Myoma Case Study

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Rolish Dianne Tadique BSN 2-1

Gian Carlo Tabajonda Case Study

Myoma Of The Uterus Definition

The fibroids are benign growths of muscle tissue from the uterus. They are in the form of nodules and occur in different
parts of the uterine wall and rarely in the cervix. About a fifth of women over 35 have fibroids.

Myoma Of The Uterus Causes

Myoma is formed from cells that no longer divide properly. These cells then begin to multiply excessively. Myoma growth
depends on the function of the ovaries; children and postmenopausal women show no (new) myomas.

Myoma of The Uterus Other causes:

Hormonal disorders (increased estrogen)

The family suggests predominantly to genetic causes

External factors such as radioactive radiation may play a role

Myoma Of The Uterus Symptoms

At the beginning, the fibroids are asymptomatic

Menstrual disorders caused by: proliferation of the

uterine lining, impaired contractility of the uterus
caused by nodules on the uterine wall, disorders of
hemostatic mechanisms.

Irregular periods, intense or prolonged

In early menopause, fibroid growth may accelerate

due to increased production of estrogen, which also
causes irregular periods, heavy and thick part.

Type pain and contraction deaf tiraillantes

Myomas that develop in the peritoneal cavity are

usually asymptomatic.

When the myoma displaces adjacent organs because of its size, pain colic can occur. When the fibroid puts pressure on
the pelvis, impaired bladder function and urinary urgency may occur. If the fibroid puts pressure on the rectum, it can
result in constipation. Growth of the myoma in the lower back causes back pain.

Myoma Of The Uterus Diagnosis

History taking into account the patients symptoms

Myoma can be suspected during a routine gynecological examination

The consistency of the tumor, its relationship to the uterus and the number of nodules are suspected of
being myoma

Ultrasound examination to locate the myoma

Exploration of the uterus to rule out other tumors, polyps or abnormalities of the uterus

Exclusion of pregnancy or malignancy (tissue sample analysis)

Myoma Of The Uterus Treatment Options

Drug: hormonal treatment, that is to say, a progestin therapy, sometimes allows the absorption of the
myoma. Combined hormone therapy may be useful for a regression of myoma and to prepare for subsequent

Specific hormone by GnRH analogues.

Surgical removal of myomas by abdominal incision above

the vagina or by laparoscopy (withconcomitant abdominal exploration)

Removal of the entire uterus (hysterectomy) through the vagina or by laparotomy (abdominal incision)

Embolization (vessel sealing irrigating myoma under local anesthesia) is used to shrink themyoma

Myoma Of The Uterus Possible Complications

Approximately one third of all myomas result in potentially serious complications: infertility, recurrent miscarriages. In rare
cases, a myoma becomes malignant (approx. 0.1%). Myomas should however be subject to regular medical checks.

Uterine myomas present during pregnancy can cause miscarriage.

Examens (Diagnostic)

Anamnesis, taking account of the patients symptoms

Myoma may be suspected during a routine gynecological examination

The consistency of the tumor, its relationship with the uterus and the number of nodules are suspected of myoma

Ultrasound examination to locate the myoma

Exploration of the uterus to exclude other tumors, polyps or abnormalities of the uterus

Exclusion of pregnancy or malignancy (analyzes tissue samples)

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