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057:20 TEST # 1 Fall 2005

1. In regions far from the entrance, fluid flow through a circular pipe is one-dimensional, and
( )
the velocity profile for laminar flow is given by u ( r ) = umax 1 r R , where R is the radius
2 2

of the pipe, r is the radial distance from the center of the pipe, and umax is the maximum flow
velocity, which occurs at the center. Obtain
(a) a relation for the drag force applied by the fluid on a section of the pipe of length L
(b) the value of the drag force for water flow at 20 oC with R = 0.08m , L = 15m , umax = 3 m s ,
and = 0.0010 kg m s .

Figure 1 (for Problem 1) Figure 2 (for Problem 2)

2. The flow of water from a reservoir is controlled by a 5-ft-wide L-shaped gate hinged at point
A, as shown in Fig. 2. If it is desired that gate open when the water height is 12 ft, determine the
mass of the required weight W. ( g = 32.2 ft s 2 , and water density w = 62.4lbm ft 3 )

3. The closed tank shown, which is full of liquid, is accelerated downward at g and to the
right at one g . Here L = 2m , H = 3m , and the liquid has a specific gravity of 1.3 (i.e. the density
is 1300kg/m3). Determine pB p A and pC p A .

Figure 3 (for Problem 3)

4. Given u = xt + 2 y , v = xt yt , w = 0 .

What is the acceleration at a point x = 1m , y = 2m and at time t = 3s ?

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