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1. DD fotopsia apa aja?

Posterior vitreous detachment

Migraine with aura
Migraine aura without headache
Retinal break/detachment

2. Indikasi pneumatic retinopexy? Kpn buckling? Kpn vitrektomi?

Timingnya kpn?
Cth: pd perdarahan vitreus, apakah diberikan obat dulu/ kemudian
dioperasi/ obat kmudian ditunggu?

In general, the best candidates for pneumatic retinopexy are those who have a single retinal
break or group of retinal breaks that are not larger than 1 clock hour (30) and that are located
in the superior 8 clock hours of the globe. Furthermore, the patient must have the ability to
maintain a proper head position for at least 16 hours per day for 5 days or more.

Patients with a retinal detachment not satisfying these criteria are expected to have much
poorer responses to pneumatic retinopexy than those who do. Predictors of treatment failure
for pneumatic retinopexy include eyes with a vitreous hemorrhage, a retinal detachment
extending more than 4.5 clock hours, pseudophakia, proliferative vitreoretinopathy, visible
vitreous traction on a tear, and/or a retinal break greater than 1 clock hour. [13, 14, 15]

A 2015 report highlighted the value of rescue pneumatic retinopexy in patients with failed
primary scleral buckle or vitrectomy for retinal detachment. [16]

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