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Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 239-260, 1991 0895-9811/91 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain 1991 Pergamon Press plc
& Earth Sciences & Resources Institute

Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage

evolution of a shallow submarine volcaniclastic
fan-shelf depositional system (Upper Cretaceous,
James Ross Island, Antarctica)
R. A. SCASSO1, E. B. OLIVERO 1, a n d L. A. BUATOIS2
1Centro de Investigaciones en Recursos Geol6gicos;R. de Velasco 847, (1414) Buenos Aires, Argentina;
2CONICET, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucum~n,
C.C. 1 (4000), San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentina
(Received December 1990; Accepted May 1991)
Abstract--The Upper Cretaceous (Santenian-Campaniarglower Maastrichtian) Santa Marta Formation on
James Ross Island, Antarctica, represents voicaniclastie shallow marine fan and shelf sedimentation
adjacent to an active volcanic arc. A combined analysis of sedimentologic, paleoecologic, and ichnologic
data allows for the recognition in this unit of six lithofacies associations, eight hiofacies, and five trace
fossils assemblages. Lithofacies are dominated by fine, massive, tuffaceous rocks; graded, turbidite-like
tuffaceous sandstones; carbonaceous mudstones; resedimented conglomerates; coquinas; sandstones; silty
sandstones; and minor stromatelite beds. Biofaeies are defined by different composition and relative
abundance of elements of the benthic fauna, mainly bivalves, gastropods, and serpulids, with minor
elements represented by scaphopods, corals, brachiopods, and echinoids. Trace fossil assemblages include
the most common elements of the Skolithos and Cruz/ann ichnofacies.
A striking result of the analysis is that lithofacies, biofacies, and trace fossil assemblages form distinct,
non-repetitive, vertically successive horizons, with their distribution boundaries roughly coincident. On
this basis, seven major facies groups, showing a distinct combination of lithofacies, biofacies, and trace
fossils, are distinguished in the Santa Marta Formation. These non-repetitive, vertically stacked facies
groups reveal a one-way evolution of the depositional system during a transgressive-regressive cycle, with a
new transgression atthe top of the unit. The lower facies groups represent shallow marine settings with a
very high rate of volcaniclastie sedimentation within subsiding basin. Shallow, volcanielastic fan systems
were probably formed at the base of delta slope and grew rapidly as a consequence of high sedimentary
supply in equilibrium with basin subsidence. The upper facies groups probably represent sedimentation
within the marine part of the envisaged deltaic system on a more stable shelf with diminished voleaniclastic
sedimentary input.
R e s u m e n - - s e e p. 257.

INTRODUCTION M a r a m b i o Group, on S e y m o u r Island, consists of s h e l f

s e d i m e n t s (Macellari, 1988).
MARINE CRETACEOUS d e p o s i t s on n o r t h w e s t e r n The S a n t a M a r t a F o r m a t i o n , t h e focus o f o u r
J a m e s Ross I s l a n d f o r m a thick, continuous sequence study, consists of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1200 m e t e r s of m a r -
divided into two m a j o r s t r a t i g r a p h i c units. T h e oldest ine volcaniclastic and epiclastic s h e l f s e d i m e n t s . It is
d e p o s i t s c o m p r i s e the G u s t a v G r o u p of B a r r e m i a n - divided into t h r e e m e m b e r s : A l p h a , B e t a a n d G a m -
S a n t o n i a n a g e ( I n e s o n et aI., 1986; M e d i n a et al., m a (Olivero et al., 1986; Fig. 1). T h e r e c o r d e d a m -
1982; O l i v e r o a n d P a l a m a r c z u c k , 1987). The m o n i t e f a u n a indicate a S a n t o n i a n - e a r l y C a m p a n i a n
y o u n g e s t C r e t a c e o u s deposits, m a i n l y of S a n t o n i a n - age for the A l p h a M e m b e r , a n e a r l y C a m p a n i a n to
C a m p a n i a n age, a r e i n c l u d e d in t h e S a n t a M a r t a e a r l i e s t late C a m p a n i a n age for the B e t a M e m b e r ,
F o r m a t i o n (Olivero et aI., 1986; Olivero, 1984; 1988) and a late C a m p a n i a n - e a r l y M a a s t r i c h t i a n a g e for
which f o r m s the b a s a l u n i t of the M a r a m b i o G r o u p the G a m m a M e m b e r (Olivero, 1984, 1988, in prep.).
(Rinaldi, 1982). T h e s e two g r o u p s a r e t h o u g h t to Despite the fact t h a t p a r t of the lower two m e m b e r s ,
r e p r e s e n t the filling of a b a c k - a r c b a s i n t h a t d e v e - A l p h a a n d Beta, c o m p r i s e t u r b i d i t e - l i k e g r a d e d beds
loped to the e a s t of a volcanic arc active d u r i n g L a t e a n d coarse r e s e d i m e n t e d d e b r i s flow deposits, a v a i l -
J u r a s s i c - T e r t i a r y t i m e s a n d located a l o n g the A n t - able evidence points to shallow m a r i n e e n v i r o n m e n t s .
a r c t i c P e n i n s u l a (MacDonald et al., 1988; Medina et D o m i n a n t t r a c e fossils belong to the S k o l i t h o s a n d
al., 1990). T h e G u s t a v G r o u p is considered to repre- C r u z i a n a ichnofacies, i n d i c a t i v e of c o a s t a l to s u b -
s e n t d e e p - s e a e n v i r o n m e n t s - - e.g., slope a p r o n and littoral settings, r e s p e c t i v e l y ( S c a s s o a n d B u a t o i s ,
s u b m a r i n e fans, followed by shelfal s e d i m e n t s within 1987). C o m m o n p r e s e r v a t i o n of v e r t i c a l l y o r i e n t e d
a f a n - d e l t a s e t t i n g (Ineson, 1989), w h e r e a s the u p p e r a m m o n i t e s , with the p l a n e of s y m m e t r y in a n u p r i g h t
position, in s e v e r a l horizons of the A l p h a a n d B e t a
Address all correspondence and reprint requests to: m e m b e r s also s u g g e s t s shallow w a t e r s e t t i n g s (Oli-
Dr. R. A. Scasso (telephone: 1541( l ) 772-9729; telefax: [54] (1) vero and Scasso, 1988; Olivero et al., 1989). C o a s t a l
812-2039) and shallow shelf environments for part of the
e e . r B eAO D
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Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage evolution, J a m e s Ross Island, Antarctica 241

G a m m a Member are also supported by the record of a glomerates, are very scarce. Tabular, m a s s i v e or
terrestrial dinosaur (Gasparini et al., 1987; Olivero et parallel laminated strata with sharp base and top are
al., 1991). Recent work by Pirrie (1989) also supports common. Some of these show a fining-upward trend,
shallow marine settings for the deposition of the and only a few show ripple crossbedding, climbing
Santa Marta Formation. According to Pirrie, this ripples, and hummocky stratification (Fig. 3A). Sedi-
shallow marine sequence was deposited within an mentites are predominantly fine tufts and tuffites
active margin, and sedimentation was affected by cemented with carbonate and chlorite. Ttiffs are
background shelf processes and arc-related volcani- vitric, lithic, or crystalline (feldspar). The lithic pyro-
clastic processes. Pirrie's conclusions are broadly co- clasts are of mesosilicic and basic volcanic rocks
incident with the results of our study, but we found a (andesites and basalts). Marine microfossils are rare.
more complex pattern of facies association. This lithofacies association is composed of several
The purpose of this study was to investigate the facies (Escolar, 1990; Scasso and Olivero, unpub-
facies evolution of the depositional system repre- lished data; see also Pirrie, 1989) but the more abun-
sented by the Santa Marta Formation. Through a dant and representative, from a paleoenvironmental
combined analysis of sedimentologic, paleoecologic, point of view, are:
and ichnologic data, we found that the sequence is
characterized by seven successive vertical stacked Facies 1: Ungraded tuffaceous silty sandstones, com-
facies groups. Every facies group has a distinct com- monly 33-74 cm thick; generally massive
bination of lithofacies, biofacies, and trace fossil or showing weak parallel lamination.
associations which reflects the evolution of the depo- Facies 2: Ungraded tuffaceous s i l t y - c l a y e y sand-
sitional s y s t e m during a transgressive-regressive stones; average thickness 85-90 cm.
cycle, with a new transgression at the top of the unit. Facies 3: Graded or graded-stratified tuffaceous peb-
For the purpose of this study, we present first a bly sandstones; average thickness about 60
separate description of the main lithofacies, biofacies, cm, generally showing normal gradation.
and ichnofacies, together with a short account of their Facies 4: Tuffaceous mudstones; commonly 5-20 cm
paleoenvironmental and paleobathymetric implica- thick, massive or parallel laminated.
tions. Finally, we present a synthesis of the general Facies 5: Fine graded s a n d s t o n e s s h o w i n g hum-
evolution of the paleoenvironmental settings of the mocky cross stratification at the base, pas-
Santa Marta Formation. sing upward to parallel lamination and
ripple bedding, and capped by thin, bio-
turbated mudstones; average thickness 10

Subdivision of the Santa Marta Formation into Facies 1 and 2 are the most abundant. These, to-
the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Members (Olivero et al., gether with Facies 4, are interpreted as suspension
1986) reflects the general lithologic composition of deposits of direct or reworked pyroclastic ash falls.
the formation. A more detailed study has shown that Alternatively, Facies 1 and 2 could be flow deposits
several lithofacies can be recognized in these three transitional between liquefied flows and t u r b i d i t y
members. However, most of the lithofacies are not currents (Lowe 1976, 1982). Facies 3 is interpreted as
r e c u r r e n t l y distributed t h r o u g h o u t the unit b u t deposited by sandy high density turbidity c u r r e n t s
instead are stratigraphically restricted to particular (S1-$2-$3 from Lowe, 1982). Facies 5 shows the char-
horizons. Two main lithofacies associations are re- acteristic features of tempestites (Dott and Bourgeois,
cognized for each member; thus, six vertically suc- 1982).
cessive lithofacies associations are defined. These Lithofacies A probably represents a marine, low
are, from bottom to top, lithofacies associations A to F energy, partially restricted environment. The bottom
(Fig. 2). A general lithologic description is presented was generally not affected by waves, but some tem-
for every lithofacies association, with emphasis on pestites were produced by sporadic storm events. The
the more representative and meaningful individual sedimentation rate was high and sediments were de-
lithofacies. Associations A through D are broadly co- posited as ash fall or as fresh reworked pyroclastic
incident with Pirrie's (1989) Association 1, and the materials (cf. Sigurdsson et al., 1980). Detailed en-
rest with his Association 2. vironmental interpretation of this fine-grained litho-
facies association is problematic. Stratigraphic rela-
A l p h a Member tionships with the H i d d e n Lake F o r m a t i o n and
Lithofacies Association A. This association is pre- Lithofacies B and C suggest deposition on the distal
sent in the lowest 213 meters of the unit. It grades part of, or between, adjacent shallow submarine fans.
downward to the sandstones of the Hidden Lake For-
mation and, upward, passes transitionally to Litho- Lithofacies Association B. This lithofacies is re-
facies B. This lithofacies comprises fine-grained, corded in the uppermost 179 m e t e r s of the Alpha
friable tuffaceous rocks. Recks coarser than medium Member. Upward it is replaced by coarser lithofacies
sand and carbonaceous mudstones, as well as hard, of Association C. Lithofacies B mostly consists of
carbonatic cemented beds and intraformational con- Facies 1 in association with a characteristic rhythmic

d} e)
4,~.~,~'~ SANTA MARTA

,. ~/m F ~ Silty sandstone

~ Stromatolite
o "" " ~ %""
E -:'.':.:::v.- E
~ Sandstone

Conqlomerate coquina
~DDgU I |
;. ;.-;.; %],
~ Fine sandstone
~ Graded tuffaceous
D ~ Matrix supported
i - conglomerates

~ Graded tuff ~
Bioturboted tuff
co ~]
~ Fine tuffites

In Inoceromus Biofocies
500 - ooooo
r, ~., t, ~.] Ce-Ro Cerithium- Rotuloria B.

Er-Ap Eriphyla-Aporrhois B
'~' B
1,2 ........... J
Tr. Triooniids B.
:~ .~:2.?ic:!
:.:'~t" .~,'. ~:.i
Pt- Ap Pterotriqonio-Aporrhais B
: :'J: :'i" '.'
-~ ~ 1":.1".'~ '. Ta Toioma B
-- :~...'J,'/l:
<~ .... ; .....
:,'i:'x'.':2 A Cu-Ne Cuculloeo- Neilo B.
Z .:.L :'J." ""
: :L.: J..: '/.

L'.J. :1 : Ro Rotulorio B
:.L: .L'::.L
"~:'~.:.~ o ,Gen'' OG.n.;o
Sample locality
Fig. 2. Compositestratigraphic sectionshowingdistributionof lithofacies(a), ichnofacies(b), biofacies(c), and diversity curves in
number of genera for the benthicfauna (d) and ammonites(e). Elementsofthe allochthonousTrigoniid Biofaciesare not included
in the diversity curve.

sequence of normally graded tufts and tuffites. Each dity events or, alternatively, as normal suspension
cycle begins with a sharp-based, massive, fine to sedimentation.
coarse tuffaceous sandstone or fine pebbly sandstone, Sequences several meters thick of these graded
sometimes with mud clasts at its base, and grades beds are interrupted by hard, marked tufts (Facies 7),
upward into medium-fine massive sandstone or silty strongly bioturbated, with a b u n d a n t and well pre-
sandstone. Sometimes l a m i n a t e d muds with thin served fossils. These tufts beds are tabular, laterally
coal or carbonaceous lenses cap the cycle (Figs. 3B extended, and up to 0.3 meters thick; they sometimes
and 4B). The average thickness of each graded bed is have several cycles less t h a n 10 cm in thickness
about 70 cm. Convolute bedding and slump struc- showing normal grading (Fig. 3B). These n o r m a l
tures are common. The coarser cycles (beginning graded cycles are considered to be the r e s u l t of
with pebbly sandstones) belong to Facies 3. The finer successive air-borne ash falls. Two beds composed of
cycles (beginning with sandstones) are assigned to a vertically stacked thin l a m i n a e showing composi-
new facies (Facies 6: normally graded tuffaceous tional gradation (base with crystals and shards and
silty-sandstones). Yellow mottles related to bioturba- top with pumiceous fragments) are i n t e r p r e t e d as
tion or weathering of carbonaceous fragments are stratified pyroclastic flows (Fiske a n d M a t s u d a ,
common toward the top of each cycle. A marine 1964). Overall, Lithofacies B presents a coarsening-
megafauna is rare or absent. Parallel bedding, cross- upward trend, finally passing to the conglomeratic
bedding, or ripple bedding are rarely recorded. Facies Lithofacies C.
6 is interpreted as low to high concentration turbidity The r h y t h m i c i t y of the sequence points to an
current deposits (C2.1, C2.2, C2.3 of Pickering et al., alternation of periods with a very low rate of sedi-
1986). The thin carbonaceous mudstones are inter- mentation (thin, hard, bioturbated ash fall tufts) and
preted as suspension deposits sedimented after turbi- periods with a very high rate of sedimentation (mas-
Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage evolution, James Ross Island, Antarctica 243

sive and normal graded tuffitic cycles). These sedi-

LITHOFACIES ASSOCIATIONS ments were deposited in volcaniclastic submarine
fans that developed not far from the coast (abundant
D E F vegetal remains), forming at the base of over-
steepened delta fringes. Turbidites were probably
related to volcanic eruptions and subsequent re-
working or slumping of unconsolidated, pyroclastic
material. In this environment, the sequence was
probably built by the overlapping of several fan lobes
~S and the coarsening-upward trend could be the result
G of fan progradation (see discussion below).

Beta Member

Lithofacies Association C. This association, recor-

ded in the lower 194 meters of the Beta Member, is
characterized by a coarser lithology with transitional
lower and upper boundaries. It consists of coarse to
medium-grained, gray to rusty brown conglomerates
interbedded with normally graded tuffaceous sand-
stones, tuffaceous pebbly sandstones, mudstones, and
B C The conglomerates (Facies 8) normally occur as
A isolated lens-shaped beds 0.2 to 4 meters in thickness;
in two horizons, however, several conglomerate beds
are piled up in paleochannels. The best exposed
' paleochannel is about 30 meters deep and 150-200
,'-A_. . .
meters wide (Fig. 4A). The conglomerates are poorly
,' sorted, chaotic or inverse graded to chaotic, some-
times with poor defined parallel bedding, and matrix
to clast supported (sandy or muddy matrix varies
from 20% to 60%). The base is sharp, irregular, and
often erosive. Load structures in the underlying beds
are common. Intraformational cobble to boulder

"-i clasts of angular to well rounded sandstones, concre-
tions, and mudstones are very common, forming
almost exclusively the coarser fraction of the rock
(Fig. 4C). The medium to fine gravel fraction consists
C SScG C SScG CSScG B of well rounded volcanic and metamorphic rocks.
Broken or single valves of abraded shells, trunks, and
concretioned burrows are found in varying propor-
~ Motrlx supported
conglomerate ~ Porollel lamination tion. The channelized sandy-matrix conglomerates
are similar to those described by Surlyk (1978) as
~ Coquina conglomerate ~ Hummocky c r o s s
"non graded, matrix supported, disorganizated con-
Ripple ~ cross glomerates" and "non graded, clast supported dis-
~ Stromototite oeaoing organizated conglomerates" deposited by sandy
" ~ Massive F~ Flaser bedding debris flows and density modified debris flows. Iso-
lated conglomerate beds with muddy matrix (Fig. 4D)
are interpreted as cohesive debris flows (see also
5S5 Bioturbation c : Clay
Pirrie, 1989).
A Intraclosts s : Silt- fine sand Massive, normally graded, tuffaceous sandstones
G Glouconite sc: Coarse sand and pebbly sandstones (Facies 1, 3, and 6), inter-
I G : Gravel bedded with thin beds of black, carbonaceous mud-
0,50 m
B: Boulder stones are frequent, forming the "background sedi-
(~ Facies mentation" for the conglomerates. They occasionally
have poorly defined parallel bedding and, rarely,
crossbedding, ripple bedding, or hummocky cross
stratification. Slump structures are common in
Lithofacies C (Fig. 4E). The tuffaceous sandstones
Fig. 3. Idealized sections showing the most typical features of the have a high proportion of basandesitic lithic clasts.
six major lithofacies associations recognized in the Santa Marta Basandesitic tufts, commonly with abundant pala-
244 R . A . SCASSO, E. B. OLIVERO, and L. A. BUATOIS

Fig. 4. A)Panoramic view of the lower Beta Member (Facies Group lid showing cross-section of a large paleochannel (arrows);
width of paleochannel is about 200 meters. B) Graded tuffaceous sandstones and pebbly sandstones (Facies 3 and 6) and mudstones
with coal lenses (Alpha Member, Facies Group If): 1, two thin graded cycles; 2, lower and middle part of a thicker graded bed;
3, mudstones and coal lenses, usually capping the cycle. C) Inverse graded to chaotic sandy matrix debris flow filling the paleo-
channel (see A); large blocks are resedimented sandstones and mudstones concretions. D) Isolated, lens-shaped, muddy matrix
debris flow showing inverse grading and large blocks projected toward the top {Beta Member, Facies Group Ill). E) Erosive-based
channel fill sequence (Beta Member, Facies Group II1)showing stratified mudstones and graded pebbly sandstones of the side wall
(1), locally derived (slumped) chaotic coarse conglomerates (2), and composite channel fill of pebbly sandstones, conglomerates, and
mudstones; height of cliff ca. 7 meters. F and G) Conglomerates and coquinas of upper Beta Member (Facies Group IV): F, lens-
shaped, multicyclic coquina; G, fossiliferous conglomerates capped by parallel laminated sandstones including a vertical preserved

gonitized vitric clasts, and pumiceous tufts were also show m a r i n e reworked c o m p o n e n t s a n d were depo-
recorded (Fig. 3C). sited in s u b m a r i n e c h a n n e l s in the u p p e r p a r t o f a
This lithofacies p r e s e n t s typical features of sub- shallow s u b m a r i n e fan, probably r e l a t e d to a d e l t a
m a r i n e fan deposits, but a distinctive i m p r i n t is given front.
by its p r e d o m i n a n t volcaniclastic composition. It re-
p r e s e n t s the end of the p r o g r a d i n g cycle t h a t starts Lithofacies Association D. This lithofacies is re-
with Lithofacies Association B. The c o n g l o m e r a t e s corded in the upper 235 m e t e r s of the Beta M e m b e r
Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage evolution, J a m e s Ross Island, Antarctica 245

and grades upward to Lithofacies E. It consists of to represent syndepositional deformational struc-

lens-shaped, medium-grained, clast-supported con- tures (Olivero et a/.,1986). The middle part of the
glomerates, often with abundant mollusk shells and section is characterized by a well marked and areally
coquinas. The conglomerates are intercalated with extended, clast supported, f o s s i l - b e a r i n g conglo-
well sorted, medium and fine micaceous sandstones, merate. The conglomerate has a maximum thickness
sandy mudstones, and occasionally with thin car- of about 0.6 meters and a sharp, erosive base; inter-
bonaceous lenses, tuffites, and tufts. Stromatolites nally, it shows parallel or, rarely, crossbedding. It is
and cryptalgal laminated mats are also present in composed mainly of reworked concretional sandstone,
Lithofacies D (Fig. 3D). mudstone intraclasts, and mollusk shells (see Fig.
Individual conglomerate and coquina beds are 0.2 3E). The well sorted, glauconitic sandstones charac-
to 0.7 meters thick. They show sharp irregular or teristic of this lithofacies show provenance from vol-
erosive base and lenticular geometry. The under- canic and metamorphic rocks. Although these sand-
lying beds often have load structures. The top grades stones contain abundant metastable mafic minerals
to low-angle crossbedded or parallel bedded sand- (up to 10%), they are both m i n e r a l o g i c a l l y a n d
stones (Fig. 4F and G). Conglomerates and coquinas texturally more mature than rocks of the remaining
are multicyclic. Trunks with Teredolites borings are lithofacies.
frequent. Clasts are of well rounded quartz, meta- Lithofacies E was deposited in shallow m a r i n e
morphic and volcanic rocks, and intraformational environments, probably varying from restricted estu-
sandstone concretions, tufts, and mudstones. Clasts arine or lagoonal to shoreface-transitional environ-
of plutonic rocks are scarce. The matrix is sand. ments (Gasparini el al. 1987; Olivero et al., 1991).
Shells are broken and disarticulated, with single The conglomerate of the middle part is a submarine
valves often preserved. Parallel orientation due to reworked horizon (cf. Einsele, 1985) composed of
current is well marked in scaphopods and belemnites, amalgamated beds. Up-section, the lithofacies pro-
and in conical elongate gastropod shells. These beds bably reflects more open marine conditions.
were deposited by multiple event waning flows of a
very high to h i g h - e n e r g y regime, and they are Lithofacies Association F. These strata are tenta-
tively referred to the Santa Marta Formation. The
i n t e r p r e t e d as proximal t e m p e s t i t e s (cf. Aigner,
1982). association is found in several isolated outcrops,
The rocks interbedded with the conglomerates consisting in part of slumped blocks capped by Ceno-
and coquinas generally are fine-grained micaceous zoic volcanics, located mainly around the w e s t e r n
sandstones and silty sandstones, occasionally with margin of Croft Bay. Even though correlation of out-
glauconite. They are texturally and mineralogically crops among different areas is difficult, biostratigra-
more mature than the sandstones recorded in the phic data based on a m m o n i t e s and m i c r o f o s s i l s
underlying lithofacies. Sandy mudstones, with abun- clearly indicate that this sequence is younger than
dant carbonaceous material and large fossil logs (3 to the rest of the Gamma Member. The minimum mea-
4 m in length), and minor thin beds of stromatolites sured thickness in a composite stratigraphic section
are interbedded with the sandstones. is about 75 meters.
This lithofacies is interpreted as shallow water, This lithofacies association is dominated by fine-
inner shelf sediments, mostly deposited between the grained sedimentites. The dominant lithofacies con-
shoreface and the transition zone. The main conglo- sists of massive or faintly laminated, tabular, car-
meratic beds probably represent proximal, chan- bonaceous mudstones and very fine silty sandstones,
nelized tempestites originated by storm rip currents. often with small, thin lenses of laminated mud and
coal. Sequences of these fine sediments, 10-15 meters
G a m m a Member in thickness, are covered by medium to coarse sand-
Lithofacies Association E. This lithofacies is pre- stones, defining an overall coarsening-upward trend.
sent in the lower 170 meters of the Gamma Member Sandstones beds are 1-5 meters thick and parallel
and consists mostly of fine-grained, well sorted sand- laminated or crossbedded; they p r e s e n t thin, fine
stones interbedded with thin black carbonaceous sandstone and silt intercalations s h o w i n g ripple
mudstones, scarce conglomerates, and pebbly sand- marks and wavy and flaser bedding. In part, the
stones. Thin stromatolitic beds are relatively fre- coarser sandstones include lenticular beds of pebbly
quent in the lower part of the sequence. In addition, sandstones, fine conglomerates, and coquinas. Con-
this lithofacies is characterized by the presence of volute bedding is relatively common in the fine-
land vertebrate fossils (dinosaurs) and a distinctive grained facies (see Fig. 3F).
trace fossil assemblage. A lithofacies association differing from the F
Sandstone beds range between 0.3 and 1 meter in association described above was detected at one loca-
thickness. They are massive or faintly p a r a l l e l lity. It consists of a sequence, about 30 meters thick,
bedded. Hummocky cross stratification, ripples or of which the lowermost 5-6 meters are massive black
medium-scale crossbodding, and parting lineation are mudstones i n t e r l a y e r e d with s t r o m a t o l i t e s ; bed
rare, and they were noted mainly in the lower part of thickness is about 30 cm. The rest of the sequence is
the sequence. Convolute bedding is common in the made of a cyclic alternation of graded beds. Each
muddy carbonaceous beds. At one locality, deformed cycle begins with s h a r p - b a s e d m a s s i v e , c o a r s e
strata with relatively large tight folds are interpreted sandstones grading upward to medium-fine sand-
SAMES 4 / ~

stones with cross lamination, to fine, silty sandstones biofacies, but they are not included in the calcula-
or silts with faint parallel lamination, and finally to tions of the relative abundance of benthic fauna of
massive muds with megafossils. The thickness of this biofacies (See Appendix A). Reference to life
each graded bed ranges from 1 to 2 meters. Carbona- habit and trophic group for the f a u n a a r e m a d e
ceous debris or plant fragments, so abundant in the following the works of Stanley (1970, 1972), Popenoe
rest of Lithofacies F, are generally lacking in these (1983), McKerrow (1981), Macellari (1984, 1988), and
graded beds (see Fig. 3F). Abdel-Gawad (1986).
Lithofacies F represents shelf deposits that, in
part, probably originated in relatively deeper or more Inoceramus Biofacies
open marine conditions than the previous lithofacies.
The graded beds probably represent sedimentation This biofacies is restricted to Lithofacies A. It is
below the shoreface by low density turbidity currents, dominated by several species of the epifaunal sus-
as interpreted by Olivero et al. (1986; cf. Walker, pension-feeder bivalve Inoceramus. Minor compon-
1984), or by graded tempestitos (Pirrie, 1990). ents are the infaunal s u s p e n s i o n f e e d e r b i v a l v e
Panopea, the infaunal deposit feeder ~Neilo," the
carnivorous gastropod Natica, and a grazer patellid
BIOFACIES ANALYSIS gastropod. Fossiliferous horizons consist of massive,
tuffaceous, calcareous mudstones to fine, silty sand-
The Santa Marta Formation preserves an abun- stones with abundant carbonaceous debris and no
dant and relatively diverse benthic fauna dominated appreciable trace fossils. Fossils are dispersed within
by bivalves and gastropods. Serpulids are also abun- the sediments and are preserved with both valves
dant locally. The stratigraphic distribution of all the articulated and often in life position, indicating an
benthic taxa, provisionally identified at the generic autochthonous assemblage. Between these fossilifer-
level, together with an indication of their abundance ous horizons are similar tuffaceous, fine sediments,
(in number of individuals), is shown in Fig. 5. The but they lack fossils.
broad emerging pattern is one of eight major, ver- The diversity of the benthic fauna is very low.
tically successive, benthic assemblages whose limits Ammonites are scarce or absent in the l o w e r m o s t
are roughly coincident with the boundaries between stratigraphic horizons of this biofacies (see Fig. 2).
lithofacies and ichnofossil associations. These as- Ammonite diversity is low in the uppermost horizons,
semblages distinguish the following biofacies: Ino- with abundant individuals of a single species of a
ceramus; ~Cerithium"-Rotularia; Eriphyla-~Aporr. small baculitid.
hais " ; trigoniids; Pterotrigonia-~Aporrhais " ; Taioma; The pattern of low diversity fossiliferous horizons
CucuUaea- ~Neilo'; and Rotularia. in which normal marine fauna (e.g., ammonites) is
See Appendix A (p. 258) for the relative abun- absent or rare, alternating with unfossiliferous b u t
dance and presence of the elements for each biofacies. lithologically similar sediments, suggests an un-
Figure 2 shows a composite stratigraphic section in- stable environment, probably periodically isolated
cluding the distribution of lithofacies, biofacies, and from open marine conditions and/or with periodic
trace fossil assemblages, as well as the diversity fluctuations in salinity, trophic resources, or oxygen.
curves (in number of genera for each sample locality) Low diversity, Inoceramus-dominated biofacies in
for the benthic fauna and the ammonites. Tapho- fine carbonaceous muds are generally considered as
nomic observations indicate that the Inoceramus, reflecting oxygen-deficient environments (Sageman,
~Cerithium'-Rotularia, and Rotularia biofacies are 1989). However, their paleobathymetric implications
primarily autochthonous assemblages, whereas the are not clear and similar biofacies are considered to
trigoniid biofacies is a totally allochthonous assem- characterize either deep marine environments (Ma-
blage; thus, the diversity data for this biofacies are cellari, written communication) or relatively shallow
not included in Fig. 2d. The rest of the biofacies are restricted marine e n v i r o n m e n t s (Sundberg, 1980).
autochthonous-parautochthonous or parautochthon- Apparently, examples of both of these c o n t r a s t i n g
ous-allochthonous assemblages (see Kidwell, 1986). Inocerarnus biofacies are found in the Cretaceous of
Diagenetic overprinting seems to have played Antarctica. Inoceramus-dominated horizons are pre-
only a minor role in the composition of the biofacies, sent in deep marine sediments in the Cenomanian-
for both aragonitic and calcitic shells occur together Turonian deposits of the Gustav Group (Ineson, 1989;
in most of the sampled localities. Thus, interpreta- Ineson et al., 1986). In the rest of the Upper Creta-
tion of the faunal assemblages and the changing ceous, all known Inoceramus biofacies are only pre-
pattern of temporal distribution of taxa seems to be sent in shallow proximal marine settings m e.g., in
reduced to analysis of paleoecologic and sedimentoo the Hidden Lake Formation, regarded as deposited in
logic processes. tidal shelf/fan delta environment (Macdonald et al.,
The database for the analysis consists of more 1988; Buatois and Olivero, unpublished data), or in
than 5000 individuals of the benthic fauna recorded the Rabot Formation (Lirio et al., 1989). In the Rabot
in 48 localities of the Santa Marta Formation during Formation, Inoceramus biofacies are very common in
three field seasons in the austral summers of 1986, mudstones and very fine, massive sandstones inter-
1988, and 1989. Straight calcareous tubes of ser- bedded with relatively thick, graded tempestite beds
pulids are especially a b u n d a n t in the R o t u l a r i a with hummocky cross-stratification (Olivero, unpub-
Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage evolution, James Ross Island, Antarctica 247


Graphic abundance by lowest oppeoronce (not to stole)
Key to simbols:
= I- 2 individuals
= 3-9
= I0- 24
Somple Locality II
= _> 25

I" Jnoceramus
,EZ3 Potetlidoe
3:Z:IE mm
. . . . . . (:OC m. .---z ~ . m Notico
mmm-- .iml--mm , E -E~E3 Nucuto
! -1:::1:3 Limotulo
. r-r-mm= m . ~ .m .=o Nei Io
--r BB,--,IB ~ --- Ponopeo
::Z:P-- .r-r-rr~r-~ -rq - I : ~ : l
Scophopod 1
.mmmmm . . . . . . . : = ' i " .,-n. . = oN m Rotulorio
=-=__411 := . . . . mz~= - m Solitary Coral
. c=~.IBm Brochiopod
tI:Z~--- Crinoid
.rt~ .r-n .rr
Irregular Echinoid
=o-- II:~--- Im:x~x:II, Pterot rioonio

,I::Z3 , .E:I - _,,+, Scophonder
-~ , ~ m .r-~ Pinna
Decopodo ,,
: , ~ m , I , ~ -i-ll I I I _ _ " l Cuculloeo
. . .r-,r-~. ~ .c:z~ Oistotr igonio
:=:'-m . ~ m . - - ~.m Scophopod 2
Serpulid 2
= - ~ I.Im Turritello
.=-i Trigoniid
Hermotypic coral
r D ,r-~
Big Inoceromid
,,~ . _ _ . m . . Lohillio
c3~1, . m m , I- .i Serpulid 1
"Aust rostomo"
c:~ ml "Amberleyo"
ell I I I , ,
t:Z3 '~o.m oN Cyclorismo
l l .rod Trochidoe
- - Lithofocies A Lit. B Lit C I Lit. D Lithofocies E Lit. F Lith~
Alfa Mbr. Beta Mbr. Gamma Mbr.
SANTA MARTA FM Benthicfauna
Fig. 5, Composition, a b u n d a n c e in n u m b e r of recorded individuals for each taxon, and s t r a t i g r a p h i c d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e b e n t h i c
f a u n a of the S a n t a M a r t a Formation

lished data). These interbedded and a m a l g a m a t e d Scasso (1988) and Olivero et al. (1989). H o w e v e r ,
storm-generated facies are generally interpreted as caution must be used when considering the absolute
deposited in the lower and mid-upper shoreface, re- depth deduced from vertically oriented a m m o n i t e s
spectively (see Swift et al., 1987). (for details see Chamberlain and Weaver, 1978, and
The Inoceramus biofacies from the Santa Marta bibliography therein). Factors other than those deri-
Formation probably reflects proximal, somewhat re- ved from simple considerations of water pressure and
stricted marine environments. This is in agreement geometry of shells can influence the absolute depth at
with limited data on the relative abundance of contin- which a vertical ammonite shell can rest in equili-
ental and marine palynomorphs, which indicates a brium at the sea bottom. In part of the Santa Marta
low frequency for paleomicroplankton (less than 20%) Formation, the preservation of vertically oriented
in relation to pollen and spores for the upper Hidden ammonites shells likely was influenced by a rapid
Lake Formation and lower Santa Marta Formation burial by pyroclastic deposits and also by the plug-
(Lithofacies A; Baldoni and Medina, 1989; S. Pala- ging effect of turbid water entering the phragmocone
marczuck, oral communication). In the ammonite- through the siphuncular tube, avoiding or consider-
bearing horizons, baculitid shells are commonly ver- ably delaying the filling of the phragmocone with sea
tically oriented, which also suggests a shallow-water water (Olivero, unpublished data).
environment with a high rate of sedimentation (Oli- Lack of marine megafauna and trace fossils in the
vero and Scasso, 1988; Olivero et al., 1989; see intercalated graded sequence suggests a very high
discussion below). rate of sedimentation and/or relatively less open
marine conditions. A high level of turbidity in the
"Cerithium "-Rotutaria Biofacies water associated with changes in salinity or other
resources would prevent the development of benthic
This biofacies is restricted to Lithofacies B and is life as well as the development of stenohaline ele-
dominated by the epifaunal herbivorous gastropod ments in the water column (e.g., ammonites).
"Cerithium" and by the serpulid Rotularia. Minor
elements are solitary corals, infaunal deposit-feeders Eriphyla-"Aporrhais" Biofacies
such as nuculanids, irregular echinoids, and siphono-
dentaliid scaphopods, and epifaunal suspension feed- This biofacies is represented only at one locality
ers such as brachiopods, crinoids, and bivalves. The on the top of the Alpha Member. Infaunal suspen-
diversity of the benthic fauna is relatively low (see sion-feeder bivalves are the most common elements.
Fig. 2), but it is higher than in the Inoceramus bio- Eriphyla dominates the assemblage; Panopea, Cu-
facies. In contrast, the diversity of the accompanying cullaea, and Oistotrigonia are less abundant. Gas-
ammonite fauna is high; the fauna occurs at several tropods are also well represented by the deposit-
fossiliferous horizons scattered throughout highly feeder ~Aporrhais" and herbivorous cerithiids and
bioturbated, hard, tuffaceous silty sandstones and grazer nerineids. Complete or broken specimens of
tuff with abundant carbonaceous debris. ~Cerithium" heteromorph a m m o n i t e s are also associated; t h e
commonly occurs in clumps of 10-15 individuals. fauna occurs in thin shell lenses. Shells are matrix
Solitary corals are frequently found around the shells supported, concordant, mostly unbroken, and disarti-
of large pachydiscid ammonites, suggesting that they culated; preferred orientation due to current is very
lived as epizoans on dead shells at the bottom. Small common. Fossil concentration has probably resulted
nuculanids and terebratulid brachiopods are preser- either by hydraulic sorting or by removal of fine
ved with both valves articulated. Interlayered with sediments, and the assemblage can be classified as
these fossiliferous horizons are unfossiliferous graded parautochthonous. Bed geometry probably reflects
beds of sandstones to carbonaceous muds. small channels. Normal marine conditions are indi-
The a b u n d a n t presence of Rotularia (see Ma- cated by the presence of ammonites.
cellari, 1984, 1988) and of burrows of deposit feeder
organisms indicates a soft, muddy substrate. The Trigoniid Biofacies
common occurrence of herbivorous cerithiid gastro-
pods points to the presence of algae and]or sea grasses This biofacies consists of an allochthonous assem-
on the bottom. Recent cerithiid gastropods are blage represented in the matrix supported conglo-
common in shallow water environments with abun- merates of Lithofacies C. Most of the species of Cu-
dant sea grasses (Morris, 1969; Sundberg, 1980}. The cullaea, trigoniids, and Eriphyla are represented by
presence of a stenohaline fauna (ammonites, corals, single unbroken valves isolated within the m a t r i x
crinoids) indicates fully marine conditions. Probably and showing no preferred orientation. Fragments of
this biofacies represents an inner shelf environment, Decapoda are common in rounded concretions. Ser-
within the photic zone, with a relatively low rate of pulids are found cemented together or as incrusters
sedimentation between each of the successive thin, on reworked concretions. Fragments of hermatypic
tuffaceous horizons, interpreted as ash fall layers corals are very rare and also occur within the matrix.
that form the fossiliferous beds (see Lithofacies B). Sandy to silty graded beds that contain no fossils or
The b a t h y m e t r i c interpretation of this biofacies burrows are intercalated between the conglomerates.
seems to be in agreement with the presence of ver- Because this is strictly a sedimentologic concen-
tically oriented ammonites recorded by Olivero and tration, paleoecologic interpretation is difficult. Most
Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage evolution, J a m e s Ross Island, Antarctica 249

probably, this biofacies r e p r e s e n t s a mixing of because of the widespread presence of plant debris,
different nearshore communities, as indicated by the leaves and logs, stromatolites, and ammonite shells
dominance of infaunal suspension-feeders, resedi- preserved in vertical position.
mented further offshore by mass gravity transport.
This is consistent with the fabric of the enclosing Taioma Biofacies
sediments, interpreted in part as debris flows (see
lithofacies analysis section), and with biostratonomic This biofacies is restricted to Lithofacies E in the
observations. The lack of shell b r e a k a g e can be lowermost part of the Gamma Member. The carni-
explained by the mechanism of transport, w h e r e vorous gastropod Taioma is the d o m i n a n t taxon.
shells originally deposited or living in an inner shelf Infaunal suspension-feeder bivalves (Cucullaea, Cy-
environment were resedimented offshore by passively clorisma) and gastropods (TurriteUa) are well repre-
traveling within the suspended matrix in the mass of sented at only one locality (see Fig. 5).
gravity induced flows. Most of the fauna occurs in calcareous-ferru-
ginous concretions in medium sandstones showing
Pterotrigonia-~Aporrhais" Biofacies small-scale current structures. Calcareous shells are
mostly dissolved and fossils are preserved as casts.
This biofacies is associated with Lithofacies D; it B i v a l v e s are c o m m o n l y found w i t h a r t i c u l a t e d
is probably too ample and it could be divided into valves, and individuals of Taioma have the large
several discrete assemblages. The relative abun- siphonal channel preserved, suggesting a parautoch-
dance and the frequent presence of Pterotrigonia and thonous accumulation formed by small-scale trans-
"Aporrhais ~ (see Fig. 5) permitted recognition of this port and reworking by currents. The diversity of the
biofacies in a preliminary study. Fossils occur in benthic fauna is very low (see Fig. 2d). No ammonites
lenses of conglomerates and coquinas or dispersed in occur in this biofacies, but nautilids are r e l a t i v e l y
fine silt or silty sandy sediments. abundant. Fish and shark remains, and a partial ske-
The infaunal suspension feeders Pterotrigonia, leton of a herbivorous armored dinosaur (Ankylo-
Eselaevitrigonia, CuculIaea, and Eriphyla, and the in- sauridae), were also recorded in this biofacies (Gas-
faunal deposit feeders ~Aporrhais" and dentaliid parini et al., 1987; Olivero et al., 1991).
scaphopods commonly occur in coquinas. The shells It seems that diagenesis was in part responsible
of bivalves are frequently fragmented and disarti- for the final composition of the assemblage. However,
culated, with both concave-up and convex-up orien- primary control was ecologic and related to the sub-
tation. Most of the aporrhaid and scaphopod shells strafe characteristics. The low diversity of the assem-
are complete and concordant, and show preferred blage, if not an artifact of preservation, suggests a
orientation. nearshore stressed environment. Dominance of in-
A dispersed autochthonous fauna dominated by faunal suspension feeders, type of trace fossils, and
deposit-feeders (nuculanids and dentaliid scapho- presence of terrestrial dinosaurs also point to a near-
pods) and Rotularia is preserved in the fine sedi- shore environment. The common presence of nauti-
ments. Relatively sandier horizons preserve abun- lids with simplified sutures and fairly strong radial
dant, complete, and articulated individuals of the ribbing ("Cyrnatoceras') in this supposed nearshore
infaunal suspension feeders Pterotrigonia, Oistotri- environment seems to support Tintant and Kabam-
gonia, Cucullaea, and Thracia. At two localities, ba's (1985) point r e g a r d i n g the p a l e o e c o l o g y of
complete specimens of a large Inoceramus were also Cyrnatoceras-like nautilids.
recorded in silty, very fine sandstones. Plant debris,
leaves, and large logs are a b u n d a n t in these fine Cucullaea-"Neilo " B iofacies
The diversity of benthic fauna, dominated by This biofacies occurs in the middle p a r t of the
bivalves, is relatively high (see Fig. 2d). Non-hetero- Gamma Member in Lithofacies E. The assemblage is
morphic ammonites reach maximum diversity (see dominated by infaunal suspension feeder b i v a l v e s
Fig. 2e). Commonly, ammonites are concentrated in (Cucullaea, Panopea, Eriphyla, Oistotrigonia), in-
pods, are associated with plant debris, and are in faunal deposit feeders ('Neilo," dentaliid seaphopods),
vertical position (Olivero and Scasso, 1988; Olivero et and carnivorous gastropods (Taioma, Natica). The
al., 1989). Belemnite rostra are relatively common, diversity is relatively high (see Fig. 2d); nautilids are
either in fine sediments or in the coquina beds. relatively abundant in some horizons, and ammonites
The broad pattern emerging from the biofacies are very rare (see Fig. 2e).
analysis is that of a recurrent stratigraphic stacking This is mainly a parautochthonous assemblage,
of an autochthonous assemblage in fine sediments with most fossils restricted to channels cut in fine
and a parautochthonous or parautochthonous-alloch- sandstones or silts. Channels vary in size from tens of
thonous assemblage in the coquinas. The recurrence meters in width and one meter in thickness, down to
of these faunal associations most probably mirrors an centimeters thick with only a p a v e m e n t of shells.
alternation of energy levels in an inner shelf, normal The larger c h a n n e l s include p a r a u t o c h t h o n o u s -
m a r i n e e n v i r o n m e n t p e r i o d i c a l l y influenced by allochthonous components in part, but no appreciable
storms. An inner shelf environment is suggested not compositional differences could be detected by com-
only by the common occurrence of coquinas, but also parison with the smaller channels. Shells are corn-

monly disarticulated and show preferred current TRACE FOSSIL ANALYSIS

orientation. A common feature is that infaunal
suspension feeders and infaunal deposit feeders tend The systematic study of the varied and rich iehno-
to be segregated in different horizons within the same fauna of the Santa Marta Formation, together with
shell bed, or in different small shell lenses. analysis of its stratigraphic distribution, has resulted
The dominance of infaunal suspension-feeder in the recognition of five trace fossil assemblages
bivalves and a predominantly sandy substrate sug- (Fig. 2b and Fig. 6). These assemblages present a
gest an inner shelf environment. The preferred con- distinctive distribution in the Santa Marta Forma-
centration of deposit-feeder nuculanids in discrete tion and are commonly related to particular lithe-
horizons probably reflects reworking of previously facies, thus providing useful information for paleo-
deposited fine sediments, but the lack of extensive environmental analysis.
shell fragmentation indicates only a short transport. Scasso and Buatois (1987), Gasparini et al. (1987),
and Olivero et al. (1991) have all made g e n e r a l
Rotularia B iofacies reference to the trace fossils of the Santa Marta For-
mation, but detailed systematic studies of this ichno-
This biofacies is restricted to Lithofacies F. Ser- fauna are lacking. All the Santa Marta Formation
pulids are by far the most common elements, inclu- ichnofauna are listed in Appendix B, together with
ding straight, thin calcareous tubes represented by brief descriptions of rare or unfamiliar taxa. The
thousands of individuals (not included in calculations paleoenvironmental and paleoecologic implications of
of the relative abundance, see Appendix A), and the trace fossil assemblages are discussed here.
several species of the spirally coiled genus Rotularia. Groupings of the trace fossils were made following
Gastropods are represented by carnivorous (Natica, the ethologic or behavioral categories recognized by
Eunaticina, Arnberleya), infaunal suspension feeders Frey and Seilacher (1980) and by Ekdale (1985).
(Turritella), and herbivorous (Trochidae) elements. Lithofacies F, in the uppermost part of the se-
Common bivalves are the deposit feeders Nucula and quence, has several intensively bioturbated horizons.
~Neilo," and the i n f a u n a l suspension feeders These beds are unconsolidated silts or fine, silty
Cucullaea, Oistotrigonia, and Cyclorisrna. The semi- sands and, except for mottling, definite trace fossils
infaunal suspension feeder Pinna is common only at are difficult to identify. For this reason, these hori-
one locality. Solitary corals are relatively abundant. zons are not included in the present analysis.
The diversity of the benthic fauna is high, especially
the gastropods (see Fig. 2d). Ammonite diversity, on Trace Fossil Assemblages
the other hand, is relatively low (see Fig. 2e).
Serpulids dominate in carbonaceous muddy Trace fossils present a distinctive distribution in
facies. Rotularia is found in clumps of tens to hun- the Santa Marta Formation. Five ichnofossil assem-
dreds of individuals, or in supposed life position with blages have been distinguished by grouping the most
its distal straight end pointing upward as predicted commonly associated ichnospecies (Fig. 6).
by Macellari (1984). Most of the molluscan fauna is
dominantly present in coquinas and fine conglo- Assemblages I and H. Both of these assemblages
merate lenses, or it is dispersed in fine to medium contain the same main ichnofossils - - i.e., Chondrites,
sandstones. In the coquinas, fossils consist mostly of Thalassinoides suevicus, and vertical spreiten struc-
single, unbroken valves, whereas in the sandstones tures, thus suggesting similar paleoecologic condi-
most of the shells, especially those of Cucullaea and tions. However, Assemblage II presents higher bio-
LahiIlia, are complete and articulated, sometimes turbation density, more varied ichnogenera, and
showing no matrix infill. The top of the graded beds more complex vertical spreiten structures.
(described in the lithofacies analysis section) nor- Chondrites, Thalassinoides suevicus, and vertical
mally contains abundant Pinna and Rotularia, both spreiten structures dominate these two assemblages,
with the shell in original life position. The serpulid but rayhole-like structures are also important. Less
and molluscan assemblages and their accompanying frequent are Skolithos, Planolites, Palaeophycus, Cy-
lithofacies are recurrently presented throughout this lindrichnus, Zoophycos, and Taenidiurn. These
section, suggesting an episodic change of environ- assemblages are found within the Alpha Member,
mental parameters. Like the Rotularia-dominated concentrated in several horizons separated by thick
biofacies of Seymour Island (Macellari, 1984), the sequences showing no trace fossils. Assemblage I
fine-grained sediments with Rotularia of the Gamma characterizes mainly Lithofacies A. Assemblage II is
Member probably represent shallow, low energy envi- present mainly in the hard, tuffaceous beds of
ronments. The molluscan assemblage probably re- Lithofacies B (Fig. 6).
presents an inner shore, high energy environment Clearly, Fodinichnia dominates both assem-
dominated by the infaunal suspension feeders Cu- blages and Domichnia/Fodinichnia is less important.
cuUaea and Oistotrigonia. The relative abundance of Deposit feeders like Chondrites or the vertical sprei-
solitary corals and ammonites in coquinas and con- ten structures are the main trophic type. The pre-
glomerate lenses suggests normal marine conditions sence of complex feeding structures, the high rate of
during deposition of these facies. bioturbation, the predominantly horizontal systems
Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage evolution, James Ross Island, Antarctica 251

of T. suevicus, and the importance of infaunal deposit blage V (see Fig. 2b and Fig. 5). No single ethologic
feeders indicate low sedimentation rates, scarce phy- category or trophic type is dominant, a l t h o u g h the
sical reworking by wave or currents, and a low energy most important trace is the vertical spreiten struc-
environment for the trace fossil-bearing horizons. ture (Fodinichnia). Taenidium is Fodinichnia/Pas-
cichnia, and Ophiomorpha and Palaeophycus a r e
Assemblage III. This low diversity assemblage is Domichnia. The pine cone-like structure is Domich-
recorded in Lithofacies C, in the lower part of the nia/Fodinichnia. Suspension and deposit feeders are
Beta Member. The striking feature of this sequence both important. As in Assemblages I and II, the
is the paucity of trace fossils, represented only by energy level seems to be low, but the presence of
scarce Skolithos and Thalassinoides. Reworked con- dwelling structures of suspension feeders suggests
cretions with Cylindrichnus and pine cone-like struc- currents or waves that kept organic particles in sus-
tures were recorded in some conglomerates. Comple- pension.
mentary information is needed to consider the envi-
ronmental significance of this assemblage. Assemblage V. Ophiomorpha nodosa is by far the
most important component of this group, followed by
Assemblage IV. Vertical spreiten structures, the pine cone-like structures Thalassinoides suevicus
Taenidium, and pine cone-like structures dominate and Skolithos linearis, respectively. Minor constitu-
this association, and Palaeophycus and Ophiomorpha ents are Gyrolithes, Cylindrichnus concentricus, Tae-
are important components of the group. Planolites, nidium, and Planolites montanus. Domichnia of sus-
ThaIassinoides, Skolithos, Chondrites, Rhizocoral. pension feeders are clearly dominant. Vertical traces
lium, and rayhole-like structures are also present in are equally important as horizontal ones. Neverthe-
some horizons. This assemblage is recorded in the less there is an absence of densely populated vertical
upper part of the unit, both below and above Assem- tubes ("pipe rocks"). Dominant ethologic and trophic

Sonto Morto Formotion ==-_~


0 0 ---


"oce F o s s i l

yho/e-like str.
spreiten str.
~nidium J
ne Cone" str.


Fig. 6. Compositionand stratigraphic distributionof the trace fossilassemblages. Abundant or scarce presence for each trace is
indicated by a complete or broken cross, respectively. Bioturbationdensity for each stratigraphic horizon represents maximum
recorded values for each horizonexpressed as a percent of bioturbated area relative to total exposed bed area for a given locality:
open rectangle,less than 20% bioturbated;half filledrectangle,between20% and 70% bioturbated;filledrectangle, more than 70%

types suggest the existence of important organic tion of this group, in conjunction with that of the
particles in suspension and a relatively high energy overlying Facies Group III, indicates that the sedi-
environment. However, the absence of extremely mentary environment was a volcaniclastic submarine
vertical bioturbated horizons, the predominately fan with some direct pyroclastic input. Both facies
horizontal burrows of Ophiomorpha nodosa and Tha- groups present extensive evidence of sedimentation
lassinoides suevicus, and the presence of subordinate by gravity flow processes. The relatively fine-grained
deposit feeders (Planolites, Taenidium) could indicate turbidites of Facies Group II and the coarser debris
the presence of areas protected from waves and flows and turbidites of Facies Group III represent,
currents. respectively, the distal and proximal parts of a sub-
marine fan.
Sedimentation in Facies Group II was rhythmic,
DISCUSSION with thick barren and non-bioturbated intervals and
thin, fossiliferous and highly bioturbated horizons.
The remarkable coincidence in stratigraphic Alternating periods of relatively low sedimentation
distribution of lithofacies, trace fossil assemblages, rates are indicated by thin ash-fall tuff showing
and biofacies (see Fig. 2) permits us to arrange them evidence of high biologic activity. Ichnofacies and
into seven major "facies groups." Three different ap- biofacies indicate a soft substrate and normal marine
proaches were used for environmental reconstruction, conditions, probably in the photic zone. This rhyth-
which has allowed independent testing of the results. mic pattern might have been produced by rapid
The distinctive features of these facies groups are pre- growth and abandonment of fan lobes. The Eriphyla-
sented here. Because they are arranged in ascending ~Aporrhais" Biofacies, a parautochthonous associa-
stratigraphic order, the recorded major changes tion, represents reworking of sediments in submarine
among them also indicate the evolution of facies channels in transition to conditions of the overlying
trends with sedimentary filling of the basin. facies group.
The association of lithofacies considered typical
Facies Group I for deep waters with shallow water biofacies and
trace fossils is a striking feature of Facies Group II.
Group I consists of Lithofacies A, Inoceramus Some examples (e.g., Nemec et al., 1980; Stow, 1985;
Biofacies, Trace Fossil Assemblage I, and Trace Fos- McLean and Howell, 1985) suggest that basins with
sil Assemblage II. A volcaniclastic sedimentation submarine fans attached to tectonically controlled
took place in a shallow marine restricted environ- margins and with narrow shells could be more com-
ment with little evidence of wave action. Sedimenta- mon than is currently believed. In our case, the
t i o n r a t e was high, w i t h m a r k e d , p e r i o d i c shallower settlement of submarine fans, developed on
interruptions. During these interruptions an infaun- the shelf, could be related to the presence of a delta
al deposit feeders ichnocenosis and a low diversity front or fan-delta slope (cf. Walker, 1966). Rapid
fauna of epifaunal suspension feeders were deve- growth of deltas or fan-delta related systems owing to
loped, pointing out to a soft, muddy bottom and increased volcaniclastic supply, coupled with a
relatively clear and nutrient-rich waters. Conditions relative rise of sea level, could generate an over-
changed drastically and spasmodically due to rapid steepened delta-front slope which can account for the
volcanic-induced sedimentation, as suggested by development of a submarine fan at the base of the
horizons of lnoceramus buried in life position by ash- slope (Fig. 7).
fall tufts and the overlying thick unfossiliferous beds.
The paleoenvironment was unstable and probably Facies Group III
restricted. The environmental interpretation of Fa-
cies Group I is based mainly on stratigraphic rela- Group III consists of Lithofacies C, Trigoniid Bio-
tionships with the overlying facies groups. Accord- facies and part of Pterotrigonia-~Aporrhais ~ Bio-
ingly, it is tentatively interpreted as representing facies, and Trace Fossil Assemblage III. Sedimenta-
deposition adjacent to shallow marine fan-lobes. tion took place in a proximal volcaniclastic sub-
Following the d e p o s i t i o n of the Hidden Lake marine fan with well developed channels. The coarse
Formation, rapid subsidence predominated over a intraformational deposits filling the erosive-based
high volume of volcaniclastic sedimentary input, channels point to an intrabasinal source. The main
resulting in a transgressive tendency. Afterward, a biofacies (Trigoniid Biofacies) is allochthonous, and
high sedimentation rate in equilibrium with rapid faunal elements are derived from sandy inner shelf
subsidence provided a more or less constant sedimen- environments. They were trapped at the head of the
tary environment for this thick, monotonous part of channels and transported by gravity flows. The pau-
the sequence. city of trace fossils, mainly represented by dwelling
structures, is consistent with a high energy environ-
Facies Group H ment. The a p p e a r a n c e of the P t e r o t r i g o n i a -
~Aporrhais" Biofacies in the upper part of this group
Group II consists of Lithofacies B, "Cerithium'- reflects the transitional character of its upper boun-
Rotularia Biofacies, Eriphyla-'Aporrhais" Biofacies, dary and a decreasing water depth toward the top of
and Trace Fossil Assemblage II. The facies associa- this facies group. The fact that the more distal facies
Lithofacies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblage evolution, James Ross Island, Antarctica 253


SL 2
SL 3

+ + HLF ~-

5 Km
Fig. 7. A) Idealized paleogeographicsketch depicting depositional settings for each facies group. High sedimentary input during
the initial transgression produced rapid aggradation of deltaic systems with overst~eponed delta front inducing gravity flow
processes and development of submarine fans at its base: I, basin floor or inter-fan areas; H, distal fan lobes; 1T[, proximal fan-
channel complex; IV, delta slope; V, distal subaqueous delta plain-proximal delta slope. B)Generalized cross-section showing
idealized pattern of basin fill as a result of progradation of the deltaic-submarine fan complex: GG, Gtmt~v Group; HI~', Hidden
Lake Formation; I to VII, facies groups of the Santa Marta Formation. Length of bars represents true thickness, and position of
bars represents present-day location of the top of each facies group. The environmental interpretation of Facies Groups I-lII is well
constrained by sedimentologic and paleoecologic data, but the interpretation of Facies Group IV-VII is more speculative. The
relative position of sea level is indicated at the top of the Hidden Lake Formation (SL 1), at the top of Facies Groups I and I l l and
Facies Group VI and VII (SL 2), and at the top of Facies Group V (SL 3).

of the submarine fan (Facies Group II) are overlain by Facies Group I V
the proximal facies of Group III is interpreted to be
the result of fan progradation. Thus, Facies Group III Multiple evidence supports a shallow water,
points to the beginning of a regressive tendency with inner shelf marine environment, with alternating
diminished subsidence and high sedimentary input, high and low energy conditions for Facies Group IV,
in part, of reworked marine shelfal sediments. The which consists of Lithofacies D, Pterotrigonia-~Apor -
regressive tendency continues and is still more evi- rhais" Biofacies, and Trace Fossil Assemblage IV.
dent in the overlying Facies Groups IV and V. These changing conditions favored the admixture of

autochthonous and parautochthonous-allochthonous represented by distinctive and non-repetitive litho-

components of the biofacies and originated the some- facies, biofacies, and ichnoassemblages groups. A
what undefined pattern of the trace fossil assem- whole transgressive-regressive cycle, with a new
blages, dominated by both Fodinichnia and Domich- transgression at the top of the unit, is recorded.
nia. High and low energy environments reflect storm Sedimentation took place, at a relatively high rate,
events and fair weather conditions, respectively. from Santonian through latest Campanian to early
This facies group represents more stable shelfal Maastrichtian time. Preservation of a thick sequence
environments in which relative oscillations of sea of proximal shelf sediments was probably influenced
level seem to be minor. Following the regressive by a relatively high subsidence rate and by the fault-
tendency related to the progradation of deltaic controlled nature of the basin margin (Medina et al.,
systems discussed above, the sedimentary environ- 1990).
ment of Facies Group IV is tentatively regarded as On James Ross Island, the basin fill started with
representing deposition on upper delta front-distal Lower and mid-Cretaceous s t r a t a of the Gustav
subaqueous delta plain influenced by wave action. Group (Lagrelius Point, Kotick Point, and Whisky
Bay Formations) deposited flanking the faulted
Facies Group V western basin margin in slope apron and submarine
fan environments (Ineson, 1989). Narrow shelf and
This facies group, which consists of part of Litho- large fan-delta systems are envisaged as feeding the
facies E, Taioma Biofacies, and Trace Fossil Assem- submarine fans. For the Coniacian-?Santonian Hid-
blage V, represents nearshore marine sedimentation den Lake Formation (uppermost Gustav Group),
with evidence of wave action. The dominance of depositional settings evolved to fan delta and tidal
infaunal suspension feeding bivalves, as well as shelf environments, recording a major shallowing
Domichnia trace fossils, indicates a relatively high event involving uplift and partial basin inversion
energy and well oxygenated environment. However, (McDonald et al., 1988).
the common presence of carbonaceous shales and the By the time of deposition of Facies Groups I, II,
alternation of high and low energy ichnocenosis also and III (Santa Marta Formation), the continental
suggest protected environments like lagoons or small landscape is envisaged as a chain of active volcanoes
bays. A very shallow water, marginal marine envi- roughly parallel to the coast and located several
ronment is indicated, this being the most "regressive" kilometers inland (Fig. 7). This is supported by the
facies group in the whole sequence. fine granulometry of the direct pyroclastic deposits
(mainly ash falls without coarse volcanic facies), the
Facies Group VI paucity of pyroclastic flows, and the abundance of
fresh reworked pyroclastic material in the marine
This group (part of Lithofacies E, CucuUaea- deposits. Coarser products of andesitic to basaltic
"Neilo" Biofacies, and Trace Fossil Assemblage IV) eruptions were first deposited close to the volcanoes.
represents a marine shelf environment. The conglo- Subsequent high-rate erosion and r e w o r k i n g by
merates and coquinas at the base of the group are rivers provided abundant volcaniclastic sediments to
interpreted as a reworked horizon, pointing to the end fluvial-dominated deltas or delta-related systems (cf.
of the regressive tendency. They probably originated Kuenzi et al., 1979). The profusion of vegetal remains
in the inner shelf during a low stand of sea level. Up- (large tree trunks, leaves, and coal lenses) in the
ward in the sequence, more open marine conditions marine deposits suggest well vegetated areas close to
characterize this facies group. or within the fluvio-deltaic systems (delta plain,
coastal plains and lowlands; Fig. 7).
Facies Group VII A very high rate of volcaniclastic sedimentation
in the context of a subsiding basin produced rapidly
A normal shelfal, shallow marine environment is aggrading deltaic systems with oversteepened delta
represented in this group, which comprises Litho- slopes. Consequently, gravity flow processes were
facies F and Rotularia Biofacies. Stratigraphic cor- favored and resulted in the development of sub-
relation of several isolated outcrops is problematic, marine fans at the base of the slopes (Fig. 7). Progra-
but the relatively more proximal muddy, car- dation of the delta-submarine fan system, probably
bonaceous sequence is probably followed upward by related to gradually diminishing subsidence or in-
more open and distal shelf turbidites or graded tem- creasing sedimentary supply, resulted in the strati-
pestites. This is consistent with the new trans- graphic superposition of the proximal channel com-
gressive tendency detected in the underlying Facies plex (Facies Group IID on the more distal Facies
Group VI and with the increasing faunal diversity. Groups I and II. During this time, the "normal"
eustatic sea level changes m corresponding, for ex-
ample, to a third-order cycle (cf. Vail et al., 1977;
CONCLUSIONS Einsele, 1985) - - would have been of minor impor-
tance in comparison with subsidence (see also Pirrie,
The main conclusion resulting from our study is 1989).
that the depositional system underwent a "one way" Facies Groups IV and V record a marked change
evolution, passing through several stages that are in the sedimentary regime. Limited expositions pre-
Lithofacies,biofacies,and ichnoassemblage evolution,James Ross Island,Antarctica 255

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R e s u m e n - - L a Formaci6n Santa Marta, CretAcico superior ( S a n t o n i a n o - C a m p a n i a n o / M a a s t r i c h t i a n o

inferior) de la isla J a m e s Ross, Ant~rtida, comprende sedimentos con gran aporte volcanicl~stico depo-
sitados en una plataforma marina somera adyacente a un arco volcanico activo. Un an#ilisis combinado de
los rasgos sedimentologicos, de la paleoecologia de la fauna bentbnica y de las trazas f6siles ha permitido
reconocer en esta unidad seis asociaciones de litofacies, ocho biofacies y cinco asociaciones de trazas f6siles.
Las litofacies comprenden principalmente sedimentos tob~ceos finos y masivos; areniscas tob~ceas gra-
dadas, a n t i , g a s a turbiditas; fangolitas carbonosas; conglomerados resedimentados; coquinas; areniscas;
areniscas limosas; y escasos estromatolitos. Las biofacies, definidas pot la composici6n y abundancia rela-
tiva de la fauna benthnica, est~n dominadas pot bivalvos, gastr6podos y serpdlidos, con menor participaci6n
de escaf6podos, corales, braqui6podos y equinoideos. Las asociaciones de t r a z a s f6siles incluyen los
elementos m~s comtmes de las icnofacies de Skolithos y Cruziana.
Un llamativo resultado del an~lisis es que determinadas litofacies, biofacies y asociaciones de trazas se
asocian en varios horizontes distintivos, que no se repiten verticalmente en la secuencia. Sobre esta base se
reconocen siete grupos principales de facies en la Formaci6n Santa Marta, cada tma de las cuales presenta
una combinaci6n caracteristica de litofacies, biofacies y de trazas f6siles. Estos siete grupos de facies, no
repetitivos y sucedidos verticalmente en la seeuencia, evidencian una evoluci6n continua del sistema depo-
sicional durante tm ciclo transgresivo-regresivo completo con tma nueva transgresi6n hacia el teeho de la
unidad. Los gupos de facies estratigr#ificamente inferiores representan ambientes marinos de plataforma,
con una alta t a s a de sedimentaci6n y gran aporte voicanicl~stico. Estas facies caracterizan un sistema de
abanicos submarinos poco profundos probablemente desarrollados en la base de tm frente deltaieo que crecia
rapidamente como consecuencia de una alta tasa de sedimentaci6n en equilibrio con la subsidencia. Los
grupos de facies superiores probablemente representan sedimentaciSn en la parte m a r i n a del mencionado
sistema deltaico en una plataforma m~s estable y con menor aporte vulcanbgeno.

Relative A b u n d a n c e (% A) and Presence (% P) for Each Biofacies
(total localities (L), 48; total individuals (I), 5,515)

Bivalvia: Bivalvia:
Inoceramus 74.1 72.7 Eriphyla 41 100
Panopea 4.9 27.3 Panopea 6.7 100
~Neilo" 3.5 36.4 Cucullaea 5.2 1 O0
Limatula 1.4 9.1 Oistotrigonia 3 100
Nucula .7 9.1 Gastropoda:
Eriphyla .7 9.1 ~Aporrhais" 26.9 100
Gastropoda: ~Cerithium" 7.5 1 O0
Natica 6.3 27.3 ~Nerinea" 3 1 O0
Limpet 4.2 36.4 Natica 1.5 100
~A ustrosphaera" 2.1 27.3 Turritella 1.5 1 O0
"Cerithium" 1.4 9.1 ~Terebra " .7 100
Other: Other:
Scaphopoda 1 .7 9.1 Serpulid 2 1.5 100
Scaphopoda 2 1.5 100
CueuUaea 11.1 50 Bivalvia:
Pterotrigonia 11.1 50 Pterotrigonia 15 77.8
Eselaevitrigonia 8.9 75 Cucullaea 8 77.8
Nucula 6.7 50 Nucula 6.4 66.7
Oistotrigonia 4.4 50 Eriphyla 5 89
Trigoniid 2.2 25 0 istotrigo n/a 4.1 55.6
Veneriid 2.2 25 ~Nedo" 3.1 44.4
Eriphyla 2.2 25 Thracm 2.4 55.6
Thraeia 2.2 25 Eselaevitrigonia 2.2 66.7
Lima 2.2 25 Lahillia 1 33.3
Gastropoda: Large lnoceramus .8 22.2
~Aporrhais" 13.3 50 Mytilus .6 44.4
Pleurotomaria 4.4 25 Pinna .5 33.3
Other: Gonwmya .4 22.2
Serpulid 2 11.1 25 Panopea .3 22.2
Rotularia 6.7 50 Trigoniid .3 22.2
Decapoda 4.4 50 Ostreidae .2 11.1
Echinoid 2.2 25 A ustrotrigonia .1 11.1
Brachiopoda 2.2 25 Pacitrigonia .1 11.1
Hermatypic Coral 2.2 25 ~Corbula" .1 11.1
Ntpponitrigonia .1 11.1
Modiolus .1 11.1
Bivalvia: ~Lucina" .1 11.1
Nuculanid 1.3 42.9 Gastropoda:
Nucula .8 42.9 ~Aporrhais" 22.2 66.7
Lima .4 42.9 Eunaticina .5 11.1
Pholadomya .2 28.6 Pleurotomaria .4 33.3
Limatula .1 14.3 A mberleya .4 11.1
Pinna .1 14.3 Natica .3 11.1
Pterotrigonia .1 14.3
Taioma .1 11.1
Gastropoda: "Austrostoma" .1 11.1
"Cerithium" 21.3 85.7 Other:
Natica .9 42.9 Scaphopoda 2 12.6 66.7
Scaphander .9 28.6 Rotularia 6.8 44.4
"A ustrosphaera" .5 28.6 Serpulid I 2.5 22.2
~Triton" .3 14.3 Decapoda 1.3 66.7
~Terebra" .1 14.3 Solitary Coral 1.2 33.3
Other: Echinoid .4 22.2
Rotularia 63 71.4 Crinoidea .1 11.1
Solitary Coral 5.2 85.7
Echinoid 1.6 42.9
Scaphopoda l 1.4 57.1
Brachiopoda 1.2 42.9
Crinoidea .5 28.6
Decapoda .1 14.3
L i t h o f a c i e s , biofacies, a n d i c h n o a s s e m b l a g e e v o l u t i o n , J a m e s Ross I s l a n d , A n t a r c t i c a 259

APPENDIX A (continued)
Bivalvia: Bivalvia:
Cucullaea 31 33.3 Cucullaea 2.8 80
Cyclorisma 4.2 16.7 Oistotrigonia 2.2 80
Panopea 1.4 16.7 ~Neilo" 2.1 60
Pacitrigonia 1.4 16.7 Cyclorisma 2.1 60
E selaevitrigonia 1.4 16.7 Nucula 1.4 80
Eriphyla 1.4 16.7 Pinna 1.2 40
Entolium 1.4 16.7 Entolium .7 40
Ostreidae 1.4 16.7 LahiUia .7 40
Gastropoda: Limatula .4 60
Taioma 43.7 66.7 Eriphyla .4 60
Turritella 7 16.7 Panopea .4 60
'~Aporrhais" 1.4 16.7 Eselaevitrigonia .2 1O0
Other: ~Corbula" .0 20
Decapoda 2.8 33.3 ~Lucina" .0 20
Solitary Coral 1.4 16.7 Modiolus .0 20
Thracia .0 20
Bivalvia: Turritella 5.5 60
Cucullaea 27.1 100 Natica 3.6 60
"Neilo" 26.6 83.3 Trochidae 2.6 60
Panopea 5.2 66.7 Arnberleya 1.2 60
Oistotrigonia 4.2 50 Taioma 1.2 100
Eriphyla 3.2 83.3 Cinulia 1.2 60
Pinna 1.9 83.3 Eunaticina .8 80
Eselaeoitrigonia 1.3 66.7 PateUidae .2 20
Pacitrigonia 1 66.7 ~Bulla" .2 20
Thracia .4 33.3 Pleurotomaria .0 20
Entolium .3 33.3 Other:
Lima .3 16.7 Rotularia 56 100
GerviUella .3 16.7 Solitary Coral 8.8 80
Limatula .1 16.7 Brachiopoda 2.1 80
Trigoniid .1 16.7 Scaphopoda 2 1.4 60
Taioma 13.4 100 Straight serpulid tubes not included above: I = > i0,000,
Natica 4.2 50 P=60%.
Turritella 2.6 83.3
Scaphander 1.5 33.3
Pleurotomaria .3 33.3
~Triton" .3 16.7
~Aporrhais" .1 16.7
Scaphopoda 2 2.9 66.7
Rotularia 1.6 16.7
Solitary Coral .6 33.3
Decapoda .3 16.7
Echinoid .1 16.7

APPENDIX B Do m i c h n i a / F o d i n i c h n i a
T h a l a s s i n o i d e s s u e v i c u s : L i t h o f a c i e s A, B, D, a n d
Ichnofauna from the Santa Marta Formation E; A l p h a , u p p e r B e t a , a n d l o w e r G a m m a M e m -
Domichnia C y I i n d r i c h n u s c o n c e n t r i c u s : L i t h o f a c i e s B a n d E;
O p h i o r n o r p h a nodosa: lower p a r t of t h e G a m m a upper Alpha and lower G a m m a Members.
Member. I n d e t e r m i n a t e " p i n e cone" b u r r o w : L i t h o f a c i e s D
P a l a e o p h y c u s aft. P. striatus: L i t h o f a c i e s A, B, D, a n d E; u p p e r B e t a a n d l o w e r G a m m a M e m b e r s .
a n d E; A l p h a , u p p e r B e t a , a n d lower G a m m a V e r t i c a l b u r r o w w i t h t h e s h a p e of p i n e cone.
Members. M a x i m u m l e n g t h 20 cm b u t g e n e r a l l y a b o u t 3 cm.
S k o l i t h o s linearis: L i t h o f a c i e s A, B, C, D, a n d E; T h e s t r u c t u r e c o n s i s t s of a l t e r n a t i n g s a n d y a n d
Alpha, Beta, and lower Gamma Members. c a l c a r e o u s or s i l t y - c l a y c o n v e x - d o w n w a r d l a y e r s
T i s s o a ichnosp: L i t h o f a c i e s E; l o w e r G a m m a with a central, axial calcareous tube s u r r o u n d e d
Member. by a c o n c e n t r i c s a n d - f i l l e d tube. T h e c a l c a r e o u s
G y r o l i t h e s s a x o n i c u s : L i t h o f a c i e s E; lower G a m - a n d s i l t y l a y e r s show r a d i a l , p e t a l - l i k e e l e m e n t s .
ma Member. I c h n o t a x o n o m i c i d e n t i f i c a t i o n of t h i s b u r r o w is in

progress. Similar forms have been interpreted as Undetermined vertical spreiten structures:
dwelling structures of anemone-like animals, but simple form - - Lithofacies A, B, and D; Alpha and
the possibility of a combined dwelling-feeding upper Beta Members; complex form - - Lithofacies
structure cannot be ruled out. Preserved as en- B and D; upper Alpha and upper Beta Members.
dichnia. Complex spreiten s t r u c t u r e s consist of a
series of vertical, folded laminae that converge to
Fodinichnia a central point at the base. Internally each lam-
C h o n d r i t e s ichnosp: Lithofacies A, B, and D; inae shows spreiten structures. The spreiten
Alpha and upper Beta Members. shows a "back and forth" development suggesting
P I a n o l i t e s m o n t a n u s : Lithofacies A, B, D, and E; a "zig-zag" movement of a vertical or inclined J-
Alpha, upper Beta and lower Gamma Members. shaped tube. A subdivision between "simple" and
R h i z o c o r a U i u m irregulare: Lithofacies E; lower "complex" forms is presented on the basis of the
Gamma Member. number and distance between each "zig-zag" lobe.
Z o o p h y c o s ichnosp: Lithofacies A and B; Alpha The simple type has less (two or three) and more
Member. separate lobes, whereas the complex type has
Rayhole-like traces (including passive filled bur- more than three lobes which are closer than in
rows of possible different origins): Lithofacies A, the simple type. Preservation of the structure in
B, and D; Alpha and upper Beta Members. calcareous concretions provides excellent details
Dish, scoop, or funnel-shaped depressions, of the structure. Ichnotaxonomic identification of
interrupt the surrounding physical sedimentary this form is in progress. Interpreted as feeding
structures (Howard et al., 1977). Structure is structures. Preserved as endichnia.
passively filled by sand, shells, and small vegetal
remains. Size is variable, averaging 10 cm in Fodinichnia-Pascichinia
depth and 5 cm in diameter, but up to 35 cm and T a e n i d i u m ichnosp: LithofaciesB, Alpha Mem-
25 cm, respectively. Interpreted as a feeding ber; LithofaciesD, Beta Member; LithofaciesE,
trace of rays, but other, different, organisms could G a m m a Member.
produce similar structures. Preserved as epich-
nia. Similar structures were described by Kamo-
la (1984} for Cretaceous marine marginal sedi-

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