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II. Activity Date: January 7, 2017
III. Activity Venue: Zambales Sports Complex, Iba, Zambales
IV. Expected Participants: 4
V. Actual Participants: 5
VI. Event Title: 50 meter backstroke and 100 meter freestyle
VII. General Purpose of the Activity

NFJPIA-R3 Sportsfest aims to develop the value of sportsmanship through

engaging in different sports event, cultivate a wholesome competitive spirit and acquire
the ability to work closely together with other JPIANs in the region.

VIII. Specific Purpose of the Activity:

1. To promote leadership, stability and meaningful social development through

participating in swimming competition.
2. To field teams that are skilled, disciplined, dedicated and motivated in participating
to minor sports.
3. To promote a healthy lifestyle and instill in the participants the importance of
teamwork and sportsmanship in participating to minor sports.

IX. Activity Description:

Swimming is an individual or team sport and activity. Competitive swimming is

one of the most popular Olympic sports, with events in freestyle and backstroke.
In addition swimmers can also compete in open-water events (e.g. lake or sea) but
in Iba, Zambales Sortscomplex there is an olympic size swimming pool for these
X. Narrative

4:30 in the afternoon, the event for 50 meter backstroke and 100 meter freestyle
was held in the pool area of Iba, Zambales Sports Complex. The participants were
requested to do stretching and to practice in the swimming pool.
After stretching and practicing, the participants were then oriented about the
rules and regulations of the tournament, also the introduction of the players. For the
Mans backstroke event, Mark Peralta of Kolehiyo ng Subic, Darhen Pascua of Holy
Angel University and Michael Cardano of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University.
For the Womens backstroke event, Lynnae Ivy Evangelista of Ramon Magsaysay
Technological University and Bea Cardenas of Holy Angel University.
Everyones ready for the event and so without further ado, the competition began.
First to compete were the Men. They got in their positions and dove in the water after
the whistle. As expected, Michael Cardano of RMTU, who is an athlete, got the first
spot. It was a tough fight for Darhen and Mark. In the end, Darhen Pascua got the
second place and Mark was the last one with a time of 2:57seconds. For the Womens
Event, Lynnae and Bea got in their positions and dove right after the whistle was blown.
Lynnae ranked first and Bea got second place. The players were really admirable for
they still finished the lap even though they were not really a swimmer.
Unlike the backstroke competition, this event is really tough. The players must
make two lapses for 100 meter freestyle. The pools size is only 50 meters, thus after
tapping on the far end of the pool; they must go back to where they dive off. For Mens
Freestyle Event, Ramon Magsaysay Technological University and Kolehiyo ng Subic has
the same players. Arnold John Nunag played for Holy Angel University. For Womens
freestyle event, only Lynnae Evangelista played. Although in womens event, only one
player participated, it is still a must to finish the game, if not, she is not qualified to get
the award.
All four players got in their positions and dove after the whistle was blown. Gladly,
Lynnae finished the game thus entitling her as the champion for the event. In Mens
Cup, It was visible that they are exhausted but they still continued the game.
Everyones determined to be the champion. In the end, Machael Cardano got the first
place with a time of 2 minutes and 17 seconds. Arnold got second place with a time of 2
minutes and 49 seconds and lastly, with an admirable determination, Mark Peralta got
the last place having a time of 3 minutes and 15 seconds.

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