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Running head: REFLECTION ON LESSON DELIVERY Reflection on Lesson Delivery Ying Liu UCR Extension: Foundations of TESOL January 23,2017 REFLECTION ON LESSON DELIVERY 2 Reflection on Lesson Delivery Before delivering my teaching, I prepared sufficient material relevant to my teaching including PowerPoint slides, short videos and handouts. When I began to teach, I was very confident because I thought that I had enough resources and materials to support my teaching, Howes, OS. wet on and also enough time designed for each activity. But-with the teaching going.on, I had a somewhat disorder which was about the handou€Students were supposed to write their answers Bray CoMmosan on the handout, but I asked them to take a piece of paper to write their answers on it. This was an paste Ke ie. unexpected issue] made, [ tealized immediately after I said it, but it was already Tate at that ‘moment. This is what I need to improve in my future teaching, During the teaching process, I used the printed map of the world and the signs of different languages to activate students’ background knowledge on their origins of country and languages they speak to facilitate the teaching activity. For example, I had them participate into a group to show to each other where their home country is located on the map. Amd I also showed them the languages which are matched to the country where they are from. In doing so, I just want them t - el Cr have a more visual learning activity which will linger longer in their memory. (“ joo (e [also got students physically involved into the pair work, group work, or a whole class work according to my different teaching phases. For example, when I needed them to do mechanical drills, I put them into the pair work; when I needed them to do meaningful exercises, like exchanging conversational information related to our teaching contents, I put them into the group work. In doing so, students get different information from one another so as to get familiar with the language function by using it. Of course, when I monitored them, I paid close attention REFLECTION ON LESSON DELIVERY 3 to their performance, and reinforced what they practiced by asking questions after they were done with practice without mistakes. always keep in mind that language is alive which must be used to communicate. So, in my wrap up, I not only summarize what were taught, but also encouraged my students to use the basic conversational structures they leamed in this class to talk to strangers outside of the classroom, Through the lesson delivery, I successfully activated students” background knowledge, conducted a smooth transition of each teaching activity, and the strategy of grouping students as well. Beside those, I absolutely lear a lot of valuable things from my lesson delivery. RIVERSIDE ate Programs m Assignments V4 be ssa 2o\. snarctor Name: SAle Bradlee ws: Foundaicns assignment: Re fecha Exceeds Expectations TESOL Cer Rubric for Wr ‘Student Name: diem) re Hin te one GRP and Ideas may fail demonstrate some understanding of | demonstrate an accurate sy cre aalng te wsk | task an point) and ‘eacmandng ete usk Main (Oro |SNenoreieantite | Main eas or teal may etd | poten sop aha cts my te | Sol ep mics ae Titinee | Tp aT ae aE STF APA ormat Tornny an flyer’ | low APA ly or may have errors in Paper may format citations. outside sources and [APA formatting. ‘organizalion & somewhat "The organization is effective forthe althoush it may | task. The organization is clear and “There may be ‘Organization & Standards he bbe loose or uncle, Ds Usage Mechanies a twas not relevant tothe task at hand ‘comprchensiility “The writing may not be profes ‘or academic. Score: 3 __/100 Letter Grade: Be _ ; made sume Ualvable wsights “ode ype fodug WW ry Desembtr to beck on oll B levls— sevface, pedagogical Save chure’ Running head: THREE PROFESSIONAL GOALS FOR MY FIRST YEAR OF TEACHING Three Professional Goals for My First Year of Teaching Ying Liu UCR Extension: Foundations of TESOL, January 23, 2017 THREE PROFESSIONAL GOALS FOR MY FIRST YEAR OF TEACHING: 2 Three Professional Goals for My First Year of Teaching My three professional goals for my first year of teaching will be 1) to apply what I have earned at UCR Extension to my teaching; 2) manage to become professional; and 3) to share TESOL with as many people as possible. First of all, it is very significant to apply what has been learned into my teaching classroom. Not only did I spend lots of hard-earned money to have completed the required © courses, but also it has always been my dream to learn and to know what the TESOL is | \S x specifically about. | had come to my bottle-neck in my ESL teaching before I registered TESOL courses. So it is obvious that it means a lot for me to apply what I have learned to my teaching. Xa My first goal will absolutely benefit both my students and me. vt, & Me 5 S ayn kc > Second, I ave-to-be leaming to be professional which [totally had no direction at all. 7 will continue to update my education by pursing a higherlevel degree or certificate, expose Ny 4 myself to the leading clubs and activities “Sreven thinkof categorizing my educational thoughts combined with educational theories to design a professional training program for the teachers in China oO ase s & Third, 1 will absolutely share,with as many people as possible about TESOb. My S. x AWK promotion targets potential students market who wants to learn or improve English proficiency. 1 will be able to help Chinese immigrants but limited to this community to learn English with tailored TESOL. "avo yam prawdoy20a|D anya, Jay SOT? 47%) ax bat, 0017 ab sa109g, inaprae pu yeuosajou ‘ipa s1 Bunun 4) souDquasedde ou am ound Suu 24 Jo somieay ansing wD sou ‘yatesn 8 wow “GG sparpuns 9 onezqu6310 ee Suen women | "OND aera ou sea Woutise 94), | 3p aIURPIAT Aya pu mayo as synap/sadurexs mods pa anon | umpy 3505p JoBupRIpIN vs moo0 ye ea suOH9p seop1 “padorensp am 2p] rovsen mou imate, C6818) C650) suomenod 929984 suomensdi 3010 sougp}s9 weropsON | wea SS POIT mouusyssy SOTPIPATD] seo PHONY HI DIAS Swen sovnssy JOISUIALY 07 ar, sure puapms, Fir Sus WoT HOY HT suresBo4q 9189949.) TOSALL

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