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DocuSign Envelope ID: 4BF8F373-A788-462B-91FE-DC9308FEA41A

Student Film for the BA (Hons) Film Practice Course,
London South Bank University, 103 Borough Rd, London SE1 0AA


I (name) owner or lawful occupier of The Property

at (address)

Tel email

confirm that the student film currently titled The Sound (the Film)

being made by the Student Producer / Director Lauren Jiggins (name)

may film at the property which is known as (the Property)

include address if different to above address

from (start time) to (finish time) on date .

I agree that the crew, cast and their equipment are allowed onto the Property for the purpose
of setting up and filming on the dates and for the period set out above.

I confirm that I have been informed of the scenes which are to be shot on or around the
Property and I agree to the filming of these scenes.

I agree that London South Bank University are entitled to use all films, photographs and
recordings, whether audio or audio-visual, made in or about the Property in the Film and in
the promotion and distribution of the Film, the students work and the Course.

The students shall not make any structural or decorative alterations to the Property without
my prior consent.

I acknowledge that no fee will be made for the use of the Property.

Signed.. Date

Print name of owner or legal occupier

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