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Jon M. Arnemo, D.V.M., Randi O. Moe, D.V.M., and Nils E. Sli, D.V.M., Dr.Med.Vet.

Abstracl: Six captive pine martens (Martes martes) were immobilized with a combination of
medetomidine hydrochloride (MED) and ketamine (KET) in three experiments (Experiment l, July
199 l;Experiment 2, November l99l; Experiment 3, January 1992)to establish a dose range for
field use and to assess potential seasonal influence on drug effects. The mean + SD i.m. doses (range)
used in these three experiments were 0.19 + 0.03 (0)44j4) melkg MED + 9.3 + 1.5 (7.1-l1.8)
mg/kg KET,0.l7 + 0.04 (0.14-0.24)mg/kg MED + 8.6 + 1.8 (7.1-11.8) mg/kg KET, and 0.15
+b.01 (0.13-O.17)mg/kgMED + 7.6 + 0.8 (6.5-8.9) mg/kg KET, respectively. These doses induced
complete immobilization with good muscle relaxation and loss of both the corneal and pedal
withdrawal reflexes in all animals. The induction times were 4.3 + 1.6 (2.0-6.0) min, 3.8 + 0.8
(3.0-5.0) min, and 4.5 + 1.9 (3.0-8.0) min, respectively. Side effects included hypothermia, bradycar-
dia, and bradypnea, but all animals recovered completely without clinical complications. Blood
samples were drawn from immobilized animals and sera were analyzed for 24 different measures
(enzymes, metabolites, minerals, and electrolytes). Hyperglycemia occurred in all animals, but there
were no clinically important differences in serum chemistry values among the experiments. Forty
minutes after administration of MEDKET, the animals in Experiments I and 2 were given ati-
pamezole hydrochloride (ATI) i.m. at five times the MED dose. In Experiment 3, the animals
received saline i.m. for comparison. Immobilization was rapidly reversed by ATI, and side effects
such as muscle rigidity and incoordination were of short duration. The mean time from ATI injection
to mobility in Experiments I and 2 was7.7 + 2.3 (4.8-10.0) min and 3.8 + 1.6 (2.0-5.8) min,
respectively. The mean mobility time was 31.7 + 21.8 (1 1.0-59.0) min in the saline-treated animals,
and recovery was accompanied by prolonged sedation, incoordination, and motor impairment.
MED in combination with KET and reversed with ATI at a dose ratio of 5: I relative to MED was
a safe and effective immobilization protocol for captive pine martens.
Key words: Pine marten, Martes martes, immobilization, medetomidine, ketamine, atipamezole.

INTRODUCTION how this seasonal variation in the energy

Pine martens (Martes martes) are difficult economy may influence drug effects and dose
to handle, and most clinical procedures re- requirements.
quire chemical restraint of the animals. Medetomidine-ketamine combinations
Halothane, ketamine, and ketamine in have been used successfully to immobilize
combination with promazine, diazepam, other mustelids2'14,r7'2r and furbearers.r,r2'r4
xylazine, or medetomidine have been used Medetomidine is a highly potent and selec-
in pine martens and other Martes spe- tive alphar-adrenoceptor agonist that po-
In Captive pine martenS,,r8,20,23 tentiates ketamine to a greater extent than
both feed intake and locomotor activity var- does xylazine, reducing the effective ketam-
ies significantly with the ambient temper- ine dose by as much as J So/ This is of
ature,r6 but no studies have been done on great importance when reversal agents are
used in animals immobilizedwith ketamine
combinations, because a specific antagonist
From the Center ol Veterinary Medicine, N-9005 to dissociative anesthetics has not been
Troms, Norway (Amemo); the Dal Research Farm, found.5,re
Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, Rustad- The use of reversal agents has not been
veien l3l, N-1380 Heggedal, Norway (Moe); and the
Department of Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Food
reported in Martes species, although such
Hygiene, Norwegian College of Vetcrinary Mcdicinc, drugs would be very useful in field capture
P.O. Box 8146 Dep., N-0033 Oslo, Norway (Sli). and release studies,rs in clinical practice to

avoid prolonged recovery, and for treat- rate (observing flank movements), pedal
ment of relative overdosing. Atipamezole, withdrawal reflex-absent or present
the most potent and selective alphar-adre- (pinching of a toe with an artery forceps),
noceptor antagonist currently known,22 has and corneal reflex-absent or present (light
been used for rapid reversal of immobili- touching of the cornea with a cotton-tipped
zationand anesthesia induced by medetom- applicator). Reactions to handling (moving
idine-ketamine in a wide range of zoo and ofthe head, curling up, or resistance to dor-
wild animal species. t'z'+'tn'tz'zt sal recumbency) were used as signs of spon-
The purpose of this study was to evaluate taneous recovery. Twenty to 30 min after
medetomidine-ketamine and atipamezole administration of medetomidine-ketam-
for reversible immobilizarion in pine mar- ine, blood samples were drawn from the
tens under field conditions and to assess po- jugular vein using the Venoject@ system with
tential seasonal influence on drug effects. 5-ml tubes and 0.8- x 40-mm needles (Ter-
umo Europe N.V., 3001 Leuven, Belgium).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Blood samples were centrifuged within 2 hr
Six 1-5-yr-old clinically healthy pine after collection, and the serum was sepa-
martens (five males, one female) were im- rated, stored in a refrigerator, and brought
mobilized with medetomidine-ketamine on to the laboratory for analyses the next day.
three occasions (July 1991, November 1991, Serum measurements of aspartate amino-
and January 1992) at the Dal Research transferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase
Farm, Norwegian College of Veterinary (ALT), creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehy-
Medicine, Heggedal, Norway. The animals drogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase
were wildborn and had been captured as (ALP), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT),
pups from four different litters. They were amylase, lipase, total protein, albumin,
individually housed in tin-roofed wire cages globulin, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides,
(1 mt) with a wooden nest box and were free fatty acids (FFA), urea, creatinine, total
kept on a standard feed regime for mink bilirubin, phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca),
(Dal Research Farm). magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium
In Experiment I (July l99l) all animals (K), and chloride (Cl) were perlormed by
were given 0.2 mg/kg of medetomidine hy- standard procedures at the Central Labo-
drochloride (Domitoro, I mglml, Orion ratory for Clinical Chemistry at the Nor-
Corp. Animal Health Division, Turku, Fin- wegian College of Veterinary Medicine.
land) and l0 mg/kg of ketamine (Ketalaro, Forty minutes after administration of med-
50 mglml, Parke-Davis, Barcelona, Spain) etomidine-ketamine, atipamezole hydro-
from separate syringes, with doses based on chloride (Antisedan@, 5 mg,/ml, Orion Corp.
their estimated body weights. Each animal Animal Health Division) was injected in the
was restrained with a net, and the drugs were left gluteal muscle at five times the dose of
injected in the right gluteal muscle. The an- medetomidine hydrochloride. The time un-
imals were then released in their cages, and til the animal lifted its head from the floor
the time to complete immobilization and (head by time) and the time until it was able
tolerance of dorsal recumbency (induction to move either by crawling or walking (mo-
time) was recorded. All animals were then bility time) were recorded. All animals were
weighed and the actual doses ofdrugs per observed for at least 2 hr after administra-
kilogram of body weight were calculated. tion of the antagonist to evaluate the quality
The following measures were recorded ap- of recovery and to detect drug-related side
proximately 15,25, and 35 min after injec- effects of abnormal behavior. The ambient
tion of medetomidine-ketamine: rectal temperature was recorded during the ex-
temperature (using a digital thermometer), periment.
heart rate (using a stethoscope), respiratory In Experiments 2 (November 1991) and

Table 1. Data from six captive pine martens (Marles martes) immobilized with medetomidine-ketamine
on three different occasions."

Experiment I Experiment 2 Experiment 3

(Jul l99l) (Nov l99l) (Jan 1992)

Ambient temperature 14 to 19 -2to0 -5 to -3

Body weight 1.8 + 0.3 2.0 + 0.6 2.2 + 0.5
(ke) (t.4-2.2) ( 1 .3-2.8) (t.3-2.9)
Medetomidine HCI 0.19 + 0.03 0.17 + 0.04 0.15 + 0.01
(mglkg i.m.) (0.14-o.24) (0.t44.24) (0. l3--0.1 7)

Ketamine 9.3 + 1.5 8.6 + 1.8 7.6 + 0.8

(mglkg i.m.) (7. 1-l 1.8) (7. r-r 1.8) (6.5-8.e)
Induction time 4.3 + 1.6 3.8 + 0.8 4.5 + t.9
(min) (2.0-6.0) (3.0-5.0) (3.0-8.0)
Atipamezole HCI 0.93 + 0.15 0.86 t 0.18 saline
(mglkg i.m.) (0.7 r-r.18) (0.7 r-1.18)
Head up lime 6.5 + l.7b 3.1 + 1.3 not recorded
(min) (4.0-8.3) (2.0-4.8)
Mobility time 7.7 -r 2.3n 3.8 + 1.6. 31.7 + 21.8
(min) (4.8-10-0) (2.0-5.8) (l 1.0-59.0)

'Values are expressed as means + SD (range).

b. Superscripts denote a significant difference (P < 0.05) between means in Experiments I and 2 and between means in
Experiments 2 and 3, respectively.

3 (January 1992), each animal receiyed the ferences in mean body weight, mean doses
same total dose of medetomidine-ketamine of medetomidine and ketamine, and mean
as in Experiment I irrespective of any gain induction time were not significant (Table
or loss of body weight, and all the proce- l). Induction was very smooth with no ex-
dures from Experiment I were repeated ex- citatory phase or abnormal behavior. All
cept that in Experiment 3 the animals were animals were completely immobilized
given saline (the same volume as the an- within 8 min of medetomidine-ketamine
tagonist) instead of atipamezole. administration, and they remained immo-
Analyses of data were performed using bilized for at least 30 min. Muscle relaxa-
NCSS@ (Number Cruncher Statistical Sys- tion was good, and blood sampling was eas-
tem, Kaysville, Utah 84037, USA). Statis- ily performed. Immobilized animals had
tical comparisons were made between Ex- open eyes, and most had frequent, rhyth-
periments I and 2, and Experiments 2 and mical contractions of the upper lip and eye-
3, respectively. Within each experiment, a lids.
comparison between the first and last re- In all animals, both the corneal and pedal
cording of the physiological measures was withdrawal reflexes were absent 15 and 25
made. A paired l-test was used to compare min after administration of medetomidine-
body weights, drug doses, induction times, ketamine. In Experiment l, there were no
head up times, mobility times, rectal tem- signs ofspontaneous recovery before the an-
peratures, heart rates, and respiratory rates, tagonist was given, but in two individuals
and the Wilcoxon matched pairs test was the corneal reflex was present 35 min after
used to compare serum chemistry values. medetomidine-ketamine injection. In four
animals in Experiment 2, the corneal and
RESULTS pedal withdrawal reflexes were present 35
Most animals gained weight in both pe- min after administration of medetomidine-
riods between the experiments, but the dif- ketamine, and two ofthem also showed signs

Table 2. Means (SD) of serial recordings of rectal than during Experiment 3 at the first re-
temperature, heart rate, and respiratory rate in six cap- cording.
tive pine martens (Martes marles) immobilized with
medtomidine-ketamine on three different occasions- The results of the serum chemistry anal-
yses are summarized in Table 3. Significant
Experiment I ExPeriment 2 Experiment 3 differences in mean values were seen for am-
Measure (Jul l99l) (Nov l99l) (Jan 1992)
ylase, total bilirubin, and sodium between
Rectal temperature ("C) Experiments 2 and 3.
15 min" 40.1 (0.6)b 37.9 (1.8) 38.8 (1.4) The mean head up and mobilitY times
25 min 39.2 (l.l)"
36.1 (2.0I 37.4 (r.5) were significantly lower during Experiment
35 min 38.4 (1.2)b 35' I (2.0)' 36.3 (1.5)
2 than during Experiment I (Table l). All
Heart rate (beats/min) animals in Experiments 1 and 2 appeared
I 5 min' I 16 (24) l2l (24) l 29 (35) alert and were able to walk 15 min after
25 min I l0 (17) 94 (18) 108 (33)
administration of atipamezole, but most of
35 min 95 (16) 90 (l2F 92 (27)
them showed various degrees of muscle ri-
Respiratory rate (breaths/min) gidity and incoordination. No other side ef-
15 min' 66 (6) 57 (18)' 7l (14)
fects were noted, and all individuals were
25 min 67 (10) 49 (16) 60 (17)
considered normal within I hr after injec-
35 min 64 (6) 47 (18)d 52 (16)
tion of the antagonist. In Experiment 3, all
' Time after medetomidine-ketamine injection. animals showed signs of sedation and in-
b'Superscripts denote a significant difference (P < 0.05) be-
tween means in Experiments I and 2 and between means in
coordination for at least 25 min after mo-
Experiments 2 and 3, resPectivelY. bility was regained. Two individuals with
extended mobility times (53 and 59 min)
were sedated and incoordinated 2 hr after
saline administration, and another hour
of spontaneous recovery (no recording of elapsed before they recovered completely.
the heart and respiratory rates were per- All animals were alive 7 mo after the last
formed in these two individuals). In Exper- experiment, but further clinical evaluation
iment 3, no signs of spontaneous recoYery or behavioral observations were not per-
were seen before injection of saline, but 35 formed.
min after medetomidine-ketamine injec-
tion, the corneal and pedal withdrawal re-
flexes were present in one animal, and the
corneal reflex was present in one other in- The medetomidine-ketamine combina-
dividual. tion in the dose range used in this study
The results from serial recordings of rapidly induced complete immobilization
physiologic measures are summarized in after i.m. administration in the pine marten.
Table 2. Except for the respiratory rate in Although most animals gained weight dur-
animals in Experiment l, a significant de- ing the study, the decrease in the mean doses
crease in the mean rectal temperature, heart of drugs did not significantly alter the mean
rate, and respiratory rate during immobi- induction times or the quality and degree
lization was seen in all animals in all ex- of immobilization. Immobilized animals
periments. The mean rectal temperatures were easily handled and did not react to
during Experiment 2 were significantly low- nociceptive stimuli (blood sampling). In all
er at all three recordings than during Ex- animals, both the corneal and pedal with-
periment I and than the two last recordings drawal reflexes were abolished for a period
in Experiment 3. There were no significant of time. In the dog, absence ofthese reflexes
differences in mean heart rate among ex- indicates light to deep surgical anesthesia,e
periments, and the mean respiratory rate and we therefore consider medetomidine-
during Experiment 2 was significantly lower ketamine to be a suitable anesthetic com-

Table 3. Serum chemistry values in six captive pine martens (Martes martes) immobilized with medetomr-
dine-ketamine on three different occasions."

Expriment I Experiment 2 Experiment 3

Measure (Jul l99l) (Nov l99l) (Jan 1992)

AST (U/L) 159 (18) t21 (39) l 13 (20)

ALT (U/L) t73 (44) t72 (120) 222 (106)
cK (u/L) 5ss (234) 599 (616) 237 (2s1)
LDH (U/L) r,875 (520) r,244 (1t6)b 1,103 (129)
ALP (U/L) '17 (29) il5 (35) 85 (r6)
GGT (U/L) t7 (12) 25 (r9)
Amylase (U/L) 1,332 (20) 1,637 (29'7)b |,32t (242)
Lipase (U/L) 32 (i3) 39 (le) 35 (l 1)
Total protein (g/L) 6t (7) 60 (4) 62 (12)
Albumin (g/L) 30 (4) 37 (2) 35 (3)
Globulin (g/L) 3r (4) 23 (2) 26 (10)
Glucose (mmol/L) 17.3 (3.9) l 1.6 (0.8) t4.9 (4.3)
Cholesterol (mmol/L) 4.6 (0.6) 5.0 (0.5) 4.8 (0.5)
Triglycerides (mmol/L) 0.30 (0.08) 0.78 (0.69) 0.78 (0.24)
FFA (mmol/L) 0.s5 (0.19) 0.56 (0.62) 0.50 (0.0e)
Urea (mmol/L) l 1.3 (4.0) 8.2 (4.0) tz.t (4.9)
Creatinine (mmol/L) 70 (i6) 6l (13) 60 (5)
Total bilirubin (pmol/L) 1l (6) l0 (6)b 4 (2)
P (mmol/L) 1.6 (0.3) r-l (0.4) 0.9 (0.3)
Ca (mmol/L) 2.3 (0.4) 2.2 (0.r) 2.3 (0.1)
Mg (mmol/L) 0.81(0.12) 0.96 (0.04) 0.93 (0.09)
Na (mmol/L) 155 (3) 155 (l)b r 65 (3)
K (mmol/L) 4.0 (0.2) 3.8 (0.4) 3.9 (0.4)
Cl (mmol/L) r26 (l) 120 (3) 121 (4)

" Values are expressed as means (SD).

Superscript denotes a significant difference (P < 0.05) between means in Expriments 2 and 3

bination for minor surgical interventions in neous fat apparently is insufrcient to

pine martens. counteract the effect of cold weather, the
The mean doses of medetomidine-ke- rectal temperature of immobilized animals
tamine used in this study are higher than should be monitored to detect severe drug-
those reported for any other carnivore spe- induced hypothermia at low ambient tem-
cies. Preliminary studies (Arnemo, unpubl. peratures. The hypothermic effect of med-
data) showed that the doses of medetomi- etomidine-ketamine has also been reported
dine-ketamine previously reported for in raccoon dogs (Nyclereutes procyon-
mustelids2't4'r7 and other furbearersr'r2'r4 were oides),t mink(Mustela vison),2 and blue fox-
inadequate for reliable immobilization of es (Alopex lagopus).t2In mink immobilized
captive pine martens. The doses necessary with medetomidine-ketamine, normal
to effectively immobilize Mrtes species us- thermoregulation is restored after admin-
ing ketamine or xylazine-ketamine combi- istration of atipamezole.2
nations3'6'7'r0'20 are also relatively high com- The cardiovascular and respiratory re-
pared with those for other species. sponses to ketamine in clinically normal pa-
There was a considerable drop in the mean tients include an increase in heart and re-
rectal temperature of the pine martens dur- spiratory However, in combination
ing immobilization, but the hypothermic with medetomidine both parameters de-
response was most pronounced in the win- crease during immobilization in several
ter experiments. Because seasonal insula- species.r'2,12'r4'2r In pine martens, there was
tion provided by winter fur and subcuta- a significant drop in the mean heart rate in

all experiments and in the mean respiratory of 5:1. In mink2 and raccoon dogs,r dose
rate in Experiments 2 and 3. In Experiment ratios of 5:l and l0:1, respectively, have
1, the mean respiratory rate remained al- been used without causing any side effects.
most unchanged during immobilization. In carnivores, the time taken for recovery
Other cardiovascular or respiratory side ef- from medetomidine-ketamine immobili-
fects were not detected clinically, and the zalion varies among species: 20-30 min in
apneustic ketamine response reported for some small mustelids,ra approximately I hr
some speciesr're'2r was not seen in our study. in blue foxesr2'r4 and mink,2 and 1.5-3 hr
Few significant differences in the mean in snow leopards (Panthera unica),tt'ta rac-
serum chemical values were found, and none coon dogs,r and bears.ra Animals that were
of them are considered to be of clinical im- given saline instead of atipamezole in our
portance. Hyperglycemia, a well-known ef- study began to move 5l-99 min after ad-
fect ofalphar-adrenoceptor agonists, is the ministration of medetomidine-ketamine.
most prominent alteration in serum chem- The recoveries were characterized by pro-
istry in animals immobilized with mede- longed sedation, incoordination, and motor
tomidine-ketamine.13 No baseline or ref- impairment. In two individuals, complete
erence values for serum chemistry in pine recovery was not achieved until nearly 4 hr
martens are available, but the mean values after administration of medetomidine-ke-
ofglucose found in our study are higher than tamine. We therefore recommend that pine
levels seen in other carnivores during med- martens immobilized with medetomidine-
etomidine-ketamine immobilization.r2'r4 ketamine be given atipamezole to ensure a
In our study, immobilization was rapidly faster and smoother recoYery.
reversed after i.m. administration of ati-
pamezole. Because the duration of the ke- CONCLUSIONS
tamine effect probably is unaffected by ati- Medetomidine-ketamine would be an ef-
pamezole, the lower dose of ketamine in fective combination for immobilization of
Experiment 2 may have caused these ani- pine martens under field conditions because
mals to recover more quickly than did the induction is rapid after i.m. administration
animals in Experiment l. All animals in Ex- and the drugs are potent and effective in a
periments I and 2 showed signs of muscle small volume. Also, the duration and degree
rigidity and incoordination for a period of of immobilizalion are sufficient for clinical
time after mobility was regained. Such ke- examination, biological sampling, and
tamine residual effects in animals immo- medical procedures, and immobilization can
bilized with medetomidine-ketamine may be successfully reversed with atipamezole.
be seen when atipamezole is given too early Doses of 0.13-0.24 m{keof medetomidine
or when high ketamine doses are The hydrochloride in combination with 6.5-1 1.8
dose of ketamine used in the present study milkg of ketamine i.m. were safe and ef-
was higher than the maximum doses rec- fective in captive pine martens. Hypother-
ommended in mustelids and other carni- mia, bradycardia, bradypnea, and pro-
vores.r3'ta In mink immobilized with med- longed recovery are potential complications,
etomidine-ketamine, no such effects were and reversal with atipamezole hydrochlo-
seen either after early reversal or when a ride at a dose ratio relative to medetomidine
high ketamine dose was used.2 Atipamezole hydrochloride of 5: I is recommended.
is known to cause excitement when the dose
ratio of atipamezole relative to medetomi- Acknowledgments: We thank the staffof Dal
dine is too high,t2-'a and a dose ratio of 2- Research Farm for assistance during the trials
3:1 has been recommended for carni- and Orion Corp. Animal Health Division, Tur-
vores.r3'l4 However, in our study no signs ku, Finland, lor their contribution of Domitoro
of excitement were seen after a dose ratio and Antisedan@.

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