Week 4 Lecture Notes

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Edst 277 Week 4 Lecture

Lesson plan Due on the 6th of April

Lesson Plan Info (assessment 1 part 1)

- Reference to the technologies national curriculum

- Designed for year 7 and 8 students
- Make use of the ACU lesson plan format
- Lesson must be a minm of 45 mins long
- Appropriate content and sequencing- connection between teaching strategies and learning
- Clear;
learning objectives
teaching content
maxm of two outcomes
assessment which provide achievable challenges for varying abilities
(considered for the diverse range of learning needs)
- need to incorporate the following three general capabilities
ICT- (Consider the safe, responsible and ethical uses STUDENTS MUST BE
- Safety considerations
- Contain a range of resources (Any used resources digital or hard copy items need to be
handed in for marking with lesson plan) dont include the answer sheet

Lesson Plan Info (assessment 1 part 2) essay part

- 1000-1200 words
- Synopsis of lesson- what I was hoping to achieve
- Hypothetical situational analysis of the students where were they up to at the beginning of
the lesson and where do I intend them to be at the end of the lesson
- How dies my lesson plan demonstrate an understanding of lesson sequence -how students
build on concepts
- Analysis of how my lesson is appropriate for special needs learners
- Critical examination of how I have included the three general capabilities within my lesson
- Analysis of communication and classroom organisational strategies
- How strategies in my lesson plan facilitate the assessment of learning -used to measure if
student understand the components they are learning
- How I provide students feedback -helps students to progress
- How I have considered the safe use of ICT


- Uses data gathering strategies, analyses, and reporting processes to determine whether or
not the intended outcomes have been achieved.
- Assessment FOR learning = informs teacher
- Assessments AS learning = students monitoring their own learning
- Assessments OF learning = summative assessment
Success Criteria

- Needs to written in a language that students will understand

- Be limited and not overwhelming
- Focus on the learning and not their behaviour
- Be supportive (work examples/ exemplars) aids visual learners
- Gain student input so they have a greater understanding of ownership

Types of Assessments

Good Assessments

- Best possible opportunity in their learning

- Growing skills
- Opens a world of opportunities
- Master skills and strategies
- Good assessment is valid, clear and fair

Exploring Assessment
- Holistic assessment
focusses on the assessment of whole work activities rather than specific
tasks or components of a work activity
holistic grading is one of the main reasons for disagreement between scores,
but for the reason some tests are scored more than once to check for
- Norm reference assessments
Students are compared with their pears
- Criterion based assessments
Evaluates students assignments against a criteria, defined as desirable
quantities or dimensions of performance
Is task specific
Express expectations of performance
May address separate parts of the assignment


- Increased feedback for each student

- Students can self-assess (ss learn more)
- Align activities to objectives
- Allows students to revise
- Grade faster, easier to grade students.

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