ORG Leadership Theory

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Leadership Theories and their Leadership Styles

by Jane Alilin, Rico Bioco, Angelika Gultia, Rhosellie Naguicnic, Vannelle Plantas, Michaela Tagapulot (11-Hayes)
Theory Focus Leadership Style
A. Great Man Theory - Leadership is greatly influenced Great Man Leadership
by status as many great men - Having the position, status or
come from aristocracy. power that influences many
- Renowned leaders are destined - Accomplishing all of the tasks
to lead and are born with innate for the employees/followers.
qualities - Being able to stay stable in
- Based on the lives of historical leading excellently with great
men, especially military leaders, skills/characteristics.
who left a legacy or a mark in this
- Does not count the role of the
lower classes
- Only the educated and well-bred
men can lead and be heroes
- By Thomas Carlyle

B. Trait Theory - Focuses on the leaders innate This theory describes that:
attributes and characteristics. - Your leadership style is defined
- Describes positive traits that when compared to a standard
make a leader or a model leader
- Based on the common traits of - You will be able to assess your
past successful leaders leadership skills when you have
- primary characteristics are the traits given
emotional stability, ability to admit
error, good interpersonal skills,
and intellectual breadth
- Traits by Ralph Stogdill
C. Behaviorist Theory - Focuses on the leaders patterns Authoritarian Leadership
of behavior rather than the (high results, low people):
qualities Sticks to the rules and
1. Theory X and Theory Y schedules; expects the
Created by Douglas members to follow them with no
McGregor. Shows two questions asked. No
approaches/models of collaboration.
motivation and leadership in Country Club Leadership (low
the workplace. results, high people): motivates
A. Theory X Workers employees through rewards;
inherently dislike work, so the values the relationship with the
management must take action employees.
in external motivation.
What do you think is the best leadership style? Support your answer by citing an example or scenario?
Transformational Leadership is the kind of leadership that transcends the establishment of relationships and the
achievement of tasks. It goes beyond of what is required in the present and focuses on what can be done now to ensure a
future. We believe this is the kind of leadership style that sustains both the organization and the people in it. Through
transformational leadership, you do not only get things done and fulfill goals. You do not only get people to work their
tasks and responsibilities. This type of leader has a strong sense of purpose to bring each other to greater aspirations.
When you transform people, you inspire them to develop themselves. You would wish to give a positive influence to your
members that they, too, can be leaders in their own ways. He/She is a role model to his/her followers. For a
transformational leader, fulfilling objectives and getting people to just work is not enough. It is also about making an
impact in the workplace and creating a positive behavioral change. In the Atenean context, he/she applies magis by
bringing out the best potentials in each of the members. This, in a way, is a long-term oriented type of leadership because
it will affect how your members are as persons and as leaders even after a job performance or outside of work.
Some notable people who we consider as transformational leaders are Sabrina Ongkiko and Angelina Jolie.
Sabrina Ongkiko is a graduate of Ateneo de Manila University, initially planning to be a doctor or a nun. However, she
decided to take a break from school and join the Jesuit Volunteers of the Philippines. She wanted to experience volunteer
work and attend to where the need was greater. She became a teacher instead. With this, as a leader, she did not only
want a successful career for herself but also she wanted to make an impact on the lives of others. Angelina Jolie is an
iconic actress who used her fame to inspire millions with her charitable works. She is a leader when it comes to her acting
career yet she also finds time to give back to the community. She influences people to go where the need is great despite
of status in life. She may be in the prime of her life but still she never forgets to give back to the communities through
donations, charity works, and support organizations. The kind of love she gives especially to her adopted children creates
ripples of influence to the people around her. Even we, as students, can be a transformational leader. Like Sabrina and
Angelina, we dont only lead to achieve but also lead to change. This gives us a sense of fulfillment to be able to see
others grow as we grow.

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