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The Repository | CantonRep.

com | Sunday, June 26, 2016M3

Hall of Fame Village


By B.J. Lisko programming.
Repository staff writer Veras a man of many hats: Executive VP, producer, Football players are
incredible storytellers,
Pro Football Hall of Fame
President David Baker
chief revenue officer and 10-time Emmy winner Veras said. They have lived
through their own sort of
chuckled when asked about sports war, and a lot of them
working with his colleague n Pro Football Hall of Fame use the lessons of the game
George Veras. executive vice president, execu- as a game for life and have
Its like trying to ride tive producer and chief revenue incredible careers afterward.
a tornado Im crawling officer George Veras has an I found that at the Hall of
out of bed, and hes already extensive background in televi- Fame with the Gold Jackets.
walked 18 holes on the golf sion and music production and At CBS Sports, I ended up
course! Baker said with a management. Veras produced working with a lot of future
smile before taking a more the first-ever NFL pregame Gold Jackets. Basically, I was
serious tone. Excellence show, The NFL Today, and has getting to know these guys
over a long period of time is been in charge of numerous doc- before I got to know these
caring about something more umentaries, including the ESPN guys at the Hall. Its been
than yourself. You believe 30 for 30 on Jimmy the Greek. a continuing of something
in it so much that you can Hes produced several Olym- I was very blessed to have
be mission-driven and you pics telecasts, was in charge of when I started as a kid.
can drag a lot of other good producing all Cleveland Browns Hes produced the Olym-
people with you. television broadcasts, and also pics multiple times, directed
George Veras is abso- managed adult contemporary TV music specials like Ray
lutely that kind of guy. music star, Yanni. Veras ties Charles Live, 60s Pop
Veras has served as the to football stems from his Reunion, and Doo Wop
Halls executive vice presi- childhood relationship with his 50, among others. He cre-
dent, executive producer uncle, Dr. Jim Nicholas (shown ated the highly successful
and chief revenue officer the here with Joe Namath). Nicholas marketing program for the
last two years. Prior to that, famously operated on the Jets movie My Big Fat Greek
he worked for Hall of Fame legend, and also got Veras a job Wedding, and he did
Enterprises in 2009. That as Jets ballboy when he just 11 extensive work with Yanni,
was a for-profit business years old. producing the instrumental-
of the Halls that worked to REPOSITORY ILLUSTRATION ists live albums, television
market Hall of Famers. B.J. LISKO appearances and tours.
The 10-time Emmy- Theres not many days
winning producer has an that I dont call George and
incredibly colorful and field in 1965. say, Thank you for the privi-
extensive background, His connection to foot- lege of working together,
having produced liter- ball started as a boy, and Baker added. Heres a guy
ally hundreds of television later Veras worked at CBS who has every reason to say,
shows, documentaries and Sports to produce the first- Why should I grow any-
musical and sporting events ever pregame show in NFL more? Because Ive done
in his lengthy career. Its His uncle, Dr. Jim Nicholas, New York Titans, Veras being surrounded by these history, The NFL Today. it all. Hes still growing.
easy, albeit time-consum- famously operated on New explained. So I actually visigoths, these giants of the Later, from 2004-07, Veras George is bombastic, hes
ing, to rattle off his rsum, York Jets great Joe Namath. went to the Polo Grounds, game. served as the vice president incredibly quick and signifi-
but beyond his employment Veras was 11 years old when and I saw Al Dorow play. I Nicholas got Veras a job as of production and broadcast- cantly outspoken, and most
accomplishments Veras was Nicholas introduced him to saw Earl Christy. I saw Art a ballboy with the Jets, and ing for the Cleveland Browns of the time hes the most
especially engaged in recall- the game. Powell, who caught 100 balls he was at the field when the where he was responsible intelligent guy in the room.
ing the story of how he fell in He became the unpaid in a year in front of 10,000 Titans became the Jets and for producing and selling
love with football. team physician of the people. I was just enamored Namath first walked on the all of the teams television SEE VERAS, M4

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