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Discuss the following words with your teacher and class.

Write down the translation in case you need it.

1. (im)patient
2. (in)decisive
3. (in)secure
4. (un)certain
5. (un)faithful
6. A bully
7. A risk-taker
8. Analytical
9. Anxious
10. Arrogant
11. Careful
12. Cautious
13. Charming
14. Cruel
15. Curious
16. Determined
17. Direct
18. Distrustful
19. Easy-going
20. Frank
21. Generous
22. Goal-oriented
23. Innocent
24. Innovative
25. Jealous
26. Messy
27. Modest
28. Moody
29. Motivated
30. Nave
31. Open-minded
32. quiet
33. Realistic
34. Reserved
35. Selfish
36. Sensible
37. Sensitive
38. Sociable
39. Stubborn
40. Suspicious
41. Sympathetic
42. Two-faced
43. Vain
Fill in the appropriate word from the wordlist above.

_______________natural and unaffected; innocent

_______________not confident, uncertain and anxious

_______________lacking in trust; suspicious

_______________relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning

_______________having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected

_______________attentive to potential problems or dangers

_______________going straight to the point; frank

_______________introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking

_______________feeling or showing doubt

_______________unable to make up your mind

Fill in the chart according to virtues and flaws of each horoscope sign using the wordlist


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