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haat: Spat 3 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES EXAMINATIONS OF DECEMBER 2005 Code aud Name of Course: MENG 6404: MAINTENANCE | ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Paper: Date and Time: Frdau GP Decemdboas 2ous - 100Pr Duration: 2 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: This paper has 2 pages and 6 questions. ANSWER ONE QUESTION FROM SECTION A AND THREE QUESTIONS FROM SECTION B ‘The Use of Non-Programmasble Calcelator is Permitted SECTION A 1(@). Explain the concept of Maintainability and outline four measures of Maintainability. (6 marks) {b). An Bngineering Workshop bes 12 identical lathes in service. The cost of corrective maintenance ‘ona machine is $2000, Regular preventive maintenance can be carried out at a cost of $500 per machine to reduce failures. “Analysis of failure data of the machines reveals that the probability of failure of a machine is as given below: ‘Weeks to failure Probabifity of Failure 1 0.08, 2 0.15 3 0.20 a, 030 5 0.20 6 0.10 Required: (@. Determine the expected cast of corrective maintenance per month if no proventive maintenance is carried out. G marks) (i). Determine the optimal preventive maintenance schedule to minimize tolal cost per month, (6 marks) Untrersity of the Weet indles_Coures Code: MENG ¢404 200872008 20) (b). Sa). @). Me (b). Sta). &). page 2 Define three (2) measures of Availsbilty and explain how they differ (6 marks) ‘A component has an MTBF of 400 hours and an MTTR of 10 bours. Both the failure tine and repair tirme are exponentially distributed. Required: i. Caleulate the point aveilability at 20 hours. G maks) fi Caleuato the interval availabilty for a 20 hour mission. @ marks) ii, Caloulate the interval availablity for a system consisting of two of the above components in patel (3 matks) SECTION B Outline and explain the Process used for the preparetion and approval of Capital and Operating Maintenance Budgets, (10 marks) Desctibe the Risk Assessment Matrix and explain how it can be used to optimize the budget preparation process, (5 marks) ‘Outline and explain the Maintenance Work Order Process. (10 marks) ‘Outline the Life Cycle Costing of equipment and explain how the Maintenance Work Order Process can inthis costing, 6 matks) Desetibe the shx patterns of failure identified in RCM studies, (10 marks) Explain the process of Vibration Analysis in the Condition Monitoring of Rotating Equipment. . GS maths) ‘Write explanatory notes on ANY THREE of the following with particular reference to Asset Maintenance Management: ‘The qualities of a Good Supervisor i ii The stages of the Teaming process ii. Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) iv, Contractor Utifzation ¥. Performance Indicators (6 mecks each) END OF QUESTION PAPER OTe Unt of the West Indies Course ody MENG £404 2qpar2006

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