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Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320

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Automation in Construction
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a u t c o n

An integrated system for providing mass customized housing

D. Benros, J.P. Duarte
Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper describes an integrated system for enabling the mass customization of housing. The goal is to
Accepted 15 September 2008 lower the costs through recourse to large scale, serial production while satisfying the unique requirements of
each individual household to guarantee customer satisfaction. The integrated system includes a design
Keywords: system that encodes the rules for generating customized designs and a prefab building system that makes it
Customized housing possible to construct from such designs. Integration is achieved through a computer tool that enables the
Design system
easy exploration and visualization of solutions, and automatically generates the information required for
Building system
Automated production
2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction are the Torten housing development by Walter Gropius, in Germany,

and Le Corbusier's Pessac, both designed around 1926. In both cases
This work represents an alternative to the conventional methodol- there was a desire to conceive a schema to generate affordable
ogy followed by designers of mass housing. When a designer has to housing using industrialization as a means to lower the costs [2]. The
design a large housing estate, the conventional solution is to conceive strategy was to design a few model houses that were prefabricated
a limited number of house types and then to repeat them, based on and then repeated on a large scale. Le Corbusier also was concerned
market analysis. There are two reasons for this. First, the designer with variety, but this was more focused on the urban level.
cannot design each dwelling individually due to the amount of Nevertheless, if we compare the various interiors after transforma-
information that s/he would have to process. Second, traditional tion by the inhabitants with Le Corbusier's original project, it becomes
manufacturing techniques require repetition to lower the costs. As a immediately apparent that the concept lends itself to subsequent
result houses are not tailored to their users. The aim of this work is to modication [3]. These and other approaches to the mass production
overcome this limitation by relying on cutting-edge design, construc- of houses in the period between the two world wars were mainly
tion, and information technology. Another aim is to accelerate the experimental, as the few houses built enjoyed only limited success.
housing design and building processes while improving the quality of However, after the Second World War, mass production would be
the nal solution, by customizing it to its nal users, thereby avoiding extensively used in the reconstruction of cities destroyed by air raids.
upgrading costs. In eastern Europe, centralized forms of government and egalitarian
The concept of mass production was developed by Henry Ford for societies facilitated the introduction and the spread of this production
the production of the Ford model T in the 1910s [1]. Mass production, process. Eastern European prefabricated systems were closed systems,
also called serial production, was based on the standardization of that is, the same factory produced all the required building
components and on the systematization of processes. These were components, and there was no inter-changeability among compo-
organized in such a way that a car was gradually put together along a nents from different systems. In western Europe, once the housing
production line by groups of factory workers who performed the same shortage caused by the war was overcome, this kind of production
operations over and over again. Systematic repetition of components process became unacceptable for a society increasingly concerned
and processes permitted lower costs through economies of scale. The with individual freedom and choice. It was therefore gradually
success of Henry Ford's idea was such that the automobile became abandoned.
widely accessible and mass production was adopted by other The United States also needed to build housing on a large scale
industries. after the war. The cities had not been destroyed, but the return of
From the 1920s on, architects tried to apply the paradigm to American soldiers and the consequent wave of marriages, triggered an
architecture to solve housing problems. Two well-known examples increased need for housing. The specics of American society and their
impact on market forces nevertheless led to the development of a
Corresponding author. different paradigm for the serial production of houses, called kit-of-
E-mail address: (J.P. Duarte). parts. In Europe, the adoption of closed systems prevented inter-

0926-5805/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320 311

changeability, but in the US, the desire of the builders to avoid Unlike other industries, which have emulated the automotive
becoming dependent on any given supplier made them gradually industry by gradually adopting lean production and moving towards
evolve towards open systems [4]. Such systems demanded consider- mass customization, the building industry has been slow in adopting
able coordination to integrate components from different suppliers. the new paradigm. But efforts have nevertheless been made. The work
Production costs were reduced because as each company focused on described herein is the latest step in research aimed at achieving the
the production of a single component, it was able to optimize the mass customization of housing. This research has proposed a model
process. However, communication difculties were a barrier to for the mass production of houses that encompasses three systems: a
complete integration and jeopardized cost control. design system, a building system, and a computer system. The current
In the 1960s, excessive monotony and the impersonality of mass step describes an implementation of that model.
produced housing led to the quest for new design and production Section 2 provides a brief account of the research and the specic
methods that would allow user participation and greater urban context in which the current research step evolved. Section 3 outlines
diversity. One of the most articulate and inuential examples in this the methodology used. Sections 4 and 5 describe the design system
regard was the Theory of Supports developed by John Habraken [5], in and the building system, respectively. Section 6 describes the
The Netherlands within the SAR1 group. The theory distinguished structure and the output of the computer system. Finally, Section 7
between support and inll. The support was the rigid part of the discusses the results, presents the conclusions and outlines topics for
building that households agreed not to change. It included the future research.
structure and the infrastructure. The inll was the exible part that
could be modied afterwards. Design followed a precise method that 2. Precedents
included a tartan grid and the denition of three functional zones
parallel to the facades: two at the ends, where the main rooms were In a paper called Design Machines, George Stiny and Lionel
located, and one in the middle for service areas. Each of these was March [12] proposed a theoretical model for the automated produc-
bordered by secondary zones that could be used for circulation, tion of artefacts. The model foresaw the automation of both design
verandas, or additional area. The method provided a set of rules that and fabrication. This model was implemented by Duarte and
could be used in the design of various solutions, thereby allowing a Simondetti [13] and then further rened by Wang and Duarte [14]
certain degree of customization. who developed a computer program that permitted the generation of
In the 1970s, the concern with user participation and housing 3-dimensional abstract objects using shape grammars [15,16] and the
customization found favourable ground in Portugal. To cope with an fabrication of the corresponding physical models using rapid
increasing housing shortage the government launched a program prototyping.
named SAAL,2 which foresaw that teams of architects and engineers In the meantime, Duarte [17,18] proposed a general model for the
would work with households in the design and construction of their mass customization of housing that foresaw the integration of design
houses. So, when lvaro Siza was commissioned to design a large and production systems using computers. The key idea underlying the
estate in vora in 1977, he interpreted local house types to devise a model was that the design and construction systems codied a house
schema based on an intuitive set of rules that permitted the design of type. The underlying notion of type was the one provided by Habraken
expandable house types, according to user needs [6]. The result was a [19] who dened type as the synthesis of three systems: a spatial and
neighbourhood of diverse houses that has visual coherence, even after functional system, a structural and construction system, and a stylistic
additions and alterations have been made to houses over the years. system. These systems reect a set of social values and technological
Meanwhile, Henry Ford's mass production paradigm became know-how that constrain the prevalent ways of living, building and
gradually outdated in a society obsessed with individual consumer- embellishing the dwelling in a given culture.
ism. The 1970s saw a new paradigm emerge in the automotive Later on, Duarte [20,21] proposed a detailed model for the
industry with Toyota, the so-called lean production [7]. Lean implementation of the design system into a computer program that
production aims at reducing production time and cost by avoiding would generate housing designs in a given language that matched
the waste that exists in serial production. One way of achieving this is given criteria. This model used description grammars [22] and shape
by using just-in-time (JIT) production, which decreases the need for grammars as the technical devices for encoding the rules of the design
storage spaces as parts are produced only when an order has been system. The model was illustrated with an implementation developed
placed. This is accomplished with information systems that link the for the houses designed by Alvaro Siza at Malagueira, mentioned
client directly to the factory. JIT production enables higher levels of above. However, the link between design and fabrication foreseen in
customization as customer satisfaction is no longer dependent on the general model had yet to be implemented. The goal of the research
existing stocks. Another aspect of lean production is avoidance of the described in this paper was to establish such a link. In the effort to do
assembly line. In lean production, small teams of workers gather this, shape grammars were eventually replaced by parametric design
around the object and perform all the required operations. Performing as the means for encoding the rule system, because it facilitates
varied, instead of repetitive, task, fosters motivation and productivity. computer implementation, as will be discussed in the concluding
The use of lean production led to Toyota becoming the world's main section. A shorter, less detailed version of this paper was presented at
car manufacturer. CAAD Futures 07 [23].
With the development of lean production, another paradigm has The economic potential, the opportunity for solving certain social
slowly emerged. This paradigm was anticipated by Alvin Tofer in his problems and the technical challenge involved, mean that mass
1970 book Future's shock [8] and further detailed in The third customization has stimulated additional interest in architecture,
wave, published in 1980 [9]. This new paradigm was called mass engineering, and construction in general, and in design computation,
customization by Stanley Davis in his 1987 book Future perfect, [10] in particular, and has emerged as a mainstream research topic in
but the methods for achieving mass customization were only recent years. For other approaches to the mass customization of
systematized by Joseph Pine in 1993 [11]. housing see Sass and Oxman [24], Sass and Botha [25], Sass [26],
Noguchi [27,28], and Noguchi and Hrnandez [29].

3. Problem and methodology
SAR Stichting Architecten Reserch in Dutch, meaning Architects Foundation
Research in English.
SAAL Servio Ambulatrio de Apoio Local in Portuguese, meaning Local Support The motivation for the research came through Ove Arup in London.
Ambulatory Service in English. Arup was concerned with solving the problem of the British rm
312 D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320

Kingspan, which produced a sophisticated building system based on 4. Design system

metal components. The richness of the system allowed construction of
a variety of buildings, but its inherent complexity caused several The design system used as a basis for this work was developed as a
difculties. The huge number of different components made it difcult design concept for an entry to a mass housing competition in Ceuta in
to grasp the system and tedious and time-consuming to develop the 1994. It was rst published by Actar in a collection of different
construction drawings. This prevented architects using it in practice, European housing solutions called New alternatives, new systems.
thereby diminishing its market potential. The solution was to develop [30]. The proposal consisted of a methodology for designing mass
a housing system based on Kingspan's building system that permitted housing for social purposes or to be affordable based on Habraken's
mass production of customized housing, and so encouraging archi- theory of supports. The ABC design system was named after the
tects to adopt it in an innovative business model. Spanish words' initials Armario, Bao, and Cocina as mentioned above,
Due to time constraints, however, it was not feasible to develop a which suggests part of the generic architectural concept [31].
new design system. Therefore, the solution was to look for an existing The concept started as an urban planning proposal in which long
system that fullled the intended goals the generation of a range of rows of buildings divided the site into alternate areas for private use
dwellings and was compatible with the Kingspan building system, and public circulation (Fig. 1). The ground level was detached from the
thereby making it possible to demonstrate the proposed business ground and the few points of connection included vertical accesses,
model to the client. This system was the ABC system conceived by the structure, and facilities. The three upper oors were destined for
Spanish architect Manuel Gausa, the leader of Actar, a publishing housing. The oors were organized in an almost conventional manner.
house dedicated to the publication of design and conceptual work On each building oor the housing was distributed to the left and right
with innovative approaches to architecture. of the main circulation core that did not anticipate the innovative
Research involved three stages: rst, the inference of the design design of each dwelling. This emerged from the initial division of the
and building rule systems; second, the encoding of this system into a space bounded by the peripheral wall, free of any supporting
computer program; and third, the assessment of the program. structure, into four functional zones. Inside the independent house-
The rst work stage combined the selection, study, and adjustment holds the larger outer zones were adjacent to the opposite facades,
of the design system to the Kingspan building system. The design thereby enjoying the benet of direct day-lighting, ventilation, and
system was adapted from the ABC design system conceived by Manuel views. The smaller inner zones were connected to the vertical access
Gausa, The system takes its name from the acronym of the functional and to the distribution hall. These zones hosted preferential functional
units used in the design of dwellings: closet, bathroom, and kitchen spaces. The outer zones were primarily destined for living spaces such
(Armario, Bao and Cocina in Spanish). It is the placement of these as living rooms, dining rooms, ofces, and bedrooms. The inner zones
units within a column-free oor area according to a predened set of were particularly suitable for circulation, storage, or service areas such
rules that permits the generation of different layouts. as entrance halls, closets, bathrooms, and kitchens.
The Kingspan system is a prefabricated building system that has The space bounded by the peripheral wall of the dwellings was free
two main features, a cold-formed steel structure and an envelope of any supporting elements, as the structure was limited to this wall
constructed with standard nishing elements. It is a complete system and to the circulation core. The most remarkable feature of the system
that can become too complex, hence the difculties penetrating the is spatial division. The spaces and rooms connect to each other,
architectural market. Nevertheless, it is a versatile building schema thereby remaining uid and somewhat open. The transition or
with high dimensional tolerances. It can be adapted to different delimitation between adjacent spaces avoids any conventional
geometries and its modular characteristics also permit the use of other method such as doors, dividers, or partitions. Instead, it uses the
standard nishing materials and envelope solutions. There are some concept of functional modules. These are of three kinds: closet,
constraints on the number of oors and maximum span. For instance, kitchen and bathroom. The idea is to concentrate the functions
the maximum number of oors is 6, and the pillar and beam grid required for particular service spaces in prefabricated elements. These
cannot exceed 16 4.5 3 m (length width height). elements can be customized in size and in the arrangement of the
These constraints are not as strict as those of the design system and appliances they contain. The placement of these modules will
so combining the two systems presented no particular difculties. Part ultimately dene and delimit rooms (Fig. 2). They are perpendicular
of the task here was to enlarge the scope of design solutions to take to the facades and to the primary division of zones. The space around
full advantage of the building system and increase the potential for them remains owing and open, since they were conceived as hard
generating customized houses. As a result, the lower and upper limits elements in a surrounding uid space. [30] They can be seen
of oor area, number of bedrooms, and number of oors were simultaneously as walls, xed furniture, partitions, or as Gausa puts it,
stretched. Gausa's original schema foresaw apartments with between equipped walls [30].
one and three bedrooms and buildings with four oors. After the
alterations, the size of the dwellings ranged from studios to four-
bedroom apartments, with areas varying from 50 m2 to 150 m2, and
the height of the building varied from two to six oors.
The rules of both the design and the construction systems were
identied and systematized, and then encoded into the computer
program. The computer tool was created to run in AutoCAD 2006, a
CAD application commonly used by designers worldwide. The script
was written in AutoLISP, a dialect of LISP programming language
tailored to Autocad. The program was developed in a modular fashion
to facilitate coding and debugging. Each module contains a different
function that runs separately or together with the rest of the program.
The program operates in three stages. The rst is targeted at the
development of the 3D model of the dwelling and the building; the
second stage aims to create two-dimensional representations; and the
third stage consists of counting and listing all the construction
elements required for erecting the building. The program's structure Fig. 1. Urban design plan of the ABC system proposal submitted to the Ceuta
and operation is explained in Section 5. competition in 1994.
D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320 313

Fig. 2. Sample of dwellings generated according to the ABC design system; the layouts are dened by the placement of three functional units: closet, bathroom, and kitchen (Armrio,
Bao, and Cocina in Spanish).

The Actar team did not submit a conventional design to the modular matrix, maintaining, however, a hierarchy where living
competition. However, it is not completely accurate to say that they spaces are larger and adjacent to fenestrations and service spaces are
presented a design system since they did not dene an explicit specic smaller and central. Spatial adjacency rules derive from the placement
set of rules. Instead, they presented a diagram showing possible of functional units within these zones, which determines the
variations of the layout and facade (Fig. 3). Almost resembling a boundaries and dimensions of spaces. Fig. 4 summarizes possible
musical score, this diagram showed how the variations could be placements of functional units. It shows that units can be placed in
obtained by combining functional modules within housing units and three different positions in each functional zone: on the left, on the
within the building. But the diagram did explicitly show the right, or in the middle. A fourth alternative is to have no unit, thereby
generative principles behind the various designs. This meant that leaving the zone empty. Since functional units serve as boundaries and
considerable effort was needed to obtain the set of rules and determine spatial dimensioning, they also use modular measure-
organizing them into a coherent design system that could be coded ments that are multiples of 0.80 m.
into a computer program. Some of the rules could be immediately Gausa's original design concept envisaged freely combining adjacent
extracted from the design, whereas others required a deeper spaces so as to maintain spatial uidity. To help the user to design
geometrical analysis. At the end, three different classes of rules dwellings, the computer program was structured so that the user was
could be identied, related to spatial proportioning, adjacency, and guided sequentially from zone to zone, starting in Zone 1 and ending in
spatial connement. Zone 4. Thus, the sleeping zone is the rst to be designed and detailed
The basic feature of spatial proportioning is the use of a 0.80 m and it can include functional units such as bathrooms (ensuite or not)
modular measurement. This key measurement was established from and closets (simple or walk-in). The next zone corresponds to the main
the minimum door width and then transposed to other spatial access area and it can include similar functional units, as well as
elements, including the standard perimeter of the dwellings. To distribution spaces. Zones 3 and 4 are the only ones that can host
increase the range of design solutions, other dwelling sizes also were kitchens, and therefore the social area of the dwelling, as well as
considered, but these were always multiples of the module. Accord- bathrooms. These rules provide 1470 different basic apartment
ingly, each of the four functional zones can be subdivided into a solutions, calculated as follows: 735 (=7 5 3 7) solutions with the

Fig. 3. Compositional grid submitted to the Ceuta competition to illustrate possible combinations of functional units for dwelling layouts; the top row shows layouts in plane and the
one below shows the corresponding elevation.
314 D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320

Fig. 4. Matrix illustrating several possibilities for placing functional units according to the spatial proportioning and adjacency rules. Legend: A closet, B bathroom, C
kitchen, open-space.

kitchen in Zone 3, and another 735 solutions (=7 5 7 3) with the walls and doors are positioned to conne different rooms. In the
kitchen in Zone 4, thereby avoiding solutions with two kitchens and diagram functional units are represented by vertical rectangles.
solutions with no kitchen at all. This then yields 540,225 (=735 735) The crossover functional units represent any kind of service, while the
different oor solutions with two apartments per oor and, nally, bathroom is clearly represented. Secluded kitchens can be free-standing,
540,225 power 6 different building solutions, considering that the wall-free elements, but bathrooms are always closed, even when services
possible number of oors is 6. The total number of solutions is even are adjacent to each other (i.e. kitchen and bathroom). In this case, a
larger, however, if one considers rules for conning spaces. partition separates the two spaces. Partitions are automatically placed by
Although Gausa intended spaces to remain open and uid, some the computer tool after the spaces are dened by the user.
needed to be conned for reasons of privacy, comfort or hygiene, such The design of the facade is a reection of the layout of inner spaces.
as kitchens and bathrooms. For this reason, some spaces were This means that the placement of the functional units predetermines the
delimited by walls or partitions and connected by conventional placement of opaque facade panels, and a colour code associated with
doors, in our version of the system. The spatial connement rules are the unit type is used for the panel. The remaining facade panels consist of
summarized in the diagram in Fig. 5. The diagram illustrates how transparent glass windows to provide natural lighting and ventilation.

Fig. 5. Matrix showing several possibilities for creating spaces by placing partitions and doors according to the spatial connement rules.
D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320 315

5. Building system

The building system was developed and patented by the British

rm Kingspan. It is a light-weight system that incorporates structural,
framing, and lining systems.
The structural system is composed of galvanized steel elements
that form an orthogonal, pillar and beam supporting frame. These
elements are manufactured by cold-forming or simply by hot rollers
and made into linear elements with diverse standard sections. They
form a three-dimensional modular grid with maximum spans of
4.5 m 16.0 m 3.5 m for the width, length, and height, respectively, as
shown in Fig. 6. The structural system can support up to six storeys, but
structural reinforcement is recommended for more than three storeys.
The framing system reinforces the structural system and provides
the structure for slabs and walls. It is formed by cold-rolled galvanized
studs with a C-shaped cross-section that are placed no more than
0.80 m apart. In walls, they are complemented by frames around doors
and windows. Slabs are also designed as light elements composed
once more by a framing system of small sized C-shaped elements
spaced at even intervals. Corrugated steel sheets are placed on top of
these elements. This group of elements is then consolidated by a layer
of light concrete, poured on site, which will stabilize and atten the
oor surface for the application of the oor nish.
The structural and the framing systems were both designed to
incorporate various infrastructural elements, such as ducts and pipes
used for gas, electricity, and water supply or sewage drainage. This
feature permits exible design and assembly of elements on site.
The lining system depends on the choices of the designer and the
specics of a particular design. It was designed to adapt to various
layouts and to include most of the standard nishing products available
on the market, including those by other manufacturers. This means that
it is an open system that permits inter-changeability of standard
components. For this particular project coloured glass-bre reinforced
concrete panels and aluminium window frames were chosen for the
facade, and prefabricated concrete panels for the side walls. The interior
walls and ceilings are nished with plasterboard, and the oor is levelled
with a layer of light concrete, nished with wooden boards in living and
circulation spaces, and with tiles in wet spaces.
In brief, the features of the building system made it suitable for
integration with the design system, without requiring any alterations.
In addition, it provided an affordable way of materializing the design.
Fig. 7. Structure and ow diagram of the computer program.

Fig. 6. Structural and framing system from the Kingspan building system: typical prefabricated grid with maximum dimensions (left), and details of the connections (right).
316 D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320

6. Computer system Create, Modify and Leave cycle. The Create function generates a
candidate building design. First it denes the design brief by enquiring
The design and the construction systems are integrated using a about general building features such as location, number of oors, and
computer program to assist the designer in the conception of oor height. Then it activates the function Createoor, which will run
dwellings compliant with the design rules and in the production of repeatedly until the specied number of oors is achieved. This
the corresponding construction documents. Some of the major function is responsible for the design of common spaces, including
shortcomings of previous design systems stemmed from difculties stairs, lifts, and circulation, as well as for the design of dwellings, from
in applying their rule sets accurately and efciently, because they the left to the right, and from the ground to the top oor. For each
were often too large and complicated. This aw was overcome in the dwelling, the user has to specify the number of bedrooms, which is
current case by incorporating design rules into the computer program then used to display the corresponding area range, for user selection.
that deal with spatial proportions, functionality, salubriousness, Inside each dwelling, the interior layout and spatial distribution will
structural stability, and other rules covered by building codes. This be dened sequentially from Zone 1 to Zone 4.
frees the designer from the burden of having to constantly watch out Design at this stage is assisted by the functions LayoutN and
for such rules, thereby allowing him or her to concentrate on DesignspaceN (N standing for the specic zone number). The former is
satisfying more specic client requirements. This program helps the responsible for the placement of the perimeter wall of each individual
designer to generate the design brief and develop the 3D model of the dwelling, and the latter for the design of each zone. DesignspaceN
corresponding solution. It ultimately yields technical drawings and a depends directly on the functions Kitchenunit, WCunit, and Closetu-
detailed list of parts required for construction. The structure of this nit, which generate one of the three typologies of functional units to
computer program and its outputs are described below. equip each dwelling with the basic services, namely, kitchen, bath-
The program encodes the rules of both the design and the building room, and closet. It prompts the user to select functional units and to
systems using a parametric design approach for knowledge repre- specify their exact location within the zone. In doing so, it takes into
sentation. This means that a set of variables and mathematical account the units that are appropriate to the zone and adjacency rules,
equations is used to represent shapes and spatial relations. It also so that it only presents feasible solutions for user selection. Moreover,
encodes building regulations and know-how principles to avoid it reminds the user of the need to include basic functions, such as
awkward situations. When the design brief has been settled, values kitchens and bathrooms, in the right size and number. If the user does
are assigned to the variables, either directly or indirectly, thus not satisfy such a need, it will suggest a placement, to comply with
determining the shape and dimensions of architectural and construc- regulations and guarantee minimum dwelling quality. Once the
tion elements, as well as the overall conguration. As already dwelling can no longer accommodate more functional units and
mentioned in Section 3, the program was encoded in Autolisp, the rooms, the computer displays a popup message concluding the design
scripting language of Autocad, using the Visual Lisp editor. This of that dwelling. Then it completes the design by assessing the
platform was chosen to implement the design system because of the resulting spatial distribution and placing appropriate boundary
exibility of the design language, the simplicity of the editor, and the elements between spaces doors, sliding walls, or partitions. Once
widespread use of Autocad. the dwelling is completed, the function Designrightap is used to
The structure and diagram ow of the computer program, shown design the apartment on the right hand side of the oor. This function
in Fig. 7, mirrors the spatial structure of the building. It has several will be responsible for retrieving the choices made in the design of the
oors, each comprising two dwellings (left and right), each with apartment on the left-hand side before recalling the design and layout
several functional units (one kitchen unit and one or more bathroom functions just described to design the new apartment. Variables such
or closet units), and it encompasses different functions. The main one, as area and number of bedrooms, or choices related to layout,
called ABC, is responsible for activating the program and initiating the perimeter wall and spatial distribution will constrain the design of this

Fig. 8. A 3D model of the evolving design is displayed in real time to facilitate assessment and decision-making.
D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320 317

Fig. 9. Output of the computer program: 2D drawings, including plans (top), and sections and elevations (bottom).

apartment, therefore retrieving this information is crucial. In the This function will call sub-functions like I-beam, C-stud, and other
design of the right hand apartment, messages are displayed at each sub-functions that parametrically model building elements according
step in the computation to inform the user about the available options. to their specications and are used to dimension and insert them in
Once the oor is completed, the KStructure function is used to the right position. A 3D structural grid based on the Kingspan building
dene and dimension the building system to t the generated design. system is generated ready-adjusted to the elements already designed.

Fig. 10. Output of the computer program: bill of construction elements, used for budgeting and manufacturing purposes.
318 D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320

Fig. 11. Output of the computer program: a 3D model that can be used for producing rendered images (above) and physical models using rapid prototyping.

Structural elements are placed abutting existing perimeter walls and the budget and the specications brief. It also can be used for the
partitions to keep the space uid and to clear circulation areas of automatic production of prefabricated elements with the specied
obstacles. dimensions in the right quantity. The budget is a quick way of
Similarly, the function Facade is used to clad the facade according assessing the feasibility of the design, which can aid both the client
to the inner placement of functional units. This means that opaque and the designer during the design decision-making stage.
panels with the same colour used in functional units are placed on the
facade aligned with such units. Facade is also used for designing and 7. Discussion and conclusion
modelling window frames, glass panels, and structural studs by means
of sub-functions such as C-stud, Window and Glass. These elements, This paper describes the latest development in research aimed at
modelled with standard dimensions according to the matrix module, devising a framework for the mass customization of housing. Previous
are assembled with a secondary structure of transoms supported on research has proposed a general theoretical model that encompassed
the main structure. The process is then repeated for each oor until a design system, a building system, and a computer system. The design
the specied number of oors is reached. The generation of the 3D system encoded the rules for composing design solutions, whereas the
model ends with the placement of the roof on the top oor by the building system specied how to produce them. The computer system
function Roof and the display of a message informing the user that the was used to control and integrate the two systems using computer
design has been completed. aided design and manufacturing. Previous research also proposed a
The design process can be monitored by the designer and client in detailed model for the implementation of the design system, but the
real time since the three-dimensional model of the design is created as link between design and fabrication was yet to be implemented.
the decision-making process evolves (Fig. 8). This facilitates the Current research establishes this connection by implementing a
modication of undesired solutions or the comparison of different computer system that links existing design and building systems.
ones, which are enabled by activating the Modify function or the In addition, there are six important differences between the
Create function, respectively. Once the user and the client are satised current and the earlier project.
with the design, they can exit the program by activating the Leave First, the previous project used a shape grammar to codify the rules
function. Previously saved solutions can be later retrieved and of the design system, whereas the current one relies on parametric
modied as well. design. A shape grammars is a well-dened formalism that facilitates
There are three different outputs of the computer program: the the process of devising, structuring, and applying rule systems for
three-dimensional model just mentioned, but also bi-dimensional design. However, a shape grammar is difcult and time-consuming to
drawings, (Fig. 9) and bills of quantities (Fig. 10). The main purpose of implement in the computer because it requires the solution to difcult
the three-dimensional model is to facilitate visualization and assess- technical problems linked to shape recognition and rule application.
ment of the design by the designer and the client, and this can take On the other hand, parametric design neither offers a clear way of
several forms with increasing levels of sophistication. It can be used structuring a design system, nor does it provide a logical explanation
for immediate visualization within Autocad, it can be exported into of how designs are generated, instead it relies on the design rules'
rendering software to obtain photo-realistic views (Fig. 11), or into a capacity or on the design system creator's vision. Nevertheless, it is
virtual reality system for virtual walk-throughs. It also can be utilized much easier to implement and apply in the computer. Because the
to generate a physical model using a rapid prototyping machine. The design system used in the current research was devised for the
two-dimensional drawings can be used as licensing and planning purpose by the architect, its rules were fairly clear, making it
application drawings for the design to be approved by the town hall, straightforward to develop a parametric model.
or as construction drawings to guide the construction of the building, Second, the previous project envisaged a clear separation between
following standard procedures. the generation of the design brief and the derivation of a matching
The bill of quantities is a complete list of the construction elements solution, whereas the current one does not. This separation allowed
required to build the design and it is used to facilitate budgeting and greater exibility in the specication of the design brief, but implied
manufacturing. For each element modelled by the computer, a record that the user only saw the impact of the decisions made during the
is inserted in an Autolisp list. Each record contains a number specication process after the program generating the corresponding
identifying the particular element, a code specifying the type of solution. By having the 3D model evolve as the user makes his/her
element, and values with its dimensions in the design. This list is choices, it is possible to visualize and correct the result immediately,
converted by the function Record and saved in .xls, the standard Excel thereby facilitating the generation of designs tailored to family needs.
le format, and in .txt. The converted list can be used for generating But in the previous project the design brief formulation system could
D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320 319

be used in combination with other design solution generation program is lower, when one is not concerned with developing a
systems, making it a wider purpose system. The current system is, general purpose system and is working on a tight schedule.
from this viewpoint, narrower in scope. The proposed framework is a viable alternative to conventional
Third, in the computer implementation of the previous project, design methodologies and relies on a design tool that integrates
there was a separation between the rules of the design system and the architectural design and building construction. This tool facilitates
rule application engine. These were encoded separately. The engine several of the tasks involved in the provision of housing. At the
relied on the Java Expert System Shell and could be used together with conceptual design stage, it facilitates the exploration and visualization
other rule sets. Although, the rules were specic to the design system, of solutions, thereby allowing the solutions to be tailored to their
they could be combined or inserted in other rule sets and re-used in users. At the detail design stage, it supports and accelerates the
other design systems. On the other hand, the implementation of the execution of repetitive tasks, such as construction drawings, specica-
current project was specic to the given design and building systems tions, and budget. At the production stage, it permits the production of
and could not be carried on to other systems, at least not without differentiated building parts using automated manufacturing pro-
manipulating the code. However, the methodologies used for cesses. Thus, the proposed framework also overcomes some of the
developing both systems could be extrapolated and used in the difculties connected to previous construction paradigms. Compared
elaboration of other customized mass housing systems, as discussed with handcrafted processes, the use of industrialized methods of
below. production saves time and permits better cost and quality control.
Fourth, in the previous project, the application of the shape When compared with traditional prefabrication methods, the use of
grammar rules was exible. That is, there was no rigid sequence automated manufacturing avoids excessive repetition and permits
of rule application. In the current project, the design process is just-in-time production, thereby overriding the need to maintain
constrained in a localized, sequential way: within a building, design extensive stocks.
proceeds oor by oor; within a oor, from the left to the right Results show that the combined use of exible design, data
apartment; and within an apartment from zone 1 to zone 4. It may communication, manufacturing and industrialized building processes
be possible to change the current implementation to make it more amounts to a successful way of customizing mass housing and
exible so that the user could work on the different parts of the increasing building quality. In the current case, time constrains meant
building alternately. But after a certain point the program could that efforts were made to use pre-existing design and building
become too complex and difcult to manage because parametric systems to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed framework. This
design requires a rigid overall program structure. In this case, it would required adjustment of the design system to make it compatible with
be probably easier to use shape grammars instead. the building system. For this reason, the abstract design elements and
Fifth, the previous project used full design automation, which physical building components did not fully correspond with one
allowed the client to manipulate it, whereas the current one is mainly another. However, it is possible to develop design and building
targeted at the architect. As a result, it was developed as a design systems from scratch in which such correspondence is better. In this
support tool and the level of automation is noticeably lower. This case, it might be possible to take the features and qualities of the
avoided complex technical problems, such as shape recognition and fabrication methods into account in the conception of the design
optimization, and made programming easier. Additionally, because system, thereby achieving greater integration of the two. Preliminary
the architect is not bypassed, the tool is more likely to be appreciated work in this direction is already underway at the digital fabrication
by the architectural community. group at MIT by Larry Sass and Terry Knight, focusing on mono-
Sixth, the universe of design solutions in the previous project was material systems for small housing types [32,33]. This work opens up
considerably bigger. It encompassed millions of different layouts for an interesting line of research but it remains unclear how it can be
the rst oor alone, whereas in the current project there are only applied to larger housing types, such as the one addressed in this
hundreds of possible different apartments. Given the size of the paper. It might be difcult to maintain a straight correspondence
solution range in the current project, the development of a grammar- between design and building components beyond a certain scale.
based implementation could not be justied, even if there were no In the proposed framework, the designer creates a system, rather
time constraints. If the solution base increased, the scenario could than a specic design. One drawback is the time and cost involved
change. A larger universe of solutions could imply a wider range of in the development of the integrated system and its computer
parameter values, more parameters, or even more programming implementation, when compared with traditional approaches. Our
functions. For the last two cases, coding could require too many experience shows that it requires a larger investment at the
conditional expressions to control the program ow and, therefore, conception stage, i.e. in the design of the design system to devise
become too complex. In this scenario, the use of shape grammars and clarify the rules and to guarantee that they can yield varied
would be more appropriate. Shape grammars have devices embedded solutions. It also requires a larger investment in the development and
in the rules, such as pattern recognition, labels, and descriptions, testing of the computer implementation, resulting in a time-consum-
which allow computation control on a local level. They avoid complex ing and costly process. However, the investment can be recovered at
centralized forms of control and dispersed external control devices, the application stage, when the tool is used to customize the design
thereby making it easier to develop the implementation incremen- and to generate the information required for its production. Whether
tally. Nevertheless, the solution base of the current system could be the balance is positive depends largely on the size of the universe of
still considerably enlarged to increase diversity and the opportunity design solutions and on the scale of the project. In short, there is no
for customization within the parametric design paradigm. point in developing an integrated system that can yield only a few
In brief, although the shape grammar-based implementation of the differentiated solutions, as there is no point in going to these lengths if
previous design system was successful, the use of shape grammars only a few solutions will be required. In these cases, it is less time-
was avoided because parametric design t the goals and constraints of consuming and probably cheaper, and therefore wiser, to follow a
the current project better. Full design automation was not a goal, the traditional approach.
universe of design solutions was relatively small, and there were The proposed framework raises issues of authorship. Who is the
signicant time constraints. To put it simply, shape grammars are author of a housing solution developed with the integrated system:
more powerful at representing expert's knowledge, they are more the designers of the design, the building, and the computer systems,
exible and better suited to develop general purpose systems, but or the designer who uses the integrated system? Authorship is a
they are more demanding in terms of implementation. Parametric secondary issue; the main issue is to guarantee affordable, quality
design is more suitable when the level of intelligence of the desired housing. Authorship issues do nonetheless raise economic and legal
320 D. Benros, J.P. Duarte / Automation in Construction 18 (2009) 310320

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