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ea ne eee eee ee ee ee ee TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Page 1 History Page 2 Team Page 3-4 Qualifications of a Sozo Team Members Structure of Teams Information Etiquette Cautions For The Team Member Afterwards Forgiveness Page 5 Tools 5 Page 6-11 Overall view of methods used Father Ladder Four Doors Presenting Jesus The Wall A Session Page 12 Additions Page 13-17 ‘Appendix A: References for Further Reading Appendix B: 10 Steps Appendix C: Demons A3038S1H] woTONposjUy 400 RBuaUBanawruBnRnrRreRreHeBiPrBaBrtwEeE FT L | BEB BBE RS BRB RBER RRR BR EREEBE INTRODUCTION "Sozo,” which is used 110 times in the New Testament, is originally a Greek word meaning, “to save or make well or whole.” According to the Strong's Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, “sozo” also means, “to save, deliver, heal and preserve.” The writers of the New Testament showed the completeness of the word “sozo" by using it in different contexts to refer to each aspect of salvation. Here are a few examples of these New Testament verses that describe the three aspects of "soz0": salvation, healing, and deliverance. Salvation— “That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved [sozo]" (Romans 10:9). “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save [soz0] what was lost” (Luke 19:10), Healing— “But Jesus turning and seeing her said, “Daughter, take courage, your faith has made you well. [sozo], and at once the woman was made well [sozo]" (Matthew 9:22). Deliverance— "And those who had seen it reported to them how the man who was demon-possessed had been made well [sozo]" (Luke 8:36). Since it is obvious from these verses that God desires for people to be completely whole, Sozo's ministry goal is to help people receive the package of salvation, deliverance and healing. This seminar focuses on teaching useful tools for setting people free. Our aim is to love people, and to provide information so that the healing of past wounds can break strongholds, lies being replaced with truth, and ‘doors’ being closed to the enemy. We want people connected to the Godhead in a more intimate way so that they can continue to walk out, and fulfil their destiny. Page 1 zabeg StL am og INYO J8uIO puaye oym os0u) se eM Se Jo\eR PUANE cUM asoUp sepnjoL SNL ye9m Z2d SIenpInpul Aun | KiueMy J0 OBeveAe ue o} sIejSIUW WES} Ozos S/eYlog ‘Ansty 0Z0g UMO s104) EIS 0} sUONeZ|UEBIO peu pos eae Jaui0 dbo pue ulex 0} Buyenen pares ApswuIy ozoS oy) ‘smu! pores Pes Poo YeuM s1PUS ©} AnsiUIW oz0g et peiSonba: SuONeZIUEBIO pUe SOUINYO JeULO “GOEL Ut ieuuebsy jo asouy Frye nO UORLY SE LIED Ila SORSHE}S sno “AnSILIWY OZOS o4y YBNO.LA YOU) hed eA isieak 5 SRuE one Sues oun oq OF SanuNUOD YoIUM ‘96-G8 UBEq sey aBejUcOVed Sup “eunuebry uy JGREMOH “Ot UENSUUD pammuuuioo e Bulped| axe Jo ‘S\qUOUL g Joye YINU Ul ucuies uonenes Im sors Bulge ouM erdoad au) Jo 949 Atuo “'S'n, ou) U AjeansNeIg. i004) wath 108 Lucp Nok 1nd “ss}eis PeyUN eu UL UaAIBiE) ajdoad 106 noA, “Suu eye Paes aH “younyo UEOHOWY SHON Sul UI eouBIeAHep 40} fysseoeu ey) Jo SsoUOVEME UB IYBNOIq EIpuoeUY soe ‘ySed Hey) UI pasn Awaue ayy selj pue promt ou) wo} paseato, pue pe|eoy Buyoq ejdoad ul popre eney yetn joo) Jeyjo Peonposjut P07 244 ‘padojerep Ans oz0g ay sy ,ANSIU IW 020s, 84) petniIq Keys ‘wopasy say ’el Seldoed ut cousieyp snoinoemu e Buldag ‘eldoed 10) poAeid key) uum «8100, sor rG pe Adeaul® BUN @8n O} ueGeq Kau) ‘puenveYy -jeyjog re BuIUIeN siMn pepuane spuoiy, 710 2u0 pu “AxsiuIW OZ0S au) Jo SiepUNo} pue sieped}-co For the Team Members Afterwards ‘Since team members have been engaged in warfare during the Sozo, they need to be prayed for, brushed off, and refilled. No one has to be a target of the enemy just because he or she has ministered. If a member starts to experience sickness, difficulties at work or home, or depression, please ask for help. Call trustworthy people to receive prayer, especially others from the team. Don't assume it's the result of personal issues or sin. It could be because of what was encountered in the session. Page 4 SSOUSATSIO YF o 2UI09INGO AL sobeg “Auownsay ys0y20J6 snok sawioseq ‘ee 396 noK e1oyeq NOK punog ety SBuy asouy ‘ay 10 UIs LOA oxy yeUN ] WOPEEY) JnOge UN} yea! s1 IEYAA “sGunp esouy 10} snsep 0} pue yids AlOH ‘edeg 01 06 0) eney 0} Bujo6 axe ins NOK yng ‘ued | yeu) GuENAIERS Op UBD | pue ‘MOA ule: UED | "NOX YM HOM UBD | “dS AIO} sno jou ule | “SreveAIep 4J64) JOU a12 am @sNeDEg SPUBY S,AI07 OLN Ul}! 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SIUL “nok O} YORE 0} 104) BULNOU s1 svoUy ‘soGue Ou S| a19u) ‘ssowianIg OU Ss} a20UN ING ¥! 1284 NOA “NOK UO Yo} BuIyjeWOS BABY NOK joa} NOK ‘saAEMOY js2neq Buse Aeme Jem uayo Kau ‘sexed Buyyeoos woy senze| UOssed & JaUly “SSOUOAIBIO) 30 SORE ur mrem Aeua nq Buowm Bunyyewos op pip foyy eqKew Jo Buowm Bunjou pip oy ejdoad aie .sanndes, "ssau@nGi0jun ut pey20) s} oy eusWOS SI Jouosuid, @ pue .pewiys, ueeq sey oun euowos Aidwis s1 anndeD, & TEU) Si uno} eAY am JEU “YOu ove Aayj 784) 81 Puno} ney am eum “BUI Wes oy) YEO SPIOM seu enoliog KueW “siouosud pue sengde ynoqe sxie} » ‘Bunseiaiul .'siovosud oun Jo) Ssouep ol) @sB9ia1 pue SoANdeD oy) 40} Wopeay wiE;SaUd O} ‘payeay uao1q oY) dn PUIG O} OW yUas sey OH, ‘shes yetes} -ejdoad jo Jo] e 0} soydey seyuNeY AIBA e SI SILL “1:19 YeIes} OF Wn} 0} SN @>!) PINOM | ‘SS3NAAIDOANN 40 LINSsy 4ANOSIAd SNSUSA BALD SSUNTAIDUOd S[OOT, eUL Jo uotjeurldxg § ob TOOLS Overall View of the Methods Used ‘A. Father Ladder: This teaches the connection between how we view our earthly family is how we view/connect with the Godheed. B. Four Doors: This concept helps us be aware that the enemy has a legal right to access us, IF we have opened doors to him through occult involvement, sexual sins, fear, and hatred, C. Presenting, Jesus: This is where we go back to specific situations and pictures in order to identify the lie, and then receive the truth in its place. D. The Wall: This describes the structure(s) we have erected to protect ourselves from others and from pain. Father Ladder "Now may the God of peace Himself sanetify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved completely without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 The first institution that God created was the family. This foundation represents the function of each of the Godhead (Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit) in our lives. When our family members do not understand, or are unable to fulfill their roles in our lives, we have a misunderstood view of Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. The Father Ladder is a tool that clarifies/emphasizes this connection to heal the wounds and lies that have been learned from ‘our childhood. THE CONNECTION Each of us has three components to our being: body, soul, and spirit. Each of these has specific needs. The body has the need for identify, security, protection. The soul needs communication and companionship. The spirit needs comfort, nurture, and teaching. Likewise, a family also has three parts: father, mother, and siblings/friends. Each part has a role to aide in the development of a healthy family unit. Page 6 FATHER GOD JESUS HOLY SPIRIT Body Identity Protection Provision Soul Companionship Communication Spirit Comfort Nurture Teach FATHER SIBLINGS/FRIENDS MOTHER LeBeg + “JONES s18UN S} OH JeUy JOR} 4 20} ydeoxo wun Us peysaieiul 30U st Ayjee4 ty “op o} pasoddns sem a} YEU SEM JeIN asNIEDEG Fendt OARS ©} PBY Isnf OH "WEY epnjoUt O} JUEM jou saop Ajjeal snser Jey) aAdtIOq Os|e feu eidoad vetp ‘uaddey jupip sikq J} "Walp, epnyou! pue puesiepun o} pasoddns o12 Oy Seuo oy) e1e Katy asnedeg ‘panjensp jae) ueD ojdoed e1oyM vale Ue eq UCD Spuellj “S4eURO JO sJesuult] 10} 22h9q S6unn ax¥eui o} yno s} yng *}8aq NO 40} NO Jou s} a}4 Wayy JoRUED o} UM IM SNSOP TEL) Yerdioyu) Kau. “494 40 wy JO.IUOO jm GuNeES Op|O Up yeu yuILA ABU Bug's 1eBUNOK y “Bujop Jo ajqedeou! ave om yeyy Ansiujw Joypue Aupsep & sn @AIB {IMM OH Jeu JO ‘Op 0} UBM jou ‘Op am yey) Agsiujw Jo adAy wos op 0} aney IIA am etn Buyreyaq dn pue em “s6urtp Op 0} wey) seoJ0) snser eu UNA IN Buyqys 2BunoK ety yuared 40 ys-Aqeq 0} ps010} sem OUM BulQ'S Jop|o UY “sn O} sea! snser HULA ‘m soy 0} S19}SUEBN, ‘Sn 0} Wea Katy MOY JO ‘SPUBLY J0/pUE SBUI|AIS 3no 0} OBE! 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Jono WER SHUM ue suing senren‘sdiysuonefs Jono eouetpogo Semen pue opsyeBo| ueLyE URE OUIRY “G jiu 32a 40 o(Gou ‘vopuege Kew pog esneveq poo o} aso Buykep 88} UEC "Weep 10 “Son ‘uoqeredes YEnoxn esnoy oye] Sey ey sp U penoAU JOU S| OYA TENN Y LOIRE} eqESEY “p “om sep J0 wed fiene ynoge sexo pog yeuy Guyrayeg Aynouyp sop “ByeLUAUY €q ©} MOY MoUY j,useOp ey eseDEq ‘Aqurey uewy seiqo Buyyjewos U Aquepy Seq “p16 Au! s3e%9, 10 oq & ye, Aue piyo ug en jou seop “2M S:PINO eu 4 wewenjon ou sey oye ‘ex ou nq clog SeM OWN FF e's] SUL HOKRE)OniseEG“¢ 20 PUB oxide ‘uoquaHe SI} 8h2l 0} pop Jo} woyed 0} sey 64 YEU] ‘ined "paved 0 0 Sey seye|su EU o ge 1 penen ef 9} OU Sop PD “UreS eA 04 IM POO 4o OI S.PIKO OX) wjeBoU Jo ws}oquo ‘eshge fequon Aq Panijul are SpARpUEYS esoKj LUA “StILIEY ‘Ho Pue seneswey Uo sprepueys pue spuewep Yéjyynd sieye|oso\, EURE PeyLOLO-coUBULOLIOG -zZ “diusuonejas pue Aoewqu jo jane aveyp pue mou & Jo} esnoy s,205) et t23 Cl ehOw pueZoupe AyLe® 10194006 2} Buy ate Ke aie\y Goed v 0 eulco o post Ket, “POO J64724 0} 6y06 Jo peeysuy Je\ges Aqse9 4619 UO YUN 0 0} UNE OY wee ASu, “syne} s]y ebpeprouyoe OF aiqeun axe Asp yey eo] pue ile; O8 axe Katy SeuNNeWOS JOYE} 008 & sey auo ayy ONLY pos “| +8u0u9@) Jo sad, Bujaq 30} uosear e pue Bury Pi toseal 8 nok o| eduy suoyje4 “yHoNjes pue ener ‘esodind ‘hyve ‘uogeuune ‘uogaoyaid ‘jee Jo esues ® epmaid sieine4 ‘eoueayubis puyo ey o} sBuuq oym su, *Areuopip s.Jeysqem wou s2Uje4 Jo UoRIUyOg “SS 2 2 2s asa aS 2S ee ee es S| Disc3 Godhead Demo (These are questions asked during the training session; you wil process each one i you are doing a Sozo session. You will learn to ask the questions you fee! ed to ask, prayers you feel led to lead the Sozoee in. These are only to help you get started. AT) Close eyes and put picture of Jesus in your mind, What are you feeling or sensing? Js He near, far away, sti, comfortable or not? Jesus, is thee any ie | am believing about you? 4. Jesus, what truth do you want me to know about you? 2. What do you sense, hear or see? 3, Jesus, what do you think of me? When you sense, feel or hear something tell me what comes to you. forgive my siblings for abandoning me and going off without me. Jesus, | have wom lenses that have skewed how | view people, | ask you fo remove these lenses and let me see through your lenses. ‘Jesus, | release them and say fo them you arg nota burden to me anymore. Independent Spirit has been a false protection. | hand fo you Jesus, my independent spirit (or whatever spirit is revealed) and ask what do you give me in exchange? I hand to Father God any judgments or vows that | made toward my father and Ihand to you any fies Inside of me thatlam___fia that comes up, in DVD the ie was, that! am not a man.) Father God, what tuth do you want me to know? | forgive my earthly father for being present and absent atthe same time and renounce the fie that You can be present and absent atthe same time. ‘Ask: Whatis going on inside (tothe sozoee)? ‘Ask: Father God, what else do | need to forgive my father fr? Father God we take control and release peace. Holy Spirit ‘What the feeling of the Holy Spirit? 1. Holy Spit, what is the lie | am believing about you? - 2. Whatts the truth? 5 3. Holy Spirit, what do you think of me? Ifsomeone does not see, hear or feelin Father Ladder, goto the four doors, 6 a8eq “wosied 40 uonerys Jeu aIpUeY 0} IYBU at9 Pog ani6 o} BuIsCoYp s1 | “2deI6 sioyJO oN ©} Buisooys 1 3| ‘uo|spap & 3ng ‘Bujsa) e JOU s} SsaUaAI6104 “28 yo J96 Katy UeOUL j,usa0p 1 "Sdaujo JO sus aly ydeooe 0} paeu om JEU] UBS JOU Seop sseuaniGI9) “JalJE9 palEys sem SY “Paysmy u9aq Sey sseUAA|B10} Jo jdeauCD 1184 esneDag @A1B10} 0} aIdo9d 40} UNOWHP 5] Y| SeUEWOS *@AIGI0} 0} PapUBLILCD axe aM ‘SUERSYD Sy “SIOOP INO} BLN 0} Kay OU Si SSouen|610 “UoJssas & Ut JEM & GumIY, S| SIEqUIEWN WES} B J TYESN Aljeroadsa S| [00} SIU “S100p 8p @s0}9 Oo} snsaP yse ‘uall) (s)00p oypeds ay} jo AWARD Oly YUM PanjoAu! ssoy BuIAI630} JO/pue JeppeT saYe4 au Buo|dxa ‘s|00} sayjO eu JO BuO @sn 0} Bjeudoudde s} 31 UIOd yeIN Jy “sUORSANb marAeUI Jo AEM ‘Aq sani sjenpiaipuy uy peuado uaaq aney S100 Loum pue JI UstIqEIse ©) peau siaquieW Wee) “8100p INO} BsaUf| Jo UO Aq paleyue eneY JeLR Sel] PUE SPUNOM JO} BUP{OO] OS|e ale OM 020g U] Spupo josey. ‘ABojos1se ‘Buypees wed ‘preog Bling “yaxoyoWM ‘Kusoi08 - HIS * odes ‘uopeyssjow ‘AydeiGoladd ‘ssdtipmal ‘uonediuioy ‘Asoynpe NS [eNxes : = <)_ asn Grup so sseuueyurup “uonelos| ‘ieBue ‘oegun ‘(An Aypi os Bune yo see) Aujede ‘Auuom “Yeeu onu09 - TESS Jepurjs ‘BuydissoB ‘Anua ‘ssowapiq - PEHEH :su00p 4no} Buymol}o} 4p JO @1ou! 40 uo Burado Woy} was sans! 40 sployBuoNS He ye) SEAaliaq Josed sys “euquebiy woy sojsed Buyjeay e Aq 2YGne} Sem Jey 100} B S| SI00q Ino SUL ojewuoyul UoRIPpe JO} g xIpuaddy ag 100g 4no4 “MOU 0} Wei} sjUEM jis Ajo} Je4M Jo YIN eUy ydedoe pue ‘e104 2q JOU 0} BuIOB you siquids Ajo} yeu) oy et eounoues WaY, aAey LAL! “exeL) Buleq jou AIeoISKyd 40 Ajeuonowe 49Un9 Jo) wow eAlBic, wayy aArey ‘esey yOU Afdwis s} qwidg AjoH Jey) 182) SJENPINpUT 4) souow Aiuuesquids AoW “wou ©} ssaudxe |W snser yey) ny ey) de09e Aayy eins ayew pue ‘WEL O} UEIs!] 0} BUjOB OU Si snsep yeuq 91] 8ig 2ounoUa! Wey ereY LOY! “Wet SuIn|eA Jo UoRUARe Bulsed Jou Jo) SpUELy Jorpue sBujq's ayy eAiGuoy ‘sieked siy 0} UajSIj JOU seop Ajdws snsar Jeyy {92} S|eENPINU! 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Most importantly, it also means we become free from the burden of open doors in our lives and it allows us greater intimacy with God! For Example: Team members should ask individuals questions that are related to each of the doors, like: “What are you afraid of?” Ask Father God to show them that situation/person. Have them describe the situation and how it makes them feel. Then lead individuals in a prayer of forgiveness for the person(s) who wounded them (and also themselves, if necessary). Have them renounce lies that have been spoken about that situation or relationship, break soul ties, and finally bless the person(s). If necessary, go through each door following the same process. Lead them in prayer of thanksgiving and ask Holy Spirit to fill them! Presenting Jesus Presenting Jesus is a tool used'to bring healing in individuals’ lives when they have been triggered by a familiar spirit or event, and then experience harmful situations from the past. When that occurs, wounds or lies can be implanted. This tool helps people see that Jesus (or one of the other Godhead) was present during that situation and/or issue. The Godhead exchanges truth for lies and heals the wounds, For Example: ‘Team members should ask Jesus, Holy Spirit, or Father God, to take the persons back to the harmful situation in their mind. To make sure individuals are “there,” have them describe the situation or picture. Ask the person to find where Jesus (Holy Spirit or Father God) is in the picture. Ask Jesus (Holy Spirit or Father God) to show them the lie they leamed through this situation (there can be more than one lie). Have them renounce the lie. Ask Jesus (Holy Spirit or Father God) what the truth is. Ask the individuals if this information feels true or if they believe what Jesus is saying. If they don't, team members should explore other lies or use the Father Ladder tool. The Wall The wall is a structure either we built to protect ourselves or we have allowed someone else to build for our protection. The truth is the wall may stop situations or people from harming us, but the wall also does not allow the Godhead to come close to us. ‘The wall can be seen, sensed, and/or felt. It does not have to be a brick wall. It can be anything from a ball, fence, statue, feeling, or color. It can be small, from horizon to horizon or all the way to the sky. . Page 10 During the Sozo session, individuals may state that they can see a wall or the team may sense they are coming up against a wall. The tool can also be used as a test by team members to check if there is anything left that needs to deal with by individuals. Please note that there are situations when the wall should not be removed. If the persons receiving ministry are not in a place to allow the Godhead to provide protection, the wall should not be taken down, For Example: ‘Ask individuals what the wall looks like: how high or wide; what is it made from, where they are locationally in relation to the wall? Sometimes team members may need to find out how or what the wall's purpose is. At this point, individuals may need to extend forgiveness or team members may need to apply another tool. ‘There are two methods to take the wall down. Both methods may be used together if necessary. First Method With this method, team members should ask individuals where Jesus or the angels are in relation to the wall. Then after removing the need for the wall (the use of the tools), command the wall to come down. Clapping is suggested at this junction. If the wall comes down, then ‘have them walk to where Jesus and/or the angels are. If the wall does not come down, or if rubble is left, there may need to be more healing or forgiveness. If this it true, start the process over. Use the other tools or forgiveness and repeat the process of commanding the wall down. Second Method In the same way, team members should ask individuals to locate Jesus in relation to the wall. Then have them ask Jesus for a tool to take the wall down. Never be surprised at the tools that Jesus gives to the person. It can be anything like a toothpick, toothbrush, hammer, tank, or @ water pistol. Ask them what they want to do with the tool and then have them do what they feel like. Watch what happens. Once again, if the wall does not come down or if rubble if left, there may need to be more healing or forgiveness extended. If this is true, start the process over. Use the other tools or forgiveness and repeat the process of commanding the wall down. Page 11 “dn 284 suoquura 1204 pu 29} ‘305 I aliOg “eM Kus Ou MOUS UIdS KOH™s@K “eM ku wwop 08} of uoyssquued (ewe) ani | UnOK ISA} | },Uop Ay ‘Buluaddey s| Jey pog ‘yse UED "ORE S14 WOK Joe}0x4 0} YENOUD Big 51 Pos Bhar} .UOP Nok SuesuL ‘ake yo Seu Aeud JOU Op ‘ou pleay NOK J AEM ur nou eyes 8q | HWA UHdS AH xy “wnop jfeM 84 39] 0} Guy exe Kayy auns @xeYY “paysajaidun jeq) Aew-ejqeseujnA Al@A-UMOP ul0o Siem UeyA “detO ‘NOK ya puets o} Jem punare sjaGue puag “dejo pue em UNO yeeNK OF POS) YS “aAOU 1 Augeu‘uotsipep & axew 0} 21ge Jou sq pica “Ayduie 10 yo8Iq 9 ‘Ada ‘yoeIQ, ‘EM ‘seay ‘[83) ‘esuas ‘eunpaig FER oOo] “nok punove esje euoKtane si omucg, “URES Woy Mok doey jum ey Uayy Budoy woy nok deay ued 94 yey smMOUY AWeUR “wisyeBuena Jo y6 aney Kew nok ‘peyeqos, ‘nok sdoey Jeip eM ® 81 eoueBaue ‘uogrelal Jo yeMA “Nok Joafos AaLy elcjaq SieLgO: 728fe1 IA NOK™uoRoeles JO FEM, “Buea nok u, Buyyem woy nok sdsey pue Bupy6 sno jsureGe Afensn se “2 30) YBnauy awo9 of Buyo6 jou axe ejdoad yxy urs ‘eouepuadepuy spear yoy usjouns es Sayey| ‘uaddey of Sujo6 5} poos Bunjewos feu yoedxo ued veddey o} Bud sj peg Burijowos yeyy uogeoedxe 10 Je0, “suoqepoedxe ue edoy woy deay ueuuloddestp way josjad ‘suogejoadxe woy Josjaud o fem ‘ssaussejadoy Jo yem ce} wou 204 Lupjnom 40 sn Gugoajaud axe Kay cous “Aye esjeje Ateal exe snyoeyoud | Moye aM sCuly “eydood o} Puodsei am Kem exp Js SU] ORM B BABY GH MOUY}.UOp BM “yoojaqTEM e BuIA ee NOK Ay STEP ¥SY “yoRq nok Buipjoy Gurjauos/yoojqniem jeqj pue 69s UED “Supvon 5] Gutgou ony ‘em © Gum we, ‘shes uosied voy “UE Muu YM © Bua We | eM 20) 131 [657 “Feppe so4pe, 040} 08 ut nok ‘Parald foxy Aus] 1e9j cours “woysses e uy seu ¢-z pueds Keyy “prey axe Aowy esneded ‘Foajald Kay op AUN, (020g peouenpe ey) ui powee| 09 yn sul) “seliourew pooypyy jo Gumpe eump ‘xujjar 0} ou 5726 ‘wreuq jo Buyywen ‘ure ou yeys-dwinl ‘wesq aug UL sesindu Jeo.qD9p— J0NO YaLe O} Age oy sey-dey, “25je Gumyjowos woy nok sdeey ety Arepunog e s| Jono}eYR ‘eM e Apentoe JON “Wopoe}oud-j25 10) pesn sem eu, SAG TIVMSHL =o oo = —— = Ht naa a as a= w= SOZO SESSION Before session: Check yourself for issues that you may need to leave at the door. Are you peaceful, calm, nervous, etc.? Whea you enter the room notice if there is any spiritual activity; do you need to speak peace or calmness to the room? Remember the sozoee may not know what to expect, Use Mints. (Compiled from notes and DVDs) Open in prayer Ask sozoee if they understand the process and if not give short instructions. BE LEAD BY THE HOLY SPIRIT! After each question ask what do you hear, sease, feel, see? Wait for answer and take the answer as a lead for where you go next. Opening Questions; ‘What can I do for you? Why are you here? Is there one thing you would like to leave the room without? The one thing you don’t want me to know is where you might as well start.” Can start with the Father Ladder or four doors, FATHER LADDER God - Father - Body: needs Identity, Protection, Provision, Jesus - Siblings / Friends - Soul: needs Companionship and Communication Holy Spirit - Mother - Spirit: needs Comfor:, Nurture and Teach Questions can relate to any part of the Godhead. Ask questions like: 1. Which part of the Godhead are you most comfortable with? 2. Goto that part of the Godhead. How do you relate to God (Jesus or Holy Spirit)? What do ‘you think about God? How do you see Father God? How do you feel about Father God? How do you view God? Is He near, far away, cold? 3. What does Father God think about you? 4. How do you know Jesus loves you on a daly basis? (Probably will show relationship with siblings. 5. What is your relationship with your mother? What was the role your Mother played in your life? Forgiveness: ‘When leading forgiveness prayers, be sure to validate their pain with your prayer. It seems to help them to accomplish it especially if very difficult. Have the sozoce forgive the member of the family that corresponds with the Godhead, Use the information gotten when they responded to the question regarding the Godhead. [forgive for when they, 5 | forgive my father for_ (not being there for me, for not protecting me, for not helping me and making me feel like a man, woman, etc.) forgive my mother for not cuddling me, for not picking me up when Ineeded to be comforted, for not being there to teach me how to, I forgive my brothers for not including me in amyrey Jo seaj—Kypedy “eUE LINq 1,uNw9 3 LOK MoNeRATS aUp [oNtOD US NOK J]-fonUO> {sou Joop a1 st axa yA SOU J mam $5019 o} dg SoH] se pus SuAsSeyueIA Jo zahexd ‘uostod ssorg_ “SoM [ROS 019 “@rystonejar 20 operas otn mmoqe waxods soy mq sotmouos ‘ssauaAt8i03 Jo xaKeld tn per» Hoop anf 2s0[9 04 eHOP 2 01 Spaatt IeYAA “IMTS ATOH 30 snsaf ‘pon some -p ‘1895 nod soxyeur 7 soy pue woREMHIS arp aqtiosaq] “uostad 10 uoHEMIS tA wo ‘MOYs Nok ITEM pop Jaye {NOX soy Buryst|dwosse 3e9j St yw, 0 preqe nod are wey, *9 (reas £q s2y op ) ,o8meyoxe Ur our 9AI8 NOK op yeYA\ “nO OF ‘asamp puey | pue Arpede ‘Axton aoe “Jonoo pop) raq¥e Nod O4 pum] “Ty TU soured Zao] Ou 04 980009 | pu Suro} auop uusny fue toy" asvajau “wosted yea ourwu ——— ant i03 0} 980049 | “osrad sim aatBi0q Zoas810y 01 pot nok suoaWOs arom S| -q “Pauado 108 209p soy peorpoD atp Jo au0 480 Key gpauad 100p atp AY MOLY ROK OC] -E ‘GGonssy sony are arorp asneo9q atoy Jeppe| OME asf) “asn up 20 ssouuSyUTUP “wonelost ‘raBue ‘Jorfoqun (A Aqua os ampzoy 30 zea) Amede “K110m ‘yeay [onuos ay “1 “Ayanoe oxp Ur panjoanr asomy SurarBroy ‘Zoppey some 01 o8 i) “suopsenb pu mautoimt Jo Aes Xq pauado sem Joop YoMM YSHQES “pasoya 10 pouado Sioop Au are atom 3} uosss9s Butmp 49919 Ue) ZPoso}o arw s1oop aq} |o9f NOK op “PUD Ie Pur Panodio uaoq sey wou fama aem oop Aue sy oxox) Jv uw NOK o|ssas Jo puD pu BuNTIO4 Ty ‘o{doad owos 10g synouztp Aaa aq pfnoo sen asne99q, Spw08 ag “Berjo2y © sou pu oorogo est ssouaaZB0y soqumoUEy“309p smi 01 Aa est SSOUOALBIOG saoog unod SuID yon, oReALETE JO sprojy 014198 Jo syoy. oun Arpend * soBenuey ony only doing ont noe URN Nos op yey :peaypoN om Jo med Jem se woy, ZN ST SEIETAL gnok nage Smasyieq wae ay atp St eM spEeyPOD amp Jo JequIOUT Ie WED ‘are ures orp uy Supjrors onuuoD ‘ou Jy “are FTO OB Tea NOK ‘sak J] CaM Or anus proqpon amp UN YAM ax ydo99" Oy a]qe 220706 sf adasoy 21895 nod yeu HER S9op AMOY SV ‘suaddey Bury ‘oy sonOD pue da sMOUS THR VOXEL “ssoUny 0} ymeas nod yan MT S| ENA “THEA Butyeop are nok peoqpop amp Jo aed sy Sy “SsauaAIBI0} pue suonsonb ox NE Posn WOneULOyUy amp 957] “om cures otp mot aN II PEeyPOD atp eH ax axp ounoUTy :0uMOUDy, ‘qwoupnf Woy eseajar pue ssouaat83oy YBnonp syuazed 10UoY 0}. Taquiawtay “305 spuatyy Aur 9418303 | Anger, worry, isolation, all used to keep from getting hurt, used ds protection. 2. Hatred: bittemess, envy, gossiping, slander : Think about why you are doing one or all of these, why are you bitter and keep going deeper. ‘Symptom is there for a reason, roots are much deeper. a. Father God, show me any bittemess down inside of me. ». Father God, I choose to forgive___(the person who has harmed me) I choose to forgive myself for in anyway Ihold self hatred or anger and I ask You to forgive me for partnering with any spirits through this door. hand to you bittemess, anger, jealousy, strife, and offense and as I hand this to You, what do you have for me in exchange? &. Father God, show me where You where when __ (traumatic experience) happened. (Person may be in memory) Father God, what truth do you want me to know about ___? Papa what emotions do you want to exchange? 3. Sexual Sin: Fantasy, adultery, fornication, lewdness, pomography, molestation, rape. Father God I ask you to forgive me for (specific sin). Task you to release me from any ‘harm done to me through sexual sin or any harm I have done to athers through sexual sin. I aske you to sever all unholy sou! ties that come through this door. I send back to _anything took from them washed in the blood of Jesus and I take back anything I gave to them washed in the blood of Jesus. Task that you would (clap) sever this unholy sou! tie. Soul ties: I break off unhealthy soul ties between me and . send back to them what I gave, ‘what they took, or what they robbed, anything you sense is necessary, and I retrieve whet I gave away. (Go by what you sense, feel.) 4. Occult: sorcery, witchcraft, Ouija board, palm reading, astrology, tarot cards ‘Whatever you hear is where you go with this one. a. Father God, is these any area in the occult I need to renounce? Look for generational curses and issues 6. Father God Ienounce this thing and I break though the blood of Jesus participation in any area ofthe occult. 1 ask you Father God to free me from any curses, hexes. I repent for any seeking of wisdom through the occult and I send back any fear or strategies or plans I made through information I received in the occult. I ask you to forgive my family if there were any occult practices and as I choose to forgive them I ask you to break my family free. ‘Thank you Father God. When hitting something real big, go to courtroom because in reality there hhas been judgment made over the family because of covenant and you have to ask God to release us from the covenant. Release us from judgment. THE WALL Use when statement made about a wall, not getting anyplace. Wall is used for protection. Usually will go to the father ladder. 1. Ask Jesus, why am I hitting a wall? 2. Wall is usually against your gifting and keeps you from walking in your destiny, your calling. 3. Picture, sense, feel, hear wall, could be black, empty, could be not being able to make a decision ._ What does the wall look like? . Where is the person in relationship to the wall? ‘What is the wall there for? Send angels around wall to stand with you. Clap. maw 8._ Ask God to break down the wall and clap. Can command the wall to come down. 9.” Ask, will Ibe safe without my wall? May need to ask God why you don’t trust Him? 10. May need to ask Jesus, who do I need to forgive? ¢ 11, May ask Papa to give them a tool to help pull down the wall. Ask person, what do you want to do with the tool? 12. Continue to work with the wall until it is all down; may go into other tools. 13. Find out where Jesus, God or Holy Spirit are in regard to the wall, PRESENTING JESUS Helps people see where Jesus or part of the Godhead is during a traumatic experience, 1. Where is Jesus in the memory? 2. What is the lie? 3, What is the truth? Closing session: ‘Make sure in a good place. Pray into the sozoee the truths given to them during session, Give them the sheet with the truths and words spoken to them. Instruct to read this sheet for at least 30 days so the truths gets into their spirits. Give sheets on instruction. Go with Spirit’s leading. OVERVIEW OF SESSION FATHER LADDER God - Father- Body: needs Identity, Protection Provision, Jesus - Siblings / Friends- So i Holy Spirit - Mother - Spirit Renounce: Renounce the lie that the God head will treat them the same way. Use the information used in the questions and forgiveness. Accept: Is sozoee able to accept the truth that the Godhead gave to them? If yes, you can go to another area, ifno, continue working in the same area. Ask: Ask part of the Godhead you are dealing with, what is the truth you want___to know. When truth shows up and covers lie, healing happens. Ask how does that make you feel? FOUR DOORS 1. Fear: control freak, worry, apathy (fear of failure so why try) unbelief, anger, isolation, drunkenness or drug use. (Use father ladder here because there are father issues). 2. Hatred: bittemess, envy, gossiping, slander 3. Sexual Sin: Fantasy, adultery, fomication, lewdness, pornography, molestation, rape. Occult: sorcery, witchcraft, Ouija board, palm reading, astrology, tarot cards THE WALL PRESENTING JESUS Close in Prayer, Blessings ylomiodeg suoljonijsuy Jakerg-is0g xIpuoddy APPENDIX A Some References for Further Readina: Carlos Anacondia: Listen to Me Satan Charles Kraft: Deep Wounds, Deep Healing John and Mark Sandford: Deliverance and Inner Healing John and Paula Sandford: Healing the Wounded Spirit John and Paula Sandford: The Transformation of the Inner Man Leanne Payne: Crisis in Masculinity Leanne Payne: Restoring the Christian Sout Leanne Payne: The Broken Image Leanne Payne: The Healing Presence Neil Anderson: The Bondaae Breaker Neil Anderson: Freedom from Fear Neil Anderson: Victory Over the Darkness Pablo Bottat is Peter Horrobin: Healing Through Deliverance — Vol 1, The Bible Ba: Peter Horrobin: Healing Through Deliverance — Val 2. The Practical Ministry Page 13 APPENDIX B “10 Steps for Praying for Deliverance” Based on Pablo Bottar's notes from Fred Grewe This is a prayer model for bringing freedom to people who are struggling with strongholds (issues in our lives that we cannot overcome). It was developed in the Argentine revival. This model presents the idea that people may open up themselves and allow the enemy and/or demons to affiict them. These “rights of access" or “doors” may be opened by themselves or by those who are in spiritual authority over them, i.e.: parents, leaders, etc. Access has been based on some element of truth, 2 lie, @ generational curse, or a weakness. The demonic uses these lies to harass people. Using the ten steps, “doors” are confronted and closed. This model is not a formula, but a tool to be used by listening to the Holy Spirit. There isn't a 10-step prayer model in scripture, but principals in this model are scriptural. The Four Doors: SEXUAL SIN (heterosexual, homosexual or animal relationships and/or abortion) HATRED (resentments, envy, pride, vengeance, rage, bittemiess, and/or unforgiveness) FEAR (insecurity, phobias, doubts) OCCULTISM (Ouija boards, horoscopes, psychic hot lines, fortune tellers, tarot cards, witcheraft, divination, and/or black or white magic.) Step 1: Make Sure That the Person has Manifested Manifestation simply means a sign that something is happening. Manifesting is not only a sign of the presence of the demonic, but it can also be evidence of the Lord's presence or intercession. Team members must talk to individuals with love and kindness, not causing fear. Individuals may not understand what is happening to them Step 2: Make the Spirit Submit in the Name of Jesus We have the authority and believe that the spirit we are counteracting is under Jesus’ authority. However, we should never abuse authority by yelling and screaming. The spiritual world can hear us using our normal tone or even whispering. Page 14 ‘Step 3: Make ttie Person Regain Control Over Themselves People have free will and control over their own mind and body. People need to be able to make decisions for themselves. Never talk to demons. We don't even need to know their name or their functions. They still have to submit to us, no matter what! Step 4: Ask The Person if He or She wants to be Free People have to want to be free. They need to understand what is happening to them and make decisions for themselves. If people do not want to be free, ACCEPT THEIR DECISION. ‘These are their lives, not ours. We cannot force them to be free; Jesus never did that. ‘Step 5: Ask them if they Are, Or Want to be a Christian People need the Lord and Holy Spirit to be in control instead of whatever it was that first ‘opened the door to the demonic realm. [We have ministered to unsaved people who have obtained freedom and were introduced to the Person (Jesus) who set them free.] Step 6: Interview the Person ‘Ask questions about the people's lives. We are looking for reasons why “doors” were opened. Specifically, we are looking for consequence of sin or unforgiveness. Ask Holy Spirit for discemment and revelation. Forgiveness is @ powerful tool. It is not an option for Christians; it is a commandment. It is important to note that forgiveness is releasing the person we are praying with, not releasing the person who is being forgiven. (See Mark 11:25-26; 2 Corinthians 2:10-11; but especially Matthew 18:21-35.) Step 7: Ask the Person to give up or Renounce each Binding and Break the Power of the Spirit Ask Holy Spirit to reveal any specific details that need to be dealt with to people. They must say it in their own audible voice, not simply ours. Then lead them (or have them do this on their own if they know how and are comfortatle with the process) to renounce any authority or binding that has occurred because of “tights of access". It is possible that each of the Four Doors will need to be approached, renounced and the spirits bound that have had access through each door. Page 15 Step 8: Cast out the Unclean Spirits Take authority over each area and cast out each spirit in the Name of Jesus. (You can send jirit to the feet of Jesus so that He can decide where the spirit needs to go.) When the gone, there maybe a sign of its absence: a sigh, cough, jerk, or a feeling of lightness If the person starts to manifest again, make sure he or she is safe and go back to Step 3 (regain control). You may also have to go to Step 6 (the interview) and begin the process again. Remember that not all manifestations are demonic; the person could just be releasing build up emotions or may be feeling the presence of the Lord. Step 9: Lead the Person in a Prayer of Thanksgiving GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY. He is the one who did all the work. ‘Step 10: Pray for the Person to be Freshly Filled with Holy Spirit Bless and love on the individuals. They have just dealt with the issues in their lives. Their old identify is now probably gone and they are not totally sure of who they are. They may even be a bit disorientated. They have left behind some or all of what they believed was their life. But God is in control, and connecting them with Holy Spirit is vital. ‘This model of prayer is very effective. It can be used on the prayer line or in extended times of prayer. If used on the prayer line, every step or each step in order is not necessary. Follow the leading of Holy Spirit. Page 16 LL Beg WOU) 0} J8}S]UIW 0} Bulutes) @AlsUaIxe e10W enzy O4M ajdoad BuIMo|e Aq Waly JoUY 0} UBM om 'slenpiaipul Ayuap] B}e!OOssI PUe SWUNOIA aSNgy lenyRy aIUeIeS se YoNs ‘saseo oUIaNXA U} “WAY} POY O} Yo} BuIyjoU s! asa] “Aeys JouUD S1uOWEP et} ‘ol! ayy UxOUq PU ‘joo! ay) paRcWO4 ‘pjoyBUOAS oy) UayO1q BAY OM BDU JEU) enaiieg @M “3406 1 WUeM isn aq, jBuIsseseY Aldus 40 ‘punose ‘apisul S| quIds a1UCWAP ou} JoUre\ JO}2W 3,US80p 1! ‘uoIssassod snsiaA UoIssaiddo oIUOWap Jo UHIsaNb aiy sseppe OL J9}SIUILU 2A WOYM O} ajdoad a4) JoUDY 0} JapJO U! OP 0} JUBM OM JEUM S1 Siu} ing ‘sity UeYN JUELEYIP 2q AeW WaIShs Jol}aq SyequOW WED Y “op Oo} SjUeM o[UOWap up Yeym Jo eysoddo si yoy ejdoed yoodsey pue aA0} 0} S| UIE ano Inq ,"poOIq pue YSOY YIM Jou a/0Gnas om, Z1:9 suBIsayd3 UI shes snsef ‘!UOWAP ay) sa]uNCOUa'o} BUIOB ale aM ‘Sa, “wunjas 0} 14Bi9 40) dn Way) Lado 0} S111 UeY) Ids oIUOWAP oUO YM aidoad ey} ene} 0} J9n9q sj] “SUINje! By UAYAA WHY YIM oJ0W Lon|S BuUg Kew 3! 40 ‘uoWep 84) INO ySBO jUOP UaYI ‘esNoY ayy II 0} Ids AlOH Bt UO Ajel 0} BUIOB JOU st JenpiaIpU! UB J] 3¥98q SPUBLY Sy] JO UaAIS 1YBNOIg pue ‘@snoy PIO s}! 3noge 1YSNO\) ‘puNoJe paepueM 3) ‘Ino JSe9 Sem juIds oIUOWAp e Jey} 9Z:} | BN] UI SBS “BUIOP si pod JaYTey JeYM Jo apisino }1 Op om uesU j,USeOp AjoyNNe 94) eneY aM asnedaq snp -(6):¢ UYOP) Bulop S! JayJe4 ay) UM Sup Ajuo exe am JEU auns axeUI 0} pseu aM ING ‘SUOWEp Jno JSe0 0} AyLOUINE BLA eneY OP on, “uogoUn sayy MOLD, 0} Auge oy) sey Jequiow ay) ‘way $898 40 ‘sesuas ‘s/99} Ajeonaydosd saquiew weE} e 4 “snsor ou paureiqo aq ued 1! ‘papeeu S| LOReWOJUT JEU) J} ‘SUOHOUN JO SAWEU sty) jnoge suOWIOP Um Ssnosip Oo} padu ou SI esY) “dIUOWEP O47 YjIM Gulbo|EIP eBeinoous JOU-OP osje oN, “YOREMIS O4p JO JoNUCD UIEB pue ALOYINE sno Passe Pinoys om ‘osu ssesdxe 0} Apeas jnoqe S| ouOWEP ay} Jeu 198) eM J] "UNY JO PasseLEqUIa JoUjIO S| YW Bulleap ase am UOSied aly yeu 884Bap au 0} jsoyUEW 0} oUOWAP au 40} UOSeAL OU S| d18y1 “UoSJed ay) sseUEqUIO Oo} 9]UOWEP ay} Mo}[E 3,U0q :ssasdxa O} YSIM 8m JEU BIN jeUIpIeO B aABY ANSIUIW OZOS ALi) UI OM J XIGNaddV POST-PRAYER INSTRUCTIONS Long ago, even before He made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:4-5). ...And when you believed in Christ, he identified you as his own by giving you the Holy Spirit, whom he promisec long ago. The Spirit is God's guarantee that he will give us everything he promised and that he has purchased us to be his own people (1:13-14). For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago (2:10)." This is who you are in Christ and what your position is. God has awesome plans for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29°41). Pretty exciting, isn’t it? Freedom in Christ is God's love gift to you at the cost of the lifeblood of His beloved Son. It needs to be guarded carefully and worked out diligently in daily living. The ministry of freedom is the working of the grace of God in your life by the Holy Spirit. From now on, He relies on your active cooperation: . To recover full use of functions the devil has restricted. + To exercise the lordship of Christ in areas previously used by the evil cne for his purposes. + To help you reach fulfilment where before you experienced frustration and disappointment. + To return you to victories you once knew or to lift you to new levels of spiritual understanding and usefulness for the glory of Jesus Christ. Just as the step of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation led to a commitment of discipleship, so the ministry of freedom must be followed by commitment to a plan to a plan cf spiritual rehabilitation. Works must always follow true faith Freedom is a daily walk. ‘The following steps are suggested for daily use to help you “work out your salvation” (Philippians 2:12, 13): Sixteen Principles for Freedom in Christ? 1. Confess the general areas in which you have received freedom positively and gratefully in prayer. Don't allow one negative thought germinating space. Principle: “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10: 10). ‘New Living Translation of the Bible. Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL Wagner, Doris M. How to Cast Out Demons Page 22 . Meet each new day trusting in God’s power to help you make right choices. Don't let your feelings deceive you. Principle: “Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3). |. Expect continuous and increasing freedom where satan has previously bound you or used you for his purposes. Move forward by faith without even a glance over your shoulder at what is now past. Principle: “Brethren, | do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing | do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, | press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13, 14). }. Remember, anything the devil whispers in your ear is a lie. That’s his profession and he’s very good at it. John 8:44 says, “When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” If he tries to convince you that your freedom didn’t really happen but was just in your mind or was emotional, use your faith shield against him and tell what God does to liars. He will soon give up. Principle: “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:7, 8). . Don't hesitate to use the name of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb, and your confession of faith against all satan’s temptations and condemnation. Ail condemnation comes from satan. Never believe him. You have been blood cleansed and are blood protected. Principle: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death” (Revelation 12:11). “There therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Romans 8:1). . Avoid deliberate sin — like the plague. Principle: “We know that whoever is bom of God does not sin; but he who has been bom of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him” (1 John 5:18). Should you unavoidably sin, confess it immediately and receive forgiveness and cleansing. This will stop satan from weighing you down with guilt, one of his favorite habits. Principle: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). . Rely upon the Holy Spirit to control your life, your emotions, your desires, and your imagination, together with your will, by deliberately giving Christ lordship over them each day. Page 23 ve eBed “OUR OY He SOUO}OIA ney IIMA NOK pue YsuYD SeyLO}6 yeym UO sue! puE s;YyBNOL sNOK s}eNUEDLOD“}} “(8 ‘Z:y sewer) ,papuyw-aiqnop nos ‘speay anof Ayn pue ‘svauuls NOK ‘spuey snof asuee1y “NOX 0} JEOU MEJP IM BH} PUB POD O} HOU MEI “NOK Woy sey WM BY PUE WASP elf YSISEY “pop O} Wwigns aijeroy, :aldloUL *Au0y91A ou, NOK on pue somsue Ajsyejpeusuuy jm OH ue ‘eyIe4 AJUEABEY INOK 0} ,,djoY 40} 40}J04,, UY “Nok 40} punoue oreo] j11M |!Aep ely sden Ayeous ayy {12 40} uado sue pue sea snok deay'oL “(81-019 sueseyda) .sjures ayy je 40) uoneoyddns pue eouevenesied je Yum pue Siu) 0} NyYOIeM Bulag ‘ids oly UJ UONeONddns pue sekerd Ne um skemje Burcesd ‘pos Jo piom ay si YOIUM "juIds ey} Jo poms Oly PUR ‘uoHeAles 20 JowW}EY Ou BYE} Puy “BuO PayoU au} Jo SEP Arey elf je YOUANb o} aIqe aq IM NOK LOIUM WIM Une JO Plaiys exp Bupyey ‘Je eAoge ‘eoeed Jo jadsoB ayy jo uoNesedaud ay) YIM 389} nok poys Buyrey pue ‘ssousnosyy6u Jo aye/d}seeuq ayy uo ynd Burney ‘yr uM SIEM 4n0K popui6 Buney ‘euojeserp PUEIS “PUE}S 0} ‘Je eUOP Buiney pue ‘Kep Ad Oly UI PUEISYIIM ©} alge 8q Kew NOK yey) ‘pop Jo JoWUE eJoUM ey dn ee} a1OJes0U) “sooEId AJueAeOY ‘OUI Ul SsaUPaxoIM Jo s}soy jeMpIds suIeBe ‘a6e SIL) jo ssaLnep oly Jo suai aLy suIeBE ‘syamod ysure6e ‘senyediouud ysureBe 3ng ‘pooiq pue ysay ysuleGe O7'SeJM JOU Op aM 10-4 “WASP BU} JO Soll OU} ysUIEBE PUE}S Oo} Ege aq Ae NOK Jey) ‘pos jo JOULIE BJOYM ay} UO Me WUBI SiH Jo samod eyp uy pue p10] ey UI BUONS aq ‘uaNolg Aw ‘AyeULy, cediouLg wsekeud,, 5] 30910 yuaAes orp yeBu04 3,u0g “Sau, fe 32 poyosjoud aq pue KyinyieKesd Pue AuingyBnouy e2e1d yoke uo 3nd “Aep Alone asepem jempids Jo Joune oy) seOM “6 ‘(91:€ sue!ssoj0p) ,P107 tN ©} SHEaY INO u} eoesB YM BuIGuIs ‘sGuos jerpuids pue suUY pue swEsd UI Ja\y}OUe 8u0 Bulysiuowpe pue Gunes} ‘Wopsim W1e UI ALYOU NOK Ul AMP JSD JO POM Oy} 167 “(8:1 enysor) ,ss200ns pooB eAey IM NOK ual PU ‘snosedsoud AeMm JNOA BYE IM NOK ey 403 71 Ul UaRUM si jeU) [Ie 0} BuIpI0De Op 0} BAlesgo Kew Nod yey) ‘IYBIU PUE AEP H! 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SUD ‘S28YM ‘enoge ele Yom SBuIY] BSOLN Y88S ISHYD UNM Pasied aia NOA uy) J), :e1dIoUL Principle: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law” (Galatians 5:22, 23). “So Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, | also send you™ (John 20:21). ‘Submission to the lordship of Christ and obedience to His will through His Word are essential to maintain freedom. Then it will be as though I had sprinkled clean water on you, for you will be clean — your fithiness will be washed away, your idol worship gone. And | will give you a new heart = | will give you new and right desires — and put a new spirit within you. 1 will take out your stony heart and sin and give you new hearts of love. And I will put my spirit within ‘you so that you will obey my laws and do whatever I command (Ezek. 36:35-37, TLB). Page 26 Defense Mechanisms: Why & How We Block Intimacy By Junior deSouza Intimacy can be incredibly elusivel Though we all desire and need it, oRentimes we ourselves are the very reason it escapes us. ‘May the Lord illumine out eyes to see and move beyond our defense mechanisms into fulfilling, lifelong intimacy with our loved ones. Authentic Connection ‘What is intimacy? ‘otimacy is the meaningful and falflling connection between two or more authentic selves. Vulnerability and trust are assumed, since the authentic selfis essentially and perpetually vulnerable, needing assurance of safery for expression, Tatimacy is when the. ‘eal Me meets the real You in a moment of trusting, soulical intercourse. ‘Just as intimacy can happen between people, it can also happen with God. In our relationship with Him, we enjoy intimacy when our truest self is presented regularly in His presence~the good, the bad, and everything in between. When the deepest Me approaches Him, the deepest Him can reciprocate and sweep over me (Ps 42:7); Ibecome one with His heart and soul, beyond ‘His deeds, gifts, and Lordship. ‘Emotional Fears ‘Why do we block intimacy? Intimacy blocking is when a person employs certain behaviors to fend off potential intniders to their heart and soul. These behaviors ere commonly referred to as defense mechanisms, or simply defenses. We'll get to them in a sec, In general, we block intimacy for four reasons. ‘Fear of buried pain Those with unresolved, buried emotional pain are terrorized at the thought of ever reliving thet pain. The sxeater the traums, the greater the buried pain, the greater the fear of that pain. Consequently, they block persons, interactions, or scenarios whereby that pain might be triggered and reived. ‘Fear of judgment Who likes tobe judged, criticized, or picked apart? No one. Some personality types and maturity levels can absorb or deflect it beter than others, but nonetheless it is not desirable or good (Mt7:1-5). Some block intimacy when they anticipate judgmentalism, Fear of ridicule Affirmation is a basic need. Unfortunately, many grew up in families where validation was scarce and shame ‘was abundant. These wounded souls tend to shut dow if they sniff out potential shame, canceling all meaningfol self expressions. Who wants to let their true self out, only to be laughed at, beittled, or ridiculed? Saul hid himself at his kingly proclamation for this reason (Sam 10:21,22), which ended up bappecing anyway just as he feared (v27). Fear of rejection Just as we need appropriate doses of affirmation, so also we need a social niche in a group or community, oF acceptance. Some block intimacy for fear that their self-expressions would cause them tobe disenfranchised, or rejected, by the very group they seek identification with. Defense Mechanisms ‘How do we block intimacy? ‘Defense mechanisms are behaviors people employ to fend off potential intruders to their beat and soul. AU ofus, stone time ‘or another, for one reason or another, have used these barriers. However, as God continues to eal us emotionally, fee us from the fear of man, and purify our overall personality, defenses should become less and less important. Keep in mind also, these defenses are, at times, erected subconsciously; we might not realize when or how much we depend on them until a moment of clarification dawns on us. May this be our moment. ‘Marketing accomplishments Some divert attention away from their heart and soul by marketing their accomplishments, In other words, they continually spotlight thelr successes, victories, and achievements in their conversations and interactions with ‘others. This is a form of *putting your best foot forward". In a job interview that might be okay, but not so with loved ones othe Lord who need us to be deeper and broader than our successes. The needy and naive are often impressed by such self promotion; the stable are bothered by it and spurn it as bragging, the emotionally whole and spiritually discerning perceive the defense rmechanism for what itis. ‘Playing to strengths Some play to personal strengths, such as talent, beauty, heritage, wealth, and so on. This is slightly ifferent from socomplishment-marketing in that playing to strengths spotlights what one has, while the former spotlights what ‘one has done. This is also a form of Yputing your best foot forward”. Again this might be okay in ajob interview, but not for intiroate relationships that require a comprehensive self-preseatition. ‘Anger How well does this work? Very. Occasional rage, a viclet explosion here and there, an aggressive tone, a seething imitability, a tense face, quick movements...who wants to mess with thet? Anger is certainly among the most successful defense ‘mechanisms. It begins to crumble though, when one comes aloag unmoved and unbothered by euch childish temper tantrums. ‘Staying busy Martha avoided intimacy with Jesus by staying busy (Lk 10:38-42), Extreme busyness, being always on the go, and hyperactivity are defensive schemes to keep meaningful cannections at bay. Who can be close-truly close-to a person who ‘wont slow down enough to bond? This is true of both our relatonship with people and the Lord (Ps 46:10). Intellectual garble At times, the head can be the enemy ofthe heart. Some, especially the intelligent, barricade themselves ‘fom intimacy by being a "ulkng hod”. They we intellect publ reo and diversions ook ew emotional vulnerability and bonding. “Parenting” Parents do not share full intimacy with their kids. The mental and social gap created by the age difference is simply too great. Similarly, adults who play the "Parent" role with other adults also maintain such a distance, Those who arbitrarily and continuously seek to parent, pastor, and patronize those around them do so asa defense mechanism. Their conscious and ‘subconscious logic goes something like this: If 'm your pereatI dott have to relate with you heartto-heart,soul-to- soul,..because I'm your parent remember? The Parent game is simply another intimacy blocker Superspirituaism ‘A tricky’ defense found often among Christians is superspritoilsm. Christians hide their real person behind excessive Christianese, Scripture quotations, dramatic spiritual stories, "God told me" lines, and so on. These annoying brethren cccasionally need fo be interrupted in the midst of their performances and asked, "Hello, is the real person in there somewhere?" Ton not at all doubting the validity of their relationship with God or their experiences, only the validity of their spiritual maturity, emotional wholeness, and reltional fulfillment. ‘Hyperindependence ‘Independence is good and necessary, but hyperindependence isu hiding place from intimacy, Isolation, seclusion, extreme privacy, and lonerism are protective reactions, so alto the extrovert wbo advertises an T-need-no-one persons. Codependence Codependence is not intimacy, itis survival. I's not a meaningful connection, it's a desperate lifeline. I's one person sucking life ‘out of another, or two people sucking life out of each other, but not two people floating in the buoyancy of genuine vulnerability and trast. Precious Lord and Father, we identify our fearful defenses, we repent of them and ask your forgiveness, and we ask for more. ‘grace to practice better, biblical ways of responding to our emotional needs and crises. In Jesus name, Amen. Defenses vs Boundaries Guarding Our Hearts Proverbs 4:23 tells us, Above all else, guard your heart, for itis the wellspring oflife. Solomonis not urging us tobe defensi ‘oF non-intimate, but to have wise personal boundaries that bers cannot trespass. The opposite of defensive is permissive. ‘Swinging to a permissive extreme makes us vulnerable tothe wrong people, at the wrong time, in the wrong way. Psalm 48:12, 13 tell us the city of God had watchtowers, ramparts, and citadels. John 2:24,25 tell us Jesus Himself had boundaries. How much more we? Not only do boundaries guard individuals from the harmful, they also guard relationships. When intimacy begins to blossom, such boundaries will protect the vineyard in bloom from intrusive foxes (SS 2:15). ‘We establish boundaries through selectivity in four areas: elk, time, touch, and tangibles. We ae tobe selective with our talk, the type of personal information we share with otbers (Ps 141:3, Pr 13:3, 18:6,7). We are to be selective with our time, carefully predetermining and administrating the time we spend with certain persons and in certain places (Ps 101, Pr 12:26, 22:5). We are to be selective with our touch, monitoring with whom, when, and how we experience physical contact with others (1Sam 20:41, SS 2:7, 1Th 4:3-6, 1Ti 5:2), We are to be selective with our tengibles, screening who, when, and how our belongings are shared ‘with others (Ezr 8:21, Job 5:24, Pr 12:27 NIV). Lifelong Intimacy God desires that we enjoy lifelong intimacy with others. This is done by understanding intimacy as four "right" connections. 6002 ‘er Aine moo ooqdosdimpaaws —-ooreznosepuorunasi “Gz dq ‘6c'v Yaa) poysnes om ssouarqjaud pu poyeay are syayep WH 05 940} BuyzTMOWSTO suETT ‘sKem (Bu oxp ur Banpauuog ‘esamp eenas THMk woRUAESQO pur Aapisuas ‘Suyqeo pue Arqeuossad naw uo paseq ‘svouasayaid ‘ako{ JuaRAUTp savy apdoag ‘raouqyadso ysed uo pasug ‘si>Gap Oxo] wazaTp oasy [dood shem IB op Wt SaRSaTTIOD, sou aS om ¥ yoauDD "sour som UT pose 04 pinoys safest pare SyBnorn Bious asoyy (61:71 OX ‘02 WEST) Aipanajoid zoTUOD o} SoRRERYIOdO uopIOB asm oBuEYD PUT SOSTID “SauOqDIA ‘SOUR UENO we PIAPAMOsOIOT PUE PIUAYSIOT oq Ue 3-qsru0ddo we sf AowUmAUY soaIN IyBLY oNp we BURSOTIOD © aig Bayayooas and ‘saossd mjoq s0 900 wat epoydxs 20 apojdan sdmsuoneray sy Busta ‘sry Surass savoc suoseas Sy 019 305 BaSeNUOD -Azyyeyoont Kova we eay you op 351g oaICoas 0} Sdrysuorfas Youosdde oye SsoUL, (b‘C:z Aga “s:€1 OOT ‘OL:L OW) sIseq ON pur SuunrBaq omp Su9q Buys ‘seajos onorpne Jo Butooas pow Boyays qenbs om S| AovaspUT suosvas IMSL om 05 BURDVUTIOD “UT-H7L: WO séysvOREyes weuNg [Te 405 SuOONPS pure VoREpUNO} ‘orp sy snsor qs Aoempuy {(p:z avy) AO] ISI JON UM FRUITY Sf UOSzed syUP ‘TTe Jo OY ‘poprenBazes oq inom AOeUTATT ‘Surmossoyg Aue yep os soyqiSuey pu “yono} ‘Stn Spey samy puna say wyeyUTERA OY Soy o7e Kamp salzEpunog spueisiepUN ‘wosred jo odKs sm, sdOoTdOs MM [NOs samp asUyS Oy SsONIOy Kp Woy efows o1 SuneM por Buy a7e Kam ‘eassuayopuoN Sed snout omy 305 ‘5| uoszod 0 2dKs smy,'s8 303 poreanT9 303095 09 on suoszed oxox 30j Aeud Te prnogs oat pure “uossed 3871.99 04 p08 Te PINS pA “CLOT ba) Kove soy yeapL St EMH Uoszed Jo Od w 5} 2211] o]Go—d ays amp IMA BuIDSTTOD we a xv Dos & Don’ts . As team leader, convey to team how you like them to participate or contribute. . Seek their destiny. . Decide if “targeted counseling” needed later. . Tools are same, but people are different. . Stay with the goal (freedom and relationship with Trinity) but know when God isn’t moving them further. . Let them feel and know they are honored by the team. . Decide how you would like to do followup. . Don't make the person feel responsible for not “seeing” or “hearing”. . Don’t feel responsible for their healing or freedom. . Don’t fear making mistakes. You will. |. Don’t do ministry at your home. Keep it administered in the church. . Don’t let it get “routine”. . Don’t be surprised if you find you need ministry at times. '. Don’t serve out of compulsion but out of desire. NAME: PROBLEM: GOD THE FATHER {HOW TO YOU VIEW YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH ‘YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER? 2. DO YOU FEEL SECURE WITH YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER? WHAT WAS THE LETHATIAM DEUEVING ABOUT YOU? ‘PRAYER: FORGIVENESS [RENOUNCETHE UE THAT FATHER ‘G00 WiLL 00 THe SAME, 3, DO YOU FEELPROTECTED BY HIM? 4, HOWDO YOU HEAR THE FATHER’S VOICE? JESUS 1 JESUS WHAT DO YOU THINK OF mer 2. HOW D0 YOU HEAR JESUS VOICE? 3. D0 YOU FEEL CLOSE TO JESUS? HOLY SPIRIT 1. HOWDO YOU VIEW YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT? HOW DO YOU HEAR HIS VOICE? DO YOU FEEL COMORTED OR NURTURED ‘BY THE HOLY SPIRIT? COMMUNICATION COMPANIONSHIP WHAT WASTHE UE “THATIAM BEUEVING ABOUT YOU? RENOUNCE THE UE. PRAYER-FORGIVENESS [RENOUNCE THE LETHAT JESUS WILL D0 THE SAME ‘PRAYER: FORGIVENESS WHAT CANDO FOR YOU? ‘WHY ARE YOU HERE? IS THERE ON THING YOU WOULD LIKE TO LEAVE THIS ROOM WITHOUT? WHICH PART OF THE GODHEAD ARE YOU MOST COMFORTABLE WITH? EARTHLY FATHER 11, WHAT WAS YOUR REALATIONSHIP LIKE WITH YOUR FATHER GROWING UP? 2. DID YOU FEEL PROTECTED? 3. DID YOU FEEL SECURE? 4.00 YOU THINK YOU Miss OUT ON ANYTHING? 5. ANY UNFORGIVNESS?, PRAYER: FATHER GOD, wniaT TRUTH 00 YOU WANT METO KNOW? L FORGIVE MY EARTHLY FATHER FOR BEING PRESENT AND ABSENT AT THE SAMETTIME [AND RENOUNCE THE LIE THAT YOU CAN BE ABSENT A [NO PRESENT AT THE SAMETIME. SIBLINGS AND FRIENDS 1.00 YOU HAVE SIBUNGS?, 2. WHERE DO YOU FIT IN WITH THEM? 3, WERE YOU CLOSE? 4, COMMUNICATE WEL?. "PRAYER: FORGIVENESS EARTHLY MOM 1, WHAT WAS YOUR RELATIONSHIP LIKE WITH YOUR MOTHER? (WHAT WAS THE LE THAT LAM BELIEVING 2. DIDYOU FEEL COMFORTED? 3. WERE YOU CLOSE WITH YOUR MoM? RENOUNCE THE LE THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT ‘Wal. D0 THE SAME ‘5, HOW WERE YOUR FRIENDSHIPS GROWING UP? |OTES. FOUR DOORS: FORGIVENESS IS THE KEY TO CLOSING THE DOORS FORGIVENESS IS NOT A FEELING, BUT A DECISION. IT IS CHOOSING TO GIVE GOD THE RIGHT TO HANDLE THAT SITUATION OR PERSON. HATRED PRAYER: FATHER GOD SHOW ME ANY BITTERNESS DOWN INSIDE OF ME. BITTERNESS, ENVY, GOSSIPING, SLANDER ‘CHOOSE TO FORGIVE: PRAYER OF FORGIVENESS FEAR CONTROL FREAK- IF | CAN CONTROL WHAT HURT ME, THAN I CAN'T BE HuRT. WORRY- AFRAID OF GETTING HURT APATHY ~ FEAR OF FAILURE (FEAR OF FAILING SO WHY TRY). LUNBELIEF, ANGER, ISOLATION, DRUNKENNESS OR DRUG USE E ASK HOLY SPIRIT TO FIL ‘ASK FOR FORGIVENESS: PRAY cast EM, SEXUAL SIN ADULTERY, FORNICATION, LEWDNESS, PORNOGRAPHY occur MOLESTATION, RAPE [ANYTHING THAT TAKES YOU AWAY FROM REALITY USED AS A PLACE THAT IS BETTER THAN MY LIFE, OPENS DOORS WHEN CROSS OVER FROM REALITY TO FANTASY. ‘ASK FOR FORGIVENESS: PRAY (CLOSE THE DOOR AND ASK HOLY SPIRIT TO FILL THEM, SORCERY, WITHCHCRAFT, OUUA BOARD, PALM READING, ASTROLOGY, TAROT CARDS FATHER GOD IS THERE ANY AREA IN THE OCCULT I NEED TO RENOUNCE? ‘ASK FOR FORGIVENESS: PRAY (CLOSE THE DOOR AND ASK HOLY SPIRIT TO FiLt THEM, CLOSE WITH PRAYER AND BLESSINGS

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