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Hail, traveler; sit down for a spell. What do you wish to know about me?

I dont think Im anything too terribly spectacular. I am simply a humble
priest of Oghma, the Lord of Knowledge. I grew up in a semi-well off town in
Harrowdale, raised by my father Hathrovara Ahthomil, and my mother
Charlotte of Sembia.
Mother was a human mage, born to an impoverished family on the
outskirts of Sembia. She toiled in her fathers fields for most of her youth,
using what little magic she had managed to learn to entertain herself
whenever she could, and to make her work easier whenever she needed it.
Unfortunately, all that labor left her rather uneducated, though she was
average by peasant standards. She worked away until one day, by chance,
she happened to be in the fields when a ragged looking elven priest
stumbled into the pasture, out of breath and clutching a soot-covered sack
full of books. He explained that he was a priest of Oghma, and that he had
just fled his temple because a gang of marauders had set fire to his temple,
and he had fled with as many books as he could carry. Mother was fascinated
by the wealth of knowledge this man possessed, and her father was
convinced to allow her a day of rest to help tend to this strangers wounds.
As father recalled it, they spent the rest of the night and most of the next
day talking of what Oghma had taught him, and of the menagerie of people
he had encountered. Eventually, the two fell in love. Soon after, fathers
fellow clergymen found him, and they, with mother in tow, headed off to
Harrowdale, to help found a new temple to the Lord of Knowledge. Father
paid a handsome dowry for his soon to be wife, and they were off.
Father was a semi-wealthy priest of Oghma, unfortunately, the name
he originally went by has been lost to the sands of time, as he chose a name
given to him by Elven neighbors who occasionally visited his temple,
Hathrovara; the Father of Free Knowledge. Ahthomil was given by his
brothers of the faith, meaning the Clever Man of True Bonds. Wit and a flair
for the dramatic, both things I like to think I inherited from him. He taught
me all that I know in that temple he and his brothers built, and for many
years, it was our home; it still is mine. When mother died several winters
ago, I forced myself to leave; I could not bear to see the man who had raised
me sobbing.
But, enough of sad things. For as long as I can remember, I have been
devoted to Oghma. I was instilled by father with a love of knowledge, and
because of his run-in with the bandits, a love of travel.

Funny thing about that. The name I originally chose for myself was
Calthrolith Solron. But, Harrowdale has a rather small Elven population, and
that comes with a poor understanding of Elven. However, I soon realized that
while the name I originally chose means The Young Follower of the Lore
Faith, the name they called me, and the name that I call myself to this day
out of habit, translates to The Young Follower of the Faith That Takes Him on
Journeys, and as one of the more well-travelled members of my faith, I
found the name rather appropriate.

Ive met many interesting people on my travels, but one of the closest
friends I have is the druid Elora. She & I met the day that I ventured out
away from my father; and before you come to conclusions, I was only gone
for a few days, I simply desired to give him space to grieve. He was no
slouch in caring for me when I was sorrowful, and I did not dare give him the
disservice of doing that to him, I simply believed myself unable to
understand the grief he was feeling. Back to Elora, she and I chatted for a
good while and she told me of the bond she felt with Silvanus & with nature,
and I was struck by how similar it was to how I feel about Lord Oghma. In
that moment, I knew that as two servants of the gods, we had much in
common, I feel she sensed it too as we became close friends soon after. Elora
and I chat every time I pass by her campsite, which, as it is near Harrowdale,
is quite often; she shares stories of the majesty she sees in nature, and I tell
her of what I have seen on my travels. Were quite an odd pair, and despite
her usual lack of conversational skills, she and I get along swimmingly. Were
it not for her repulsive body odor, I dare say she & I would make a fine
match Well, that and the fact that she prefers the company of other

I am a Loremaster Bold in the service of the Lord of Knowledge, Oghma. My
father raised me in the Oghmanyte faith from a young age, and as I matured,
I began to realize that knowledge is a powerful thing with infinite potential to
do good things for this world. I also realized, much as my father did, that
there are people, vile creatures at their core, who will stop at nothing to
interfere with and destroy knowledge and the spread thereof. As such, I
absolutely cannot stand idly by while evil works its misdeeds, and so I travel
across the land spreading knowledge & literacy amongst the populace
wherever I go. It is important work I do, and I am quite proud of it.
I lead a primarily nomadic existence at the moment, and I usually live
either on the open road or in taverns, but my true home will always be my
temple in Harrowdale. Speaking of which, Im headed back to Harrowdale
now to visit father and report on my journeys; I wonder how he is doing.

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