Presentation Skills Date: Subject: ELA Grade: 11/12 Topic: Essential Question (From Unit, If Applicable) : Presentation Skills

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Presentation Skills

Subject: ELA Grade: 11/12
Topic: Essential Question (from unit, if applicable):
Presentation Skills

Video on presentation
Presentation handouts

Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?
Students will learn public speaking techniques and how to feel more relaxed when

Broad Areas of Learning:

Life long learners

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Develop Thinking: think and learn creatively

CC 20.3 Speak to present ideas and information appropriately in informal (including discussions and collaborative
work) and formal (including an interview, a dramatic reading, and introducing and thanking a speaker) situations.

PGP Goals:
2.4 Ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.
Did the students write down information that they found useful?

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate

what they have learned.
This will be assessed when they present their book talks the following week.
Stage 3- Procedures:

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

Ask the students:
What are some great speeches in history that you can think of?
Who are the greatest speakers you can think of (past and present)?
What are the characteristics of a great speech?

Main Procedures/Strategies:
Watch video on making a presentation/public speaking
Make notes on things you think would be helpful for yourself in the video
Make a flow chart of important things to remember when public speaking (ex: public
speaking is the main bubble, then branching off could be confidence, another branch
could be body language, branching off there could be eye contact etc.)
Talk about the main points of a presentation together:
Main topics: Communication Skills (your voice how you say it is just as important
as what you say, Body language/appearance)
Preparation (what are your objectives, main points you want to make etc.) Write out
your presentation like a paper, practice it out loud delete things that didnt flow etc.
dont read right from what youve written, make small short notes that will help you
remember main points
Making the presentation: tell audience what youre going to tell them, then tell them,
end with reiterating what youve told them (summarize). Always ask if there are any
questions at the end.
Delivery: Speak clearly (practice!!), dont rush, make notes at when you want to pause,
change the tone of your voice for interest, make eye contact, dont face the screen,
Write a presentation outline on the board for them to copy down:
Intro: introduce what youll be presenting
Overview: Give a general outline of your presentation if necessary
State points: give your points in a logical sequence, giving explanations and
exceptions (especially for a book report, assume that no one has read the book before!)
State results
Close: relate beginning of presentation to the end

Closing of lesson:
Give handout of possible topic sentences
Personal Reflection:

*Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

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