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1. A 500 mL beaker is half-filled with tap water.

2. The water is heated to 70-80oC.
3. An Erlenmeyer flask with a one-hole rubber stopper is inserted while waiting
the water to heat up. A 5cm piece of glass tubing is inserted into the stopper. The
stopper is inserted into the flask.
4. The water in the beaker is put on asbestos when it reaches 70-80 oC. Then the
flask is immersed into the water using a clamp.
5. The flask in the water is left for 5 minutes and the temperature of the water is
measured and recorded.
6. The exposed hole of the glass tubing is closed with finger tightly and adding
in ice at the same time to cool the water.
7. Wait for 5 minutes for the temperature of the air in the flask equal the
temperature of ice water. The temperature of water after 5 minutes is measured
and recorded.
8. The finger is released and the water is allowed to fill in the flask.
9. The hole of glass tubing is closed with finger once the water in the flask is at
the same level with water in the beaker.
10. The flask is turn over back to its original position.
11. The rubber stopper is removed and the volume of water in the flask is
measured with a graduated cylinder.
12. Tap water is filled into the flask until the water level reaches the lower part of
the rubber stopper where it was initially used to close the flask.
13. The volume of water in the flask is measured with a graduated cylinder.
14. The experiment is repeated twice.

From the experiment, it can be concluded that the relationship of
temperature and volume is thoroughly explained by Charles Law. It can be said that
the temperature and volume of gas are proportional to each other. Hence, when the
absolute temperature increases, the volume increases.

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