Science Lesson Plan Topic Flower

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PS 2206

ICT in Science

BA in Primary Education
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education


Topic: Shoot System of Plants

Sub-Topic: Flower

Students names:



Dr Leong Yong Pak

Year 2, Semester 3

Day : Thursday
Date : 06/11/2008
Time : 10.00 a.m 11.00 a.m. (one hour)

School : Sekolah Rendah Bijak Pandai

Class : Year 5 Pintar
No. of pupils : 20 students
Absentee/s : Nil
Unit : 12
Topic : Shoot System of Plants
Sub-topic : Flowers

Previous knowledge:

1) Students have learned and know that flowers are living things.
2) Students are able to name several types of flowers.


1) Simpur, Blossom, Hibiscus flowers and several types of flowers

2) A projector

3) A laptop

4) Worksheets for group work (refer Appendix 1)

5) A poster which shows parts of a flower (refer Appendix 2)

6) Classwork sheets (refer Appendix 3)

Resources / References:

1) Go with Science! Primary 5 textbook.

2) Upper Primary Science Curriculum, page 63.


Different parts of the flower and its functions. .

Main science idea:

Identify parts of the flowers (anther, filament, stamen, style, stigma, ovary, pistil,

flower stalk, sepal and ovules).

What are the functions of different parts of the flowers.

Other main science idea:

Different types of flowers have similar parts.


1) To provide the students with the basic knowledge and understanding of Science

concept (different parts of flowers and its functions).

2) To provide the students with enjoyable science experiences which build on their

natural interest and curiosity in their environment.


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1) Name at least two types of flowers orally.

2) Investigate the different parts of the flower in a group.

3) Draw parts of the flower on the worksheet given.

4) Relate and state the functions of each parts of the flower on the worksheet given.

5) Obtain eight out of eleven marks in the classwork sheet.


1) Observation
2) Measuring
3) Inferring

Rules or Precautions:

1) Do not play with the flowers.

2) Wash your hands after handling the flowers.

3) Do not litter the flowers in the classroom.

Set Induction (5 minutes):

The teacher starts the lesson by showing several kinds of flowers. The teacher asks the

students what are the objects that the teacher is holding. The teacher expects the students

to answer that the objects are flowers. The teacher asks the students to name several types

of the flowers that they already know.

Then, the teacher picks one flower which is a Blossom flower. The teacher asks what is

the name of the flower and expects the students to answer that it is a Blossom flower.

After that, the teacher walks around the classroom in order for the students to see the

flower clearly. The teacher asks the students to describe verbally what they observe in

terms of the size, colour, shape and structure of the flower.

Lesson Development

Stage 1 (10 minutes):

The teacher will divide the students into four groups which consist of five students in a

group. Every groups will be given some other types of flowers such as Simpur and

Hibiscus. Then, the teacher will guide the students to examine and identify the different

parts of the flower by asking several questions. The questions will direct the students to

discover the different parts of the flower. The teacher sticks a poster on the whiteboard.

The teacher will ask what is the colour of the flower that the students are holding. The

students will give different answers since they are holding different types of flowers.

Then, the teacher asks the students to point at the brightest parts of their flowers. The

teacher must make sure that the students point to the right part of the flower which is the

petal. After that, the teacher teaches the students that the brightest part of the flower is

known as petals. The teacher asks the students to peel of the petals from the flower. The

teacher will ask the students to draw and name the part of their flower in a given

The teacher asks the students what they observe after they have peeled off the petals of

the flower. The expected answer from the students is they can see the green part of the

flower. Then, the teacher teaches the students that the green parts of the flower are known

as sepal and flower stalk. The teacher can point the sepal to the students. In

addition, the teacher can also ask the students to show to the teacher the flower stalk of

the flower.

Then, the teacher asks the students to focus on the upper part of the flowers. The teacher

will ask the students to examine more into the flower, down to the middle where the big

pistil sit. The teacher will indicate that pistil consists of stigma, style, ovary and ovules.

Then, the teacher will indicate that the tall things with knobby on the end is the stamen

and it consists of anther and filament. In addition, the teacher teaches that the ovary is

located inside the flower. The ovary contains ovules. Therefore, the teacher bisects the

style of the flower in order to show the ovary of the flower to the students. The students

will completely answer all the questions given the worksheet.

Stage 2 (10 minutes):

After the teacher teaches the different parts of the flower using discovery method with the

students, the teacher will explain the functions of different parts of the flower to the

students. At this stage, the teacher does not expect the students to know all the answer

regarding the functions of parts of the flower.

Due to this, the teacher will guide the students by asking several questions in order to

find out the functions of parts of the flower. The teacher asks the students what is the size

of the petals of the flower. The expected answer is that the petals are large. Then, the

teacher directs the questions to the colour of the petals. The expected answer from the

students is the petals are red or yellow or white in colour (depending on the flower that

they are holding). Then, the teacher can explain that the petals are usually large with

bright colour in order to attract insets.

Then, the teacher asks the students where the insects normally land on the flower. The

students answer might be in the middle part of the flower. The teacher explains that the

middle upper part of the flower consists of stamen (anther and filament) and pistil. The

function of anthers is to make pollen grains. The teacher explains that pollen grains are

used in the reproduction of plants.

Then, the teacher directs the students attention to the middle lower part of the flower

which is known as pistil. It contains stigma, style, ovary and ovules. The teacher teaches

that the ovules will become the seed.

After that, the teacher focuses on the lower part of the flower. The teacher shows the

sepal of the flower. Then, the teacher explains that the sepals protect the flower in the

early stage.

Using the Internet as the enrichment activity (15 minutes):

The teacher downloads a quiz from an Internet website, Using a laptop and a projector, the teacher

shows the quiz to the whole class.

Then, the teacher chooses the students randomly and asks them to answer the questions.

The teacher must make sure that each student has the opportunities to participate in this

activity. This can be regarded as the question and answer session.

Class work (15 minutes)

The teacher gives each of the students a class work sheet to be done in the classroom. The

teacher explains what the students suppose to do in the worksheet. The students are given

15 minutes to finish the worksheet individually. The students are not permitted to discuss

the worksheet with their friends. The teacher will walk around the class to monitor the

students doing their work. The teacher will collect the worksheet after 15 minutes.

Closure (5 minutes):

The teacher closes the lesson by summarising the content of the lesson. The teacher asks

the students to list out the different parts of the flower and their functions verbally.

Examine the parts of the flowers with your groups and answers the worksheet given


Name : ___________________________________________
Date : _______________________


1) Label the diagram below using the following terms:

Style Anther Sepal Stigma Petal Ovary

Stamen Pistil Filament Flower Stalk Ovules

1) _______________________ 7) _________________________
2) _______________________ 8) _________________________
3) _______________________ 9) _________________________
4) _______________________ 10) ________________________
5) _______________________ 11) ________________________
6) _______________________
(Total:11 Marks)

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