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M. K.


In Indonesia, basic Algebra1 is one main part of mathematics and is categorized

into three levels, consisting of Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Algebra II. Algebra is

commonly studied by junior and senior high school students aged 12-14 and 15-18

respectively. It is important to note Algebra I is a requisite for Algebra II but at the same

time it requires Pre-Algebra.

This essay mainly focuses on the issue of whether Algebra I within Mathematics

at 8th grade students (13-14 years old) in Indonesia is considered as a mandatory subject

or not. Algebra I, which typically consists of equations, functions, inequalities, graphs

and their applications, is considered a difficult subject compared to other subjects, such

as history and social sciences. Some people may assume that Algebra I is a real

backbreaker and is inessential, while others believe that Algebra I gives many

advantages for students in terms of education and behavior. Therefore, this essay is an

attempt to argue that Algebra I should be a compulsory subject within mathematics for

8th grade students in Indonesia.

In order to demonstrate this, firstly, this essay will focus on Algebra I building

on knowledge and skills to help students solve problems. Then, evolving students skills

in problem solving gained by studying Algebra I will be discussed. Thirdly, it will be

shown the importance roles of teachers and parents to encourage students passing

Algebra I. What is more, bear in mind that Algebra I is a part of life in which it is

applicable. Lastly, Algebra I is an access point for other subjects such as chemistry will

also be revealed. Furthermore, it will present a summary of the main points of view and

a recommendation.

1Other is Advanced Algebra which is more abstract and is studied by students who take
mathematics in college.

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M. K. Huda

It has been argued that Algebra I is not indispensable to anything (McCarthy,

1991). Many Indonesian people who have experienced studying Algebra I claim that 8 th

grade students strive to master Algebra I and they do not need it for other subjects, for

instance geography, civil education and social sciences. However, Algebra I comprises

basic materials, such as equations and graphs which are relevant for 8 th grade students

(Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2013). The argument dealing with the

difficulty of Algebra I indicates the students unreadiness. With this in mind, it does not

mean that Algebra I should not be learned, but the teachers and the parents who have to

ascertain the 8th grade students to study and master it. For the simple reason is Algebra I

can encourage students to think logically. For example, using the formula

a 2 b 2 (a b)( a b); a, b
are real numbers, students can solve

20012 1999 2 (2001 1999)( 2001 1999) 4000 2 8000

20012 1999 2
easier rather than counting , and doing subtraction.

Hacker (2012) contends that making Algebra I a compulsory subject prevents the

students from exploring and developing their aptitudes. He claims that Algebra I is an

arduous hindrance for students so that it should not be a mandatory subject. This

argument seems to be fabricated taking into account that Algebra I addressing unknown

values which are characterized by variables such as x and y andthusit evolves students

skills in problem solving (Taylor-Cox, 2003). See the following illustration. It is given

( x y ) 50, ( x z ) 30, ( y z ) 20 ( x y z)
. Find ! The solution is

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M. K. Huda

( x y ) ( x z ) ( y z ) 2 x 2 y 2 z 2( x y z ) 50 30 20 100,

x y z 50.
so that we have This is a better way than trying to find the values of

x, y , z
by trial and error which may take a long time, except you are lucky finding

x 30, y 20, z 0
which suit for three equations above in several trials. Above all,

mathematics is a mandatory subject in Indonesia so that students will have a lot benefits

from studying Algebra I. In fact, higher education in Indonesia requires students to pass

several subjects one of which is mathematics to be admitted to a degree course (Laman

Resmi SBMPTN 2016, 2016).

It is a common belief that a failure in Algebra brings about high school dropouts

in Indonesia. In other countries, such as the USA, some of Americans also believe that a

failure in Algebra contributes to high school dropouts (Helfand, 2006). They argue that

the difficulty in finding out Algebra I alienates students and leads them to give up since

it pushes students to take the examination twice or more. However, bethinking the age

of the 8th grade students they are more than ready to study Algebra I under good

teachers supervision. Students who have completed 7th grade and grasped the contents

and skills will be well-prepared for Algebra I in grade 8 (Garland, 2012). This means

that the problem does not give an account of Algebra I itself but of the teachers, the

students and the parents too. What is more, McRae (2013) says that we should not

relegate standards for students who are capable of apprehending Algebra I.

One of the most striking features to support Algebra I be a mandatory subject is

that life relates to Algebra, one of which is Algebra I (Clute, 2011). She illustrates that if

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someone has paid insurance and received some interest by installment loan on a vehicle

or home, for example, he/she has applied Algebra. On the other hand, some people

gainsay this statement because many jobs in Indonesia do not stand in need of Algebra.

Bracey (1992, as cited in Chazan, 1994) demonstrates that in 1992 there was 78% of

1400 jobs which did not require Algebra and only 10% required it. Despite the claim in

the past that fewer careers required Algebra, the latest research provides data which

show that today 70% of all jobs request higher education in which mathematics is one

of its main materials (Clute, 2011). In addition, a recent Minnesota study foresees that in

2018 three quartersof the occupations will demand post-secondary education which

includes mathematics as a compulsory subject (Wedl, 2013).

Conley (2003) says that AlgebraI is the access point for other subjects. This

depicts Algebra I as a requisite for many high school subjects, for instance post-

secondary mathematics, science and engineering. But, some people oppose Algebra I

contributing a beneficial impact for 8th grade students in studying these subjects. They

speculate that Algebra I is a real backbreaker so that California, for example, does not

feel it necessary for local schools to sign up all 8 th graders to Algebra I (EdSource,

2009). However, they should envisage that at the same time California policy describes

that the state officials have made it clear that they want an increasing number of

students to learn Algebra I in 8th grade (ibid). In fact, there was only approximately 40%

of 8th grade students who scored basic or lower in 7th grade meaning that nearly 60% of

students were ready to take Algebra I in 8th grade (Fensterwald, 2011).

The other benefit of studying Algebra I in 8th grade is students study the

language which a lot of science and much of management science are taught through.

Robert (1991, as cited in Chazan, 1994) gives an illustration that the students who close

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the door on high school Algebra close the door on much more. This points out that the

students will lose many opportunities mastering many subjects in both junior and senior

high school if they do not study Algebra I in 8th grade, as they will study Algebra II (it is

impossible studying Algebra II without studying Algebra I) and other subjects relating

to it in senior high school, such as engineering and technology courses. This is no doubt

since to successfully understand subjects, take chemistry and physics as examples,

students need to know how to write and how to state information in variables and then

how to solve the problems by finding the values of the variables. This fact is backed up

by Chazan (1999 and Steen, 1992) who say that Algebra is a foundation of larger

purposes since it provides a lot of useful methods for solving interesting problems.

To sum up, it can be seen that Algebra I plays an important role both in life,

since many jobs and daily activities relate to Algebra and in education, because it

evolves skills, such as logical, effective and critical thinking. Although some people

assume that Algebra I is not essential, this essay has shown that mastering it leads the

students to have more chances in terms of both grasping other subjects and applying

higher education. Therefore, Algebra I should be a compulsory subject within

mathematics in 8th grade in Indonesia. Yet the government should provide competent

teachers for the Algebra I to succeed.

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M. K. Huda


Chazan, D. (1994).Algebra for all students? Michigan State University: National Center
for Research on Teaching Learning.

Chazan, D. (1999).On Teachers mathematical knowledge and student exploration: A

personal story about teaching a technologically supported approach to school
Algebra. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 4,

Clute, P. S. (2011). Wont use Algebra? Wrong; Its everywhere. Retrieved from
(Accessed: 29 January 2016).

Conley, D. T. (2003).Understanding university success: A report from standards for

success, aproject of the association of America universities and the Pew
Charitable Trusts. Retrieved from
(Accessed: 5 February 2016).

EdSource.(2009).Algebra policy in California.Retreieved from

content/publications/pub_algebra_es_final.pdf.(Accessed: 28 January 2016).

Fensterwald, J. (2011). EdSource sees flaw in Algebra for all. Retrieved from
all/.(Accessed: 28 January 2016).

Garland, S. (2012). Math debate: should we get rid of Algebra. Retrieved from
algebra/#.VqnCEvmF4dU.(Accessed: 29 January 2016).

Hacker, A. (2012, July 28). Is Algebra necessary? Retrieved from
pagewanted=all&_r=0. (Accessed: 28 January 2016).

Helfand, D. (2006, January 30). A formula for failure in L. A. schools. Retrieved from 28
January 2016).

How Algebra is going to help me be or become? (2009, August 2). Retrieved from
to-help-me-be-or.html.(Accessed: 29 January 2016).

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(2013).SilabusSekolahMenengahPertama/Madrasah Tsanawiyah[The syllabus
of Junior High School/Islamic Junior High School]. Jakarta:

LamanResmi SBMPTN 2016.(2016). Jenisujian[Kind of examinations].Retrieved from 30 January 2016).

McCarthy, C. (1991, April 20). Who needs Algebra?Retrieved from
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McRae, D. (2013). State board poised to lower standards for middle school math.
Retrieved from
for-middle-school-math/28032.(Accessed: 5 February 2016).

National Mathematics Advisory Panel. (2008). Foundations for success: The final
report of the National Mathematics Advisory Panel. Department of Education:
Washington, DC. Retrieved from 5
February 2016).

Noguchi, S. (2013, February 2). California abandons Algebra requirement for eight-
graders. Retrieved from
algebra-requirement-eight-graders. (Accessed: 5 February 2016).

Silveira, D.(2008). 21 Seriuosly cool careers that need maths.Retrieved from 29 January 2016).

Steen, L. A. (1992). Does everybody need to study Algebra?Retrieved from 2
February 2016).

Taylor-Cox, J. (2003). Algebra in the early years?Retrieved from 6 February

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Wedl, R. J. (2013, March 26). Higher education: Five steps to the future.
Retrieved from
five-steps-to-the-future/200141661/.(Accessed: 5 February

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