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Jesse Braun

Certainty in Mathematics

Math has always been presented as fact and explained in a logical, reasoning

manner. There has only been need for memorization of mathematical formulas and

methods for solving equations throughout my life. I have been taught mathematics

through examples utilizing real world situations (even though I have recently learned

that math doesn't always apply to the real world), which has led to my understanding

that math is based on factual relativity to the problems encountered by humans every

day. From this, I formulated the idea that math has been created by humans in order to

explain logical analysis of their intuition.

It has always been presented to me ,by seemingly reliable sources such as

instructors or documentation, that mathematical "facts", theorems , and applications

were founded by intelligent people who devoted their lives to expanding knowledge

and explaining ideas previously unknown. This enlightenment for the derivations of

math led me to believe that there had to be no wrong in dealing with mathematical

processes and everything must be right because it always made sense. The logic was

seen as undisputable during my upbringing. I only recently developed the knowledge

and skills to see falsity in that statement and argue in a different way.

The purpose of math is to explain, in terms relative to common knowledge, all

aspects of life and encounter that are intuitively reliable and accepted. For example,

we know that if you take a ball and put it with another ball you get "two" balls. This is

explained in math by the construct of 1+1=2. Even though that equation has nothing

to do with putting two balls together, we assume it works to explain any other
Jesse Braun

situation remotely similar to this one (even though it may not). Mathematical

constructs (with this in mind) are then utilized in the sciences to explain hypothesis in

a way that others can understand. As you can see, everything is intertwined and it all

makes sense if you dont go looking for the "why does it works" or "how does it

works?" In most early development, we dont get the chance to ponder about these

questions and therefore we accept ideas we dont fully understand because it is

common to trust in the "facts" of math.

I trust math because it has never failed me in understanding what is "right vs.

wrong". I find a need to understand what is right in relation to all others thoughts and

reasoning's. With the help of math, I am able to manipulate certain unknowns until I

get a seemingly reliable source for defending my position. This exemplification of the

mathematical constructs has led to my justification that proofs in math need not be

understood to utilize mathematical processes adequately and effectively.

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