Screen Test Notes: Monica Kigozi

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Monica Kigozi

Screen test Notes

I decided to produce screen test notes in which I decided to have

individuals act/read out lines in order to find a suitable male antagonist. I
also done the same for a female protagonist. I have done this so that I can
observe each individuals body language facial expressions and
believability towards their role.
After completing my textual analysis based on the two films I looked at
which was Inception and Kingsman: The Secret Service, I decided to base
my creative artefact around them two films. I analysed these films in
terms of how micro-elements create representations for the protagonist.
Using my nine key frames, I intend to create a narrative through the use
of still images. These key frames will have to include the most important
and crucial shots of my narrative in order for the audience to understand
the concept of the sequence and in order for the frames to have
continuity. The key frames will include the representations of the women
and men in both Kingsman: The Secret Service and Inception.
The protagonist in my key frames will be a female however, she will show
different attributes to both Kingsman: The Secret Service and Inception, as
we see the female protagonists in these films having dominate and
powerful roles. In my creative artefact the female will be presented as a
damsel in distress as it is a common convention in most films. The
antagonist in my production will be a male who will prove to have more
power and dominance as it is common to have a male presented as more
powerful and dominate.
To ensure I found the perfect people to play the role of Samantha and the
masked figure/abductor I auditioned and recruited two people who
thought was best suited for the role. However, due to my sequence not
containing any dialogue I decided to audition my characters based on
stage directions.

The extract I will be using to audition my characters is from the script from
the production Out Of Revenge

The following stage directions are for the role of the masked man:
Monica Kigozi

Actor 1:
Name: Tyler Browne
Age: 16
Height: 510
Features: Black hair, dark brown eyes, black
This actor met the requirements for the character
role of the masked man He was quite nervous at
the beginning of the audition however, further into
the script he became much more confident and fluent. This gave me the
indication that he is an introverted extrovert. I didnt chose him as I
reckoned that due to his introverted traits he may no perform to his true

Actor 2:
Name: Mahmood Mansoori
Age: 16
Height: 5 9
Features: Black hair, brown eyes, Afghan
During the performance of actor 2 I was easily
able to identify his strengths and weaknesses.
Although his performance was good, I was able
to identify his weaknesses, which was emulating
realistic facial expressions. This is a drawback
due to me doing key frames therefore meaning
that my 9 key frames have to be powerful and facial expressions and
emotions are a big part. I did not choose this actor because of these
reasons, as he was not what I was looking for.
Monica Kigozi

Actor 3:
Name: Tanbir Ahmed
Age: 16
Height: 510
Features: Asian, brown
eyes, black hair
During the performance I
noticed how confident
actor 3 was, he showed
no signs of weakness
and presented excellent
facial expressions. I
naturally paired this
actor with actor 3 for the role of Samantha and I saw how well they both
acted along side each other that, which is why I chose this actor out of all
of my male choices.

The following stage directions are for the role Samantha:

Monica Kigozi

Actor 1:
Name: Naimbh Maher
Age: 16
Height: 54
Features: Blonde hair, blue eyes, Caucasian
Niambh was very confident and easy to work with.
She did everything that was asked of her and her
facial expressions as well as her emotions were
excellent. I paired Niambh and Tyler (actor 1)
together as they know each other and were very
comfortable acting alongside each other. Niambh wasnt able to present
the facial expression of fear through facial expressions and this was a
drawback due to my frames needing to show dominant facial expressions.

Actor 2:
Name: Celia Antonio
Age: 16
Height: 58
Features: Black hair, dark brown eyes, and

Celia was very confident at the beginning of

the audition until the end. As I handed out the
script before hand she was able to go through
the script in advance and know what was
required of her. Although she knew her words
she lacked good facial expressions. She is an extrovert so when filming
she tended to laugh which will make it difficult when filming as we should
stop all the time due to her not being serious.

Actor 3:
Monica Kigozi

Name: Aria Shezadi

Age: 18
Height: 53
Features: Asian, blue eyes and black hair

I paired this actor with actor number 3

(role of the masked man) and naturally I
saw a connection, her facial expressions
were presented well and it proved to be
believable. From her audition I was able to
tell how confident she was and how she
was able to improvise on the spot which what caught my attention therefore
making her my actor for the role of Samantha.

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