Activity 1.1.4 Component Identification: Analog

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Activity 1.1.

4 Component Identification: Analog

In the field of electronics, there are an endless number of different types of components. The
ability to identify these components and to understand how they are labeled is an essential
skill for anyone working in the field.
In this activity you will identify and determine the nominal values for a series of resistors and
capacitors. We will concentrate on resistors and capacitors because they are part of virtually
every electronics design ever made.

Scientific calculator
Digital multimeter (DMM)

1. Using the attached resistor color code, determine the nominal resistance value for the
following components. Express your answers using the proper SI units and prefix.

(Yellow / Violet / Red / Gold)

a) Ra = 4.7KOhms 5%

(Green / Blue / Yellow / Gold)

b) Rb = 560kOhms 5%

2014 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Digital Electronics Activity 1.1.4 Component Identification Page 1
(Red / Violet / Brown / Gold)

c) Rc = 270 Ohms 5%

(Brown / Red / Green / Gold)

d) Rd = 7.2Mohms 5%

(Blue / Gray / Orange / Gold)

e) Re = 68kOhms 5%

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2. Obtain 10 random resistors from your instructor. Using the Resistor Color Code
Diagram, record each resistors nominal value and tolerance range. Next, use a digital
multi-meter (DMM) to measure and record the actual resistance value of each resistor.
Finally, indicate if the measured value is within acceptable tolerance.

Tolerance Range
Nominal Measured Meets
Resistor Colors Minimum Maximum
Value Value Tolerance?
Accepted Accepted
Value Value

1 Y Pur Bro G 470 446.5 493.5 466.1 yes

2 O O Black G 33 31.35 34.65 33.1 yes

3 Y Purp R G 4700 4465 4935 4600 yes

4 Y purp bro g 470 446.5 493.5 470 Yes

5 Y Purp Black G 47 44.65 49.35 46.7 yes


3. Use the attached Disc Capacitor Label Diagram to determine the nominal capacitance
value for the following components.

a) Ca = ____________________________

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b) Cb =470uF

c) Cc = 220uF

d) Cd = 0.1uF

e) Ce = 1000pF

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Resistor Color Code Diagram

Disc Capacitor Label Diagram

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1. Why are the measured values of the resistors different from the nominal values?
Resistors have tolerances that allow for this.

2. Identify each of the circled components for the printed circuit board shown below.

A. Capacitor

B. Transistor

C. Microchip

D. Resistor


F. Resistor



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