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Radiation Detection and Equipment

1. The critical difference between the operations of detectors in the ionization.

Geiger-Muller, and proportional region is:
a. The pulse duration
b. The voltage applied to the center electrode
c. The specific ionization of the chamber gas
d. The amperage of the chamber circuit
2. All other design parameters being equal, which of the following operates at the
highest applied voltage:
a. Geiger Muller detector
b. Ionization chamber detector
c. Proportional counter detector
d. Photomultiplier tube
3. The minimum amount of energy required to produce an ion pair in air is
a. 100 eV
b. 68 keV
c. 0.51 MeV
d. 34 eV
4. Survey instruments used to monitor radiography operations should have a range
of at least:
a. 1 2000 mR h-1
b. 2 10000 mR h-1
c. 2 2000 mR h-1
d. 2 1000 mR h-1
The following situation is to be used in answering questions 5 through 7.
A survey instrument is to be calibrated using a 3.4 Ci Co-60 source.
It is desired to calibrate the 100 1000 mR h -1 range of the
instrument at 20% at two locations on the range. The two locations
are at the lower limit plus 15% and the upper limit minus 15% of the
range at that point.
5. At what locations on the instrument range would you be checking in the above
a. 250 and 1.150 mR h-1
b. 250 and 850 mR h-1
c. 85 and 1.150 mR h-1
d. 115 and 850 mR h-1
6. What is the distance from the calibration source to the instrument detector to
obtain the calculated intensity required at the lower limit check in the above
a. 61.9 ft
b. 20.6 ft
c. 13.2 ft
d. 39.6 ft
7. In the above situation, if the instrument indication was +30% of the required
lower level reading, it would read approximately:
a. 325 mR h-1
b. 150 mR h-1
c. 111 mR h-1
d. 195 mR h-1
8. The graphic presentation that depicts the relationship between exposure and the
resulting photographic density for a particular film type is commonly referred to
as a:
a. Linear curve
b. Characteristic curve
c. Spectral curve
d. Logarithmic curve
9. A commonly used material for the luminescent phosphor in fluoroscopic screens
a. Zinc sulphide
b. Cesium iodide
c. Sodium iodide
d. Selenium oxide
10.The photoconductive material used in xeroradiography is:
a. Iridium powdered
b. Cesium oxide spheres
c. Zinc sulphide crystalline
d. Selenium vitreous
11.The detection efficiencies of scintillation detectors over gas ionization chambers
for photons is approximately:
a. 106 times greater
b. 103 times greater
c. 104 times greater
d. 109 times greater

1 b 2 a 3 d 4 d 5 d 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 a 10 d 11 - d

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