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Skeletal system study guide

Rib Cage
True Ribs: Cartilages join the sternum directly

False Ribs: cartilages do not reach the sternum directly

Floating Ribs: have no cartilaginous attachments to sternum

3 Parts of the Sternum: upper manubrium, middle body, lower xiphoid

Vertebral Column
Cervical: 7 of them, on the neck

Thoracic: larger than cervical, articulate with a rib

Lumbar Vertebrae: loin, larger and stronger to support more weight

Where would an L2 strain be located? The Lumbar vertebrae, your lower back.
Upper Limb
Name each bone of the upper limb: Humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals,

What joints are in the upper limb?

Hinge joints: elbow

Condyloid: metacarpals

Gliding joint: carpals

Saddle joint: first metacarpal and trapezium

Lower Limb
Name each bone of the lower limb: femur, fibula, tibia, patella, tarsals, metatarsals,

What Joints?

Ball and socket: femur to hip

Hinge joint: knee

How do adult and infant skulls differ?

At birth the skull is not fully developed with fibrous membranes connecting the
cranial bones- the bones are not together. In an adult the bones are fused together and
fully developed and strong.

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