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1 0 : 1 5 - 1 1 : 1 5 M y t h , F o l k lo r e a n d F a n t a s y

Landstrm, The Unicorn:

Fanny Figure, Fantasy and Contemporary Escapism
Xue, The Leviathan: Anthropomorphism, stigmatiza-
Chenru tion and metaphor of nature in video games
Phillips, All That Was Lost is Revealed: The Pedagogical
Abigail Value of Enchanting Nature for Children
23 March

11: 30-12:10 Hu man/Ani mal Relations

Student, Representation of animals in different film

Anonymous genres: How some films make animals relatable

Gomez, A Zoo outside the Zoo: dressing up,

Carmen a way of becoming more animalistic

12: 10-13:10 Lunch

Lunch break (no food provided)

13: 10-14:10 N atur al Hybr idity

Hovad Fischer, Vampyroteuthis Infernalis:

Anne is the future of human art animalistic?
Bolt, Cyborgs: Uexklls new tick
Mila and the expansion of our world
Haverholm, Surfing with the Alien: meeting Nature mid-way
Allan through contemporary shamanic practice
Abstracts and schedule online:

14:10 End of conference

10: 00-10:15 Intr oduction

10: 15-11:15 K eynote S peak er #1 10: 15-11:15 K eynote S peak er #2

Steiner, Nature, Time, and the Anthropocene: Ressler, Everythings coming together while
Henriette Julius von Bismarcks Landscape Painting Oliver everythings falling apart

22 March
11: 30-12:30 Apocalyptic Env ir onment 11: 30-12:10 Env ir onmental C oncer ns (#2)

Politi, Post-Apocalyptic Society: end of the architec- Graminius, Understanding Air Pollution: Visual narratives
Varvara Maria tural & political era, or the end of the world? Carin on the Chinese social media site Sina Weibo

Karthikeyan, Bonding Between Landscape and Architecture Miller, Camouflage: The Visual War on Plants
as an Obstacle to Environmentalism
Tuesday 21 March

Sharanya S Nicole

Yang, Aesthetics and Ethics of Disaster Tourism:

Qian Gazing the zone of alienation after Chernobyl 12: 10-13:10 Lunch

Lunch break (no food provided)
12: 30-13:30 Lunch

Lunch break (no food provided) 13: 10-14:10 The Hu man/ Animal Div ide

Prestby, Who is the Animal? Anthropocentric and bio-

13: 30-14:30 C ities of the Futur e Anna centric perspectives in Malens I am the animal
Van Haeren, Constructing Common Space from Fiction: Bauer, The Wilderness Inside: Practicing conviviality
Kristen Borrowing the Logico-Fantastic Machine Tim in a world of interdependent alterity
Wistrm Acua, Second Nature: Appreciating Artificial Nature Tsekoura, Instinctive Animalistic Elements in Greek Weird
Ulrika and Natural Architecture Aesthetically Mary Wave: Y. Lanthimos Dogtooth and the Lobster
Koerner, Making Nothing:
Natalie Cloud Archives 1 4 : 4 0 - 1 5 : 4 0 P o l i t i c a l N a rr a t i v e s & t h e N a t u r a l

Quelvennec, #NoDAPL:
14: 45-15:25 Envir onmental C oncer ns (#1) Lena Drone, landscape and activism
Larsson The Nature of Fashion: the environmental El-Taki, Why Should We Look at Animals? Questioning
Josefin impact of the fashion industry Sarah Samira the Human-Animal relation through memes
Ziga Jokela, Up to Speed: Urquhart, An Image of Life and Death: The weaponisa-
Mikko How to visually encourage Eco-Driving Eilidh tion of ultrasound imaging in abortion debate

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