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Research Proposal

Rachel Ma
2016 - 2017
Research Title

Crossing the Line: CRISPR and Lateral Gene Transfers Implications in the Modern Scientific

Overview of Research

Genome editing is an increasingly important and controversial field of study in contemporary

science. Lateral gene transfer(LGT), the natural process in which DNA is transferred between
organisms, as well as the novel CRISPR gene editing technology, are areas of interest with
pressing implications. Issues regarding the safety and ethical borders of genetic editing demand
strict guidelines for future experimentation; however, this technology potentially holds the key to
undiscovered methods of clinical therapy.

Background and History

Although the CRISPR technology has been discovered for a mere four years, the ideas changing
the human genome have been discussed for several decades. From the genetically engineered
society conjured in the novel Brave New World to the 1970s discussions of the potential behind
recombinant DNA, it is evident that humans have foreseen the development of genetic

With the recent development of CRISPR, turning theories into reality, these topics are becoming
even more heavily deliberated than before, and with reason: the potential reality of being able to
edit an organisms genome introduces both immense benefits and unknown dangers to humanity.

Problem Statement and Rationale

Currently, the CRISPR technology poses issues of reliability, safety, and ethics when
implemented on human subjects. The high possibility of off-target cuts, paired with the relatively
low-cost and easy access to the technology, requires strict rules on the qualifications necessary to
utilize the technology. Beyond current usage, CRISPR brings into question many ethical areas
needing clarification, such as embryo/parent consent limitations as well as the potential usage of
CRISPR in eugenics and creating the designer baby. However, the revolutionary benefits push
scientists in favor of CRISPR in the hopes of discovering more treatment options and therapies
for pressing diseases such as AIDS and cancer treatment. Despite the need for close monitoring,
the reach of therapies to counteract ailments will steadily grow and improve the lives of
countless patients in need.

Research Methodology

- Research Question and Hypothesis

How will CRISPR and LGT impact the current scientific frontier, and what steps should
be taken to ensure ethical compliance?

With the advancement of genome editing software CRISPR and the LGT phenomenon,
scientists will be better able to stabilize gene splicing and editing, having many impacts
on a variety of real-world applications. In the future, guidelines involving germline
cell/embryonic changes and barriers on accessibility should be implemented to prevent
the dangers of overstepping ethical boundaries.

- Basis of Hypothesis

A review of the literature suggests there is a divide on where CRISPR should go; some
are in favor of proceeding while others advocate for a strict ban of any gene editing
ventures. However, many others believe with moderation, we can attain the benefits of
CRISPR without the drastic dangers associated, which formed the question of my
research: is such a method the best solution?

- Research Design

I plan to produce a report of the current scientific literature, including experimental,

historical and comparative research. I hope to implement experimental findings in the lab
at the Institute of Genome Sciences as well.

- Operational Definitions

Ethical Codes:
Code of Ethics of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science: sets forth the
principles and standards by which Medical Laboratory Professionals and students
admitted to professional education programs practice their profession.

Product Overview
The intended products of this year of study include a scientific report on the topic, as well as
completing the CEACAM6 project at the Institute of Genome Sciences.

The experimental results aim to support the current research in the lab on LGT, and the report
intends to inform any interested individuals familiar with the field of genomics and patients who
could potentially benefit from the CRISPR technology. Evaluation of the paper can be performed
by the readers, if able to be published on a wider scale.

Logistical Considerations

For the report, few challenges are present aside from proper citation of sources. Transportation
and cost of conducting experiments will be through a parent and as a part of the Dunning Hotopp
lab at IGS.

Student Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________

G/T Resource Teacher Signature: ______________________ Date: ________________

Mentor Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________

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