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) + 2x -6y + 4z +56=0

= -25.5

Sum of the squares is always positive (for real numbers).

Here R.H.S is negative .
Hence it doesnt have any solution.
Hence locus is an empty set.

2) This question can be simply done by verification method.

logarithm is not defined for the negative values and also for zero i.e ln(x) is not
defined for x<=0.
Here the first three options give negative value for the term in brackets in the
The need to solve this kind of problems is to understand the definition and basic


Since sum of the squares cannot be negative (it is always positive or zero).
Each term must be equal to Zero simultaneously.
X-1=0 and x-2=0 and x-3=0
But this implies x=1, x=2, x=3 at a which is not possible i.e., x cannot take
values 1,2 and 3 at the same time.

4) The given answer is not correct.

Let this be equ.(1)

Consider and


Solving this two equations we get

X + Y = 2Z.
Substitute this in equ.(1).
Then we get

Substitute X = 2Y then we will get 3Y = 2Z

By using X = 2Y and 3Y = 2Z we get
X : Y : Z = 2Y : Y : 3Y/2
X : Y: Z = 4:2:3

5) cis is used as a short form in complex numbers. We can define it as a

complex function of sin and cos defined as below


1.For two solutions i.e, for same value of there should exist two xs.
Draw a line horizontal line such that it intersects the curve at exactly two points.
We can draw lines for (2,) U {0}
2.For Three solutions =2 line intersects at exactly three points.
3.similarly for four solutions (0,2).draw line =k, k(0,2)
Hence a,b and c are true.

7) Question is incomplete.

For the shortest distance between two points ( ),( )

For the shortest distance between a line ax+by+c=0 and a point ( ) is

Given as

For shortest distance between two skew lines in vector form.

r r r r r r
Let r a1 b1 and r a2 b2 be two vectors then shortest distance d is
r r
b1 b2 . a2 a1
b1 b2

There are some other formulas for shortest distances .since it is not mentioned
exactly ,I am ending the question with these formulas.

8) Some mistake had made while solving the problem. The minimum value
which you got is wrong .
I attached an image of solved problem .Due to the more consumption of time in
typing I attached the image .

After differentiating and equating to zero we get x = -1, ,1

For x = , double derivative of y is positive.

Hence minimum of y is at x =

At x = -1 , double derivative of y is negative.

Maximum of y is at x = -1

(at x=1 double derivative of y is not defined and y is which is neither minimum
nor maximum)
9) It depends on the problem and the method you are using to solve it .
Some problems are very lengthy which takes too much time to calculate. Some
of these type problems can be done by elimination methods. If the questions are
of objective type you can try by verifying the options whether they satisfy or not.
You can eliminate the options that are not satisfying the given conditions in the

10) Again attaching the solution. We can get the solution by the method
specified in the question.
We can get answer as 0.96.

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