Listing in A Sentence Lesson

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Listing in a Sentence Lesson

Your Name: Dena Siegel Grade Level: 2

Subject: Language Arts - Writing

Lesson Title: Listing in a Sentence (pt. 2)

Materials Needed: Note cards with words in a sentence, My stories

(prewritten on chart paper)

Prerequisite Skills: Students watched a video (song) about commas in

listing sentences, listened to a funny book explaining the importance of
correct usage of commas, and identified where commas belonged in
pre-written listing sentences

Standard(s): Language Standards

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

Lesson Objective(s): Students will be able to correctly order words in a

listing sentence.

1. Provide objectives: (What are students going to learn?)

Yesterday, we learned about and practiced listing in a sentence. We
watched a video, read a funny book, and added commas to listing
sentences that I created. After we read some of my writing today, you
are going to create sentences out of the words that you are given.

2. Demonstrate knowledge or skill: (Input/Modeling by the

teacher) Time:
The Waffle Bar This weekend I went to a baby shower. I had a
very nice time. There was a waffle bar at the shower. The
waffle bar had waffles. It had hot fudge and whipped cream.
The waffle bar had M&Ms! It even had chocolate chips and fruit.
I put strawberries on my waffle. I put hot fudge on my waffle.
Last I put whipped cream and coconut on my waffle. My waffle
was melty. My waffle was tasty. I am now a huge fan of waffle
Ask students Did you like my writing?
o Explain that my writing was choppy. One thing that I can
do is add listing sentences
Listing sentence what it sounds like list in a sentence 3 or
more things that go together in the same spot
Lets read my revised writing.
The Waffle Bar This weekend I went to a baby shower. I had a
lovely time. The best part of the shower was the waffle bar. The
waffle bar had waffles, hot fudge, M&Ms, and whipped cream. It
event had chocolate chips and fruit! I put strawberries, hot
fudge, whipped cream and coconut on my waffle. My waffle
tasted melty and delicious. I am now a huge fan of waffle bars!

3. Provide guided practice: (Guided practice with the teacher)

o Did you like this writing more? Why? Turn and talk
with a partner - wasnt as choppy
o Can anyone see a place where I created a listing
sentence? Thumbs up or Thumbs down to indicate
o What do you notice about these sentences? commas

4. Check for understanding and provide student feedback:

(How will you know students understand the skill or concept? How will
they know they get it?)?
Based on responses to questions, and placement of commas from
yesterdays lesson (discussed briefly in the perquisite section)

5: Provide extended practice and transfer: (Independent practice

of the skill)
Now, you will work in groups to build listing sentences out of the
words that you are given.
o After you have finished creating your sentences. Each
member of your group will write down the sentence. We
will meet back up front and discuss the sentences that you
have created
o Jigsaw - Come back as a whole group and have students
state the sentences that they created.
o What clues did you have about where the words were in
the sentence? - capitals, periods, commas
o Also discuss that students could have changed the order of
the words in the list.
6. Assessment / Closure: (How do you evaluate student progress
or provide closure to this lesson?)
Were students able to create correct listing sentences and explain how
they created their lesson. If so, tell them this, and remind them that
they may try to incorporate listing sentences in their own writing and it
will help your writing be more fluid and less choppy. Remember to add
commas between items in your list and the word and before the last
item in your list.

7. Plans for differentiation:

Intentional grouping
1. Tori, Levi, Mia
2. Paige, Blake, Sophia
3. Chloe, Sai, Elise
4. Jenna, London, William
5. Nyle, Hayden, Emma
6. Shresta, Manny, Abinav
7. Nithya, Tharan
8. Mateo, Colin

Differentiated sentences focus on core words for students that need

additional practice


8. References Consulted (Curriculum books in Drake SOE curriculum

lab, teacher resources, websites, etc.):

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