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LEAH -monologue

By Dennis Kelly

Josie Murphy-White
Leah- DNA by Dennis Kelly

LEAH: What are you thinking?

No answer.

No, dont tell me, sorry, thats a stupid, thats such a stupid-

You know. You can talk to me. I wont judge you, whatever it is. Whatever
youre, you know, I wont, I wont

Is it me?

Not that Im-

I mean it wouldnt matter if you werent or were, actually, so-

Are you thinking about me?

No answer.

What good things? Phil? Or

I mean is it a negative, are you thinking a negative thing about-

Not that Im bothered. Im not bothered, Phil, Im not bothered, Im not, it

doesnt, I dont care. You know I dont

What, like I talk too much? Is that it? That I talk too much, Is that it? You
sitting there in absolute silence thinking Leah talks too much, I wish shed
shut up once in a while is that it, is that what your, because dont you
know like judge, you no or anything. Because, alright I do. There, Im
admitting it, I talk too much, so shoot me

Because your not perfect actually, Phil. Okay. There Ive said it, your not

Youre a bit

I do. No, I do talk too much. No dont because, its alright, its fine, Im not
gonna, you know, or whatever, you know its not the collapse of my,
because I do have, I could walk out of here, there are friends, Ive got, Ive
got friend, I mean alright I havent got friends, not exactly, but I could, If I
wanted, given the right, given the perfect, you know circumstances. So
dont because you havent either, I mean its not like your, you know, Mr
popular, you know, you havent. Sitting there, all

All What are you thinking?

LEAH -monologue
By Dennis Kelly

Josie Murphy-White

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