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Blog Task #3:

Indigenous Culture in Like Water For Chocolate

Answer the following questions in full sentences . Use textual evidence wherever
possible, being as specific as you can!

1. Based on Archeologist Dr. Jago Coopers documentary Lost Kingdoms of South

America: People of the Clouds , what interesting facts can you recall about the
people, culture and landscape of South America?

First of all, Chachapoya culture and our cultures is very different. For example, they
believed that they should collected mummies body and put in their home. Soul in
Mummies is part of their family which in our culture, putting mummies inside our home is
very creepy and scared. Chachapoya or Warriors of the clouds lives in the mountain
close to river.

2. Chapter 6 of LWFC demonstrates the relationship between Indigenous culture and

Western influences in South America. Find a quotation in Chapter 6 that provides us with
a window into this relationship. Write a short paragraph explaining the significance of this

In this passage, As she work, she felt proud of herself for being up to-date with
the best scientific knowledge, which allowed her to protect her family health using an
appropriate modern method--- not like the Kikapu and her herbs they demonstrates the
very big gap in relationship between Indigenous culture and Western influences. In newer
generations, they got brainwashed by new cultures and belief, old cultures tend to gone
slowly slowly and finally disappear. In my opinions, being up to-date with best technology
and knowledge isnt bad, also isnt good. We should learn both old culture and new one
then decided which one suits over generations more.

3. Despite the overwhelming presence of new religious beliefs in the Americas, The
Native American Code of Ethics is much older than many of these religions; some believe
it to be over 10,000 years old! Follow this link to read the Native American Code of Ethics
and read through them. Choose one law that Morning Light demonstrates, and one that
you think Tita would benefit most from following. Explain your reasoning. (/2K /2I /1C)

Morning Light: 5. Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the
wilderness or from a culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.

In my opinions, I think that Morning Lights would refers to number 5 of Native

American code of Ethics, because of what Dr. Brown's grandfather had done to her.
Which is capture her and lives far away from her tribe. Morning Light doesnt agrees to
move or leave with Dr. Brown;s grandfather. People is a people, they have their own lives.
Morning Lights belong to
Tita benefit: 3. Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others to make your path for
you. It is your road, and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it
for you.

In my opinions, I think that Tita would benefit in number 3 of Native American code
of Ethics, because before Tita is being commanded by her mother, Mama Elena, to do
things in her lives. She cant think of her own, instead theres Mama Elena who give her
command. After she was moving to stayed with Dr. Brown. She have her freedoms back,
she can do whatever shes willing to. Its good that mother take care of their child and
wanted them to have good future, but too much isnt good. There should be a limits for
care and directions we gave to our children. Sometimes, we need them to survive for their
own because as the quote above state Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk
it for you. So Tita need to know how to survive by her self not by Mama Elena
commanding her. And sometimes its even worst when we can do is to obey her

4. Chapter 6 of LWFC has an extended metaphor. What is an extended metaphor ? Write

a paragraph identifying the extended metaphor, using quotations to describe how the
metaphor connects to Tita in LWFC .

Extended metaphor: when author used metaphors, comparison between two unlike things
in a long passage.

My grandmother had a very interesting theory; she said that each of us is born with a
box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves; just as in the
experiment, we need oxygen and a candle to help. In this passage, she is comparing
matches to our real lives, we cant light matches without oxygen and candle. Which its
refers to our lives, without hope or motivations to do somethings, then its would be hard
to accomplished our goal.

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