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PROBLEM 7.6 KNOWN: Liquid metal in parallel fow over a flat plate. FIND: An expression for the local Nusselt number. SCHEMATIC: ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady, incompressible flow, (2) §>> 4, hence u(y) ~ toy (8) Boundary layer approximations are valid, (4) Constant properties. ANALYSIS: The boundary layer energy equation is ut OT a YORE Since u(y) = ti, it follows that v = O and the energy equation becomes we eeFT gg | Le aT oe BF Un Oy Boundary Conditions: T(x,0) = Ty, T(s,00) = Ta Initial Condition: T(0,y) = Te ‘The diferental equation is analogous to that for translent one-dimensional conduction in a plane wall, and the conditions are analogous to those of Fig. 5.17, Case (1). Hence the solution la given by Res. 6.56 and 6.58. Substituting y for x, fort, Ta for 7), and G/tzy for , the boundary layer termperature and the surface heat flux become Tey) Te x -«t freaks =| (QBs) (max/a,) * Hence, with Nu = find Nye Xda (pte sit) (rax/in)® ~ =P (k/pe® ~ [pk Nuy = 0.564 (Re, Pr)!? = 0.564 Pel? 4 where Pe = Re+Pr is the Peclet number. COMMENTS: Because k is very large, axial conduction effects may not be negligible. ‘That is, the c °1/dx? term of the energy equation may be important. PROBLEM 7.57 KNOWN; Person, approximated as a eylind conditions. » ls subjected to prescribed convection FIND: Heat rate from body for given temperature conditions. SCHEMATIC: nos _ =D — iM Val5m/s —> h18m — To SC ai i Tere ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) Person can be approximated by cylindrical form having uniform surface temperature, (3) Negligible heat loss from cylinder top and bottom surfaces, (4) Negligible radiation effects. PROPERTIES: Table A-j, Air (Tuy = 268K, 1 atm): v= 13.04x10* m/s, k= 28.74.10" W fav K, Pr = 0.725; (1, = 207K, 1 atm): Pr = 0.707. ANALYSIS: The heat transfer rate from the cylinder, approximating the person, is tiven as a=BA(T — Tac) where A, = 7D¢ and fi, must be estimated from a correlation appropriate to cross-flow over a cylinder. Use the Zhukauskas relation, Np = » = CReB Pr*(Pr/Pr,)!* and calelate the Reynold’s number, VD __15m/x03m -2. = 345,002. Be 30a mf From Table 74, Gnd C = 0.076 and m= Ri = coraeasomer ont 228 Since Pr <10, n = 0.37, giving A = 707 Bn Nip E = StL x 28-74107* W/m 4 rom & x =404W/mK . The beat transfer rate is q = 40.4W /m®-K (r x 0.3m x 1.8m) (24—(-5))"C = 1988 W. d COMMENTS: Note carefully at which temperatures properties must be evaluated for the Zhuksuskss correlation, PROBLEM 7.66 KNOWN: Conditions associated with airflow over a spherical light bulb of prescribed diameter and surface temperature. FIND: Heat loss by convection. ESims —> SCHEMATIC: ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) Uniform surface temperature. PROPERTIES: Table A-4, Air (I; = 25°C; 1 stm): v=15.7hx10"% m/s, k=0.0261 W/mK, Pr=0.71, W= 183.6x10-7 Nisim?; Table A-4, Air (T, = 140°C, 1 atm): 1=235.5x107 Nes/mn?, ANALYSIS: The heat rate by convection is q= Rind?) (I, -T.) Where i may be estimated from the Whitaker relation R= Kies 4Ref? +006ReH") Pr wun)™] where VD _ 05m/sx0.05m RO as 7DalO- as Hence, 21591, DUDGL WHO. £9 xaasoy"® rosas917a70% (1838) } B= 114 Wie? K snd hes ei ar mK q=il4 15(0.05m)? (140-25°C = 10.3 W. 4 COMMENTS: (1) The low value of F suggests that heat transfer by foe convection may be significant and hence thatthe total loss by convection exceeds 10:3W. (2) The surface of the bulb also dissipates heat to the surrounding by radiation. Further, in an actual light bulb, there is also heat loss by conduction through the socket. {@) The correlation has been used outside its range of application (u/t,) < 1. PROBLEM 8.16 KNOWN: Laminar, slug flow in a circular tube with uniform surface hest flux. FIND: Temperature distribution and Nusselt number. SCHEMATIC: ul ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady, incompressible flow, (2) Constant properties, (8) Fully ‘developed, laminar flow, (4) Uniform surfece heat flux. ANALYSIS: With v =0 for fully developed flow and 9T/dx = dT. /dx = const. from Egg. 8.33 and 8.40, the energy equation, Eq. 8.48, reduces to ae a 8 2) er oe, 3g twice, it follows that ate +0; €n(0) + C3 - Integratis & Since T(0) must remain finite, Cy =0. Hence, with T(r.) = Ty we aT, te ATs Ge _ QeBA Sey THE - Ze). A From Eq. 8.27, with Um = Uy n= need fore 2 ff [me B Set] oe Ys oT ae ( law, PROBLEM 8.21 KNOWN: Flow rate and inlet temperature of engine oil in a tube of prescribed length, diameter, and surface temperature, FIND: Total heat transfer and oil outlet temperature with and without the assumption of fully developed flow. SCHEMATIC: atore_[2 -— Tro D:0025m Tin ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Steady-state conditions, (2) Negligible kinetic energy, potential energy and flow work changes, (3) Constant properties. PROPERTIES: Table A:5, Engine oil, (Tq =340K): p=860 pin’, H=5.31d0? kp/sm, k=0.139 Wim, 193. ANALYSIS: From Eqs. 8.42b and 8.37, Tae Ce-Ta.pen(-22ER cp rau = 100°C ~ 75°C exp-0.000758) tHe, (Ta-Tas) = OSkg/2OEIREK Cg ~ 25°C). With Rep = 4 sivDu. = 4(0.5 kg/s/n(0.025 m)0.0531 kg/sm = 480 the flow is laminar Considering the thermal eniry (1) region, it follows from Eq, 8.56 that ‘ise B06DEIRCT Y ossswink [45 0088040 os pat [+ tenance | ~ae [ox se ] arma Tau #100 -7°Cep-010757825) = 10OC-BPC= N.C < eg = MBBWIK (30.1-25)°C = 5290 . a If fully developed (fd) conditions are assumed forthe entire tube, Ba B 3.66= SPM 366.0203 Win K tate Taso #100 7394C= 61°C < oo = SWI 61-2570 = 1190 a COMMENTS: ‘The assumption of fully developed conditions throughout the tube leads 10 a large ewor in the calculation of | and hence q. Note that jy = 0.05 Rep Pr= 0.05(0.025 m)480(793) = 476m, which is much larger than the tube Tength. The calculations should be repeated with properties evaluated at Ty = 300K. PROBLEM 8.64 KNOWN: Flow conditions associated with water passing through a pipe and air flowing over the pipe. FIND: (a) Differentis! equation which determines the variation of the mixed-mean temperature of the water, (b) Heat transfer per unit length of pipe at the inlet and outlet temperature of the water. SCHEMATIC: Tasulation, 1e=005WhnrK ASSUMPTIONS: (1) Negligible temperature drop across the pipe wall, (2) Negligible radiation exchange between outer surface of insulation and surroundings, (3) Fully developed flow throughout pipe, (4) Negligible potential and kinetic energy and flow work effects. PROPERTIES: Table A-6, Water (Tn, pw 4500/6 Ky 13410°N's/m?, ky = 0.885W /m'K, Pry =0.81; Table Af, Alt (Too= 10°C): = 12.6x10-*m! fs, Ly = 0.023 W/mK, Pr, 0.71, Pr, 0.7. ANALYSIS: (2) Following the development of Section 8.3.1 and applying an energy balance to a differential element in the water, we obtein tip Tm — 44 ~ they e(TetdTn) 0. Hence qe tht ile where dq = UjdAi(Tex—Tee) = UD dx(T.—Teo). Substituting Into the energy balance, it follows that ad ] ‘The overall hest transfer coefficient based on the inside surface area may be evaluated from Bq, 3.30 which, for the present conditions, reduces to 1 1, D (Dit), D1 Etro D )+ str For the inner water low, Bg. 8.8 gives ui @) 4a _4x2keg/s Re = = 19,004. Diy aim) x 13410 kg/em Continued PROBLEM 8.64 (Cont.) Hence the ow is turbuleat. With the assumption of fully developed conditions, it follows from Bq. 8.60 that ee hy = x oo2snes Pit ) For the external airflow - = M42) AmAtt3m) yy aos Fe Gapao mt sing Eq, 7.31 to obtain the outside convection concent, be = Tyg < 0070 REBT PHD Pre) ) (6) The heat transfer per unit length of pipe at the ialet is q=7DU\(Tn1—Too) (5) From Eqs. (8 and 4), 1 = SESW oon504) (0.094 = 30.4) = MOREWH yar(asanto (79) m 10a Wik (3m) Hence from Eq. (2) x—1__| AW Jar a tm ,( 18 | Wah * OIWiar a(42)+ = oar W/at and from Ex. (5) a = 7(1m) (0.37 W/mK) (200 + 10)" C = 244W/m. da Since U is a constant, independent of x, Ea. (1) may be integrated from x =0 tox =L. The result is analogous to Eq. 8.42b and may be expressed as woh 6) oop ME wash) Teo —Tao tense Fe Fe oor Tag = Tap $0.97) —Tn) =187°C, 4 COMMENTS: The largest contribution to the denominator on the right-hand side of Bq, (2) is made by the conduction term (the insulation provides 06% of the total tance to heat transfer). For this reason the assumption of fully developed conditions throughout the pipe hes a negligible effect on the calculations. Since the reduction in Tis small (13°C), litle error is incurred by evaluating all properties of water at Tp.

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