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Advanced Optometric Procedures Lab

Retinoscopy -- Mohindra Retinoscopy

Yaron Ashendorf MSc. Moptom

Student Name: _______________________ Date Due: ___________

Purpose: To quickly estimate the distance refractive error of difficult young patients (children).
May also be used for adults.


The examiner stands 50 cm in front of the patient.

The room should be completely dark.
The retinoscope should be at a comfortable brightness for the patient.
Occlude the left eye and examine the right eye. (This is a monocular measurement.)
Instruct the patient to look at the light of the retinoscope, or try to get a younger patient to look at the light.
Scan and identify the 2 major meridians.
Using a lens rack, quickly (not longer than 3 seconds) identify the power that neutralizes each meridian.
Calculate your gross retinoscopy results in minus cylinder form.
Adjust your gross result by adding -1.25 D to the sphere. This is your net distance correction (Rx).
Occlude the patients right eye, and repeat the above procedure to examine the left eye.
If possible, measure the patients visual acuity through the net distance correction for each eye.

Sample Results: OD Gross Rx: +2.25 = -0.50 x 80 Net Rx: +1.00 = -0.50 x 80 VA 6/7.5
OS Gross Rx: +2.75 sphere Net Rx :+1.50 sphere VA 6/6.6

Lab Exercise:
Perform Mohindra Retinoscopy for each eye with the retinoscope held at 50 cm.
Record the gross retinoscopy result for each eye. (Be sure to check for cylinder.)
Calculate the adjusted (net) distance correction for each eye.
Measure and record the VA for each eye through the measured net distance correction.
Perform Mohindra Retinoscopy for 2 patients (students) while in class.
Write a short answer to the questions at the bottom of this page. Use the back of this paper for your

Patient #1 (in class) ________________________ Date: _______________ ____

Right Eye Left Eye

Gross Retinoscopy ___________________ Gross Retinoscopy ___________________

Net Distance Rx ____________________ VA ______ Net Distance Rx ___________________ VA ______

Patient #2 (in class) ________________________ Date: _______________ ____

Right Eye Left Eye

Gross Retinoscopy ___________________ Gross Retinoscopy ___________________

Net Distance Rx ____________________ VA ______ Net Distance Rx ___________________ VA ______

Questions: (Write your short answers on the back of this page.)

1. Since you do this test at 50 cm, is the net result the patients prescription for near or for distance?
2. For what type of patient do you want to use Mohindra Retinoscopy instead of normal Static Retinoscopy?

Revised JB 11/11

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