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PO BOX 13305 PORTLAND, OR 97213 FAX: (503) 229-8064 (800) 837-8428 INFO@VESTIBULAR.ORG WWW .VESTIBULAR.


Mnires Disease
By P.J. Haybach, MS, RN, and the Vestibular Disorders Association

In 1861 the French physician Prosper from one country to the next. The
Mnire theorized that attacks of vertigo, National Institutes of Health estimates
ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and hearing that about 615,000 people in the U.S.
loss came from the inner ear rather than have Mnires disease and that 45,500
from the brain, as was generally believed new cases re-diagnosed each year.2
at the time. Once this idea was accepted,
the name of Dr. Prosper Mnire began Causes
its long association with this inner ear The exact cause and reason why
disease and with inner ear balance Mnires disease starts is not yet known.
disorders in general. Many theories have been proposed over
the years. They include: circulation
What is Mnires disease? problems, viral infection, allergies, an
Mnires disease is a chronic, incurable autoimmune reaction, migraine, and the
vestibular (inner ear) disorder defined in possibility of a genetic connection.
1995 by the Committee on Hearing and
Equilibrium of the American Academy of Experts arent sure what generates the
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery symptoms of an acute attack of
as the idiopathic syndrome of Mnires disease. The leading theory is
endolymphatic hydrops.1 In plain that they result from increased pressure
language, this means that Mnires of an abnormally large amount of
disease, a form of endolymphatic endolymph in the inner ear and/or from
hydrops, produces a recurring set of the presence of potassium in an area of
symptoms as a result of abnormally large the inner ear where it doesnt belong.
amounts of a fluid called endolymph These conditions may be due to breaks
collecting in the inner ear. in the membrane separating endolymph
from the other inner ear fluid, perilymph.
Mnires disease can develop at any age, Some people with Mnires disease find
but it is more likely to happen to adults that certain events and situations, some-
between 40 and 60 years of age. The times called triggers, can set off attacks.
exact number of people with Mnires These triggers include stress, overwork,
disease is difficult to measure accurately fatigue, emotional distress, additional
because no official reporting system illnesses, pressure changes, certain
exists. Numbers used by researchers foods, and too much salt in the diet.
differ from one report to the next and
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Progression of symptoms Following the attack, a period of extreme
Common symptoms of a Mnires fatigue or exhaustion often occurs,
disease attack do not reflect the entire prompting the need for hours of sleep.
picture of the disorder, because
symptoms vary before, during, between, The periods between attacks are
and after attacks, and also during the symptom free for some people and
late-stage of Mnires disease. symptomatic for others. Many symptoms
have been reported after and between
Oncoming attacks are often preceded by attacks:
an aura, or the specific set of warning anger, anxiety, fear, worry
symptoms, listed below. Paying attention appetite change
to these warning symptoms can allow a clumsiness
person to move to a safe or more concentration difficulty,
comfortable situation before an attack. distractibility, tendency to grope for
balance disturbance words
dizziness, lightheadedness diarrhea
headache, increased ear pressure fatigue, malaise, sleepiness
hearing loss or tinnitus increase headache, heavy head sensation
sound sensitivity lightheadedness (faintness)
vague feeling of uneasiness loss of self-confidence and self-
During an attack of early-stage Mnires nausea, queasiness, motion sickness
disease, symptoms include: neck ache or stiff neck
spontaneous, violent vertigo palpitations or rapid pulse, cold
fluctuating hearing loss sweat
ear fullness (aural fullness) and/or slurred speech
tinnitus sound distortion and sensitivity
unsteadiness (sudden falls,
In addition to the above main symptoms, staggering or stumbling, difficulty
attacks can also include: turning or walking in poorly lit areas,
anxiety, fear tendency to look down or to grope
diarrhea for stable handholds)
blurry vision or eye jerking vision difficulties (problems with
nausea and vomiting blurring, bouncing, depth perception,
cold sweat, palpitations or rapid glare intensification, focusing,
pulse watching movement; difficulty
trembling looking through lenses such as
binoculars or cameras)

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Late-stage Mnires disease refers to a reducing the severity of an attack while it
set of symptoms rather than a point in is occurring; some treatments attempt to
time. Hearing loss is more significant and reduce the severity and number of
is less likely to fluctuate. Tinnitus and/or attacks in the long term. Experts feel
aural fullness may be stronger and more these medical treatments provide some
constant. Attacks of vertigo may be degree of improvement in 6080% of the
replaced by more constant struggles with treated people.4
vision and balance, including difficulty
walking in the dark and occasional The most conservative long-term
sudden loss of balance. Sometimes, drop treatment for Mnires disease in the
attacks of vestibular origin (Tumarkins U.S. involves adhering to a reduced-
otolithic crisis3) occur in this stage of sodium diet and using medication that
Mnires disease. Some of these late- helps control water retention (diuretics or
stage symptoms can become more water pills). The goal of this treatment
problematic in conditions of low lighting, is to reduce inner-ear fluid pressure.
or with fatigue, or when a person is Some physicians, more commonly outside
exposed to visually stimulating situations. of the U.S., also weigh the potential
efficacy of using betahistine HCl (Serc) as
Duration and frequency of attacks: a vestibular suppressant for Mnires
Attacks can last from 20 minutes to 24 disease.5
hours. They can occur with the frequency
of many attacks each week; or they can Medications can be used during an
be separated by weeks, months, and attack to reduce the vertigo,
even years. The unpredictable nature of nausea/vomiting or both. Some drugs
this disease makes managing it used for this include diazepam (Valium),
challenging. It also complicates the ability promethazine (Phenergan), dimen-
of scientists and physicians to study it. hydrinate (Dramamine Original Formula),
and meclizine hydrochloride (Antivert,
Is there a cure? Dramamine Less Drowsy Formula).
To cure a disease means to eliminate
the root cause of the disease and reverse Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is
the damage it has inflicted (on the inner sometimes used to help with the
ear, in this case). No treatment currently imbalance that can plague people
exists to cure Mnires disease. between attacks. Its goal is to help
However, medical treatments exist that retrain the ability of the body and brain to
can help manage it. process balance information. When
successful, this can help a person regain
Treatment confidence in the ability to move about.
Existing treatments fall into two
categories. Some treatments aim at

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When conservative treatments dont symptoms are not obvious to others, and
work: For the 2040% of people who do most people know virtually nothing about
not respond to medication or diet, a the disorder. Many people with Mnires
physician may recommend a treatment disease are thrust into the role of
that involves more physical risk. One educatorthey must teach themselves,
such method, a chemical their family, friends, coworkers, and
labyrinthectomy, destroys vestibular sometimes even health care professionals
tissue with injections into the ear of an about the disorder and how it impacts
aminoglycoside antibiotic (gentamicin). them.

Another less conservative treatment Key features of communicating with

method involves surgery. Two categories family and friends include informing
of surgery are available. The goal of the them about what might happen with the
first type is to relieve the pressure on the onset of an acute attack and how they
inner ear. Surgery to reduce pressure is can help. If a low-sodium diet is
not as widely used now as it was in the effective, family and friends should be
past due to questions about its long-term informed about how important it is for
effectiveness. them to support adherence to the diet
regimen. Changes in lifelong eating
The goal of the second type of surgery is patterns can be easier with the
to block the movement of information assistance of others.
from the affected ear to the brain. The
process involves either destroying the Managing an acute attack involves
inner ear so that the ear does not preparation. This includes consulting with
generate balance information to send to a physician about any appropriate drugs
the brain, or destroying the vestibular that can be taken when an acute attack
nerve so that balance information is not occurs, and deciding ahead of time when
transmitted to the brain. it is appropriate to go to a hospital.
During an attack, it is helpful to lie down
Prognosis in a safe place with a firm surface, and
It is difficult to predict how Mnires avoid any head movement. Sometimes
disease will affect a persons future. keeping the eyes open and fixed on a
Symptoms can disappear one day and stationary object about 18 inches away is
never return. Or they might become so helpful. In order to control dehydration, a
severe that they are disabling. doctor should be called if fluid intake is
not possible over time due to persistent
Coping vomiting.
Coping with Mnires disease is
challenging because attacks are After an acute attack subsides, it is not
unpredictable, it is incurable, some of the uncommon to want to sleep for several

Vestibular Disorders Association Page 4 of 6

hours. Resting in bed for a short time is British Medical Journal. 1936;1:175
appropriate, if the person is exhausted. 177.
4. Torok N. The Old and New in
But it is also important for the person to
Mnires Disease. Laryngoscope.
get up and move around as soon as 1977;87(11):18701877.
possible so that the brain readjusts to the 5. Hain TC. Serc (betahistine).
changed balance signals. Precautions www.dizziness-and-
need to be taken in this process to
accommodate any new balance tml, accessed February 16, 2011.
sensations. Further reading
Some helpful documents available from the
Successfully coping with symptoms
Vestibular Disorders Association include the
involves understanding the disease.
following, identified by title and catalog
Talking with health care providers, number:
communicating with other people who are Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops
experiencing the same disease, and read- Dietary Considerations with
ing books and articles about the topic are Endolymphatic Hydrops, Mnires
all helpful methods of learning more about Disease, and Vestibular Migraine
Mnires disease. Surgery for Peripheral Vestibular
References Mnires DiseaseWhat You Need to
1. Committee on Hearing and Know
Equilibrium Guidelines for the Vestibular Injury: Compensation,
Diagnosis and Evaluation of Decompensation, and Failure to
Therapy in Mnires Disease. Compensate
OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Vestibular Rehabilitation: An Effective,
Surgery Foundation, Inc. Evidence- Based Treatment
2. National Institute on Deafness and
Other Communication Disorders. Vestibular Disorders Association
Mnires disease. VEDAs publications are protected under
lance/ meniere.asp, accessed copyright. For more information, see our
February 16, 2011. permissions guide at
3. Tumarkin A. The otolithic
This document is not intended as a substitute
catastrophe: a new syndrome.
for professional health care.

Vestibular Disorders Association Page 5 of 6

PO BOX 13305 PORTLAND, OR 97213 FAX: (503) 229-8064 (800) 837-8428 INFO@VESTIBULAR.ORG WWW .VESTIBULAR.ORG

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