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Upgrade BSC Software

Go to directory D:\V900R014C00SPC556\remoteclient
Open RemoteClient_eng

Point into NE List then right click choose Add NE

Fill NE Name and External Virtual IP Address, then click OK

Choose Active
Choose Upgrade
Password for Admin : ask Telkomsel (OSS or RAO Jakarta)
Click Next

Fill in Intermediate Version : V900R012C01SPC500

Password for user root the active OMU : 11111111
Click Next
Click OK

Browse the new license file (R13 license) from the directory that
you put in
Click Upload installation package files
Upload Software Version V900R013C00SPC500
Click OK

Upload Intermediate Software Version V900R012C01SPC500

Click OK
Click OK
Pre-upgrade Phase Connecting to Tool Server

Pre-upgrade Phase Installing OMU

Pre-upgrade Phase Upgrading OMU

Pre-upgrade Phase Exporting MML script

Pre-upgrade Phase Upgrading OMU

Pre-upgrade Phase Check report Pre upgrade
Click NEXT


Click YES
Execution Phase Downloading board file

Execution Phase Stopping BSC software

Execution Phase Starting OMU service

Execution Phase Activating OMU

Execution Phase Formatting all data

Execution Phase Are you sure to reset the host now?

Click OK
Click Yes

Execution Phase Resetting controller HOST

After BSC restart

Execution Phase Checking the state of board
Execution Phase Checking data

Execution Phase validate the services are normal or not

Click Yes if normal
Check Report

Report Result
Stopping Tool Server

Operation finish
Click Finish then Click Yes

BSC6000 already upgrade to BSC6900R13C00SP550

Data relocating for M2000 (stop)

Checking Whether the Upgrade Task is Complete
Run command : upgradeClient queryTasks

Stop The Upgrade Server service

Run command : stop_UpgradeServer

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