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ROBATEL Industries September 2012


Equipment Period Customer
1 on-site shuttle for glass container 2000 COGEMA La Hague
Special baskets with embedded thermal and neutron shielding 2000 CERCA
Manufacturing of 2 casks - TN 9/4 2000 COGEMA Logistics
Type B cask design for concrete hull 2001 EDF
Manufacturing of 4 casks -TN MTR 2001 COGEMA Logistics
Manufacturing of 1 cask - TN 106 2001 COGEMA Logistics
Design and manufacturing of 2 DGD casks D001M 2003 CEA Cadarache
2 TN 9/4 cask frames 2003 COGEMA Logistics
Design and tests for IR100 2004 CEA Saclay
Handling equipment 2004 CEA Grenoble
2 type B casks R65 2004 CIS BIO International
Cask frames 2004 CEA Saclay
Type B container 2005 ETBS
Waste containers PNL (Super Phnix) 2005 EDF/CIDEN
Type A container 2005 CEA Valduc
Type A container 2005 DGA
1 scale model 2005 CEA Saclay
DGD casks 2005 CEA Cadarache
Storage cask demonstrator 2006 CEA Valrho
Approval extension for CTB cask 2006 CEA Cadarache
Transport cask - SORG 2006 CEA Cadarache
2 transportation casks 2006 CEA Cadarache
Shielding of 2 IR800 casks 2006 SEMA
Modification "DGD" casks 2007 CEA Fontenay
Drop tests of a A type cask 2007 ATR
Type B cask approval 2008 EDF
Design, approval, manufacturing of a type B cask for irradiated
2008 EDF - DCN
fuel rods
Plutonium transportation containers PEGASE 2008/2009 CEA Cadarache
Design and manufacturing of 2 shielded containers with
2008/2009 AREVA NC
associated handling equipment
Phnix cask 2009 CEA - DAM
Manufacturing of 1 "R66 - DGD" cask 2009 CEA Cadarache
Handling equipment CABRI 2009 IRSN Cadarache
Prorogation R68 2009 EDF - DCN
Manufacturing of a RA02 cask 2010 TRANSNUBEL

Design, approval, manufacturing of 2 type B casks 2010 SCK CEN

Manufacturing of 10 casks R64 2010 CEA Valrho

Scale model for DE25 cask 2010 CEA Saclay

ROBATEL Industries September 2012

CASKS (next)
Equipment Period Customer
Design, approval, manufacturing of 12 type B casks for ICEDA
2008/2011 EDF/CIDEN
dismantling's wastes
Manufacturing of 2 casks R65 2011 Cis Bio International
Manufacturing of a few hundred casks for UF6 2010 / 2012 EDF - DCN

Design, approval, manufacturing of 4 type B casks outstanding CEA

Design and manufacturing of 1 containers with associated
outstanding AREVA NC
handling equipment
Design, approval, manufacturing of a type B casks outstanding EDF - UTO

Cask for the lid of Chooz A vessel outstanding EDF - CIDEN

RTG 32S Design and manufacture of 9 casks for the storage of
outstanding EDF - UTO
32 cluster guides
RT100 Design, agreement and manufacturing of 2 type B casks
outstanding WCS (USA)
for the transportation of class B & C waste

ROBATEL Industries September 2012


Equipment Period Customer
4 boxes hot cell 1998 COGEMA La Hague
Cables irradiation hot cell 1998 ABB Norsk Cable (Norway)
Atalante hot cell 1999 SGN for CEA Marcoule
6 boxes Cador hot cell 1999 CEA Saclay
6 boxes hot cell 1999 CEA Saclay
5 boxes hot cell 2002 CEN La Mamora (Morocco)
3 boxes hot cell 2002 IRE Fleurus (Belgium)
19 boxes hot cell (1.600 tons lead) 2002 CEA Saclay
Irradiator and box 2002 IRSN/OPRI
Modification C12 hot cell 2002 IRE Fleurus (Belgium)
9C box 2002 CIS bio international
Biological shields for LECA 2003 ENDEL/CEA Cadarache
Hot cell 2003 SCK-CEN Mol (Belgium)
Irradiation cell 2004 ACOME
STE2 hot cells 2004
for COGEMA La Hague
Mesange project for LECA STAR 2004 CEA Cadarache
Hot cells equipments for LAMA THA 5 and 6 2004 CEA Grenoble / FILON Project
Bin loading stations and DGD at LAMA 2004 CEA Grenoble
1 shielded hot cell 2005 CIS bio international
Pneumatic transportation system - LECA 2005 ENDEL
Design hot cell for new Mo/Tc generator line 2005 CIS BIO INTERNATIONAL
Chemicals hot cell 2006 SCK-CEN Mol (Belgium)
2 shielded hot cells (chemicals) 2007 CIS bio international
Shielded hot cell 2007 CAMECA (Germany)
Stocking equipment in cell 2008 CEA Cadarache
Synchrotron DEIMOS shielded cell 2008 SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL
Gloves boxes and shielded equipment 2009 IRSN
Neutron shielded cell (PNT7) 2009 CEA Saclay
Shielded cell to store middle level waste products 2009 SCK-CEN Mol (Belgium)
Reconstruction of pharmaceutic shielded cells 2009 CYCERON
Repair of the XEMO 2 shielded cell 2009 IRE Fleurus (Belgium)
Disassembly of the C7&C8 shieded cells 2009 IRE Fleurus (Belgium)
Chemicals hot cell 2010 ALGETA
Cell of examination 2011 CYCERON
3 hot cells outstanding ANSTO (Australia)
Hot cell CADACOL outstanding CEA Cadarache
Hotcell Pb 212 outstanding AREVA TA
Hot cell PETRUS outstanding SPIE (CEA Fontenay)

ROBATEL Industries September 2012


Equipment Period Customer
Extent Melox plant 1998 MELOX
Doors and hatches for ACC 1998 COGEMA La Hague
Radioactive waste cementation unit 1999 ZWILAG (Switzerland)
Doors and hatches for ACC 2000 COGEMA La Hague
Waste sorting and conditioning unit (ETC) 2000 EDF Chinon
ETC inlet airlock 2000 EDF Chinon
Neutron shields 2000 CEA Valduc
Shielded doors (containment shells) 2002 COGEMA LA HAGUE
ACC mechanical units 2002 COGEMA La Hague
"ACC" conveyor cars 2002 COGEMA La Hague
Tchernobyl doors and hatches 2002 FRAMATOME ANP
Equipments shieldings 2003 COGEMA La Hague
Dismantling equipments for LAMA 2004 CEA Grenoble
Prime contract for MESANGE hot cells 2005 CEA Cadarache
Shielded doors and hatches - " STELLA" 2005 CEA Saclay
Radioactive waste cementation unit 2005 EDF Fessenheim
Dismantling STE2 muds 2005 COGEMA La Hague
"RES" lead shielded shell 2005 TECHNICATOME
"K15" device 2005 TECHNICATOME
Fuel handling equipment 2006 TECHNICATOME
PB STAR shielded lock 2006 CEA Cadarache
Through the wall collimator system 2006 CEA DAM
Pool equipments for Canal 2 RES 2006 TECHNICATOME
Mechanical equipment 2007 AREVA NC

Non active development prototype 2007 AREVA NC

Concrete bags handling station ergonomics 2007 AREVA NC

Mechanical assemblies for SAFKEGS PUO2 BNGS processing 2008 AREVA NC

Neutron-absorbing US MOX plant 2008 Premier Technology

Drums repositioning - PEGASE 2008 CEA Cadarache
STAR cell equipment 2008 CEA Cadarache
Container reinforcement equipment 2008 CEA Grenoble
Glass fusion equipment mock up 2008 AREVA NC La Hague
Neutron shielded miscellanious equipement (compound n 9) 2008 AREVA NC La Hague

Cement unit (Russia) 2008-2009 AREVA TA

Adaptation station CNC 2009 AREVA NC La Hague

Gloves boxes dedicated to US MOX plant 2009 SHAW AREVA

Handling and laying equipment for R72 cask 2009 EDF

ROBATEL Industries
September 2012

Equipment Period Customer
Waste measuring and waste inspection unit 2009 CEA Cadarache
VERDON laboratory 2006-2010 CEA Cadarache
RES - Various toolings outstanding CEA Cadarache
Plugs for Phnix 2011 CEA Valrho
Docking for Brennilis project 2011 OTGP
Drums repositioning - INB PEGASE (Gloves boxes, mechanical,
2011 CEA Cadarache
transfers ...)
CADECOL cell outstanding CEA Cadarache
STEMA - mechanical equipment outstanding CEA Marcoule
Gamma shielding RJH outstanding DCNS
RES - Equipment for reactor outstanding CEA Cadarache
Neutron and gamma shielding for 2 EPR Taishan outstanding TNPJVC (China)
Stainless steel borated tools ISAI outstanding CEA Marcoule

ROBATEL Industries September 2012


Equipment Period Customer
Cyclotron shields 1999 IBA (Belgium)
Irradiator shielding 2001 LINAC Technologies
SPF5 shielding 2002
for COGEMA La Hague
Glass fusion furnace equipment 2002 COGEMA La Hague
Le Terrible submarine shielding 2003 DCN Cherbourg
Glass fusion furnace equipment 2003 COGEMA La Hague
Induction heating element 2003 COGEMA La Hague
Sets of half shells for Rt/T7 furnaces 2003 COGEMA La Hague
Waste transfer shielding to MAR 400 2004 COGEMA Marcoule
RES reactor shielding 2004 CEA Cadarache
26 lead pigs - 4 tons - (for submarine tests) 2004 DCN BREST
Lead pigs (for submarine ballasting) 2004 DCN Cherbourg
Shielded cask for LECA 2004 ENDEL/CEA Cadarache
ELD demonstrator 2004 CEA VALRHO
Laboratory cells demantling 2004 CEA Saclay
Lead pigs (for submarine ballasting) 2005 DCN Cherbourg
Sets of half shells for Rt/T7 furnaces 2005 COGEMA La Hague
Dismantling STE2 muds 2005
for COGEMA La Hague
Biological shielding on shell declading pipes 2005 SPIE
Collimator penetration 2006
Shielded lock 2006 CEA Cadarache

Lead shielded doors - PAMELA 2006
for BELGOPROCESS (Belgium)

Sets of half shells for Rt/T7 furnaces 2006 AREVA NC La Hague

Biologicial shieldings for GUL DEM R7 2006 AREVA NC La Hague
Glass fusion furnace equipment 2006 AREVA NC La Hague
Sets of half shells for Rt/T7 furnaces 2007 AREVA NC La Hague
Buildup of a lead uptake - STE2 2007
La Hague
Counting castel made of lead bricks 2007 AREVA NP (China)
Seismic fasteners for Atalante glove boxes 2007 CEA Valrho
Modification on sample connection biological shielding. 2007 SIMAT
Reactor biological shielding 2007 SNIG
Shielded tunnel (R7/R72 connection) 2008 ACPP/AREVA NC
Shielded equiment for CABRI hull 2008/2009 IRSN Cadarache
BARACCUDA nuclear reactor vessel shielding 2009 DCNS Cherbourg
Ventilation pit plugs - CEA Saclay 2009 MAN
Erection of lead shielding for transfer line SPF3-HAPF 2009 ADF TARLIN / AREVA NC
Neutron shield plug (PWR & CPR) 2009 / 2011 HUAXING (China)

ROBATEL Industries September 2012


Equipment Period Customer
Spare parts for AREVA NC La Hague Plant 2008-2013 AREVA NC La Hague
Spent fuel transport in R62 cask to CNEPE on several EDF


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