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A Long Walk

By Joe Armendarez

Daniel, please go wake up your grandfather. I have to go. My mother muffled over the
toast she had in her mouth. Yea I got it, you leave for work.
Dont you forget you have school today, I cant have you missing school, also Im going
to call your sister to take care of
Yep, that sounds great, promise Ill go, bye. I pushed my mother to the door.
Love ya take care! Before she could say another thing I shoved her outside and closed
the door.
What is all the ruckus I hear my grandpa call out from his room.
Nothing Da! Da is my grandfather, he has retired a year ago and which he used to be a
Production Engineer, he was a very sharp-keen man, always knew if there was something
wrong whether it be machine or human. Until recently he changed.

I run over to my room and grab my phone, dialing my sister. I sit around waiting for her to
pick up. She doesnt work today, but as a nurse she is typically busy. She doesnt answer.
Alright, I put my phone down Ill just get ready.
Now dressed I run over to Das room, I hear the phone ringing, as I turn my head to the
attention to the phone, I dont notice the microwave on the floor. As I trip, a quick glance at my
grandfather who is walking to the bathroom. Da I began falling down the stairs, good thing it is
carpeted or else I would have broken my neck. I landed my fall. Only to be congratulated by the
throbbing pain from my head. The phone! I quickly ran up to my room and clicked the Answer
button. Yea on my way, just picked up some things at the store. Ill be there soon. She hanged
up. I walked over to my Das room and sighed,
Da, why is there a microwave in the middle of the hallway.
The what? I pointed to the hallway where the microwave is clearly seen at the door.
Only to be answered by a blank expression. I rubbed my head,
Try not to leave things around someone could get hurt. he hummed,
that would not be good. I hear my sisters car honk signaling me.
Well I cant walk with you today this morning, I have to get to school, so Ill ask my sister
to walk you. Da grunted,
Bah you children... just want to forget about me, busy with your lives. And all the
work He trailed off. I patted his back. Bah. He swatted at me. I decided to leave for school, I
grabbed my backpack and started to head out.
Hey, hows grandpa. My sister grabbed my shoulder.
His usual, unusual self, Karla. She faced me,
Anything different about him? I shook my head, spreading the cream cheese on a
bagel, I paused,
Actually he seems less talkative. He grunts and maybe responds. Other then that not
much has he changed, and not much has he has been doing. Alright have fun! I ran out with my
bagel in my mouth.
The hours passed every so slowly, watching the clock, tick-tock-tick-tock. Finally after so
long of a wait it was time for lunch, I began heading down to the entrance when someone grabs
Danny! Why do you not walk with us in the mornings anymore. I turned towards the
familiar voice, Sorry Jes, I was taking care of my gramps. Jason, my best friend sighed,
We get you have to care for him, but youre missing school, and arriving late, you can
get in trouble for that can you? I shook my head,
Yea yea, my sister will be coming more often to help him. Jessica retorted,
Makes sense for her to help, isnt she a nurse? I shrugged, Whatever floats your bo
My phone starts ringing, its my sister,
Hey, whats up? Daniel, I need you to come over here right away! I heard the panic in
my sisters voice, Woah, what? What happened? Now! She hung up.
That doesnt sound good. Jason commented.
Sorry guys I have to go, somethings up. I ran out, and jogged home. I saw my sister
on the porch, Whats wrong? I cant find grandpa! She yelled.
How?! We have to look for him. She rolled her eyes,
Yes, thats why I called you, where could he have gone, why didnt he was leaving, or
where! Alright you look over there, Ill go check this way. She shook her head,
Where could he have gone, I was just in the bathroom for five minutes Ill call you if I
find him. I nodded, and headed my way. The direction I am going is near the park, where we
usually walk in the morning. What do you know I see him shuffling towards the benches where
we sit sometimes to talk, not that he doesnt talk anymore as before.

Hey Da.
What is the matter, sonny.
Ah nevermind. I looked at the playground of kids running around, having the time of
their lives, being carefree. Da grabbed my shoulder and shook me around, Come on now, dont
bring up something and expect me to forget about it, whats on your mind kiddo. I looked
around, and looked out to the distance, collecting my thoughts,
Well, Im just concerned about my future.
Your future? He scratched his beard, What specifically about your future? I let the
silence time me, I dont have an idea of what to do after high school. Next year I am a
freshman, and after high school I paused.
Do you want to pursue a career as a doctor, or maybe like your sister, a nurse? I
scoffed at the word,
Me? A nurse? Da do you think guys can be nurses
He chuckled, Of course they can, my brother was a nurse.
Psh, yea, in the Air Force. And they called them like, combat nurses back then I
think. Da rustled my hair. Well then lets scratch that off the list of hundreds and thousands
and millions of jobs there are out there you can do.
Well actually, I thought about it, what if I do become a nurse. Maybe I can take care of
you when youre older, unlike Jes, who is so busy with college. He seemed deep in his
thoughts, Hmm, Im glad you are thinking of your future, but give yourself some time, and by
then Im sure you will be doing what you love. I smiled, Thanks for the talk, Da. I enjoy our
talks. He smiled as well, I too enjoy our talks.

I watched Da, shuffle to the seat, and plop himself down. He sighed heavily, breathing
heavily as well, he looked straight ahead, I looked to his direction. He seemed lost, Hey Da,
what are you looking at? I walked over to his side, mind if I sit here with you? He looked at me
and back to where he was looking. I sat down,
Da, I thought about it, I looked at him,
and I have thought real long about it, he didnt look back at me, and um, I think that
being a nurse could be a poss My grandfather got up,
Hey, where are you going now, Da? He tried to straighten himself out, but i still noticed
the way he stood up, the way he tried to stand up, hunched over. I got up and walked with him.
Why are you walking with me?
Huh? I nervously chuckled, What do you mean, Da?
Thats not my name, my name is He stopped for a few seconds, mumbling to
himself. I gave him some time to finish, but he just strolled on.
Are you alright, Da? He grumbled threatenly, that is not my NAME! And stop following
me. You are just trying to steal my secrets, I know you phonies are all the same. What was he
saying? This is really one of the first time he said anything like this. My phone started ringing, oh
crap I forgot about my sister, Hey Dan, did you find grandpa? I cant seem to find him, I can not
believe this! I reassured her, Dont worry, I am walking with him right now, well head back to
the house now. She sighed,
Whew, I cant believe I lost grandpa, not much of a role model am I looking like right? I
shook my head,
Eh, its alright, he seems to have his own agenda today I looked around, I didnt see
Da around! DA!? Where are you! I yelled.
Uh, Dan, did you lose grandpa? Where did he go? He was just with me. I told my
sister where I was and began to find him again. I began to look around, what if he made his way
to the house already? I began to jog down to the house. Oh good, I see my sister with him.
Im sorry, but you cant leave without telling me where you are going, you can get lost,
and hurt. Lets get you back inside.
I know what I am doing. He shook her off. She looked my way, we both look at each
other with concern. We both entered the house,
Hey grandpa, do you want some water? Im sure that was a long walk for you. My
sister asked.
That would be good. Da sat on the couch. Hey give this to him. My sister handed me
a glass of water.
Hey Da, I have your water here. Who? My sister giggled, thats your nickname, Da.
He look at his hands, then what is my name? I smiled, Its Daniel, just like mine. I sat by him,
handed him his water, Hey Daniel. He looked at me, What is it, sonny. I smiled, I want to
take care of you as long as I can. I enjoy our walks, even if you dont say much I looked at
my sister, back at my grandfather and grinned, I want to be a nurse, and Im sure I would love
to do it.

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