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Certification Visit - Agenda Guidelines

The Lighthouse Certification Review Team asks you to create an outline for the day that works within
your school schedule and includes the following elements. The order of events is up to the school as it
should be arranged to make the visit work well for the school.

Arrival Time for Review Team (15-minute window): Your Review Team consists of one lead reviewer
and one Leader in Me coach. Your school's Leader In Me coach will not be joining you the day of the
review. Please arrange for a workspace for the team which can be confidential when necessary, and
provide two hard copies of the agenda and a school map. If there is a school wi-fi password that the team can access,
that would be helpful to provide as well.

Lunch (20 minutes): The review team has a working lunch in the review team workspace. Schools can provide a meal
or the team can get meals from the school cafeteria.

Tour of the School by Student Tour Guides (45-60 minutes): Three to five students representing the various grade levels
in the school share the schools leadership environment with particular attention to displays they have been involved in
creating (the what, where & why) and other highlights of the leadership environment. It is important for students to
demonstrate leadership abilities by touring independently without adults. This is preferably scheduled earlier in the day.

Classroom Visits (1 hour): The Review Team observes two formal classroom observations of the schools choice (10
minutes in each room); please select teachers most adept at integrating the 7 Habits and leadership principles. The
review team uses the remaining time for independently visiting classrooms for short, informal walk-throughs.

Interview with Parent Panel (20 minutes): Four to five parents representing the various grade levels of the school are
interviewed. Parents or community partners have an opportunity to share their perspective on how the leadership
initiative has impacted their child, family, school, and/or community.

Student Sharing of Leadership Notebooks (30 minutes): Two students per grade level meet with the review team to
share their leadership notebooks. It works best to have two 15-minute groups, with each group including a child from
each grade level. The review team interviews the students as they share their notebooks.

Student Lighthouse Team (20 minutes): The Review Team interviews the Student Lighthouse Team about their role in
the school and other aspects of the Leader In Me Framework. Staff does not need to be present for this discussion.

Meeting with Lighthouse Team and school leadership (1 Hour & 15 minutes): The review team interviews members of
the Lighthouse Team regarding progress toward aspects of the Leader In Me Framework. The principal and Lighthouse
Team shares their insights on how The Leader in Me has impacted their school on their journey.

Principal interview: (20 minutes): The Review Team interviews the principal about progress toward aspects of the
Leader In Me Framework, with a focus on academics, goals, and WIGs.

Lighthouse Team Review times: The Review Team requests a fifteen-minute collaborative session at some point during
the morning to collect thoughts between events and 45-60 minutes for collaboration at the end of the day prior to the
debrief meeting with administrators.

Debrief with Administrators at the end of the day (20 minutes): The review team shares initial impressions at the
conclusion of the visit. This is not a dialogue, coaching session, or announcement of Lighthouse Certification decision,
but a review of the day and general observations. The principal can decide what staff to include in this meeting.
Notification of Lighthouse Certification or other next steps will come within 2-4 weeks after review.

If time allows, the school may also include other opportunities, but these are not required (15 minutes or less):
View Student-led Announcementsor Observe unique student leadership roles or
Observe unique school or classroom events

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