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2015 International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XIII SIPDA), Balnerio Cambori, Brazil, 28th Sept. 2ndOct. 2015.

Calculation of Backflashover Outage Rate of

Transmission Lines: A Discussion on Traditional
Methodologies and Recent Advances

Fernando H. Silveira Silvrio Visacro Ronaldo E. de Souza Filho

LRC Lightning Research Center
UFMG Federal University of Minas Gerais

Abstract This work presents a discussion on the traditional The literature presents two important methodologies based
methodologies presented by CIGRE and IEEE to calculate the on analytical approaches to estimate the lightning outage rate
lightning outage rate of high voltage transmission lines in terms of transmission lines, proposed by CIGRE [3] and IEEE [1,4-
of backflashover occurrence. The main aspects of such 5]. Such methodologies are very popular and wide used,
methodologies are reviewed. The simplifications and mainly due to their easiness of application.
approximations adopted to determine the outage rate are
discussed. Systematic simulations are developed considering a However, it is important to note that such methodologies
typical 138-kV line configuration. The obtained results in terms adopt several simplifications and approximations, whose
of peak overvoltage, critical current and backflashover rate are generality of application is not deeply verified, such as the
compared with those obtained by an advanced methodology modeling of the impulsive behavior of grounding system, the
composed by an accurate electromagnetic model (HEM) to representation of lighting currents that are the source of the
calculate the overvoltage across insulator strings and an resulting overvoltage across line insulator strings, the criteria to
elaborate model (Disruptive effect DE) to evaluate the flashover define the insulator flashover, etc.
occurrence across insulators. Very distinct backflashover outage
rates were presented. In general, CIGRE and IEEE Such approximations may affect the calculated outage rate,
methodologies yield large and lower outage rate, respectively, in leading to erroneous performance evaluation of high-voltage
comparison to those estimated by the advanced methodology. lines, influencing, therefore, decisions regarding its protection.
The results indicate the need of incorporating the recent
advances of the area in the calculation of outage rate, aiming the Since 2012, the CIGRE WG C4.23 is working on the
improvement of the quality of the results given by traditional revision of the CIGRE brochure 63 Guide to procedures for
methodologies. estimating the lightning performance of transmission lines
that compiles the main aspects of CIGREs methodology [3].
KeywordsBackflashover, Current waveform representation, Such revision aims to update its content since on the last years
Grounding, Lightning performance of transmission lines, several advances concerning the calculation of the lightning
Traditional methodologies. performance of transmission lines have been presented in the
In this context, this work aims to present a discussion on
Lightning is the main source of outages on high-voltage the main aspects of the CIGRE and IEEE methodology to
transmission lines. Such lightning outages are related to three estimate the backflashover rate of high voltage transmission
mechanisms: Flashover, backflashover, and the mid-span lines and evaluate the impact of some relevant approximations
flashover. In regions with moderate or high resistivity soils, the on the calculation of the resulting outage rate. Moreover, the
backflashover prevails [1-2]. results obtained by such methodologies are compared to those
The evaluation of the lightning performance of calculated using a methodology based on the calculation of the
transmission lines is based on the calculation of the outage rate resulting overvoltages across insulator strings by the HEM
per 100 km of the line per year. Such calculation consists on a model [6] and the estimation of the backflashover occurrence
complex procedure that involves several factors that are using the Disruptive effect model (DE) [7]. The developed
capable to influence the resulting outage rate. It is important to analyses presented in this work consider a typical configuration
note that the correct specification of such rate has a of a 138-kV line.
fundamental impact on determining convenient protective
practices to improve the lightning performance of such lines. II. MAIN ASPECTS OF CIGRE AND IEEE METHODOLOGIES
The calculation of the lightning performance of high-
This work was supported by The State of Minas Gerais Research voltage transmission lines by means of CIGRE and IEEE
Foundation (FAPEMIG), under grant TEC APQ-02141-14.
methodologies assumes analytical formulations to describe the

978-1-4799-8754-2/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 226

transient behaviour of the resulting overvoltages due to direct CIGRE
lightning strikes to the line, including the voltage reflection on 80 IEEE

P(I>Ic) (%)
tower-footing grounding. 60

Based on such overvoltages, the critical current able to 40

cause backflashover is determined. Finally, cumulative 20

distribution functions of first return stroke currents are 0
employed to estimate the resulting lightning outage rate of the 0 20 40 60 80 100
Ic (kA)
Fig. 1. Comparison between CIGRE and IEEE cumulative first lightning
Both methodologies consider only the calculation of the stroke current distribution.
backflashover rate associated with first return stroke currents,
in spite of recent publications had indicated the possibility of E. Calculation of Backflashover rate
backflashover occurrence by subsequent strokes [8-9].
The calculation of backflashover rate is based only on
Some important aspects of both methodologies are overvoltages related to lightning striking the tower top. To
described below. consider the effect of the lower overvoltages related to
lightning striking the line span, a correction factor (0.6) is
A. Modeling applied on the result. The BFR is determined by multiplying
Both methodologies represent the transmission line tower the probability of a current to exceed the critical current, the
and its line conductors by means of their surge impedance. rate of strokes hitting the line (NL) and the 0.6 factor.
Specifically, the IEEE methodology allows the representation
of the corona effect around the conductors. III. DEVELOPMENTS
Tower-footing grounding is generally modeled by a The performed analyses considered lightning striking the
resistance whose value equals the one obtained by top of the 30-m-high 138 kV single-circuit transmission line
measurements using low frequency, low amplitude current. tower represented in Fig. 2. The span length of the line is
Both methodologies allow representing soil ionization effect. assumed 400 m long. The line CFO is 650 kV.

B. Return-stroke current: waveform and front time 2.9 m

3.03 m
parameters 1.86 m
1.65 m 3.72 m
Both methodologies calculate the resulting overvoltage 0.8 m
across insulator strings due to lightning return stroke currents

30 m
23.25 m
represented by linearly rising wavefronts. What differs is the
front time values recommended by each methodology.
Cigres methodology recommends the use of Td30 or the
minimum equivalent front time (Tm) defined as Tm = Ip/SM, 6.0 m

where SM is the maximum current derivative, as the front time. Fig. 2. Geometry of the simulated 138-kV transmission line tower.
IEEE recommends the use of a 2-s-front time since
evaluations presented in [4] indicate such parameter in the 1.5 The current waveform assumed to be impressed at tower
2.5 us range corresponding to current amplitude from 50 kA top is represented by a linearly rising wavefront with 31 kA
to 200 kA. peak amplitude and a Td30 front time of 3.8 s, corresponding
C. Criteria to evaluate flashover across insulator strings to the median current parameters measured by K. Berger at
Mount San Salvatore station [10].
CIGREs methodology adopts the so-called non-standard
critical flashover overvoltage (CFONS) that depends on the line Since CIGRE and IEEE methodologies suggest different
CFO, the nominal voltage of the line, tower-footing grounding formulation to determine the number of strokes hitting the line
resistance and the span length between adjacent towers. The (NL), the backflashover outage rate indicated in the following
volt-time curve method is used by IEEEs methodology. analyses assumes a same rate of 30 flashes striking the line per
100 km per year.
D. Cumulative return stroke current distribution
CIGR and IEEE methodologies adopt similar but distinct IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
cumulative first stroke current distributions to determine the A. Comparison between CIGRE and IEEE methodologies
backflashover rate of the line. CIGREs cumulative current results
distribution is based on the integration of the probability
Table I summarizes the peak overvoltages at the upper,
density function indicated in [3]. On the other hand, the IEEE
medium and lower insulator strings calculated by CIGRE and
cumulative current distribution adopts a simplified equation
IEEE methodologies considering tower-footing resistance of 20
[4]. Fig. 1 illustrates both current distributions.
As can be noted, in the 20-60 kA range, both distributions
are very similar. In the large current region and for currents
below 20 kA, IEEE presents a large probability of occurrence.

TABLE I. PEAK OVERVOLTAGE ACROSS LINE INSULATOR STRINGS The difference between outage rates calculated by CIGRE
and IEEE increases for decreasing values of tower-footing
Difference in grounding resistance. This is explained by the behavior of the
Insulator Vp (kV) Vp (kV)
relation to flashover models adopted by each methodology. Unlike the
CIGRE (%) volt-time curve of IEEE, the CFONS of CIGRE depends, among
Upper 489.3 499.5 +2.1 several factors, on the value of tower-footing grounding
Intermediate 502.9 514.7 +2.3
Lower 516.5 526.8 +2.0
resistance, having a directly proportional relationship with such
parameter: the larger is the tower-footing grounding resistance,
the larger is the CFONS.
As can be noted, the application of CIGRE and IEEE
B. Comparison with HEM+DE methodology
methodologies gives practically the same peak overvoltage for
each insulator string. The IEEE calculated overvoltages are just In order to evaluate the impact of the simplified procedures
2% larger than the ones calculated by CIGRE. Also, it is adopted by CIGRE and IEEE methodologies to estimate the
important to note that both methodologies indicate larger backflahover rate of high voltage transmission lines, the
overvoltages at the lower insulator string. previously obtained results are compared with those calculated
by an advanced methodology based on accurate modeling of
The critical current and the percentage of current expected system elements and the use of a more elaborate criterion to
to flashover are estimated by both methodologies based on the verify the flashover occurrence across insulators.
overvoltage developed across the lower insulator string. The
obtained results are shown in Table II. In this methodology, the Hybrid Electromagnetic Model
(HEM) is used to calculate the resulting overvoltage across
TABLE II. PERCENTAGE OF CURRENTS EXCEEDING THE PEAK REQUIRED insulator strings [6] and the Disruptive effect model (DE) [7] is
TO FLASHOVER THE LOWER INSULATOR STRING DETERMINED BY CIGRE AND applied to verify the flashover occurrence based on such
IEEE METHODOLOGIES. RG = 20 :. overvoltages. Then, the critical currents for each condition of
Outage rate the simulated transmission line are determined.
Methodology Ic (kA) %I> Ic
variation (%)
CIGRE 41 35 - The application of the aforementioned models on this
IEEE 64 13.2 -62.3 methodology aims to overcome two important drawbacks of
the traditional methodologies, namely, the calculation of the
resulting overvoltage across insulator strings and the criteria to
In spite of the very similar peak overvoltages calculated by determine the flashover of line insulators.
both methodologies as indicated in Table I, the critical current
estimated by IEEEs methodology is about 56% larger than the 1) Peak Overvoltages
one calculated by CIGREs methodology. Such difference is
mainly related to the distinct criteria of the methodologies to Table IV shows the peak overvoltages across insulator
determine the insulators flashover. According to CIGREs strings of the simulated transmission line.
methodology that uses the CFONS concept, for the simulated
conditions the critical overvoltage is about 680 kV, TABLE IV. PEAK OVERVOLTAGE ACROSS LINE INSULATOR STRINGS
(RG = 20 :).
corresponding to a 41-kA critical current. The CIGRE
cumulative current distribution indicates that about 35% of the Difference Difference
Vp Vp Vp
currents exceed such value. On the other hand, the critical Insulator
(kV) (kV) (kV)
(CIGRE in (IEEE in
overvoltage defined by IEEE methodology is based on the v-t strings relation to relation to
HEM) (%) HEM) (%)
curve, and, in this case, equals 1088 kV, resulting on a 64-kA
Upper 551.2 489.3 499.5 -11.2 -9.4
critical current. The IEEE cumulative current distribution Intermediate 562.3 502.9 514.7 -10.6 -8.5
indicates that approximately 13% of the currents exceed such Lower 570 516.5 526.8 -9.4 -7.6
Considering a rate of 30 flashes striking the line per 100 km In terms of peak value, the overvoltages calculated by the
per year, the resulting backflashover rate calculated by CIGRE HEM model are larger than those calculated by the analytical
and IEEE methodologies are 6.3 and 2.4 outages/100 km/year, formulations of CIGRE and IEEE. The peak overvoltages of
respectively. It is noted that the application of IEEE CIGRE and IEEE are about 11% to 9% and 9% to 8% lower,
methodology results on about 60%-lower outage rate. respectively, the larger differences observed at the upper
Table III indicate the results for Rg of 10 and 40 :. insulator string.
2) Critical currents and outage rate

Outage rate Table V compares the critical currents and the probability
Methodology Ic (kA) %I> Ic variation of backflashover occurrence calculated by HEM-DE and
(%) CIGRE methodologies. The results assume the cumulative
CIGRE 66.1 9.6 -
10 return-stroke current distribution recommended by CIGRE.
IEEE 108.4 3.7 -62
CIGRE 25.9 62.9 -
IEEE 37.1 38.5 -39

TABLE V. COMPARISON OF THE CRITICAL CURRENTS AND PERCENTAGE This result indicates that, for this condition, the use of volt-
time curve as the method to estimate the occurrence of
flashover across insulators may underestimates the resulting
Methodology Ic (kA)
%I> Ic Outage rate outage rate.
variation (%)
HEM-DE 50.2 21.5 - 3) Effect of the cumulative return stroke current
CIGRE 41 35 +63% distribution
HEM-CFONS 37.1 39.5 + 84%

Fig. 3 illustrates the resulting outage rate estimated by the

As can be noted from the results of Table V, the HEM-DE HEM-DE methodology for tower-footing grounding
methodology estimates larger critical current and, resistances of 10, 20 and 40 : as a function of the adopted
consequently, a lower expectation of backflashover occurrence. cumulative return stroke current distribution. The results
The probability of occurring backflashover is about 22% and indicate that the use of the IEEE cumulative return stroke
35% according to HEM-DE and CIGRE methodologies, current distribution gives larger outage rates for 10--, and 20-
respectively. If one considers a rate of 30 flashes striking the -tower footing grounding resistance (+130% and 3.4%,
line per 100 km per year, the estimated backflashover rate of respectively) and lower outage rate for 40--tower footing
the line would be about 4 and 6.3 outages, respectively. In this grounding resistance (-2.7%).
case, CIGREs methodology estimates a 63% larger outage 10
9.25 9
rate. 9
The difference in the resulting outage rate is not only 7
related to the different estimated overvoltage, but mainly to the 6

criteria to estimate the flashover occurrence. If the CFONS were 5 4
used to determine the critical current related to the HEM
overvoltage (see the last line of Table V), such value would be 2
37 kA, representing a 40% probability of backflashover 1 0.55 1.26
occurrence. This means 84%-increase of the resulting outage 0
rate related to the overvoltages calculated by the HEM model, 10 20 40
3.9 to 7.1 outages/100 km/year. In this specific case, the use of Rg (:
CFONS may be considered conservative since it estimates lower Fig. 3. Effect of the cumulative return stroke current distribution on the
critical current in comparison to the one related to DE model backflashover rate estimated by HEM-DE.
The comparison of the critical current and probability of
backflashover occurrence determined by HEM-DE and IEEE This work presented a discussion on the calculation of
methodologies is shown in Table VI. In this case, the backflashover outage rate of high-voltage transmission lines by
cumulative return-stroke current distribution recommended by means of the traditional methodologies presented by CIGRE
IEEE is considered. and IEEE. Based on systematic simulations considering a
typical 138-kV line configuration, sensitivity analyses were
INSULATOR STRING (HEM-DE X IEEE). RG = 20 :. The obtained results indicate that the application of the
aforementioned methodologies yields very similar peak
Outage rate
Methodology Ic (kA) %I> Ic
variation (%)
overvoltages across line insulator strings. However, in terms of
HEM-DE 50.2 22.2 - the resulting outage rate, the IEEEs methodology, based on
IEEE 64 13.2 -41% the volt-time curve to estimate the flashover occurrence, is
59.2 15.7 -29%
responsible for lower values, about 62% to 39% lower in the
curve 10-:- to 40-: tower-footing grounding resistance range, in
comparison to the rates estimated by CIGREs methodology.
According to the results of Table VI, the application of The comparison of results given by the traditional
IEEE methodology resulted in 41%-lower probability of methodologies with those related to the use of the HEM model
backflashover occurrence in relation to the one calculated by to calculate the overvoltage across insulator strings and the
HEM-DE methodology. For a rate of 30 flashes striking the application of the DE model to evaluate the flashover
line per 100 km per year, the estimated backflashover rates are occurrence across insulators indicated a large difference among
4 and 2.4 for HEM-DE and IEEE, respectively. the outage rates. Basically, CIGREs methodology estimated
If the volt-time curve was considered as the criterion to 63%-large outage rate in comparison to the one indicated by
estimate the insulator flashover related to the HEM the HEM-DE methodology for a 20-: tower-footing grounding
overvoltage, the resulting critical current would increase from resistance. On the other hand, for the same condition, the
50 to 59 kA, decreasing the probability of backflashover outage rate calculated by IEEE was 41% lower than that
occurrence from 22% (4 outages) to 16% (2.8 outages). estimated by HEM-DE.

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California: Electric Power Research Institute EPRI, 1982. pp. 545-597.
evaluations, the results indicated that for low tower-footing
[5] IEEE. Guide for Improving the Lightning Performance of Transmission
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difference is very small: only 3%. [7] H. Hileman, Insulation coordination for power systems. Boca Raton,
FL: CRC, 1999, pp. 627640.
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