager, SANCOD Pagesor6 Appendix IC Appendix ID —— ‘SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY (Saudi Aramco) GENERAL INSTRUCTION MANUAL, SSUINS sa WELL COMPLETION OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT UBJECT __SAWCOD Grounding Guideline ‘sa #2015, ‘ORTETSSUED | REVISION 07.02.2014 NeW ‘BPROVAL | ~ PAGED. anager SANCOD | Page 6ol6

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