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Question 1
(a). Consider any 1st order linear system given by its transfer function model,
Let . Where, , and is the Laplace
operator. Let excite the system by a sinusoidal input. Then, or
. Where is a constant and .
Show that,
Hint: . Where, is the inverse Laplace
operator. You have to find expressions for , , and (phase lag). Evaluate .

(b). Hence find the long term time response of when and denote it as
. Verify followings:

Where, . Sketch the Bode diagram.

(c). For any linear stable system, we can prove that, and . Using
these results, find the frequency responses of following systems. Also explain how to find
the phase crossover frequency, for each case.


(d). Let,

Show that, exits if .

Question 2
(a). Consider the feedback loop given in the figure below. We can show that,
and .

Fig. 2.1

Assume, . Then we have, and . The open

loop transfer function is given below.

Why do we call , the open loop transfer function (hint: disconnect the feedback signal at
the point 'A')?

Show that,
Also show that,

(b). Our goal is to find controller parameters (i.e. , , and ). Let is known but
is not. But we could think of having a controller which may give,

Where, is the tuning parameter.
Prove that, .

Let the process transfer function is, .

Prove that, .

Show that the controller is a PI controller.

Write down the expressions for controller parameters.
Let, and . Then find controller parameters such that, .

Question 3
(a). Explain any one of the PID controller tuning methods. You may explain Ziegler-Nichols'
method for an instance.
(b). State the Bode stability criteria. Define Gain Margin (GM) and Phase Margin (PM).

(c). Let, and .

If , prove that,

Find such that GM=2. Discuss the situation when,

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