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Madarij Salikin by Brother Uwaymir Anjum

1) According to Brother Uwaymir, what is the ayat is the Quran that is sufficient to
summarize the message in the Quran?
2) In surah Al-Fatihah, ayat 5, what are the two parts mentioned in the ayat that describe our
relationship with Allah?
3) What is the meaning of ibadah?
4) What is the meaning of suluk?
5) Who is the salikin?
6) Give four meanings of hubb (love)?
7) Give six attributes of whom Allah loves?
8) What is the story that happened in Egypt related to syirk that is mentioned by Brother
9) What do you have to do when you’ve committed a sin?
10) What are the things that you cannot do once you’ve committed a sin?
11) What is the sayyidul istighfar?

1- Al-Fatihah:5, ‫َنسْ َتعِي وِإيّاكَ َنعْ ُبدُ إِيّاك‬

2- Ibadah (Worship), Isti’anah (asking help)
3- Disciplined love
4- Living the way of life
5- Those who realize that they are on the path to Allah
6- Purity, Affection, Inclination and stability
7- At-tawwabin (those who constanly repent), Al-Mutahhirin (Those
who purify themselves from sins), Al-Muqsitin (those who do
justice), Al-Muhsinin (Those who perform good deeds), As-Sabirin
(Those who are patient), Al-Muttaqin (those who have taqwa /fear
8- .
9- .
11-Allahumma Anta rabbi laa ilaaha illa anta khalaqtani wa anaa
'abduka wa ana 'ala 'ahdika wa wa'dika mastatha'tu wa a'udzubika
min sharri maa shana'tu abuu u laka bini'matika 'alayya wa abu u
bidzanbi faghfirlii fainnahu laa yaghfirudz dzunuuba illa anta.

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